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The Adventures of Johnny Chuck by Thornton W. Burgess, I. GENTLE SISTER SOUTH WIND ARRIVES


"Good news, good news for every one, above or down below, For Master Winsome Bluebird's come to whistle off the snow!" All the Green Meadows and all the Green Forest had heard the news. Peter Rabbit had seen to that. And just as soon as each of the little meadow and forest folks heard it, he hurried out to listen for himself and make sure that it was true. And each, when he heard that sweet voice of Winsome Bluebird, had kicked up his heels and shouted "Hurrah!" You see they all knew that Winsome Bluebird never is very far ahead of gentle Sister South Wind, and that when she arrives, blustering, rough Brother North Wind is already on his way back to the cold, cold land where the ice never melts.

Of course Winsome Bluebird doesn't really whistle off the snow, but after he comes, the snow disappears so fast that it seems as if he did. It is surprising what a difference a little good news makes. Of course nothing had really changed that first day when Winsome Bluebird's whistle was heard on the Green Meadows and in the Green Forest, but it seemed as if everything had changed. And it was all because that sweet whistle was a promise, a promise that every one knew would come true. And so there was joy in all the hearts on the Green Meadows and in the Green Forest. Even grim old Granny Fox felt it, and as for Reddy Fox, why, Reddy even shouted good-naturedly to Peter Rabbit and hoped he was feeling well.

And then gentle Sister South Wind arrived. She came in the night, and in the morning there she was, hard at work making the Green Meadows and the Green Forest ready for Mistress Spring. She broke the icy bands that had bound the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook so long; and the Smiling Pool began to smile once more, and the Laughing Brook to gurgle and then to laugh and finally to sing merrily.

She touched the little banks of snow that remained, and straightway they melted and disappeared. She kissed the eight babies of Unc' Billy Possum, and they kicked off the bedclothes under which old Mrs. Possum had tucked them and scrambled out of the big hollow tree to play. She peeped in at the door of Johnny Chuck and called softly, and Johnny Chuck awoke from his long sleep and yawned and began to think about getting up. She knocked at the door of Digger the Badger, and Digger awoke. She tickled the nose of Striped Chipmunk, who was about half awake, and Striped Chipmunk sneezed and then he hopped out of bed and hurried up to his doorway to shout good morning after her, as she hurried over to see if Bobby Coon was still sleeping.

Peter Rabbit followed her about. He couldn't understand it at all. Peter had smiled to himself when he heard how softly she had called at the doorway of Johnny Chuck's house, for many and many a time during the long winter Peter had stopped at Johnny Chuck's house and shouted down the long hall at the top of his voice without once waking Johnny Chuck. Now Peter nearly tumbled over with surprise, as he heard Johnny Chuck yawn at the first low call of gentle Sister South Wind.

"How does she do it? I don't understand it at all," said Peter, as he scratched his long left ear with his long left hind leg. Gentle Sister South Wind smiled at Peter. "There are a lot of things in this world that you will never understand, Peter Rabbit. You will just have to believe them without understanding them and be content to know that they are so," she said, and hurried over to the Green Forest to tell Unc' Billy Possum that his old friend, Ol' Mistah Buzzard, was on his way up from ol' Virginny.


"Good news, good news for every one, above or down below, "أخبار سارة ، أخبار سارة لكل شخص ، في الأعلى أو الأسفل ، „Gute Nachrichten, gute Nachrichten für jeden, oben oder unten, "Good news, good news for every one, above or down below, "Buone notizie, buone notizie per tutti, sopra e sotto, 「良いニュース、上または下のすべての人に良いニュース。 For Master Winsome Bluebird's come to whistle off the snow!" ||||is||fischiare||| Denn Meister Winsome Bluebird ist gekommen, um den Schnee wegzupfeifen!" Perché il maestro Winsome Bluebird è venuto a fischiare la neve!". マスターウィンサムブルーバードが雪を吹き鳴らすためにやって来た!」 Бо Майстер Переможний Синій Птах прилетів, щоб змахнути сніг!" All the Green Meadows and all the Green Forest had heard the news. Tutti i Prati Verdi e tutta la Foresta Verde avevano sentito la notizia. すべての緑の牧草地とすべての緑の森がそのニュースを聞いていました。 Peter Rabbit had seen to that. ピーターラビットはそれに見ていました。 And just as soon as each of the little meadow and forest folks heard it, he hurried out to listen for himself and make sure that it was true. そして、小さな草原と森の人々がそれを聞くやいなや、彼は急いで自分の話を聞き、それが本当かどうか確認した。 And each, when he heard that sweet voice of Winsome Bluebird, had kicked up his heels and shouted "Hurrah!" そして、それぞれがウィンサムブルーバードの甘い声を聞いたとき、かかとを蹴り上げて「Hurrah!」と叫んだ。 І кожен, почувши солодкий голос Переможниці Синьої Пташки, підхоплювався на п'яти і вигукував "Ура!". You see they all knew that Winsome Bluebird never is very far ahead of gentle Sister South Wind, and that when she arrives, blustering, rough Brother North Wind is already on his way back to the cold, cold land where the ice never melts.

Of course Winsome Bluebird doesn't really whistle off the snow, but after he comes, the snow disappears so fast that it seems as if he did. Звісно, Вінсом Синій Птах насправді не здуває сніг, але коли він прилітає, сніг зникає так швидко, що здається, ніби він це робить. It is surprising what a difference a little good news makes. Дивно, як багато може змінити маленька гарна новина. Of course nothing had really changed that first day when Winsome Bluebird's whistle was heard on the Green Meadows and in the Green Forest, but it seemed as if everything had changed. And it was all because that sweet whistle was a promise, a promise that every one knew would come true. And so there was joy in all the hearts on the Green Meadows and in the Green Forest. І тому в усіх серцях на Зелених Луках і в Зеленому Лісі панувала радість. Even grim old Granny Fox felt it, and as for Reddy Fox, why, Reddy even shouted good-naturedly to Peter Rabbit and hoped he was feeling well. Навіть похмура стара Лисиця Бабуся відчула це, а що стосується Лисиці Редді, то Редді навіть добродушно крикнув Кролику Пітеру, сподіваючись, що той почувається добре.

And then gentle Sister South Wind arrived. She came in the night, and in the morning there she was, hard at work making the Green Meadows and the Green Forest ready for Mistress Spring. |||||||||||||||||||||||||Mistress| She broke the icy bands that had bound the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook so long; and the Smiling Pool began to smile once more, and the Laughing Brook to gurgle and then to laugh and finally to sing merrily. |||gelate|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

She touched the little banks of snow that remained, and straightway they melted and disappeared. Вона доторкнулася до маленьких кучугур снігу, що залишилися, і вони одразу ж розтанули і зникли. She kissed the eight babies of Unc' Billy Possum, and they kicked off the bedclothes under which old Mrs. Possum had tucked them and scrambled out of the big hollow tree to play. She peeped in at the door of Johnny Chuck and called softly, and Johnny Chuck awoke from his long sleep and yawned and began to think about getting up. She knocked at the door of Digger the Badger, and Digger awoke. She tickled the nose of Striped Chipmunk, who was about half awake, and Striped Chipmunk sneezed and then he hopped out of bed and hurried up to his doorway to shout good morning after her, as she hurried over to see if Bobby Coon was still sleeping.

Peter Rabbit followed her about. He couldn't understand it at all. Peter had smiled to himself when he heard how softly she had called at the doorway of Johnny Chuck's house, for many and many a time during the long winter Peter had stopped at Johnny Chuck's house and shouted down the long hall at the top of his voice without once waking Johnny Chuck. Now Peter nearly tumbled over with surprise, as he heard Johnny Chuck yawn at the first low call of gentle Sister South Wind. Тепер Пітер ледь не перекинувся від несподіванки, коли почув, як Джонні Чак позіхнув на перший тихий поклик лагідної сестри Південного Вітру.

"How does she do it? I don't understand it at all," said Peter, as he scratched his long left ear with his long left hind leg. Gentle Sister South Wind smiled at Peter. "There are a lot of things in this world that you will never understand, Peter Rabbit. You will just have to believe them without understanding them and be content to know that they are so," she said, and hurried over to the Green Forest to tell Unc' Billy Possum that his old friend, Ol' Mistah Buzzard, was on his way up from ol' Virginny. Тобі доведеться просто вірити їм, не розуміючи їх, і задовольнятися тим, що це так", - сказала вона і поспішила до Зеленого Лісу, щоб повідомити дядькові Біллі Опосуму, що його старий друг, Старий Канюк Міста, прямує зі старої Дівиці. 你只需要相信他们,而不需要理解他们,并满足于知道他们是这样的,”她说,然后匆匆赶到绿色森林,告诉比利负鼠大叔,他的老朋友,老米斯塔巴扎德,正在他的船上。距离老维尔京很远。