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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 2. Chapter 2.

Part 2. Chapter 2.

Soon after the doctor, Dolly had arrived.

She knew that there was to be a consultation that day, and though she was only just up after her confinement (she had another baby, a little girl, born at the end of the winter), though she had trouble and anxiety enough of her own, she had left her tiny baby and a sick child, to come and hear Kitty's fate, which was to be decided that day. "Well, well?

she said, coming into the drawing room, without taking off her hat. "You're all in good spirits. Good news, then? They tried to tell her what the doctor had said, but it appeared that though the doctor had talked distinctly enough and at great length, it was utterly impossible to report what he had said.

The only point of interest was that it was settled they should go abroad. Dolly could not help sighing.

Her dearest friend, her sister, was going away. And her life was not a cheerful one. Her relations with Stepan Arkadyevitch after their reconciliation had become humiliating. The union Anna had cemented turned out to be of no solid character, and family harmony was breaking down again at the same point. There had been nothing definite, but Stepan Arkadyevitch was hardly ever at home; money, too, was hardly ever forthcoming, and Dolly was continually tortured by suspicions of infidelity, which she tried to dismiss, dreading the agonies of jealousy she had been through already. The first onslaught of jealousy, once lived through, could never come back again, and even the discovery of infidelities could never now affect her as it had the first time. Such a discovery now would only mean breaking up family habits, and she let herself be deceived, despising him and still more herself, for the weakness. Besides this, the care of her large family was a constant worry to her: first, the nursing of her young baby did not go well, then the nurse had gone away, now one of the children had fallen ill. "Well, how are all of you?

asked her mother. "Ah, mamma, we have plenty of troubles of our own.

Lili is ill, and I'm afraid it's scarlatina. I have come here now to hear about Kitty, and then I shall shut myself up entirely, if—God forbid—it should be scarlatina. The old prince too had come in from his study after the doctor's departure, and after presenting his cheek to Dolly, and saying a few words to her, he turned to his wife:

"How have you settled it?

you're going? Well, and what do you mean to do with me? "I suppose you had better stay here, Alexander," said his wife.

"That's as you like.

"Mamma, why shouldn't father come with us?

said Kitty. "It would be nicer for him and for us too. The old prince got up and stroked Kitty's hair.

She lifted her head and looked at him with a forced smile. It always seemed to her that he understood her better than anyone in the family, though he did not say much about her. Being the youngest, she was her father's favorite, and she fancied that his love gave him insight. When now her glance met his blue kindly eyes looking intently at her, it seemed to her that he saw right through her, and understood all that was not good that was passing within her. Reddening, she stretched out towards him expecting a kiss, but he only patted her hair and said: "These stupid chignons!

There's no getting at the real daughter. One simply strokes the bristles of dead women. Well, Dolinka," he turned to his elder daughter, "what's your young buck about, hey? "Nothing, father," answered Dolly, understanding that her husband was meant.

"He's always out; I scarcely ever see him," she could not resist adding with a sarcastic smile. "Why, hasn't he gone into the country yet—to see about selling that forest?

"No, he's still getting ready for the journey.

"Oh, that's it!

said the prince. "And so am I to be getting ready for a journey too? At your service," he said to his wife, sitting down. "And I tell you what, Katia," he went on to his younger daughter, "you must wake up one fine day and say to yourself: Why, I'm quite well, and merry, and going out again with father for an early morning walk in the frost. Hey? What her father said seemed simple enough, yet at these words Kitty became confused and overcome like a detected criminal.

"Yes, he sees it all, he understands it all, and in these words he's telling me that though I'm ashamed, I must get over my shame." She could not pluck up spirit to make any answer. She tried to begin, and all at once burst into tears, and rushed out of the room. "See what comes of your jokes!

the princess pounced down on her husband. "You're always…" she began a string of reproaches. The prince listened to the princess's scolding rather a long while without speaking, but his face was more and more frowning.

"She's so much to be pitied, poor child, so much to be pitied, and you don't feel how it hurts her to hear the slightest reference to the cause of it.

Ah! to be so mistaken in people!" said the princess, and by the change in her tone both Dolly and the prince knew she was speaking of Vronsky. "I don't know why there aren't laws against such base, dishonorable people. "Ah, I can't bear to hear you!

said the prince gloomily, getting up from his low chair, and seeming anxious to get away, yet stopping in the doorway. "There are laws, madam, and since you've challenged me to it, I'll tell you who's to blame for it all: you and you, you and nobody else. Laws against such young gallants there have always been, and there still are! Yes, if there has been nothing that ought not to have been, old as I am, I'd have called him out to the barrier, the young dandy. Yes, and now you physic her and call in these quacks. The prince apparently had plenty more to say, but as soon as the princess heard his tone she subsided at once, and became penitent, as she always did on serious occasions.

"Alexander, Alexander," she whispered, moving to him and beginning to weep.

As soon as she began to cry the prince too calmed down.

He went up to her. "There, that's enough, that's enough!

You're wretched too, I know. It can't be helped. There's no great harm done. God is merciful…thanks…" he said, not knowing what he was saying, as he responded to the tearful kiss of the princess that he felt on his hand. And the prince went out of the room. Before this, as soon as Kitty went out of the room in tears, Dolly, with her motherly, family instincts, had promptly perceived that here a woman's work lay before her, and she prepared to do it.

She took off her hat, and, morally speaking, tucked up her sleeves and prepared for action. While her mother was attacking her father, she tried to restrain her mother, so far as filial reverence would allow. During the prince's outburst she was silent; she felt ashamed for her mother, and tender towards her father for so quickly being kind again. But when her father left them she made ready for what was the chief thing needful—to go to Kitty and console her. "I'd been meaning to tell you something for a long while, mamma: did you know that Levin meant to make Kitty an offer when he was here the last time?

He told Stiva so. "Well, what then?

I don't understand…" "So did Kitty perhaps refuse him?… She didn't tell you so?

"No, she has said nothing to me either of one or the other; she's too proud.

But I know it's all on account of the other. "Yes, but suppose she has refused Levin, and she wouldn't have refused him if it hadn't been for the other, I know.

And then, he has deceived her so horribly. It was too terrible for the princess to think how she had sinned against her daughter, and she broke out angrily.

"Oh, I really don't understand!

Nowadays they will all go their own way, and mothers haven't a word to say in anything, and then…" "Mamma, I'll go up to her.

"Well, do.

Did I tell you not to?" said her mother.

Part 2. Chapter 2. Bölüm 2. Bölüm 2.

Soon after the doctor, Dolly had arrived. Poco después del médico, llegó Dolly. Peu de temps après le médecin, Dolly était arrivée.

She knew that there was to be a consultation that day, and though she was only just up after her confinement (she had another baby, a little girl, born at the end of the winter), though she had trouble and anxiety enough of her own, she had left her tiny baby and a sick child, to come and hear Kitty’s fate, which was to be decided that day. Sabía que iba a haber una consulta ese día, y aunque acababa de levantarse después del parto (tenía otro bebé, una niña, nacida al final del invierno), aunque ya tenía suficientes problemas y ansiedades. propia, había dejado a su pequeño bebé y a un niño enfermo, para venir y escuchar el destino de Kitty, que se decidiría ese día. 她知道那天要进行咨询,虽然她在分娩后才刚起床(她还有一个孩子,一个小女孩,在冬天结束时出生),尽管她有足够的麻烦和焦虑自己的,她留下了她的小婴儿和一个生病的孩子,来听听凯蒂的命运,这将在那天决定。 "Well, well? "¿Bien bien?

she said, coming into the drawing room, without taking off her hat. "You’re all in good spirits. "Estáis todos de buen humor. Good news, then? They tried to tell her what the doctor had said, but it appeared that though the doctor had talked distinctly enough and at great length, it was utterly impossible to report what he had said. 他们试图告诉她医生说了什么,但似乎虽然医生说得够清楚、够长,但完全不可能报告他所说的话。

The only point of interest was that it was settled they should go abroad. Dolly could not help sighing. 多莉忍不住叹了口气。

Her dearest friend, her sister, was going away. And her life was not a cheerful one. Her relations with Stepan Arkadyevitch after their reconciliation had become humiliating. The union Anna had cemented turned out to be of no solid character, and family harmony was breaking down again at the same point. La unión que Anna había cimentado resultó no tener un carácter sólido, y la armonía familiar se estaba rompiendo nuevamente en el mismo punto. L'union qu'Anna avait cimentée se révéla sans caractère solide, et l'harmonie familiale se désintégra de nouveau au même moment. 安娜巩固的联盟结果并不稳固,家庭和谐也在同一点再次破裂。 There had been nothing definite, but Stepan Arkadyevitch was hardly ever at home; money, too, was hardly ever forthcoming, and Dolly was continually tortured by suspicions of infidelity, which she tried to dismiss, dreading the agonies of jealousy she had been through already. No había nada definitivo, pero Stepan Arkadyevich casi nunca estaba en casa; Además, el dinero casi nunca llegaba, y Dolly era torturada continuamente por sospechas de infidelidad, que trataba de descartar, temiendo la agonía de los celos por la que ya había pasado. Il n'y avait rien eu de précis, mais Stepan Arkadyevitch n'était presque jamais chez lui; l'argent, aussi, n'arrivait presque jamais, et Dolly était continuellement torturée par des soupçons d'infidélité, qu'elle essayait de rejeter, redoutant les angoisses de jalousie qu'elle avait déjà traversées. 没有确切的消息,但斯捷潘·阿尔卡季奇几乎不在家。钱也几乎没有到来,多莉不断受到不忠的怀疑的折磨,她试图消除这种怀疑,害怕她已经经历过的嫉妒的痛苦。 The first onslaught of jealousy, once lived through, could never come back again, and even the discovery of infidelities could never now affect her as it had the first time. ||initial attack||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Le premier assaut de jalousie, une fois vécu, ne pourrait plus jamais revenir, et même la découverte d'infidélités ne pourrait plus jamais l'affecter comme c'était le cas la première fois. Pirmasis pavydo antplūdis, kadaise išgyventas, niekada nebegalėjo sugrįžti, ir net neištikimybės atradimas niekada negalėjo jos paveikti taip, kaip tai buvo pirmą kartą. 第一次嫉妒的冲击,一旦经历过,就再也不会回来了,即使发现不忠,现在也不会像第一次那样影响她。 Such a discovery now would only mean breaking up family habits, and she let herself be deceived, despising him and still more herself, for the weakness. Une telle découverte ne signifierait plus que rompre les habitudes familiales, et elle se laissa tromper, le méprisant et plus encore elle-même, pour la faiblesse. Toks atradimas dabar reikštų tik šeimos įpročių nutraukimą, ir ji leidosi apgauta, niekindama jį ir dar labiau save dėl silpnybės. 现在有了这样的发现,就等于打破了家庭的习惯,她让自己上当了,看不起他,更看不起自己的弱点。 Besides this, the care of her large family was a constant worry to her: first, the nursing of her young baby did not go well, then the nurse had gone away, now one of the children had fallen ill. "Well, how are all of you?

asked her mother. "Ah, mamma, we have plenty of troubles of our own. "Ah, mamá, tenemos muchos problemas propios.

Lili is ill, and I’m afraid it’s scarlatina. I have come here now to hear about Kitty, and then I shall shut myself up entirely, if—God forbid—it should be scarlatina. Je suis venu ici maintenant pour entendre parler de Kitty, et ensuite je me tairai complètement, si - à Dieu ne plaise - ce devait être la scarlatine. The old prince too had come in from his study after the doctor’s departure, and after presenting his cheek to Dolly, and saying a few words to her, he turned to his wife:

"How have you settled it? "Comment l'avez-vous réglé?

you’re going? Well, and what do you mean to do with me? "I suppose you had better stay here, Alexander," said his wife.

"That’s as you like. "Así es como te gusta.

"Mamma, why shouldn’t father come with us? "Mamá, ¿por qué papá no ha de venir con nosotros? «Maman, pourquoi mon père ne viendrait-il pas avec nous?

said Kitty. "It would be nicer for him and for us too. The old prince got up and stroked Kitty’s hair. Le vieux prince se leva et caressa les cheveux de Kitty.

She lifted her head and looked at him with a forced smile. It always seemed to her that he understood her better than anyone in the family, though he did not say much about her. Being the youngest, she was her father’s favorite, and she fancied that his love gave him insight. Étant la plus jeune, elle était la préférée de son père, et elle pensait que son amour lui donnait un aperçu. When now her glance met his blue kindly eyes looking intently at her, it seemed to her that he saw right through her, and understood all that was not good that was passing within her. Quand maintenant son regard rencontra ses yeux bleus gentils qui la regardaient intensément, il lui sembla qu'il voyait à travers elle, et comprenait tout ce qui n'était pas bon qui se passait en elle. Reddening, she stretched out towards him expecting a kiss, but he only patted her hair and said: Enrojeciendo, ella se estiró hacia él esperando un beso, pero él solo le acarició el cabello y dijo: Rougissant, elle s'est allongée vers lui en attendant un baiser, mais il a seulement tapoté ses cheveux et a dit: "These stupid chignons! ||hair buns "¡Estos estúpidos moños! "Deze stomme chignons!

There’s no getting at the real daughter. Il n'y a pas moyen d'atteindre la vraie fille. One simply strokes the bristles of dead women. Uno simplemente acaricia las cerdas de las mujeres muertas. On caresse simplement les poils des femmes mortes. Men streelt eenvoudig de haren van dode vrouwen. 一个简单的抚摸死去的女人的鬃毛。 Well, Dolinka," he turned to his elder daughter, "what’s your young buck about, hey? Bueno, Dolinka", se volvió hacia su hija mayor, "¿de qué se trata tu joven, oye? Eh bien, Dolinka, »il se tourna vers sa fille aînée,« de quoi parle ton jeune homme, hein? "Nothing, father," answered Dolly, understanding that her husband was meant. “没什么,父亲,”多莉回答,明白她的丈夫是故意的。

"He’s always out; I scarcely ever see him," she could not resist adding with a sarcastic smile. "Why, hasn’t he gone into the country yet—to see about selling that forest? «Pourquoi, n'est-il pas encore allé dans le pays - pour voir comment vendre cette forêt?

"No, he’s still getting ready for the journey. "Non, il se prépare toujours pour le voyage.

"Oh, that’s it!

said the prince. "And so am I to be getting ready for a journey too? «Et moi aussi, dois-je me préparer pour un voyage? At your service," he said to his wife, sitting down. "And I tell you what, Katia," he went on to his younger daughter, "you must wake up one fine day and say to yourself: Why, I’m quite well, and merry, and going out again with father for an early morning walk in the frost. Hey? What her father said seemed simple enough, yet at these words Kitty became confused and overcome like a detected criminal. Ce que son père disait semblait assez simple, mais à ces mots, Kitty devint confuse et vaincue comme un criminel détecté.

"Yes, he sees it all, he understands it all, and in these words he’s telling me that though I’m ashamed, I must get over my shame." “是的,他看到了这一切,他明白了这一切,他用这些话告诉我,虽然我很羞愧,但我必须克服我的羞耻心。” She could not pluck up spirit to make any answer. No pudo reunir el ánimo para responder. Elle ne pouvait pas se ressaisir pour répondre. She tried to begin, and all at once burst into tears, and rushed out of the room. Trató de comenzar, y de repente se echó a llorar y salió corriendo de la habitación. "See what comes of your jokes! "¡Mira lo que sale de tus bromas!

the princess pounced down on her husband. la princesse se jeta sur son mari. "You’re always…" she began a string of reproaches. "Tú siempre eres…" comenzó una serie de reproches. «Tu es toujours…» elle commença une série de reproches. The prince listened to the princess’s scolding rather a long while without speaking, but his face was more and more frowning. El príncipe escuchó el regaño de la princesa durante bastante tiempo sin hablar, pero su rostro estaba cada vez más fruncido.

"She’s so much to be pitied, poor child, so much to be pitied, and you don’t feel how it hurts her to hear the slightest reference to the cause of it. "Ella es muy digna de lástima, pobre niña, muy digna de lástima, y no sientes cómo le duele escuchar la más mínima referencia a la causa de ello.

Ah! to be so mistaken in people!" se tromper dans les gens! " taip suklysti žmonėse! " said the princess, and by the change in her tone both Dolly and the prince knew she was speaking of Vronsky. "I don’t know why there aren’t laws against such base, dishonorable people. "Ah, I can’t bear to hear you! "¡Ah, no puedo soportar escucharte!

said the prince gloomily, getting up from his low chair, and seeming anxious to get away, yet stopping in the doorway. dit le prince d'un air sombre, se levant de sa chaise basse, et paraissant impatient de s'éloigner, s'arrêtant pourtant sur le seuil. "There are laws, madam, and since you’ve challenged me to it, I’ll tell you who’s to blame for it all: you and you, you and nobody else. «Il y a des lois, madame, et puisque vous m'avez défié, je vous dirai qui est à blâmer pour tout cela: vous et vous, vous et personne d'autre. “有法律,夫人,既然你向我提出挑战,我会告诉你谁该为这一切负责:你和你,你和其他人。 Laws against such young gallants there have always been, and there still are! Il y a toujours eu des lois contre ces jeunes galants, et il y en a toujours! Įstatymai prieš tokius jaunus galantus visada buvo ir yra! Wetten tegen zulke jonge dapperen zijn er altijd geweest, en zijn er nog steeds! Yes, if there has been nothing that ought not to have been, old as I am, I’d have called him out to the barrier, the young dandy. Sí, si no hubiera habido nada que no debiera haber sido, con lo viejo que soy, lo habría llamado a la barrera, al joven dandy. Oui, s'il n'y avait rien qui n'aurait pas dû être vieux comme moi, je l'aurais appelé à la barrière, le jeune dandy. Taip, jei nebuvo nieko, kas neturėjo būti senas, koks esu, būčiau pašaukęs jį prie barjero, jauno dendy. Yes, and now you physic her and call in these quacks. Oui, et maintenant vous la physiez et appelez ces charlatans. Taip, ir dabar jūs ją fiziškai pakviesite ir paskambinsite šiems kvatams. Ja, en nu fysica je haar en roep je deze kwakzalvers op. 是的,现在你给她做物理治疗并叫来这些庸医。 The prince apparently had plenty more to say, but as soon as the princess heard his tone she subsided at once, and became penitent, as she always did on serious occasions. Le prince avait apparemment beaucoup plus à dire, mais dès que la princesse entendit son ton, elle s'apaisa aussitôt et devint pénitente, comme elle le faisait toujours dans les occasions sérieuses. 王子显然还有很多话要说,但公主一听到他的语气,立刻就平息下来,开始忏悔,就像她在严肃的场合一样。

"Alexander, Alexander," she whispered, moving to him and beginning to weep.

As soon as she began to cry the prince too calmed down.

He went up to her. "There, that’s enough, that’s enough!

You’re wretched too, I know. Vous aussi, vous êtes misérable, je sais. It can’t be helped. Cela ne peut pas être aidé. There’s no great harm done. God is merciful…thanks…" he said, not knowing what he was saying, as he responded to the tearful kiss of the princess that he felt on his hand. Dieu est miséricordieux… merci… »dit-il, ne sachant pas ce qu'il disait, alors qu'il répondait au baiser en larmes de la princesse qu'il sentait sur sa main. Dievas yra gailestingas ... ačiū ... "- pasakė jis, nežinodamas, ką sako, reaguodamas į ašaringą princesės bučinį, kurį pajuto ant jo rankos. 上帝是仁慈的……谢谢……”他说,不知道自己在说什么,因为他回应了公主在他手上的含泪亲吻。 And the prince went out of the room. Before this, as soon as Kitty went out of the room in tears, Dolly, with her motherly, family instincts, had promptly perceived that here a woman’s work lay before her, and she prepared to do it. Avant cela, dès que Kitty sortit de la pièce en larmes, Dolly, avec ses instincts maternels et familiaux, s'était aussitôt aperçue qu'ici le travail d'une femme était devant elle, et elle se préparait à le faire.

She took off her hat, and, morally speaking, tucked up her sleeves and prepared for action. Elle a enlevé son chapeau et, moralement parlant, a retroussé ses manches et s'est préparée à l'action. 她摘下帽子,从道德上讲,挽起袖子准备行动。 While her mother was attacking her father, she tried to restrain her mother, so far as filial reverence would allow. Pendant que sa mère attaquait son père, elle a essayé de retenir sa mère, autant que la révérence filiale le permettait. 当她的母亲攻击她的父亲时,她试图在孝顺允许的范围内约束她的母亲。 During the prince’s outburst she was silent; she felt ashamed for her mother, and tender towards her father for so quickly being kind again. But when her father left them she made ready for what was the chief thing needful—to go to Kitty and console her. "I’d been meaning to tell you something for a long while, mamma: did you know that Levin meant to make Kitty an offer when he was here the last time?

He told Stiva so. "Well, what then? "Eh bien, quoi alors?

I don’t understand…" "So did Kitty perhaps refuse him?… She didn’t tell you so? «Alors, est-ce que Kitty l'a peut-être refusé?… Elle ne vous l'a pas dit?

"No, she has said nothing to me either of one or the other; she’s too proud.

But I know it’s all on account of the other. Mais je sais que tout est à cause de l'autre. "Yes, but suppose she has refused Levin, and she wouldn’t have refused him if it hadn’t been for the other, I know.

And then, he has deceived her so horribly. It was too terrible for the princess to think how she had sinned against her daughter, and she broke out angrily.

"Oh, I really don’t understand!

Nowadays they will all go their own way, and mothers haven’t a word to say in anything, and then…" Šiais laikais jie visi eis savo keliu, o motinos neturi žodžio, ką nors pasakyti, o tada ... " "Mamma, I’ll go up to her.

"Well, do.

Did I tell you not to?" Ar aš tau liepiau to nedaryti? " said her mother.