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Aunt Jane’s Nieces by L. Frank Baum, CHAPTER III. PATSY.


"Now, Major, stand up straight and behave yourself! How do you expect me to sponge your vest when you're wriggling around in that way?" "Patsy, dear, you're so sweet this evening, I just had to kiss your lips." "Don't do it again, sir," replied Patricia, severely, as she scrubbed the big man's waistcoat with a damp cloth. "And tell me, Major, how you ever happened to get into such a disgraceful condition." "The soup just shpilled," said the Major, meekly. Patricia laughed merrily. She was a tiny thing, appearing to be no more than twelve years old, although in reality she was sixteen. Her hair was a decided red—not a beautiful "auburn," but really red—and her round face was badly freckled. Her nose was too small and her mouth too wide to be beautiful, but the girl's wonderful blue eyes fully redeemed these faults and led the observer to forget all else but their fascinations. They could really dance, these eyes, and send out magnetic, scintillating sparks of joy and laughter that were potent to draw a smile from the sourest visage they smiled upon. Patricia was a favorite with all who knew her, but the big, white-moustached Major Doyle, her father, positively worshipped her, and let the girl rule him as her fancy dictated.

"Now, sir, you're fairly decent again," she said, after a few vigorous scrubs. "So put on your hat and we'll go out to dinner." They occupied two small rooms at the top of a respectable but middle-class tenement building, and had to descend innumerable flights of bare wooden stairs before they emerged upon a narrow street thronged with people of all sorts and descriptions except those who were too far removed from the atmosphere of Duggan street to know that it existed.

The big major walked stiffly and pompously along, swinging his silver-trimmed cane in one hand while Patricia clung to his other arm. The child wore a plain grey cloak, for the evening was chill. She had a knack of making her own clothes, all of simple material and fashion, but fitting neatly and giving her an air of quiet refinement that made more than one passer-by turn to look back at her curiously.

After threading their way for several blocks they turned in at the open door of an unobtrusive restaurant where many of the round white tables were occupied by busy and silent patrons.

The proprietor nodded to the major and gave Patricia a smile. There was no need to seat them, for they found the little table in the corner where they were accustomed to eat, and sat down.

"Did you get paid tonight?" asked the girl.

"To be sure, my Patsy." "Then hand over the coin," she commanded. The major obeyed. She counted it carefully and placed it in her pocketbook, afterwards passing a half-dollar back to her father.

"Remember, Major, no riotous living! Make that go as far as you can, and take care not to invite anyone to drink with you." "Yes, Patsy." "And now I'll order the dinner." The waiter was bowing and smiling beside her. Everyone smiled at Patsy, it seemed.

They gave the usual order, and then, after a moment's hesitation, she added: "And a bottle of claret for the Major." Her father fairly gasped with amazement.

"Patsy!" People at the near-by tables looked up as her gay laugh rang out, and beamed upon her in sympathy.

"I'm not crazy a bit. Major," said she, patting the hand he had stretched toward her, partly in delight and partly in protest. "I've just had a raise, that's all, and we'll celebrate the occasion." Her father tucked the napkin under his chin then looked at her questioningly.

"Tell me, Patsy." "Madam Borne sent me to a swell house on Madison Avenue this morning, because all her women were engaged. I dressed the lady's hair in my best style, Major, and she said it was much more becoming than Juliette ever made it. Indeed, she wrote a note to Madam, asking her to send me, hereafter, instead of Juliette, and Madam patted my head and said I would be a credit to her, and my wages would be ten dollars a week, from now on. Ten dollars. Major! As much as you earn yourself at that miserable bookkeeping!" "Sufferin' Moses!" ejaculated the astonished major, staring back into her twinkling eyes, "if this kapes on, we'll be millionaires, Patsy." "We're millionaires, now." responded Patsy, promptly, "because we've health, and love, and contentment—and enough money to keep us from worrying. Do you know what I've decided, Major, dear? You shall go to make that visit to your colonel that you've so long wanted to have. The vacation will do you good, and you can get away all during July, because you haven't rested for five years. I went to see Mr. Conover this noon, and he said he'd give you the month willingly, and keep the position for you when you returned." "What! You spoke to old Conover about me?" "This noon. It's all arranged, daddy, and you'll just have a glorious time with the old colonel. Bless his dear heart, he'll be overjoyed to have you with him, at last." The major pulled out his handkerchief, blew his nose vigorously, and then surreptitiously wiped his eyes.

"Ah, Patsy, Patsy; it's an angel you are, and nothing less at all, at all." "Rubbish, Major. Try your claret, and see if it's right. And eat your fish before it gets cold. I'll not treat you again, sir, unless you try to look happy. Why, you seem as glum as old Conover himself!" The major was positively beaming.

"Would it look bad for me to kiss you, Patsy?" "Now?" "Now and right here in this very room!" "Of course it would. Try and behave, like the gentleman you are, and pay attention to your dinner!" It was a glorious meal. The cost was twenty-five cents a plate, but the gods never feasted more grandly in Olympus than these two simple, loving souls in that grimy Duggan street restaurant.

Over his coffee the major gave a sudden start and looked guiltily into Patricia's eyes. "Now, then," she said, quickly catching the expression, "out with it." "It's a letter," said the major. "It came yesterday, or mayhap the day before. I don't just remember." "A letter! And who from?" she cried, surprised.

"An ould vixen." "And who may that be?" "Your mother's sister Jane. I can tell by the emblem on the flap of the envelope," said he, drawing a crumpled paper from his breast pocket. "Oh, that person," said Patsy, with scorn. "Whatever induced her to write to me? " "You might read it and find out," suggested the major. Patricia tore open the envelope and scanned the letter. Her eyes blazed.

"What is it, Mavoureen?" "An insult!" she answered, crushing the paper in her hand and then stuffing it into the pocket of her dress. "Light your pipe, daddy, dear. Here—I'll strike the match."


"Now, Major, stand up straight and behave yourself! |Майор|стій||прямо||поводься| "Maintenant, Major, tenez-vous droit et comportez-vous bien ! How do you expect me to sponge your vest when you're wriggling around in that way?" |||очікуєш|||sponge||жилетка|||крутитися|||| Comment veux-tu que j'éponge ton gilet alors que tu te tortilles comme ça ?". "Patsy, dear, you're so sweet this evening, I just had to kiss your lips." Патсі|||||||||||||губи "Patsy, ma chère, vous êtes si gentille ce soir, j'ai dû embrasser vos lèvres." "Don't do it again, sir," replied Patricia, severely, as she scrubbed the big man's waistcoat with a damp cloth. ||||||Патриція|суворо|||терла||||жилетка|||вологий| "Ne recommencez pas, monsieur", répond Patricia avec sévérité, tout en frottant le gilet du grand homme avec un chiffon humide. "And tell me, Major, how you ever happened to get into such a disgraceful condition." |||||||||||||ганебний| "Et dites-moi, Major, comment vous vous êtes retrouvé dans un état aussi déplorable." "The soup just shpilled," said the Major, meekly. |суп||вилилася||||покірно "La soupe vient de couler", dit docilement le major. Patricia laughed merrily. ||весело She was a tiny thing, appearing to be no more than twelve years old, although in reality she was sixteen. |||||що здавалося|||||||||хоча насправді||||| Elle était toute petite, ne paraissait pas avoir plus de douze ans, alors qu'elle en avait seize en réalité. Her hair was a decided red—not a beautiful "auburn," but really red—and her round face was badly freckled. |||||||||каштановий||||||кругле||||веснянкувата Її волосся було рішуче рудим - не красивим "каштановим", а справді рудим, а кругле обличчя - сильно веснянкуватим. Her nose was too small and her mouth too wide to be beautiful, but the girl's wonderful blue eyes fully redeemed these faults and led the observer to forget all else but their fascinations. |||||||||широкий||||||||||повністю|виправдовували||недоліки||||спостерігач|||||||фасцинації Son nez était trop petit et sa bouche trop large pour être belle, mais les merveilleux yeux bleus de la jeune fille compensaient pleinement ces défauts et amenaient l'observateur à oublier tout autre chose que leur fascination. They could really dance, these eyes, and send out magnetic, scintillating sparks of joy and laughter that were potent to draw a smile from the sourest visage they smiled upon. |||||||||магнітні|яскраві блискучі|іскри||радість|||||потужні||привернути увагу|||||найсуворішого|обличчя||| Ils pouvaient vraiment danser, ces yeux, et envoyer des étincelles magnétiques et scintillantes de joie et de rire qui étaient capables d'arracher un sourire au visage le plus acide sur lequel ils se posaient. Patricia was a favorite with all who knew her, but the big, white-moustached Major Doyle, her father, positively worshipped her, and let the girl rule him as her fancy dictated. |||||||||||||вусатий||Дойл||||обожнював||||||||||бажання|диктувала Patricia était la préférée de tous ceux qui la connaissaient, mais le grand Major Doyle, son père, à la moustache blanche, l'adorait et laissait la jeune fille le gouverner au gré de ses fantaisies.

"Now, sir, you're fairly decent again," she said, after a few vigorous scrubs. |||досить|пристойний|||||||енергійні|тертя "So put on your hat and we'll go out to dinner." They occupied two small rooms at the top of a respectable but middle-class tenement building, and had to descend innumerable flights of bare wooden stairs before they emerged upon a narrow street thronged with people of all sorts and descriptions except those who were too far removed from the atmosphere of Duggan street to know that it existed. ||||||||||||||багатоквартирний будинок|||||спускатися|безліч|сходи||голих|дерев'яних||||вийшли на|||вузький||переважно заповнена|||||всіляких сортів||описів|||||||вилучено|||||Дугган||||||існувала Ils occupaient deux petites pièces au sommet d'un immeuble respectable mais de classe moyenne, et devaient descendre d'innombrables volées d'escaliers en bois nu avant de déboucher sur une rue étroite bondée de gens de toutes sortes et de toutes descriptions, sauf ceux qui étaient trop éloignés de l'atmosphère de Duggan street pour savoir qu'elle existait.

The big major walked stiffly and pompously along, swinging his silver-trimmed cane in one hand while Patricia clung to his other arm. ||||пихато||помпезно|уздовж|махати|||оброблений|тростина||||||чіплялася|||| The child wore a plain grey cloak, for the evening was chill. ||||простой||плащ|||вечір||прохолодний Дитина була одягнена в простий сірий плащ, адже вечір був прохолодний. She had a knack of making her own clothes, all of simple material and fashion, but fitting neatly and giving her an air of quiet refinement that made more than one passer-by turn to look back at her curiously. |||талант|||||||||||||підходящий|акуратно|||||||тихої витонченості|вишуканість||||||перехожий||||||||цікаво Elle avait le don de confectionner ses propres vêtements, tous d'une matière et d'une mode simples, mais qui lui allaient bien et lui donnaient un air de raffinement tranquille qui incitait plus d'un passant à se retourner pour la regarder avec curiosité. Вона мала хист шити власний одяг, весь з простих матеріалів і фасонів, але добре сидів на ній, надаючи їй аури тихої витонченості, що змушувала більше ніж одного перехожого обернутися і зацікавлено глянути на неї.

After threading their way for several blocks they turned in at the open door of an unobtrusive restaurant where many of the round white tables were occupied by busy and silent patrons. |переплітаючись|||||||||||||||непомітний|||||||||||||||відвідувачі Après avoir longé plusieurs pâtés de maisons, ils se sont arrêtés à la porte ouverte d'un restaurant discret où de nombreuses tables rondes et blanches étaient occupées par des clients occupés et silencieux. Після того, як вони пройшли кілька блоків, вони зайшли в двері непомітного ресторану, де багато круглих білих столів були зайняті зайнятій і тихій публіці.

The proprietor nodded to the major and gave Patricia a smile. |власник|кивнув|||||||| There was no need to seat them, for they found the little table in the corner where they were accustomed to eat, and sat down. |||||||||||||||||||привчені|||||

"Did you get paid tonight?" ||||сьогодні ввечері "Tu as été payé ce soir ?" "Ти отримав плату цієї ночі?" asked the girl. спитала дівчина.

"To be sure, my Patsy." ||||Патсі "Звичайно, моя Патсі." "Then hand over the coin," she commanded. ||||монета||наказала "Alors, remettez la pièce", ordonne-t-elle. The major obeyed. ||підкорився She counted it carefully and placed it in her pocketbook, afterwards passing a half-dollar back to her father. |перерахувала||||||||гаманці|потім|||||||| Elle le compta soigneusement et le mit dans son portefeuille, puis remit un demi-dollar à son père.

"Remember, Major, no riotous living! |||багатий на розваги| "N'oubliez pas, Major, de ne pas vivre dans l'agitation ! Make that go as far as you can, and take care not to invite anyone to drink with you." |||||||||||||запросити||||| Faites en sorte que cela aille le plus loin possible, et veillez à n'inviter personne à boire avec vous". "Yes, Patsy." "And now I'll order the dinner." |||замовлю|| The waiter was bowing and smiling beside her. |||кланяючись|||| Everyone smiled at Patsy, it seemed.

They gave the usual order, and then, after a moment's hesitation, she added: |||||||||моментної|вагання|| "And a bottle of claret for the Major." ||||червоне вино||| Her father fairly gasped with amazement. ||досить|задихався||здивування

"Patsy!" People at the near-by tables looked up as her gay laugh rang out, and beamed upon her in sympathy. ||||||||||веселий|сміх|пролунала|||усміхалися||||співчуття Les personnes assises aux tables voisines ont levé les yeux lorsque son rire gai a retenti, et l'ont regardée avec sympathie.

"I'm not crazy a bit. Major," said she, patting the hand he had stretched toward her, partly in delight and partly in protest. |||погладжуючи|||||простягнув|||частково||задоволення|||| Major", dit-elle en tapotant la main qu'il avait tendue vers elle, à la fois pour se réjouir et pour protester. "I've just had a raise, that's all, and we'll celebrate the occasion." |||||||||||подію "Je viens d'être augmenté, c'est tout, et nous allons fêter cela". Her father tucked the napkin under his chin then looked at her questioningly. ||засунув||серветка||||||||запитливо Son père range la serviette sous son menton et la regarde d'un air interrogateur.

"Tell me, Patsy." "Madam Borne sent me to a swell house on Madison Avenue this morning, because all her women were engaged. пані|Борн|||||шикарний|||Медісон Авеню|вулиця||||||||зайняті "Madame Borne m'a envoyé dans une belle maison de Madison Avenue ce matin, parce que toutes ses femmes étaient engagées. I dressed the lady's hair in my best style, Major, and she said it was much more becoming than Juliette ever made it. |||пані||||||||||||||||Жюлієтта||| J'ai coiffé la dame dans mon meilleur style, Major, et elle a dit que c'était beaucoup plus séduisant que Juliette ne l'avait jamais fait. Я уклала волосся леді в найкращому стилі, майоре, і вона сказала, що це значно більше їй пасує, ніж коли-небудь робила Жюліет. Indeed, she wrote a note to Madam, asking her to send me, hereafter, instead of Juliette, and Madam patted my head and said I would be a credit to her, and my wages would be ten dollars a week, from now on. ||||||||||||from now on||||||погладила||||||||||||||зарплата||||||||| En effet, elle a écrit un mot à Madame, lui demandant de m'envoyer, dorénavant, à la place de Juliette, et Madame m'a tapoté la tête et m'a dit que je lui ferais honneur, et que mon salaire serait de dix dollars par semaine, à partir de maintenant. Справді, вона написала записку пані, просячи її надалі посилати мене замість Жюліет, і пані погладила мені голову і сказала, що я буду їй на користь, і моя зарплата становитиме десять доларів на тиждень, починаючи з цього моменту. Ten dollars. Десять доларів. Major! Майор! As much as you earn yourself at that miserable bookkeeping!" ||||||||жахливому|бухгалтерія Autant que ce que tu gagnes à tenir cette misérable comptabilité !" "Sufferin' Moses!" страждаючий|Мойсей ejaculated the astonished major, staring back into her twinkling eyes, "if this kapes on, we'll be millionaires, Patsy." викрикнув||вражений||пильно дивлячись||||блискучі||||це триватиме||||| éjacula le major stupéfait, en la regardant dans ses yeux pétillants, "si cela continue, nous serons millionnaires, Patsy". "We're millionaires, now." responded Patsy, promptly, "because we've health, and love, and contentment—and enough money to keep us from worrying. відповіла||швидко|||||||задоволення|||||||| Do you know what I've decided, Major, dear? You shall go to make that visit to your colonel that you've so long wanted to have. |||||||||полковник||||||| Vous irez rendre à votre colonel la visite que vous souhaitez depuis si longtemps. The vacation will do you good, and you can get away all during July, because you haven't rested for five years. Les vacances vous feront du bien, et vous pourrez partir pendant tout le mois de juillet, car vous ne vous êtes pas reposé pendant cinq ans. I went to see Mr. Conover this noon, and he said he'd give you the month willingly, and keep the position for you when you returned." |||||Коновер||полудень|||||||||охоче||||||||| Je suis allé voir M. Conover ce midi, et il m'a dit qu'il vous donnerait volontiers le mois, et qu'il garderait le poste pour vous quand vous reviendrez." "What! You spoke to old Conover about me?" |говорив||||| "This noon. It's all arranged, daddy, and you'll just have a glorious time with the old colonel. ||все влаштовано|тато||||||славний|||||полковник Bless his dear heart, he'll be overjoyed to have you with him, at last." Благослови||||||переповнений радістю||||||| Béni soit son cher cœur, il sera ravi de t'avoir enfin auprès de lui." The major pulled out his handkerchief, blew his nose vigorously, and then surreptitiously wiped his eyes. |майор|витягнув|||платок||||енергійно|||потайки|витирав|| Le major sort son mouchoir, se mouche vigoureusement, puis s'essuie subrepticement les yeux.

"Ah, Patsy, Patsy; it's an angel you are, and nothing less at all, at all." |||||ангел||||||||| "Rubbish, Major. |Великий Try your claret, and see if it's right. ||вино||||| And eat your fish before it gets cold. I'll not treat you again, sir, unless you try to look happy. ||ставитися до||||||||| Je ne vous traiterai plus, monsieur, à moins que vous n'essayiez d'avoir l'air heureux. Why, you seem as glum as old Conover himself!" ||||сумний||старий|| Vous avez l'air aussi morose que le vieux Conover lui-même !" Чому ти виглядаєш таким сумним, як старий Коновер сам?! The major was positively beaming. ||||світитися Майор був настільки усміхнений.

"Would it look bad for me to kiss you, Patsy?" |||||||поцілувати|| "Чи виглядало б це погано, якби я тебе поцілував, Патсі?" "Now?" "Now and right here in this very room!" "Of course it would. Try and behave, like the gentleman you are, and pay attention to your dinner!" |||||джентльмен|||||||| It was a glorious meal. |||славний| The cost was twenty-five cents a plate, but the gods never feasted more grandly in Olympus than these two simple, loving souls in that grimy Duggan street restaurant. |||||центи|||||||пирували||велично||Олімп||||||душ|||брудному||| Le coût était de vingt-cinq cents par assiette, mais les dieux n'ont jamais festoyé plus magnifiquement dans l'Olympe que ces deux âmes simples et aimantes dans ce restaurant crasseux de la rue Duggan. Вартість становила двадцять п'ять центів за тарілку, але боги ніколи не святкували так пишно в Олімпі, як ці двоє простих, люблячих душ у цьому брудному ресторані на вулиці Дагган.

Over his coffee the major gave a sudden start and looked guiltily into Patricia's eyes. |||||||раптовий||||з почуттям провини||Патриції| En buvant son café, le major sursaute et regarde Patricia avec culpabilité dans les yeux. Під час кави майор раптово здригнувся і винувато подивився в очі Патрісії. "Now, then," she said, quickly catching the expression, "out with it." "Отже, " сказала вона, швидко вловивши вираз, "говори прямо." "It's a letter," said the major. "It came yesterday, or mayhap the day before. ||||можливо||| I don't just remember." "A letter! And who from?" she cried, surprised.

"An ould vixen." |старий|лисиця "Une vieille mégère". "And who may that be?" "Your mother's sister Jane. I can tell by the emblem on the flap of the envelope," said he, drawing a crumpled paper from his breast pocket. ||||||||клапан|||конверт|||витягуючи||зім'ятий||||грудна кишеня| Je le sais grâce à l'emblème sur le rabat de l'enveloppe", dit-il en tirant un papier froissé de sa poche de poitrine. "Oh, that person," said Patsy, with scorn. ||||||зневага "Oh, cette personne", dit Patsy avec mépris. "Whatever induced her to write to me? " Що б не|спонукало||||| "You might read it and find out," suggested the major. Patricia tore open the envelope and scanned the letter. |розірвала|||||пробігла|| Her eyes blazed. ||палахкотіли

"What is it, Mavoureen?" |||Мавурінко "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Mavoureen ? "An insult!" |образа "Образа!" she answered, crushing the paper in her hand and then stuffing it into the pocket of her dress. ||розчавлюючи||||||||начиняючи||||||| répond-elle en écrasant le papier dans sa main et en le glissant dans la poche de sa robe. відповіла вона, здавлюючи папір в її руці, а потім засовуючи його в кишеню своєї сукні. "Light your pipe, daddy, dear. ||трубка|тато| "Запали свою люльку, татусю, дорогий." Here—I'll strike the match." ||запалю||сірник Je vais craquer l'allumette. Ось—я запалю сірник."