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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 5. Chapter 24.

Part 5. Chapter 24.

The levee was drawing to a close. People met as they were going away, and gossiped of the latest news, of the newly bestowed honors and the changes in the positions of the higher functionaries.

"If only Countess Marya Borissovna were Minister of War, and Princess Vatkovskaya were Commander-in-Chief," said a gray-headed, little old man in a gold-embroidered uniform, addressing a tall, handsome maid of honor who had questioned him about the new appointments. "And me among the adjutants," said the maid of honor, smiling. "You have an appointment already. You're over the ecclesiastical department. And your assistant's Karenin." "Good-day, prince!" said the little old man to a man who came up to him.

"What were you saying of Karenin?" said the prince.

"He and Putyatov have received the Alexander Nevsky." "I thought he had it already." "No. Just look at him," said the little old man, pointing with his embroidered hat to Karenin in a court uniform with the new red ribbon across his shoulders, standing in the doorway of the hall with an influential member of the Imperial Council. "Pleased and happy as a brass farthing," he added, stopping to shake hands with a handsome gentleman of the bedchamber of colossal proportions. "No; he's looking older," said the gentleman of the bedchamber. "From overwork. He's always drawing up projects nowadays. He won't let a poor devil go nowadays till he's explained it all to him under heads." "Looking older, did you say? Il fait des passions . I believe Countess Lidia Ivanovna's jealous now of his wife." "Oh, come now, please don't say any harm of Countess Lidia Ivanovna." "Why, is there any harm in her being in love with Karenin?" "But is it true Madame Karenina's here?" "Well, not here in the palace, but in Petersburg. I met her yesterday with Alexey Vronsky, bras dessous, bras dessous , in the Morsky." "C'est un homme qui n'a pas…" the gentleman of the bedchamber was beginning, but he stopped to make room, bowing, for a member of the Imperial family to pass. Thus people talked incessantly of Alexey Alexandrovitch, finding fault with him and laughing at him, while he, blocking up the way of the member of the Imperial Council he had captured, was explaining to him point by point his new financial project, never interrupting his discourse for an instant for fear he should escape.

Almost at the same time that his wife left Alexey Alexandrovitch there had come to him that bitterest moment in the life of an official—the moment when his upward career comes to a full stop. This full stop had arrived and everyone perceived it, but Alexey Alexandrovitch himself was not yet aware that his career was over. Whether it was due to his feud with Stremov, or his misfortune with his wife, or simply that Alexey Alexandrovitch had reached his destined limits, it had become evident to everyone in the course of that year that his career was at an end. He still filled a position of consequence, he sat on many commissions and committees, but he was a man whose day was over, and from whom nothing was expected. Whatever he said, whatever he proposed, was heard as though it were something long familiar, and the very thing that was not needed. But Alexey Alexandrovitch was not aware of this, and, on the contrary, being cut off from direct participation in governmental activity, he saw more clearly than ever the errors and defects in the action of others, and thought it his duty to point out means for their correction. Shortly after his separation from his wife, he began writing his first note on the new judicial procedure, the first of the endless series of notes he was destined to write in the future.

Alexey Alexandrovitch did not merely fail to observe his hopeless position in the official world, he was not merely free from anxiety on this head, he was positively more satisfied than ever with his own activity.

"He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife," says the Apostle Paul, and Alexey Alexandrovitch, who was now guided in every action by Scripture, often recalled this text. It seemed to him that ever since he had been left without a wife, he had in these very projects of reform been serving the Lord more zealously than before.

The unmistakable impatience of the member of the Council trying to get away from him did not trouble Alexey Alexandrovitch; he gave up his exposition only when the member of the Council, seizing his chance when one of the Imperial family was passing, slipped away from him.

Left alone, Alexey Alexandrovitch looked down, collecting his thoughts, then looked casually about him and walked towards the door, where he hoped to meet Countess Lidia Ivanovna.

"And how strong they all are, how sound physically," thought Alexey Alexandrovitch, looking at the powerfully built gentleman of the bedchamber with his well-combed, perfumed whiskers, and at the red neck of the prince, pinched by his tight uniform. He had to pass them on his way. "Truly is it said that all the world is evil," he thought, with another sidelong glance at the calves of the gentleman of the bedchamber. Moving forward deliberately, Alexey Alexandrovitch bowed with his customary air of weariness and dignity to the gentleman who had been talking about him, and looking towards the door, his eyes sought Countess Lidia Ivanovna.

"Ah! Alexey Alexandrovitch!" said the little old man, with a malicious light in his eyes, at the moment when Karenin was on a level with them, and was nodding with a frigid gesture, "I haven't congratulated you yet," said the old man, pointing to his newly received ribbon. "Thank you," answered Alexey Alexandrovitch. "What an exquisite day to-day," he added, laying emphasis in his peculiar way on the word exquisite . That they laughed at him he was well aware, but he did not expect anything but hostility from them; he was used to that by now.

Catching sight of the yellow shoulders of Lidia Ivanovna jutting out above her corset, and her fine pensive eyes bidding him to her, Alexey Alexandrovitch smiled, revealing untarnished white teeth, and went towards her.

Lidia Ivanovna's dress had cost her great pains, as indeed all her dresses had done of late. Her aim in dress was now quite the reverse of that she had pursued thirty years before. Then her desire had been to adorn herself with something, and the more adorned the better. Now, on the contrary, she was perforce decked out in a way so inconsistent with her age and her figure, that her one anxiety was to contrive that the contrast between these adornments and her own exterior should not be too appalling. And as far as Alexey Alexandrovitch was concerned she succeeded, and was in his eyes attractive. For him she was the one island not only of goodwill to him, but of love in the midst of the sea of hostility and jeering that surrounded him.

Passing through rows of ironical eyes, he was drawn as naturally to her loving glance as a plant to the sun.

"I congratulate you," she said to him, her eyes on his ribbon. Suppressing a smile of pleasure, he shrugged his shoulders, closing his eyes, as though to say that that could not be a source of joy to him. Countess Lidia Ivanovna was very well aware that it was one of his chief sources of satisfaction, though he never admitted it.

"How is our angel?" said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, meaning Seryozha.

"I can't say I was quite pleased with him," said Alexey Alexandrovitch, raising his eyebrows and opening his eyes. "And Sitnikov is not satisfied with him." (Sitnikov was the tutor to whom Seryozha's secular education had been intrusted.) "As I have mentioned to you, there's a sort of coldness in him towards the most important questions which ought to touch the heart of every man and every child…." Alexey Alexandrovitch began expounding his views on the sole question that interested him besides the service—the education of his son.

When Alexey Alexandrovitch with Lidia Ivanovna's help had been brought back anew to life and activity, he felt it his duty to undertake the education of the son left on his hands. Having never before taken any interest in educational questions, Alexey Alexandrovitch devoted some time to the theoretical study of the subject. After reading several books on anthropology, education, and didactics, Alexey Alexandrovitch drew up a plan of education, and engaging the best tutor in Petersburg to superintend it, he set to work, and the subject continually absorbed him.

"Yes, but the heart. I see in him his father's heart, and with such a heart a child cannot go far wrong," said Lidia Ivanovna with enthusiasm. "Yes, perhaps…. As for me, I do my duty. It's all I can do." "You're coming to me," said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, after a pause; "we have to speak of a subject painful for you. I would give anything to have spared you certain memories, but others are not of the same mind. I have received a letter from her . She is here in Petersburg." Alexey Alexandrovitch shuddered at the allusion to his wife, but immediately his face assumed the deathlike rigidity which expressed utter helplessness in the matter.

"I was expecting it," he said. Countess Lidia Ivanovna looked at him ecstatically, and tears of rapture at the greatness of his soul came into her eyes.

Part 5. Chapter 24.

The levee was drawing to a close. La digue touchait à sa fin. 大堤即将关闭。 People met as they were going away, and gossiped of the latest news, of the newly bestowed honors and the changes in the positions of the higher functionaries. Les gens se sont rencontrés en partant, et ont bavardé des dernières nouvelles, des honneurs nouvellement décernés et des changements dans les positions des hauts fonctionnaires. Žmonės susitiko eidami ir apkalbinėjo naujausias žinias, naujai suteiktus apdovanojimus ir aukštesnių funkcionierių pozicijų pokyčius. 人们边走边碰面,议论着最新的消息、新授予的荣誉和上级官员的职位变动。

"If only Countess Marya Borissovna were Minister of War, and Princess Vatkovskaya were Commander-in-Chief," said a gray-headed, little old man in a gold-embroidered uniform, addressing a tall, handsome maid of honor who had questioned him about the new appointments. "Jei tik grafienė Marya Borissovna būtų karo ministrė, o princesė Vatkovskaya būtų vyriausioji vadė", - sakė pilkagalvis, mažas senukas su auksu siuvinėta uniforma, kreipdamasis į jį apklaususią aukštą, dailią garbės tarnaitę. apie naujus paskyrimus. “要是玛丽亚·鲍里索芙娜伯爵夫人当陆军大臣,瓦特科夫斯卡娅公主当总司令就好了。”一位身穿金色绣花制服、头发花白的小老头对着质问他的一位高大英俊的宫女说道。关于新的任命。 "And me among the adjutants," said the maid of honor, smiling. “还有我在副官中,”伴娘笑着说。 "You have an appointment already. "Vous avez déjà un rendez-vous. “你已经有约会了。 You're over the ecclesiastical department. Vous êtes sur le département ecclésiastique. 你在教会部门。 And your assistant's Karenin." "Good-day, prince!" said the little old man to a man who came up to him.

"What were you saying of Karenin?" «Que disiez-vous de Karenin? - Ką tu sakei apie Kareniną? said the prince.

"He and Putyatov have received the Alexander Nevsky." "I thought he had it already." "Je pensais qu'il l'avait déjà." “我以为他已经有了。” "No. Just look at him," said the little old man, pointing with his embroidered hat to Karenin in a court uniform with the new red ribbon across his shoulders, standing in the doorway of the hall with an influential member of the Imperial Council. 看看他就知道了,”小老头边说边用绣花帽指了指身穿宫廷制服、肩上系着新红缎带的卡列宁,他和一位帝国议会的有影响力的成员站在大厅门口。 "Pleased and happy as a brass farthing," he added, stopping to shake hands with a handsome gentleman of the bedchamber of colossal proportions. “像铜币一样高兴和快乐,”他补充说,停下来与卧室里一位身材魁梧的英俊绅士握手。 "No; he's looking older," said the gentleman of the bedchamber. "Non, il a l'air plus vieux", dit le monsieur de la chambre. "From overwork. He's always drawing up projects nowadays. De nos jours, il élabore toujours des projets. He won't let a poor devil go nowadays till he's explained it all to him under heads." Il ne laissera pas un pauvre diable partir de nos jours jusqu'à ce qu'il lui ait tout expliqué sous la tête. " "Looking older, did you say? Il fait des passions . 激情失败。 I believe Countess Lidia Ivanovna's jealous now of his wife." Je crois que la comtesse Lidia Ivanovna est maintenant jalouse de sa femme. " 我相信伯爵夫人 Lidia Ivanovna 现在嫉妒他的妻子了。” "Oh, come now, please don't say any harm of Countess Lidia Ivanovna." "Why, is there any harm in her being in love with Karenin?" - Kodėl, ar jai yra žala įsimylėjus Kareniną? "But is it true Madame Karenina's here?" "Well, not here in the palace, but in Petersburg. I met her yesterday with Alexey Vronsky, bras dessous, bras dessous , in the Morsky." "C'est un homme qui n'a pas…" the gentleman of the bedchamber was beginning, but he stopped to make room, bowing, for a member of the Imperial family to pass. Thus people talked incessantly of Alexey Alexandrovitch, finding fault with him and laughing at him, while he, blocking up the way of the member of the Imperial Council he had captured, was explaining to him point by point his new financial project, never interrupting his discourse for an instant for fear he should escape. Ainsi les gens parlaient sans cesse d'Alexey Alexandrovitch, le critiquant et se moquant de lui, tandis que lui, bloquant le chemin du membre du Conseil impérial qu'il avait capturé, lui expliquait point par point son nouveau projet financier, sans jamais interrompre son discours d'un instant de peur qu'il ne s'échappe.

Almost at the same time that his wife left Alexey Alexandrovitch there had come to him that bitterest moment in the life of an official—the moment when his upward career comes to a full stop. Presque au moment où sa femme quittait Alexey Alexandrovitch, le moment le plus amer de la vie d'un fonctionnaire lui était arrivé - le moment où sa carrière ascendante s'arrêtait complètement. This full stop had arrived and everyone perceived it, but Alexey Alexandrovitch himself was not yet aware that his career was over. Ši taškas buvo pasiektas ir visi tai suvokė, tačiau pats Aleksejus Aleksandrovičius dar nežinojo, kad jo karjera baigėsi. 这个句号已经到来,每个人都察觉到了,但阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇本人还没有意识到他的职业生涯结束了。 Whether it was due to his feud with Stremov, or his misfortune with his wife, or simply that Alexey Alexandrovitch had reached his destined limits, it had become evident to everyone in the course of that year that his career was at an end. 无论是由于他与斯特列莫夫的不和,还是由于他与妻子的不幸,或者仅仅因为阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇已经达到了他注定的极限,在那一年的过程中,每个人都清楚地知道他的职业生涯走到了尽头。 He still filled a position of consequence, he sat on many commissions and committees, but he was a man whose day was over, and from whom nothing was expected. 他仍然担任着重要的职位,他参加了许多委员会和委员会,但他是一个时代已经结束的人,对他没有任何期望。 Whatever he said, whatever he proposed, was heard as though it were something long familiar, and the very thing that was not needed. Tout ce qu'il disait, tout ce qu'il proposait, était entendu comme si c'était quelque chose de longtemps familier, et ce qui n'était pas nécessaire. 无论他说什么,无论他提出什么建议,听上去好像是早已熟悉的东西,而且是不需要的东西。 But Alexey Alexandrovitch was not aware of this, and, on the contrary, being cut off from direct participation in governmental activity, he saw more clearly than ever the errors and defects in the action of others, and thought it his duty to point out means for their correction. Mais Alexey Alexandrovitch n'en était pas conscient et, au contraire, étant coupé de la participation directe à l'activité gouvernementale, il voyait plus clairement que jamais les erreurs et les défauts dans l'action d'autrui, et pensait qu'il était de son devoir de signaler les moyens. pour leur correction. 但是阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇并没有意识到这一点,相反,由于无法直接参与政府活动,他比以往任何时候都更加清楚地看到了他人行动中的错误和缺陷,并认为自己有责任指出方法为了他们的纠正。 Shortly after his separation from his wife, he began writing his first note on the new judicial procedure, the first of the endless series of notes he was destined to write in the future. 与妻子分居后不久,他就开始写关于新司法程序的第一篇笔记,这是他注定要在未来写的无数笔记系列中的第一篇。

Alexey Alexandrovitch did not merely fail to observe his hopeless position in the official world, he was not merely free from anxiety on this head, he was positively more satisfied than ever with his own activity. Alexey Alexandrovitch n'a pas simplement manqué d'observer sa position désespérée dans le monde officiel, il n'était pas simplement libéré de l'anxiété à ce sujet, il était positivement plus satisfait que jamais de sa propre activité.

"He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife," says the Apostle Paul, and Alexey Alexandrovitch, who was now guided in every action by Scripture, often recalled this text. "Celui qui n'est pas marié prend soin des choses qui appartiennent au Seigneur, comment il peut plaire au Seigneur; mais celui qui est marié prend soin des choses qui sont du monde, comment il peut plaire à sa femme", dit l'apôtre Paul et Alexey Alexandrovitch, qui était maintenant guidé dans chaque action par les Écritures, rappelait souvent ce texte. It seemed to him that ever since he had been left without a wife, he had in these very projects of reform been serving the Lord more zealously than before. Il lui semblait que depuis qu'il était resté sans femme, il avait, dans ces projets mêmes de réforme, servi le Seigneur avec plus de zèle qu'auparavant.

The unmistakable impatience of the member of the Council trying to get away from him did not trouble Alexey Alexandrovitch; he gave up his exposition only when the member of the Council, seizing his chance when one of the Imperial family was passing, slipped away from him. L'impatience indéniable du membre du Conseil essayant de s'éloigner de lui n'a pas dérangé Alexey Alexandrovitch; il ne renonça à son exposition que lorsque le membre du Conseil, saisissant sa chance au décès d'un membre de la famille impériale, lui échappa. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇没有为难亚历克谢·亚历山德罗维奇,他显然是不耐烦了,想摆脱他。他只是在议会成员在一位皇室成员经过时抓住机会从他身边溜走时才放弃了他的阐述。

Left alone, Alexey Alexandrovitch looked down, collecting his thoughts, then looked casually about him and walked towards the door, where he hoped to meet Countess Lidia Ivanovna. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇独自一人低下头,整理思绪,然后漫不经心地环顾四周,朝门口走去,他希望能在那里见到利季娅·伊万诺芙娜伯爵夫人。

"And how strong they all are, how sound physically," thought Alexey Alexandrovitch, looking at the powerfully built gentleman of the bedchamber with his well-combed, perfumed whiskers, and at the red neck of the prince, pinched by his tight uniform. «Et comme ils sont tous forts, comme ils sont physiquement sains», pensa Alexey Alexandrovitch, en regardant le gentilhomme au corps puissant de la chambre avec ses moustaches bien peignées et parfumées, et le cou rouge du prince, pincé par son uniforme serré. “他们个个多么强壮,身体多么健康啊,”阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇想道,他望着卧房里那位体格健壮的绅士,他的胡子梳得整整齐齐,散发着香水味,又望着公爵那被紧身制服勒得发红的脖子。 He had to pass them on his way. Il a dû les transmettre sur son chemin. "Truly is it said that all the world is evil," he thought, with another sidelong glance at the calves of the gentleman of the bedchamber. «On dit vraiment que tout le monde est mauvais», pensa-t-il, avec un autre regard de côté sur les mollets du gentilhomme de la chambre. Moving forward deliberately, Alexey Alexandrovitch bowed with his customary air of weariness and dignity to the gentleman who had been talking about him, and looking towards the door, his eyes sought Countess Lidia Ivanovna. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇故意向前走去,用他惯有的疲惫和尊严的神情向刚才谈论他的绅士鞠躬,然后朝门口望去,他的目光寻找着利季娅·伊万诺芙娜伯爵夫人。

"Ah! Alexey Alexandrovitch!" said the little old man, with a malicious light in his eyes, at the moment when Karenin was on a level with them, and was nodding with a frigid gesture, "I haven't congratulated you yet," said the old man, pointing to his newly received ribbon. - pasakė mažas senis, turėdamas piktybišką šviesą akyse, tuo metu, kai Kareninas buvo viename lygyje su jais, ir linktelėjo švelniu mostu: - Aš dar tavęs nepasveikinau, - pasakė senis. prie naujai gautos jo juostos. ” 小老头在卡列宁与他们平起平坐的那一刻,眼中带着恶意的光芒说道,并用冷酷的手势点了点头,“我还没有祝贺你,”老头说,指着给他新收到的丝带。 "Thank you," answered Alexey Alexandrovitch. "What an exquisite day to-day," he added, laying emphasis in his peculiar way on the word exquisite . That they laughed at him he was well aware, but he did not expect anything but hostility from them; he was used to that by now. 他很清楚他们在嘲笑他,但除了敌意,他没想到会发生什么。他现在已经习惯了。

Catching sight of the yellow shoulders of Lidia Ivanovna jutting out above her corset, and her fine pensive eyes bidding him to her, Alexey Alexandrovitch smiled, revealing untarnished white teeth, and went towards her. Apercevant les épaules jaunes de Lidia Ivanovna dépassant au-dessus de son corset, et ses beaux yeux pensifs lui faisant signe, Alexey Alexandrovitch sourit, révélant des dents blanches intactes, et alla vers elle. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇看到莉季娅·伊万诺夫娜黄色的肩膀从她的紧身胸衣上伸出来,她那双忧郁的美丽眼睛在向她示意,阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇微笑着,露出洁白的牙齿,朝她走去。

Lidia Ivanovna's dress had cost her great pains, as indeed all her dresses had done of late. Lidijos Ivanovnos suknelė jai kainavo didžiulius skausmus, nes iš tikrųjų visos jos suknelės buvo padarytos vėlai. Her aim in dress was now quite the reverse of that she had pursued thirty years before. Son objectif vestimentaire était maintenant tout à fait le contraire de celui qu'elle avait poursuivi trente ans auparavant. 现在,她在着装方面的目标与三十年前的目标大相径庭。 Then her desire had been to adorn herself with something, and the more adorned the better. Puis son désir avait été de se parer de quelque chose, et plus elle était parée, mieux c'était. 然后她的愿望一直是用一些东西来装饰自己,而且装饰得越多越好。 Now, on the contrary, she was perforce decked out in a way so inconsistent with her age and her figure, that her one anxiety was to contrive that the contrast between these adornments and her own exterior should not be too appalling. Maintenant, au contraire, elle était forcément parée d'une manière si incompatible avec son âge et sa silhouette, que sa seule inquiétude était de faire en sorte que le contraste entre ces ornements et son propre extérieur ne soit pas trop effroyable. 现在,恰恰相反,她不得不以一种与她的年龄和身材不相符的方式打扮,以至于她唯一的焦虑就是设法使这些装饰品与她自己的外表之间的对比不至于太令人震惊。 And as far as Alexey Alexandrovitch was concerned she succeeded, and was in his eyes attractive. Et en ce qui concerne Alexey Alexandrovitch, elle réussit et était à ses yeux séduisante. For him she was the one island not only of goodwill to him, but of love in the midst of the sea of hostility and jeering that surrounded him. Pour lui, elle était la seule île non seulement de bonne volonté pour lui, mais d'amour au milieu de la mer d'hostilité et de raillerie qui l'entourait.

Passing through rows of ironical eyes, he was drawn as naturally to her loving glance as a plant to the sun. Passant à travers des rangées d'yeux ironiques, il était aussi naturellement attiré par son regard aimant qu'une plante par le soleil.

"I congratulate you," she said to him, her eyes on his ribbon. Suppressing a smile of pleasure, he shrugged his shoulders, closing his eyes, as though to say that that could not be a source of joy to him. Countess Lidia Ivanovna was very well aware that it was one of his chief sources of satisfaction, though he never admitted it.

"How is our angel?" said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, meaning Seryozha.

"I can't say I was quite pleased with him," said Alexey Alexandrovitch, raising his eyebrows and opening his eyes. "Je ne peux pas dire que j'ai été assez satisfait de lui", a déclaré Alexey Alexandrovitch en haussant les sourcils et en ouvrant les yeux. "And Sitnikov is not satisfied with him." "Et Sitnikov n'est pas satisfait de lui." (Sitnikov was the tutor to whom Seryozha's secular education had been intrusted.) "As I have mentioned to you, there's a sort of coldness in him towards the most important questions which ought to touch the heart of every man and every child…." «Comme je vous l'ai dit, il y a en lui une sorte de froideur envers les questions les plus importantes qui devraient toucher le cœur de chaque homme et de chaque enfant…. "Kaip jau minėjau jums, jis jaučia tam tikrą šaltį svarbiausiems klausimams, kurie turėtų paliesti kiekvieno vyro ir kiekvieno vaiko širdį ..." Alexey Alexandrovitch began expounding his views on the sole question that interested him besides the service—the education of his son.

When Alexey Alexandrovitch with Lidia Ivanovna's help had been brought back anew to life and activity, he felt it his duty to undertake the education of the son left on his hands. Quand Alexey Alexandrovitch avec l'aide de Lidia Ivanovna fut ramené à la vie et à l'activité, il sentit qu'il était de son devoir d'entreprendre l'éducation du fils laissé entre ses mains. Having never before taken any interest in educational questions, Alexey Alexandrovitch devoted some time to the theoretical study of the subject. After reading several books on anthropology, education, and didactics, Alexey Alexandrovitch drew up a plan of education, and engaging the best tutor in Petersburg to superintend it, he set to work, and the subject continually absorbed him. Après avoir lu plusieurs livres d'anthropologie, d'éducation et de didactique, Alexey Alexandrovitch a rédigé un plan d'éducation et a engagé le meilleur tuteur de Pétersbourg pour le superviser, il s'est mis au travail et le sujet l'a continuellement absorbé.

"Yes, but the heart. I see in him his father's heart, and with such a heart a child cannot go far wrong," said Lidia Ivanovna with enthusiasm. "Yes, perhaps…. As for me, I do my duty. It's all I can do." "You're coming to me," said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, after a pause; "we have to speak of a subject painful for you. I would give anything to have spared you certain memories, but others are not of the same mind. Je donnerais n'importe quoi pour vous avoir épargné certains souvenirs, mais d'autres ne sont pas du même avis. I have received a letter from her . She is here in Petersburg." Alexey Alexandrovitch shuddered at the allusion to his wife, but immediately his face assumed the deathlike rigidity which expressed utter helplessness in the matter. Alexey Alexandrovitch frissonna à l'allusion à sa femme, mais immédiatement son visage prit la rigidité mortelle qui exprimait une impuissance totale en la matière. Aleksejus Aleksandrovičius suvirpėjo užuominai į savo žmoną, tačiau iškart jo veidas prisiėmė mirtiną griežtumą, reiškiantį visišką bejėgiškumą šiuo klausimu.

"I was expecting it," he said. Countess Lidia Ivanovna looked at him ecstatically, and tears of rapture at the greatness of his soul came into her eyes. 莉迪亚·伊万诺芙娜伯爵夫人欣喜若狂地看着他,眼里涌出因他灵魂的伟大而欣喜若狂的泪水。