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Englishme - Short Stories, The Millenial

The Millenial

There once was a boy named Jack. Jack was going to college soon. Jack was an only child. Jack's parents always gave him whatever he wanted. Jack had his own car, his own basketball court and even his own motorcycle. He didn't spend a dime of his own money though. It was his parents money that bought everything. Jack never had to do without anything.

This made Jack entitled. Jack began to expect everything for free, because he never had to work for anything. In school Jack was the cool kid. Jack was the star football player. Jack had all the girls chasing after him. Jack had a smoking hot girlfriend and partied every weekend. Jack was living the high life. He never expected that all this pleasure, could have a negative effect on him.

When Jack graduated there were big parties and everyone set off on their own paths. Jack was left behind. He went to college for a few months but hated it. He wasn't the coolest kid ever anymore and he didn't have a smoking hot girlfriend. He wasn't a star football player and he didn't have his parents paying for everything.

The time came when Jack had to move out. He was mooching off of his parents for way too long. He cried and pleaded for his parents to not to force him to go, but they weren't having it. Jack packed his things and moved into a friends basement. Jack had no ambition because he never had to try before. Jack felt he was the victim of society and that he shouldn't have to work for what he has. Jack expected the world to give him things for free. So, Jack got nothing in return for nothing.

Jack started to live without his parent's money. Life was very hard and he became depressed. He realized he had to get a job. So he went back to school and finished his degree. His degree gave him a better job and he got more money and so life got easier for him. His parents took him more serious and respected him and so did all his friends. He got another smoking hot girlfriend and life started looking a whole lot better.

The moral of the story is...don't be an entitled millennial and expect everything for free. With hard work a good life can be had. So step it up like Jack did!

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The Millenial |Millennial |ミレニアル世代 الألفية Die Millennials El milenio Le millénaire I Millenial ミレニアル世代 밀레니얼 세대 A geração do milénio Миллениал 千禧一代

There once was a boy named Jack. ذات مرة كان هناك ولد اسمه جاك. 옛날에 잭이라는 소년이 있었습니다. Jack was going to college soon. كان جاك ذاهبًا إلى الكلية قريبًا. Jack was an only child. كان جاك الطفل الوحيد. Jack's parents always gave him whatever he wanted. ジャックの||||||| Jack had his own car, his own basketball court and even his own motorcycle. |||||||||||||ジャックは自分の車、自分のバスケットコート、そして自分のオートバイさえ持っていた。 He didn't spend a dime of his own money though. 하지만 그는 자신의 돈을 한 푼도 쓰지 않았습니다. It was his parents money that bought everything. Jack never had to do without anything. 잭은 아무것도 없이는 아무것도 할 수 없었습니다.

This made Jack entitled. |||berechtigt 이로써 잭은 자격을 얻게 되었습니다. Jack began to expect everything for free, because he never had to work for anything. 잭은 일할 필요가 없었기 때문에 모든 것을 공짜로 기대하기 시작했습니다. In school Jack was the cool kid. 학교 다닐 때 잭은 멋진 아이였습니다. Jack was the star football player. 잭은 스타 축구 선수였습니다. Jack had all the girls chasing after him. 잭은 모든 소녀들이 그를 쫓아다녔습니다. Jack had a smoking hot girlfriend and partied every weekend. |||||||遊び回った|| 잭은 섹시한 여자친구와 주말마다 파티를 즐겼습니다. Jack was living the high life. 잭은 최고의 삶을 살고 있었습니다. He never expected that all this pleasure, could have a negative effect on him.

When Jack graduated there were big parties and everyone set off on their own paths. 잭이 졸업하자 성대한 파티가 열렸고 모두 각자의 길을 떠났습니다. Jack was left behind. He went to college for a few months but hated it. 그는 몇 달 동안 대학에 다녔지만 대학을 싫어했습니다. He wasn't the coolest kid ever anymore and he didn't have a smoking hot girlfriend. 그는 더 이상 가장 멋진 아이도 아니었고 섹시한 여자 친구도 없었습니다. He wasn't a star football player and he didn't have his parents paying for everything.

The time came when Jack had to move out. |||||||引っ越す| 잭이 이사를 가야 할 때가 왔습니다. He was mooching off of his parents for way too long. ||schmarotzen|||||||| ||親にたかる|||||||| 그는 너무 오랫동안 부모님에게서 떨어져 지냈습니다. He cried and pleaded for his parents to not to force him to go, but they weren't having it. |||bettete||||||||||||||| |||懇願した||||||||||||||| 그는 울면서 부모님에게 강제로 보내지 말아달라고 애원했지만 부모님은 들어주지 않았습니다. Jack packed his things and moved into a friends basement. |||荷物|||||| 잭은 짐을 싸서 친구의 지하실로 이사했습니다. Jack had no ambition because he never had to try before. Jack felt he was the victim of society and that he shouldn't have to work for what he has. 잭은 자신이 사회의 희생자이며 자신이 가진 것을 위해 일할 필요가 없다고 생각했습니다. Jack expected the world to give him things for free. So, Jack got nothing in return for nothing. 따라서 잭은 아무 대가 없이 아무것도 얻지 못했습니다.

Jack started to live without his parent's money. Life was very hard and he became depressed. He realized he had to get a job. So he went back to school and finished his degree. 그래서 그는 학교로 돌아가 학위를 마쳤습니다. His degree gave him a better job and he got more money and so life got easier for him. 학위를 통해 더 나은 직업을 얻었고 더 많은 돈을 벌게 되어 삶이 더 편해졌습니다. His parents took him more serious and respected him and so did all his friends. 그의 부모님은 그를 더 진지하게 받아들이고 존중했으며 친구들도 모두 그를 존중했습니다. He got another smoking hot girlfriend and life started looking a whole lot better. 그는 또 다른 섹시한 여자친구를 얻었고 인생이 훨씬 좋아 보이기 시작했습니다.

The moral of the story is...don't be an entitled millennial and expect everything for free. |||||||||特権意識のある|自己中心的な若者||||| 이 이야기의 교훈은... 모든 것을 공짜로 기대하는 밀레니얼 세대가 되지 말라는 것입니다. With hard work a good life can be had. 열심히 노력하면 좋은 삶을 살 수 있습니다. So step it up like Jack did! 잭처럼 한 걸음 더 나아가세요!