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The Princess and the Goblin, CHAPTER 8, part 3

CHAPTER 8, part 3

After this arose a confused conversation about the various household goods and their transport; and Curdie heard nothing more that was of any importance.

He now knew at least one of the reasons for the constant sound of the goblin hammers and pickaxes at night. They were making new houses for themselves, to which they might retreat when the miners should threaten to break into their dwellings. But he had learned two things of far greater importance. The first was, that some grievous calamity was preparing, and almost ready to fall upon the heads of the miners; the second was--the one weak point of a goblin's body; he had not known that their feet were so tender as he had now reason to suspect. He had heard it said that they had no toes: he had never had opportunity of inspecting them closely enough, in the dusk in which they always appeared, to satisfy himself whether it was a correct report. Indeed, he had not been able even to satisfy himself as to whether they had no fingers, although that also was commonly said to be the fact. One of the miners, indeed, who had had more schooling than the rest, was wont to argue that such must have been the primordial condition of humanity, and that education and handicraft had developed both toes and fingers--with which proposition Curdie had once heard his father sarcastically agree, alleging in support of it the probability that babies' gloves were a traditional remnant of the old state of things; while the stockings of all ages, no regard being paid in them to the toes, pointed in the same direction. But what was of importance was the fact concerning the softness of the goblin feet, which he foresaw might be useful to all miners. What he had to do in the meantime, however, was to discover, if possible, the special evil design the goblins had now in their heads.

Although he knew all the gangs and all the natural galleries with which they communicated in the mined part of the mountain, he had not the least idea where the palace of the king of the gnomes was; otherwise he would have set out at once on the enterprise of discovering what the said design was. He judged, and rightly, that it must lie in a farther part of the mountain, between which and the mine there was as yet no communication. There must be one nearly completed, however; for it could be but a thin partition which now separated them. If only he could get through in time to follow the goblins as they retreated! A few blows would doubtless be sufficient--just where his ear now lay; but if he attempted to strike there with his pickaxe, he would only hasten the departure of the family, put them on their guard, and perhaps lose their involuntary guidance. He therefore began to feel the wall With his hands, and soon found that some of the stones were loose enough to be drawn out with little noise.

Laying hold of a large one with both his hands, he drew it gently out, and let it down softly.

'What was that noise?' said the goblin father.

Curdie blew out his light, lest it should shine through.

'It must be that one miner that stayed behind the rest,' said the mother. 'No; he's been gone a good while. I haven't heard a blow for an hour. Besides, it wasn't like that.' 'Then I suppose it must have been a stone carried down the brook inside.' 'Perhaps. It will have more room by and by.'

CHAPTER 8, part 3

After this arose a confused conversation about the various household goods and their transport; and Curdie heard nothing more that was of any importance.

He now knew at least one of the reasons for the constant sound of the goblin hammers and pickaxes at night. They were making new houses for themselves, to which they might retreat when the miners should threaten to break into their dwellings. But he had learned two things of far greater importance. The first was, that some grievous calamity was preparing, and almost ready to fall upon the heads of the miners; the second was--the one weak point of a goblin's body; he had not known  that their feet were so tender as he had now reason to suspect. Во-первых, готовилось какое-то ужасное бедствие, которое почти готово было обрушиться на головы горняков; второй был - единственное слабое место тела гоблина; он не знал, что их ноги были такими нежными, как у него теперь были основания подозревать. He had heard it said that they had no toes: he had never had opportunity of inspecting them closely enough, in the dusk in which they always appeared, to satisfy himself whether it was a correct report. Indeed, he had not been able even to satisfy himself as to whether they had no fingers, although that also was commonly said to be the fact. В самом деле, он не мог даже удостовериться в том, что у них нет пальцев, хотя и это обычно считалось фактом. One of the miners, indeed, who had had more schooling than the rest, was wont to argue that such must have been the primordial condition of humanity, and that education and handicraft had developed both toes and fingers--with which proposition Curdie had once heard his father sarcastically agree, alleging in support of it the probability that babies' gloves were a traditional remnant of the old state of things; while the stockings of all ages, no regard being paid in them to the toes, pointed in the same direction. Действительно, один из шахтеров, более образованный, чем остальные, имел обыкновение доказывать, что таково было изначальное состояние человечества и что образование и ремесло развили и пальцы на ногах, и с этим утверждением однажды выступил Керди. услышал, как его отец саркастически согласился, сославшись в подтверждение на вероятность того, что детские перчатки были традиционным пережитком старого положения вещей; в то время как чулки всех возрастов, не обращая внимания на пальцы ног, указывали в одном направлении. But what was of importance was the fact concerning the softness of the goblin feet, which he foresaw might be useful to all miners. What he had to do in the meantime, however, was to discover, if possible, the special evil design the goblins had now in their heads.

Although he knew all the gangs and all the natural galleries with which they communicated in the mined part of the mountain, he had not the least idea where the palace of the king of the gnomes was; otherwise he would have set out at once on the enterprise of discovering what the said design was. Хотя он знал все банды и все естественные галереи, которыми они сообщались в заминированной части горы, он не имел ни малейшего представления, где находится дворец короля гномов; в противном случае он тотчас же приступил бы к выяснению того, что представляет собой упомянутый замысел. He judged, and rightly, that it must lie in a farther part of the mountain, between which and the mine there was as yet no communication. Он рассудил, и правильно, что она должна лежать в дальней части горы, между которой и рудником еще не было сообщения. There must be one nearly completed, however; for it  could be but a thin partition which now separated them. If only he could get through in time to follow the goblins as they retreated! Если бы он только мог пройти вовремя, чтобы проследить за отступающими гоблинами! A few blows would doubtless be sufficient--just where his ear now lay; but if he attempted to strike there with his pickaxe, he would only hasten the departure of the family, put them on their guard, and perhaps lose their involuntary guidance. He therefore began to feel the wall With his hands, and soon found that some of the stones were loose enough to be drawn out with little noise. Поэтому он начал ощупывать стену руками и вскоре обнаружил, что некоторые камни достаточно ослаблены, чтобы их можно было вытащить без особого шума.

Laying hold of a large one with both his hands, he drew it gently out, and let it down softly.

'What was that noise?' said the goblin father.

Curdie blew out his light, lest it should shine through.

'It must be that one miner that stayed behind the rest,' said the mother. 'No; he's been gone a good while. 'Нет; его давно нет. I haven't heard a blow for an hour. Besides, it wasn't like that.' Кроме того, это было не так. 'Then I suppose it must have been a stone carried down the brook inside.' «Тогда я полагаю, что это должен был быть камень, унесенный ручьем внутрь». 'Perhaps. It will have more room by and by.' Постепенно в нем будет больше места.