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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 5. The Marriage-Feast (3)

Chapter 5. The Marriage-Feast (3)

A general exclamation of surprise ran round the table, with the exception of the elder Dantes, whose laugh displayed the still perfect beauty of his large white teeth. Mercedes looked pleased and gratified, while Fernand grasped the handle of his knife with a convulsive clutch.

"In an hour?" inquired Danglars, turning pale. "How is that, my friend?" "Why, thus it is," replied Dantes. "Thanks to the influence of M. Morrel, to whom, next to my father, I owe every blessing I enjoy, every difficulty his been removed. We have purchased permission to waive the usual delay; and at half-past two o'clock the mayor of Marseilles will be waiting for us at the city hall. Now, as a quarter-past one has already struck, I do not consider I have asserted too much in saying, that, in another hour and thirty minutes Mercedes will have become Madame Dantes." Fernand closed his eyes, a burning sensation passed across his brow, and he was compelled to support himself by the table to prevent his falling from his chair; but in spite of all his efforts, he could not refrain from uttering a deep groan, which, however, was lost amid the noisy felicitations of the company.

"Upon my word," cried the old man, "you make short work of this kind of affair. Arrived here only yesterday morning, and married to-day at three o'clock! Commend me to a sailor for going the quick way to work!" "But," asked Danglars, in a timid tone, "how did you manage about the other formalities--the contract--the settlement?" "The contract," answered Dantes, laughingly, "it didn't take long to fix that. Mercedes has no fortune; I have none to settle on her. So, you see, our papers were quickly written out, and certainly do not come very expensive." This joke elicited a fresh burst of applause.

"So that what we presumed to be merely the betrothal feast turns out to be the actual wedding dinner!" said Danglars.

"No, no," answered Dantes; "don't imagine I am going to put you off in that shabby manner. To-morrow morning I start for Paris; four days to go, and the same to return, with one day to discharge the commission intrusted to me, is all the time I shall be absent. I shall be back here by the first of March, and on the second I give my real marriage feast." This prospect of fresh festivity redoubled the hilarity of the guests to such a degree, that the elder Dantes, who, at the commencement of the repast, had commented upon the silence that prevailed, now found it difficult, amid the general din of voices, to obtain a moment's tranquillity in which to drink to the health and prosperity of the bride and bride-groom. Dantes, perceiving the affectionate eagerness of his father, responded by a look of grateful pleasure; while Mercedes glanced at the clock and made an expressive gesture to Edmond.

Around the table reigned that noisy hilarity which usually prevails at such a time among people sufficiently free from the demands of social position not to feel the trammels of etiquette. Such as at the commencement of the repast had not been able to seat themselves according to their inclination rose unceremoniously, and sought out more agreeable companions. Everybody talked at once, without waiting for a reply and each one seemed to be contented with expressing his or her own thoughts.

Fernand's paleness appeared to have communicated itself to Danglars. As for Fernand himself, he seemed to be enduring the tortures of the damned; unable to rest, he was among the first to quit the table, and, as though seeking to avoid the hilarious mirth that rose in such deafening sounds, he continued, in utter silence, to pace the farther end of the salon.

Caderousse approached him just as Danglars, whom Fernand seemed most anxious to avoid, had joined him in a corner of the room.

"Upon my word," said Caderousse, from whose mind the friendly treatment of Dantes, united with the effect of the excellent wine he had partaken of, had effaced every feeling of envy or jealousy at Dantes' good fortune,--"upon my word, Dantes is a downright good fellow, and when I see him sitting there beside his pretty wife that is so soon to be. I cannot help thinking it would have been a great pity to have served him that trick you were planning yesterday." "Oh, there was no harm meant," answered Danglars; "at first I certainly did feel somewhat uneasy as to what Fernand might be tempted to do; but when I saw how completely he had mastered his feelings, even so far as to become one of his rival's attendants, I knew there was no further cause for apprehension." Caderousse looked full at Fernand--he was ghastly pale.

"Certainly," continued Danglars, "the sacrifice was no trifling one, when the beauty of the bride is concerned. Upon my soul, that future captain of mine is a lucky dog! Gad, I only wish he would let me take his place." "Shall we not set forth?" asked the sweet, silvery voice of Mercedes; "two o'clock has just struck, and you know we are expected in a quarter of an hour." "To be sure!--to be sure!" cried Dantes, eagerly quitting the table; "let us go directly!" His words were re-echoed by the whole party, with vociferous cheers.

Chapter 5. The Marriage-Feast (3) Capítulo 5. El banquete nupcial (3) El banquete nupcial (3) Chapitre 5. Le festin du mariage (3)

A general exclamation of surprise ran round the table, with the exception of the elder Dantes, whose laugh displayed the still perfect beauty of his large white teeth. ||hayret çığlığı||||||||||||||||||||||||| Une exclamation générale de surprise courut autour de la table, à l'exception du vieux Dantès, dont le rire montrait la beauté encore parfaite de ses grandes dents blanches. Mercedes looked pleased and gratified, while Fernand grasped the handle of his knife with a convulsive clutch. ||||memnun|||||||||||kasılmalı|tutma

"In an hour?" inquired Danglars, turning pale. "How is that, my friend?" « Comment ça, mon ami ? "Why, thus it is," replied Dantes. "Thanks to the influence of M. Morrel, to whom, next to my father, I owe every blessing I enjoy, every difficulty his been removed. We have purchased permission to waive the usual delay; and at half-past two o'clock the mayor of Marseilles will be waiting for us at the city hall. |||||waive|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||feragat etmek|||||||||||||||||||||| Now, as a quarter-past one has already struck, I do not consider I have asserted too much in saying, that, in another hour and thirty minutes Mercedes will have become Madame Dantes." |||||||||||||||iddia etti||||||||||||||||| Or, comme il a déjà sonné un quart d'heure, je ne crois pas avoir trop affirmé en disant que, dans une heure trente, Mercedes sera devenue madame Dantès. Fernand closed his eyes, a burning sensation passed across his brow, and he was compelled to support himself by the table to prevent his falling from his chair; but in spite of all his efforts, he could not refrain from uttering a deep groan, which, however, was lost amid the noisy felicitations of the company. ||||||||||||||forced||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||among|||celebrations||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kendini tutmak|||||||||||||tebrikler|||

"Upon my word," cried the old man, "you make short work of this kind of affair. « Sur ma parole, s'écria le vieillard, vous faites court à ce genre d'affaire. Arrived here only yesterday morning, and married to-day at three o'clock! Commend me to a sailor for going the quick way to work!" Recommend||||||||||| selamımı ilet||||||||||| Recommandez-moi à un marin d'avoir pris le chemin rapide du travail !" "But," asked Danglars, in a timid tone, "how did you manage about the other formalities--the contract--the settlement?" |||||utangaç||||||||||||| "The contract," answered Dantes, laughingly, "it didn't take long to fix that. ||||laughingly||||||| Mercedes has no fortune; I have none to settle on her. Mercedes n'a pas de fortune ; Je n'en ai pas à régler sur elle. So, you see, our papers were quickly written out, and certainly do not come very expensive." This joke elicited a fresh burst of applause. ||provoked generated drew||||| ||ortaya çıkardı|||||

"So that what we presumed to be merely the betrothal feast turns out to be the actual wedding dinner!" |||||||||engagement||||||||| |||||||||nişan yemeği||||||||| « Pour que ce que nous supposions n'être que le festin des fiançailles s'avère être le véritable dîner de noces ! said Danglars.

"No, no," answered Dantes; "don't imagine I am going to put you off in that shabby manner. |||||||||||||||cheap| – Non, non, répondit Dantès ; "n'imagine pas que je vais te rebuter de cette manière minable. To-morrow morning I start for Paris; four days to go, and the same to return, with one day to discharge the commission intrusted to me, is all the time I shall be absent. |yarın|||||||||||||||||||görev yerine getirmek||||||||||||| I shall be back here by the first of March, and on the second I give my real marriage feast." This prospect of fresh festivity redoubled the hilarity of the guests to such a degree, that the elder Dantes, who, at the commencement of the repast, had commented upon the silence that prevailed, now found it difficult, amid the general din of voices, to obtain a moment's tranquillity in which to drink to the health and prosperity of the bride and bride-groom. ||||celebration|||laughter|||||||||||||||beginning|||meal||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||şenlik|||||||||||||||||bu|başlangıç|||yemek|||||||||||||||gürültü||||||||||||||||refah|||||| Cette perspective d'une nouvelle fête redoubla à tel point l'hilarité des convives, que le vieux Dantès, qui, au commencement du repas, avait commenté le silence qui régnait, le trouva difficile, dans le fracas général des voix, pour obtenir un moment de tranquillité pour boire à la santé et à la prospérité des mariés. Dantes, perceiving the affectionate eagerness of his father, responded by a look of grateful pleasure; while Mercedes glanced at the clock and made an expressive gesture to Edmond. |noticing|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |algılayarak|||||||||||||||||||||||anlamlı|||

Around the table reigned that noisy hilarity which usually prevails at such a time among people sufficiently free from the demands of social position not to feel the trammels of etiquette. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||constraints of etiquette|| |||hüküm sürdü||||||hakim olur|||||||||||||||||||etiket kısıtlamaları|| Such as at the commencement of the repast had not been able to seat themselves according to their inclination rose unceremoniously, and sought out more agreeable companions. ||||beginning|||||||was not able to||||||their|||without ceremony|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||aramış|||| Ceux qui, au commencement du repas, n'avaient pu s'asseoir selon leur inclination, se levèrent sans ménagement et cherchèrent des compagnons plus agréables. Everybody talked at once, without waiting for a reply and each one seemed to be contented with expressing his or her own thoughts.

Fernand's paleness appeared to have communicated itself to Danglars. As for Fernand himself, he seemed to be enduring the tortures of the damned; unable to rest, he was among the first to quit the table, and, as though seeking to avoid the hilarious mirth that rose in such deafening sounds, he continued, in utter silence, to pace the farther end of the salon. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mirth||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||uzak köşesinde||||

Caderousse approached him just as Danglars, whom Fernand seemed most anxious to avoid, had joined him in a corner of the room.

"Upon my word," said Caderousse, from whose mind the friendly treatment of Dantes, united with the effect of the excellent wine he had partaken of, had effaced every feeling of envy or jealousy at Dantes' good fortune,--"upon my word, Dantes is a downright good fellow, and when I see him sitting there beside his pretty wife that is so soon to be. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||removed|||||||||||||||||truly||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||birleşmiş||||||||||tükettiği|||silinmiş|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I cannot help thinking it would have been a great pity to have served him that trick you were planning yesterday." Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser qu'il aurait été vraiment dommage de lui avoir servi ce tour que vous aviez prévu hier." "Oh, there was no harm meant," answered Danglars; "at first I certainly did feel somewhat uneasy as to what Fernand might be tempted to do; but when I saw how completely he had mastered his feelings, even so far as to become one of his rival's attendants, I knew there was no further cause for apprehension." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kontrol altına aldı|||||||||||||görevliler|||||||||endişe "Oh, il n'y avait aucun mal voulu", a répondu Danglars ; « Au début, je me suis certainement senti un peu mal à l'aise quant à ce que Fernand pourrait être tenté de faire ; mais quand j'ai vu à quel point il avait parfaitement maîtrisé ses sentiments, même au point de devenir l'un des serviteurs de son rival, j'ai su qu'il n'y avait plus de raison pour appréhension." "Oh, kast edilen zararın bir anlamı yoktu," diye yanıtladı Danglars; "ilk başta, Fernand'ın ne yapabileceğinden dolayı biraz endişeli hissetmiştim; ama onun duygularını tamamen kontrol altına aldığını, hatta rakibinin hizmetkarlarından biri haline geldiğini görünce, artık endişelenecek bir sebep kalmadığını anladım." Caderousse looked full at Fernand--he was ghastly pale. Caderousse regarda Fernand tout entier, il était d'une pâleur épouvantable. Caderousse, Fernand'a doğrudan baktı - korkunç bir şekilde solgundu.

"Certainly," continued Danglars, "the sacrifice was no trifling one, when the beauty of the bride is concerned. |||||||not insignificant||||||||| "Certainement," continua Danglars, "le sacrifice n'était pas insignifiant, quand il s'agit de la beauté de la mariée. "Kesinlikle," diye devam etti Danglars, "gelinin güzelliği söz konusu olduğunda fedakarlık küçümsenecek bir şey değildi." Upon my soul, that future captain of mine is a lucky dog! Aman Tanrım, o gelecekteki kaptanım ne şanslı bir köpek! Gad, I only wish he would let me take his place." Gosh|||||||||| Aman|||||||||| Mon Dieu, je souhaite seulement qu'il me laisse prendre sa place." Hayret, keşke yerini almasına izin verse. "Shall we not set forth?" « Ne partirons-nous pas ? "Yola çıkmayacak mıyız?" asked the sweet, silvery voice of Mercedes; "two o'clock has just struck, and you know we are expected in a quarter of an hour." |||gümüş gibi|||||||||||||||||||| "To be sure!--to be sure!" cried Dantes, eagerly quitting the table; "let us go directly!" |||ayrılarak|||||| His words were re-echoed by the whole party, with vociferous cheers. ||||||||||loud and noisy| ||||tekrar edildi||||||| Ses paroles ont été reprises par toute la fête, avec des acclamations bruyantes.