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The Adventures of Paddy Beaver by Thornton W. Burgess, I


Work, work all the night

While the stars are shining bright;

Work, work all the day;

I have got no time to play.

THIS little rhyme Paddy the Beaver made up as he toiled at building the dam which was to make the pond he so much desired deep in the Green Forest. Of course it wasn't quite true, that about working all night and all day. Nobody could do that, you know, and keep it up. Everybody has to rest and sleep. Yes, and everybody has to play a little to be at their best. So it wasn't quite true that Paddy worked all day after working all night. But it was true that Paddy had no time to play. He had too much to do. He had had his playtime during the long summer, and now he had to get ready for the long cold winter.

Now of all the little workers in the Green Forest, on the Green Meadows, and in the Smiling Pool, none can compare with Paddy the Beaver, not even his cousin, Jerry Muskrat. Happy Jack Squirrel and Striped Chipmunk store up food for the long cold months when rough Brother North Wind and Jack Frost rule, and Jerry Muskrat builds a fine house wherein to keep warm and comfortable, but all this is as nothing to the work of Paddy the Beaver.

As I said before, Paddy had had a long playtime through the summer. He had wandered up and down the Laughing Brook. He had followed it way up to the place where it started. And all the time he had been studying and studying to make sure that he wanted to stay in the Green Forest. In the first place, he had to be sure that there was plenty of the kind of food that he likes. Then he had to be equally sure that he could make a pond near where this particular food grew. Last of all, he had to satisfy himself that if he did make a pond and build a home, he would be reasonably safe in it. And all these things he had done in his playtime. Now he was ready to go to work, and when Paddy begins work, he sticks to it until it is finished. He says that is the only way to succeed, and you know and I know that he is right.

Now Paddy the Beaver can see at night just as Reddy Fox and Peter Rabbit and Bobby Coon can, and he likes the night best, because he feels safest then. But he can see in the daytime too, and when he feels that he is perfectly safe and no one is watching, he works then too. Of course the first thing to do was to build a dam across the Laughing Brook to make the pond he so much needed. He chose a low open place deep in the Green Forest, around the edge of which grew many young aspen-trees, the bark of which is his favorite food. Through the middle of this open place flowed the Laughing Brook. At the lower edge was just the place for a dam. It would not have to be very long, and when it was finished and the water was stopped in the Laughing Brook, it would just have to flow over the low open place and make a pond there. Paddy's eyes twinkled when he first saw it. It was right then that he made up his mind to stay in the Green Forest.

So now that he was ready to begin his dam he went up the Laughing Brook to a place where alders and willows grew, and there he began work; that work was the cutting of a great number of trees by means of his big front teeth which were given him for just this purpose. And as he worked, Paddy was happy, for one can never be truly happy who does no work.


Work, work all the night 仕事、一晩中仕事

While the stars are shining bright; 星が明るく輝いている間、 Поки зірки світять яскраво;

Work, work all the day; 仕事、一日中仕事。 Працювати, працювати цілий день;

I have got no time to play. 遊ぶ時間がありません。

THIS little rhyme Paddy the Beaver made up as he toiled at building the dam which was to make the pond he so much desired deep in the Green Forest. この小さな韻の水田ビーバーは、彼が緑の森の奥深くでとても望んでいた池を作るためにダムを建設するのに苦労して作り上げました。 Цього віршика бобер Педді склав, коли працював на будівництві дамби, яка мала створити омріяний ним ставок глибоко в Зеленому лісі. 这首小诗是海狸帕迪在辛苦修建大坝时编造的,大坝是为了在绿色森林深处建造他非常渴望的池塘。 Of course it wasn't quite true, that about working all night and all day. もちろん、それは完全に真実ではありませんでした、それは一晩中そして一日中働くことについてでした。 Nobody could do that, you know, and keep it up. 誰もそれをすることができませんでした、あなたが知っている、そしてそれを維持します。 Ніхто не зміг би зробити це, знаєте, і продовжувати в тому ж дусі. Everybody has to rest and sleep. 誰もが休んで眠らなければなりません。 Yes, and everybody has to play a little to be at their best. はい、そして誰もが最高の状態になるために少し遊ぶ必要があります。 So it wasn't quite true that Paddy worked all day after working all night. ですから、水田が一晩中働いた後、一日中働いたというのはまったく真実ではありませんでした。 因此,帕迪工作了一整夜之后又工作了一整天,这并不完全正确。 But it was true that Paddy had no time to play. しかし、水田には遊ぶ時間がなかったのは事実でした。 He had too much to do. 彼にはやることが多すぎた。 He had had his playtime during the long summer, and now he had to get ready for the long cold winter. 彼は長い夏の間に彼の遊び時間を持っていました、そして今彼は長く寒い冬の準備をしなければなりませんでした。

Now of all the little workers in the Green Forest, on the Green Meadows, and in the Smiling Pool, none can compare with Paddy the Beaver, not even his cousin, Jerry Muskrat. グリーン フォレスト、グリーン メドウズ、スマイリング プールのすべての小さな労働者の中で、ビーバーのパディに匹敵するものはありません。彼のいとこであるジェリー マスクラットでさえもです。 Happy Jack Squirrel and Striped Chipmunk store up food for the long cold months when rough Brother North Wind and Jack Frost rule, and Jerry Muskrat builds a fine house wherein to keep warm and comfortable, but all this is as nothing to the work of Paddy the Beaver. 幸せなジャックリスと縞模様のシマリスは、荒々しい北風兄弟とジャックフロストが支配する長い寒い月に備えて食べ物を蓄え、ジェリー・マスクラットは暖かく快適に保つために立派な家を建てますが、これらすべては水田の仕事には何の役にも立ちません。ビーバー。 快乐的杰克松鼠和条纹花栗鼠为严酷的北风兄弟和杰克弗罗斯特统治的漫长寒冷月份储存食物,麝香鼠杰里建造了一座漂亮的房子,在里面保持温暖和舒适,但这一切与帕迪的工作相比毫无意义。海狸。

As I said before, Paddy had had a long playtime through the summer. Як я вже казав, Педді влітку мав багато часу для ігор. He had wandered up and down the Laughing Brook. Він блукав вздовж і впоперек Сміхового струмка. He had followed it way up to the place where it started. 彼はそれが始まった場所までずっとそれをたどっていました。 And all the time he had been studying and studying to make sure that he wanted to stay in the Green Forest. そして、彼は緑の森にとどまりたいと思っていることを確認するために、ずっと勉強と勉強を続けていました。 І весь цей час він вчився і вчився, щоб переконатися, що хоче залишитися в Зеленому Лісі. 他一直在学习和研究,以确保他想留在绿色森林。 In the first place, he had to be sure that there was plenty of the kind of food that he likes. Then he had to be equally sure that he could make a pond near where this particular food grew. Last of all, he had to satisfy himself that if he did make a pond and build a home, he would be reasonably safe in it. Нарешті, він повинен був переконатися, що якщо він зробить ставок і побудує будинок, він буде в ньому в достатній безпеці. And all these things he had done in his playtime. І все це він робив у свій ігровий час. Now he was ready to go to work, and when Paddy begins work, he sticks to it until it is finished. Тепер він був готовий приступити до роботи, а коли Педді починає роботу, то виконує її до кінця. He says that is the only way to succeed, and you know and I know that he is right.

Now Paddy the Beaver can see at night just as Reddy Fox and Peter Rabbit and Bobby Coon can, and he likes the night best, because he feels safest then. But he can see in the daytime too, and when he feels that he is perfectly safe and no one is watching, he works then too. Але він бачить і вдень, і коли відчуває, що він у повній безпеці і ніхто не спостерігає, він працює і тоді. Of course the first thing to do was to build a dam across the Laughing Brook to make the pond he so much needed. He chose a low open place deep in the Green Forest, around the edge of which grew many young aspen-trees, the bark of which is his favorite food. 彼は、緑の森の奥深くにある低い開けた場所を選びました。その端には、若いポプラの木がたくさん生えていて、その樹皮が彼の好物です。 Він вибрав низьке відкрите місце в глибині Зеленого лісу, на узліссі якого росло багато молодих осик, кора яких є його улюбленою їжею. Through the middle of this open place flowed the Laughing Brook. Посередині цього відкритого місця протікав Сміхотливий струмок. At the lower edge was just the place for a dam. It would not have to be very long, and when it was finished and the water was stopped in the Laughing Brook, it would just have to flow over the low open place and make a pond there. Це не займе багато часу, і коли він буде закінчений, і вода в Смішному струмку зупиниться, вона просто перетече через низьке відкрите місце і зробить там ставок. Paddy's eyes twinkled when he first saw it. It was right then that he made up his mind to stay in the Green Forest. 从那时起,他就下定决心要留在绿林了。

So now that he was ready to begin his dam he went up the Laughing Brook to a place where alders and willows grew, and there he began work; that work was the cutting of a great number of trees by means of his big front teeth which were given him for just this purpose. Тож тепер, коли він був готовий розпочати будівництво греблі, він пішов вгору по Сміховидному струмку до місця, де росли вільхи і верби, і там він почав роботу; ця робота полягала в тому, щоб зрубати велику кількість дерев за допомогою своїх великих передніх зубів, які були дані йому саме для цієї мети. And as he worked, Paddy was happy, for one can never be truly happy who does no work. Працюючи, Педді був щасливий, бо не може бути по-справжньому щасливим той, хто не працює. 当帕迪工作时,他很快乐,因为不工作的人永远不会真正快乐。