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Englishme - Short Stories, The Starbucks Girl

The Starbucks Girl

So my name is Stephen and I work as a barista at the local Starbucks, it pays decent enough and I love running into all my friends from school. So I've met a lot of people working there, most people are not memorable but there are some that come to mind. Especially this one girl...her name is Jennifer, she's pretty cute but she's quite the mystery. When I first saw her , she dressed preppy but didn't fit in. She isn't part of my group of friends at all, I just met her like every other customer, she came in around last October and ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. The usual drink for any girl at that time of the year. Something was different about her though, she wasn't stuck up like her friends, she was a joker that's for sure. The second time she came into the shop she ordered with a different name just to try and confuse me! It was sweet and we started to chat for a while every time she came in.

Honestly, I'm not the best looking guy, but I take care of myself. I'm tall and skinny and I have a well kept beard, I wear beanies and skinny jeans and I love really Indie music so I guess... I'm your average male Starbucks worker if I can give you an image in your head! I was surprised she paid me any attention at first, but me being such an introvert, I always left her to hang with her friends. I have a tight knit group of friends myself, we like to game and hang out at the park on weekends we are pretty geeky but we all get along. Jennifer and her friends on the other hand are from the nicer side of town, their rich dads buy them everything they could want, and it shows, I mean Jennifer definitely cares about style, just take a look at her Instagram! She's really approachable for a preppy girl but her friends, well not so much. My heart used to beat so fast when I even thought about walking over to their table with all her friends, it's good that I have an excuse to stay behind the bar, my manager doesn't like us chatting too much. Well, what happened was she became a regular and I saw her almost every morning and night and we would chat about her family, her annoying job across town, and most of all we would joke. She loved goofing off, so did I. It got to the point every time she came in to order something we would try to outdo each other with our jokes. One time she came in with a mustache and a sombrero, and ordered in Spanish. Another day I tried something risky and wrote a message in the foam on her Latte, it said “What's your number?”. She looked up at me grinning, her friends looked unimpressed but I didn't care. She actually gave it to me too! She was about to throw the cup out and she handed it to me at the register, she wrote her number on the back with a heart around it, I knew it! I thought to myself that I'm finally gonna get my chance. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. I'm a total geek but she was into that. I worked up the courage and I called her last night and now I've got a date this Saturday, with my Dream Starbucks girl. Wish me luck!

The Starbucks Girl Das Starbucks-Mädchen La chica Starbucks La fille Starbucks La ragazza di Starbucks スターバックス・ガール A rapariga do Starbucks Девушка из Starbucks Starbucks Kızı Дівчина зі Старбаксу 星巴克女孩 星巴克女孩

So my name is Stephen and I work as a barista at the local Starbucks, it pays decent enough and I love running into all my friends from school. |||||||||||||||||还不错||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||anständig||||||||||| ||||||||||バリスタ|||||||十分な|||||会うこと|||||| だから私の名前はスティーブンです。地元のスターバックスでバリスタとして働いています。それは十分にお金がかかり、学校の友達全員に出会うのが大好きです。 제 이름은 Stephen이고 동네 스타벅스에서 바리스타로 일하고 있는데, 급여도 괜찮은 편이고 학교 친구들을 만나는 것도 좋아합니다. O meu nome é Stephen e trabalho como barista no Starbucks local, o salário é decente e adoro encontrar todos os meus amigos da escola. Меня зовут Стивен, и я работаю бариста в местном Starbucks - платят достаточно прилично, и мне нравится встречаться со всеми своими школьными друзьями. So I've met a lot of people working there, most people are not memorable but there are some that come to mind. だから、そこで働いている人にたくさん会いました。ほとんどの人は記憶に残りませんが、頭に浮かぶ人もいます。 그래서 그곳에서 일하는 많은 사람들을 만났는데, 대부분 기억에 남는 사람은 없지만 기억에 남는 사람이 몇 명 있습니다. Conheci muitas pessoas que trabalham lá, a maioria não é memorável, mas há algumas que me vêm à cabeça. Я встречался со многими людьми, работавшими там, большинство из них не запомнились, но есть и те, кто запомнился. Especially this one girl...her name is Jennifer, she's pretty cute but she's quite the mystery. 특히 이 여자애는... 이름이 제니퍼인데, 꽤 귀엽지만 미스터리한 아이였어요. Особенно одна девушка... ее зовут Дженнифер, она довольно милая, но загадочная. When I first saw her , she dressed preppy but didn't fit in. |||||||学院风|||| |||||||schick|||| |||||||お嬢様風に|||| ||||її||одягалася|по-престижному|||вписувалася| Quando a vi pela primeira vez, vestia-se de forma elegante, mas não se enquadrava. Когда я впервые увидел ее, она одевалась в стиле preppy, но не вписывалась в общество. She isn't part of my group of friends at all, I just met her like every other customer, she came in around last October and ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. |||||||||||||||||||来ました||||||||||パンプキンスパイスラテ Она совсем не входит в круг моих друзей, я просто познакомился с ней, как с любым другим клиентом, она пришла примерно в октябре прошлого года и заказала Pumpkin Spice Latte. The usual drink for any girl at that time of the year. 그시기에 모든 소녀를위한 일반적인 음료. Обычный напиток для любой девушки в это время года. Something was different about her though, she wasn't stuck up like her friends, she was a joker that's for sure. ||||||||自负||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Scherzkeks||| ||||||||||||||||おどけ者||| Something was different about her though, she wasn't stuck up like her friends, she was a joker that's for sure. 하지만 뭔가 다른 점이 있었는데, 친구들처럼 고집스럽지 않고 장난기 많은 아이였습니다. Mas havia algo de diferente nela, não era convencida como as suas amigas, era uma brincalhona, sem dúvida. Но что-то в ней было не так, она не была заносчивой, как ее друзья, она была шутницей, это точно. The second time she came into the shop she ordered with a different name just to try and confuse me! 두 번째로 가게에 왔을 때는 저를 헷갈리게 하려고 다른 이름으로 주문했어요! Во второй раз, когда она пришла в магазин, она сделала заказ на другое имя, просто чтобы попытаться запутать меня! It was sweet and we started to chat for a while every time she came in. 다정하게 맞아주셔서 그녀가 올 때마다 한참을 이야기하기 시작했습니다. Это было очень мило, и мы стали подолгу общаться каждый раз, когда она приходила.

Honestly, I'm not the best looking guy, but I take care of myself. 솔직히 저는 외모가 좋은 편은 아니지만 스스로를 잘 관리합니다. Честно говоря, я не самый красивый парень, но я забочусь о себе. I'm tall and skinny and I have a well kept beard, I wear beanies and skinny jeans and I love really Indie music so I guess... I'm your average male Starbucks worker if I can give you an image in your head! |||||||||||||毛线帽||||||||小众音乐|||||||||||||||||||| |||細身の||||||||||ビーニー帽||||||||インディー系|||||||||||||||||||| 키가 크고 마른 체형에 수염을 잘 기르고 비니와 스키니 진을 입으며 인디 음악을 정말 좋아하니까요... 머릿속에 떠오르는 이미지를 말씀드리자면 저는 평범한 남성 스타벅스 직원입니다! Я высокий и худой, у меня ухоженная борода, я ношу кепки и узкие джинсы, и я люблю музыку в стиле инди, так что, наверное... Я - среднестатистический работник Starbucks, если я могу дать вам образ в вашей голове! I was surprised she paid me any attention at first, but me being such an introvert,  I always left her to hang with her friends. |||||||||||||||内向的な人||||||||| 처음에는 제게 관심을 가져주셔서 놀랐지만, 저는 워낙 내성적인 성격이라 항상 친구들이랑 놀게 내버려뒀어요. Поначалу я удивлялся, что она обращает на меня внимание, но, будучи интровертом, я всегда оставлял ее общаться с друзьями. I have a tight knit group of friends myself, we like to game and hang out at the park on weekends we are pretty geeky but we all get along. ||||||||||||||||||||||||极客的|||||相处融洽 ||||||||||||||||||||||||nerdig||||| ||||親しい||||||||||||||||||||オタクっぽい||||| 저는 친한 친구들끼리 모여서 주말에 공원에서 게임도 하고 놀기도 하는데, 좀 괴짜 같지만 다들 잘 지냅니다. У меня у самого есть сплоченная компания друзей, мы любим играть и проводить время в парке по выходным, мы довольно гики, но мы все ладим. Jennifer and her friends on the other hand are from the nicer side of town, their rich dads buy them everything they could want, and it shows, I mean Jennifer definitely cares about style, just take a look at her Instagram! |||||||||||||||||お金持ちの父親||||||||||||||||||||||| 반면에 제니퍼와 그녀의 친구들은 더 좋은 동네 출신이고, 부유한 아빠가 원하는 모든 것을 사주며, 제니퍼는 확실히 스타일에 관심이 많다는 것을 보여줍니다. Дженнифер и ее подруги, напротив, из более красивой части города, их богатые папы покупают им все, что только можно пожелать, и это видно, ведь Дженнифер определенно заботится о стиле, достаточно взглянуть на ее Instagram! She's really approachable for a preppy girl but her friends, well not so much. ||平易近人|||预科生|||||||| ||ansprechbar||||||||||| ||親しみやすい|||お嬢様タイプ|||||||| ||доступна||||||||||| Она очень приятна для девушки в стиле preppy, но вот ее друзья - не очень. My heart used to beat so fast when I even thought about walking over to their table with all her friends, it's good that I have an excuse to stay behind the bar, my manager doesn't like us chatting too much. 그녀의 친구들과 함께 테이블로 걸어갈 생각만 해도 심장이 너무 빨리 뛰곤 했어요. 매니저가 우리가 너무 많이 수다 떠는 것을 싫어해서 바 뒤에 머물 핑계가 생겨서 좋았어요. Мое сердце учащенно забилось, когда я даже подумал о том, чтобы подойти к их столику со всеми ее друзьями. Хорошо, что у меня есть повод остаться за барной стойкой, мой менеджер не любит, когда мы слишком много болтаем. Well, what happened was she became a regular and I saw her almost every morning and night and we would chat about her family, her annoying job across town, and most of all we would joke. 그 후 그녀는 단골이 되었고 저는 거의 매일 아침저녁으로 그녀를 만나 그녀의 가족, 마을 건너편에 있는 그녀의 성가신 직업에 대해 이야기하고 무엇보다도 농담을 하곤 했습니다. Так вот, она стала постоянной, и я видел ее почти каждое утро и вечер, мы болтали о ее семье, о ее надоедливой работе на другом конце города, а больше всего - шутили. She loved goofing off, so did I. It got to the point every time she came in to order something we would try to outdo each other with our jokes. ||嬉闹||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||herumalbern||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||ふざけること||||||なった||||||||||||||||張り合う||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||перевершити||||| 그녀는 장난치는 것을 좋아했고, 저도 마찬가지였습니다. 그녀가 무언가를 주문하러 올 때마다 우리는 농담으로 서로를 능가하려고 노력했습니다. Она любила пошутить, я тоже. Доходило до того, что каждый раз, когда она приходила что-то заказать, мы старались перещеголять друг друга в шутках. One time she came in with a mustache and a sombrero, and ordered in Spanish. |||||||小胡子|||宽边帽|||| |||||||口ひげ|||ソンブレロ|||| |||||||вусами|||сомбреро|||| Однажды она пришла с усами и в сомбреро и сделала заказ на испанском языке. Another day I tried something risky and wrote a message in the foam on her Latte, it said “What's your number?”. |||||冒险的|||||||奶泡|||||||| ||||||||||||フォーム|||||||| В другой день я попробовал рискнуть и написал сообщение в пене на ее Латте, оно гласило "Какой у тебя номер?". She looked up at me grinning, her friends looked unimpressed but I didn't care. |||||咧嘴笑||||不以为然|||| |||||にっこり笑って||||興味なさそう|||| Она смотрела на меня, ухмыляясь, ее друзья выглядели не впечатленными, но мне было все равно. She actually gave it to me too! 실제로 제게도 선물로 주셨어요! Она мне его тоже подарила! She was about to throw the cup out and she handed it to me at the register, she wrote her number on the back with a heart around it, I knew it! ||||||||||||||||收银台||||||||||||||| 그녀는 컵을 버리려고 하다가 계산대에서 저에게 컵을 건네주며 뒷면에 하트와 함께 번호를 적었는데, 바로 알았어요! Она уже собиралась выкинуть чашку и на кассе протянула ее мне, на обороте написала свой номер с сердечком вокруг него, я так и знала! I thought to myself that I'm finally gonna get my chance. 드디어 기회가 왔다고 생각했죠. Я подумал про себя, что наконец-то получу свой шанс. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. Я так нервничала, но в то же время была взволнована. I'm a total geek but she was into that. |||极客||||| |||Nerd||||| |||オタク||||| |||ботанік||||| 저는 완전 괴짜지만 그녀는 그 점에 열광했습니다. Я - полный профан, но ей это нравилось. I worked up the courage and I called her last night and now I've got a date this Saturday, with my Dream Starbucks girl. ||||勇气||||||||||||||||||| |勇気を出して|||||||||||||||||||||| 용기를 내어 어젯밤에 전화를 걸었고 이번 주 토요일에 꿈에 그리던 스타벅스 여자와 데이트가 잡혔습니다. Я набрался смелости и позвонил ей вчера вечером, и теперь у меня назначено свидание в эту субботу с девушкой из "Старбакс" моей мечты. Wish me luck! Пожелайте мне удачи!