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A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Melvin Powers, Chapter 2. What About the Dangers of Hypnosis?

Chapter 2. What About the Dangers of Hypnosis?

One of the objections that you hear to hypnosis is that it can be dangerous in the hands of those not trained in the psychodynamics of human behavior.

Inasmuch as psychiatrists and clinical psychologists are the only ones who are thoroughly trained in the analysis of human behavior, this objection, if valid, could limit hypnosis to a comparative handful of therapists. Fortunately, it is not valid. This was proved several years ago when the "Bridey Murphy" craze gripped the country. Despite the fact that thousands of amateur hypnotists were practicing hypnosis, little or no harm resulted. I have personally instructed several thousand medical and non-medical individuals and have yet to hear of a single case where a crisis was precipitated or anything of a dangerous or detrimental nature occurred as a result of hypnosis. I have also taught several thousand persons self-hypnosis and can report the same findings.

Many patients who seek treatment from competent psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychologists do not always obtain satisfactory results.

This doesn't mean that everyone should stop seeking help from these specialists. Even a specialist doesn't have a perfect record of successful therapy. What then is the objection to hypnosis?

The theory that if you get rid of one symptom another symptom will take its place really holds no truth and is usually advanced by those who have had little or no experience in the hypnosis field. However, a difference of opinion does exist even with those practicing hypnosis in this area. Some hypnotists "trade down" symptoms by replacing a serious symptom with a minor one, while others just remove the symptom. The latter is what a doctor does when he recommends aspirin for arthritis. He knows the aspirin will not cure the arthritis, but he wants to alleviate the symptom. To say that another symptom will replace the pain is unscientific—and untrue. The same is true of hypnosis.

Lewis R. Wolberg, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry, New York Medical College, recently canvassed 30 experts in the field of hypnosis and found a few who felt symptom removal was "irrational, temporary—or outright dangerous. " The large majority, however, "employed symptom removal where indicated, and minimized or ridiculed any possible bad effects. " A further objection to hypnosis is that the results are temporary as well as symptomatic.

It is well to remember that most medical therapy is specifically directed to symptom removal. How permanent is most medical treatment? Once you couple hetero-hypnosis with self-hypnosis, you afford the patient the opportunity of utilizing suggestions for his own benefit any time they are needed. This, of course, can make symptom relief permanent. As an example, I would see no harm in teaching a patient self-hypnosis for symptomatic relief from a problem of insomnia. It would certainly be better than physically depressing the higher brain centers with sleeping pills to produce unconsciousness every night. I needn't tell you that millions of dollars are spent every year on sleeping pills and patients become dependent upon them, needing more and more pills in order to produce sleep. Many accidental suicides stem from an overdose of sleeping pills. Yet, despite the inherent dangers of sleeping pills which are glaringly apparent, they are prescribed by the millions, to say nothing of those that reach the market through illegal channels. Furthermore, how much effort is really made to get the patient off the sleeping pills? There are also more voluntary suicides by sleeping pills than by any other method. Perhaps if these drugs weren't so readily available, many of these unfortunate individuals would be with us today. What about the often-quoted statement that "you might do some damage"? Let's explore this area. I assume that the reader is somewhat familiar with the work of Emile Coué or at least has heard of his famous autosuggestion formula of "Day by day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." During our time, thousands upon thousands of seemingly helpless and hopeless cases have been cured by repeating this affirmation over and over again, day after day, as the individual falls asleep.

I think we should make it clear that whether we call it autosuggestion, positive thinking, meditation, yoga, affirmations or self-hypnosis, we are, in reality, talking about the same thing.

All require certain basic prerequisites before they will work effectively for the individual. We'll discuss these prerequisites in the next chapter. What should be remembered is that the suggestions are being filtered into the subconscious mind which does not question, doubt, analyze or dispute the efficacy of these beneficial thoughts.

You can be sure that the constant repetition will have its effect. Hasn't the mind, in the past, accepted the individual's diagnosis when he said, "I'm sick," "I have an inferiority complex," "I can't stop smoking," "I can't lose weight," "I can't concentrate," "I can remember a person's face, but I can't remember names," "I have a difficult time falling asleep," "I just can't seem to relax." Isn't such an individual, in effect, using self-hypnosis? And hasn't the person convinced himself of the validity of his present state? This is truly dangerous. It is negative hypnosis.

The question that I raise is: "Why shouldn't the subconscious mind be even more convinced and respond strongly to suggestions which are in conformity with the natural desire to be of sound body and mind? " I have never been able to find a logical answer. I think this is what happens many times.

A person seeks help with a problem which, in reality, has nothing to do with hypnosis. His cure is not contingent on being hypnotized or on suggestions he or the hypnotist feel are indicated. You will read in nearly every book and article dealing with hypnosis that "hypnotism is not a cure-all." No one has suggested or implied that it should be used exclusively for all emotional problems. You may read a newspaper article warning about the "dangers" of hypnosis. It may tell of a person who rid himself of one symptom and developed another in its place. You usually get a grossly distorted picture of what happened, with many aspects of the case not included. It's a matter of taking what you want to prove out of context. Propagandists use this technique all the time to get across their message. It's the old story of telling a half truth. Honest criticism and a sincere difference of opinion are always welcome.

But criticism must be well-founded from a scientific point of view and not stem from an emotional reaction. You have probably heard the remark, "I won't let anyone hypnotize me." What are they really saying, and what does hypnosis represent to such an individual? To them, hypnosis represents some sort of "magic spell" which invokes a state of complete helplessness and dependency upon the hypnotist. We previously discussed how this erroneous conception can take place because of the manner in which hypnosis is usually interwoven with bizarre fictional stories.

For many, the hypnotic state represents a period in which the conscious guard is dropped.

They feel they may compulsively reveal the darker side of their nature, confess their hostility or relate information they would never voluntarily divulge to anyone. This is the real danger they see in hypnosis. To protect themselves from it, they attack it. It is much like the fanatic vice crusader who militantly attacks sin in order to alleviate his own feelings of guilt stemming from the fact that vice actually attracts him.

Fear of hypnosis takes different forms, but basically it is the fear of revealing one's true feelings. An employee, for instance, at a gathering which included the employer he dislikes, would never volunteer as a subject for hypnosis if the occasion arose. He would be afraid he would do or say something which might endanger his position. Hypnosis for him would be "dangerous" because he would be afraid to take the chance. The truth is, however, that this individual would be taking no chance. The hypnotic state is not a confessional period. The subject is aware at all times of what he is saying. If the subject does not wish to pursue a line of questioning, he tells the hypnotist. If the hypnotist persisted further along this line, the subject would shake off the hypnotic state.

Another misconception about hypnosis is the widely held belief that the subject is unconscious.

This represents a threat to the security of the individual. Actually, the hypnotic state is a period of extreme awareness in which the subject is hyperacute. Furthermore, the subject is not asleep, nor is he in a trance state in the correct meaning of that term. He is in an altered state of awareness with his faculties and reasoning ability intact. Inducing hypnosis merely creates a mood or state in which the powers of suggestibility are heightened.

When the general public and the medical profession become familiar with the true nature of hypnosis, we shall have a greater acceptance and utilization of this power.

It is a slow process but one which will finally evolve. In the final analysis, I believe the only danger that exists is in the mind of the individual who fears hypnosis because of whatever subjective qualms he has about his own emotional involvement in the hypnotic process.

Of course, all persons using hypnosis for the alleviation of pain should consult their family physician.

Pain is nature's way of indicating that something is wrong with the organism. It would be foolish to suggest that a pain in the stomach will disappear when this may be a sign of a needed appendix operation. The same may be said of constant migraine headaches. It must be determined that the headache is not a symptom of a brain tumor or some other pathological condition. It may be of interest to know that hypnosis is presently being used to relieve pain in terminal cancer patients. There is an excellent article on this subject, and I recommend it to doctors reading this book. It is called "The Use of Hypnosis in the Case of the Cancer Patient" which appeared in the January 1954 issue of Cancer . [1]

There are at present several thousand dentists throughout the country using hypnosis.

They have formed their own society and publish a quarterly journal, The Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry . One of the best books in this field is called Dental Hypnosis Handbook by Jacob Stolzenberg, D.D.S.

An excellent article is "Danger! Hypnotherapist at Work" by M. Abramson. [2] The author reviews briefly the pros and cons regarding the medical use of hypnosis. He concludes: "It is the author's opinion, based on an extensive personal experience of over 15 years, that the use of hypnotherapy by a physician or dentist who has been properly trained and who uses this technique strictly within his field of competence carries with it no more (and probably less) 'danger' than the use of many other techniques of treatment used in medicine today. " ---

[1] At the same time, I would highly recommend the booklet, Helping the Dying Patient and His Family , published by the National Association of Social Workers, 2 Park Avenue, New York 16, New York.

Price: 75 cents.

[2] Bull.

Hennepin Co. Med. Soc., 1960, 31:101-106

Chapter 2. What About the Dangers of Hypnosis? Kapitel 2. Was ist mit den Gefahren der Hypnose? Capítulo 2. ¿Qué hay de los peligros de la hipnosis? Chapitre 2. Quels sont les dangers de l'hypnose ? 第2章.催眠術の危険性は? 2장. 최면의 위험성은 무엇인가요? Capítulo 2. E os perigos da hipnose? Глава 2. Чем опасен гипноз? 第 2 章.催眠的危害有哪些? 第 2 章.催眠的危害有哪些?

One of the objections that you hear to hypnosis is that it can be dangerous in the hands of those not trained in the psychodynamics of human behavior. |||заперечення||||||||це||||||||||||||||

Inasmuch as psychiatrists and clinical psychologists are the only ones who are thoroughly trained in the analysis of human behavior, this objection, if valid, could limit hypnosis to a comparative handful of therapists. Da Psychiater und klinische Psychologen die einzigen sind, die gründlich in der Analyse menschlichen Verhaltens ausgebildet sind, könnte dieser Einwand, wenn er gültig ist, die Hypnose auf eine vergleichsweise Handvoll Therapeuten beschränken. Fortunately, it is not valid. This was proved several years ago when the "Bridey Murphy" craze gripped the country. Dies wurde vor einigen Jahren bewiesen, als der „Bridey Murphy“-Wahn das Land erfasste. Despite the fact that thousands of amateur hypnotists were practicing hypnosis, little or no harm resulted. Trotz der Tatsache, dass Tausende von Amateur-Hypnotiseuren Hypnose praktizierten, entstand wenig oder gar kein Schaden. I have personally instructed several thousand medical and non-medical individuals and have yet to hear of a single case where a crisis was precipitated or anything of a dangerous or detrimental nature occurred as a result of hypnosis. |||навчав особисто||||||||||||||||||||||||||||шкідливий||||||| Ich habe mehrere tausend medizinische und nicht-medizinische Personen persönlich unterrichtet und habe noch keinen einzigen Fall gehört, bei dem es durch Hypnose zu einer Krise oder zu gefährlichen oder schädlichen Ereignissen kam. I have also taught several thousand persons self-hypnosis and can report the same findings.

Many patients who seek treatment from competent psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychologists do not always obtain satisfactory results. Viele Patienten, die sich von kompetenten Psychiatern, Psychoanalytikern und Psychologen behandeln lassen, erzielen nicht immer zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse.

This doesn't mean that everyone should stop seeking help from these specialists. Das bedeutet nicht, dass jeder aufhören sollte, Hilfe von diesen Spezialisten zu suchen. Even a specialist doesn't have a perfect record of successful therapy. Selbst ein Facharzt hat keine perfekte Bilanz erfolgreicher Therapien. What then is the objection to hypnosis? Was ist also der Einwand gegen Hypnose?

The theory that if you get rid of one symptom another symptom will take its place really holds no truth and is usually advanced by those who have had little or no experience in the hypnosis field. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||сфера гіпнозу Die Theorie, dass, wenn Sie ein Symptom loswerden, ein anderes Symptom seinen Platz einnehmen wird, ist wirklich nicht wahr und wird normalerweise von denen vertreten, die wenig oder keine Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Hypnose haben. However, a difference of opinion does exist even with those practicing hypnosis in this area. Allerdings gibt es auf diesem Gebiet auch unter den Hypnosepraktizierenden Meinungsverschiedenheiten. Some hypnotists "trade down" symptoms by replacing a serious symptom with a minor one, while others just remove the symptom. Einige Hypnotiseure „schwächen“ Symptome ab, indem sie ein ernstes Symptom durch ein geringfügiges ersetzen, während andere das Symptom einfach entfernen. The latter is what a doctor does when he recommends aspirin for arthritis. Letzteres tut ein Arzt, wenn er Aspirin gegen Arthritis empfiehlt. He knows the aspirin will not cure the arthritis, but he wants to alleviate the symptom. |||аспірин|||||||||||| Er weiß, dass das Aspirin die Arthritis nicht heilen wird, aber er möchte das Symptom lindern. To say that another symptom will replace the pain is unscientific—and untrue. ||||||||||ненауково|| Zu sagen, dass ein anderes Symptom den Schmerz ersetzt, ist unwissenschaftlich – und falsch. The same is true of hypnosis. Dasselbe gilt für Hypnose.

Lewis R. Wolberg, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry, New York Medical College, recently canvassed 30 experts in the field of hypnosis and found a few who felt symptom removal was "irrational, temporary—or outright dangerous. Lewis R. Wolberg, MD, klinischer Professor für Psychiatrie am New York Medical College, befragte kürzlich 30 Experten auf dem Gebiet der Hypnose und fand einige, die die Symptombeseitigung für „irrational, vorübergehend – oder absolut gefährlich“ hielten. 纽约医学院精神病学临床教授刘易斯·R·沃尔伯格 (Lewis R. Wolberg) 医学博士最近采访了 30 名催眠领域的专家,发现一些人认为症状消除是“不合理的、暂时的,或者是彻底危险的”。 " The large majority, however, "employed symptom removal where indicated, and minimized or ridiculed any possible bad effects. " „Die große Mehrheit jedoch“ setzte die Symptombeseitigung dort ein, wo es angezeigt war, und minimierte oder verspottete mögliche negative Auswirkungen. " 然而,绝大多数人“在有需要的地方采取了消除症状的方法,并最小化或嘲笑任何可能的不良影响。 ” A further objection to hypnosis is that the results are temporary as well as symptomatic. ||||||||||||||симптоматичні Ein weiterer Einwand gegen Hypnose ist, dass die Ergebnisse sowohl vorübergehend als auch symptomatisch sind.

It is well to remember that most medical therapy is specifically directed to symptom removal. Es ist gut zu bedenken, dass die meisten medizinischen Therapien speziell auf die Beseitigung von Symptomen ausgerichtet sind. How permanent is most medical treatment? Wie dauerhaft ist die meiste medizinische Behandlung? Seberapa permanenkah kebanyakan perawatan medis? Once you couple hetero-hypnosis with self-hypnosis, you afford the patient the opportunity of utilizing suggestions for his own benefit any time they are needed. Wenn Sie die Heterohypnose mit der Selbsthypnose koppeln, geben Sie dem Patienten die Möglichkeit, Anregungen zu seinem eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen, wann immer sie benötigt werden. This, of course, can make symptom relief permanent. Dies kann natürlich die Symptomlinderung dauerhaft machen. As an example, I would see no harm in teaching a patient self-hypnosis for symptomatic relief from a problem of insomnia. It would certainly be better than physically depressing the higher brain centers with sleeping pills to produce unconsciousness every night. Es wäre sicherlich besser, als die höheren Gehirnzentren mit Schlaftabletten körperlich zu deprimieren, um jede Nacht Bewusstlosigkeit zu erzeugen. 这肯定比每天晚上用安眠药从身体上抑制高级大脑中心以产生昏迷要好。 I needn't tell you that millions of dollars are spent every year on sleeping pills and patients become dependent upon them, needing more and more pills in order to produce sleep. Many accidental suicides stem from an overdose of sleeping pills. ||||||передозування||| Viele unbeabsichtigte Selbstmorde sind auf eine Überdosis Schlaftabletten zurückzuführen. 许多意外自杀都是由于服用过量安眠药所致。 Yet, despite the inherent dangers of sleeping pills which are glaringly apparent, they are prescribed by the millions, to say nothing of those that reach the market through illegal channels. Doch trotz der offensichtlichen Gefahren von Schlaftabletten werden sie millionenfach verschrieben, ganz zu schweigen von denen, die über illegale Kanäle auf den Markt gelangen. 然而,尽管安眠药固有的危险显而易见,但仍有数百万人服用它们,更不用说那些通过非法渠道进入市场的安眠药了。 Furthermore, how much effort is really made to get the patient off the sleeping pills? Und wie viel Aufwand wird wirklich betrieben, um den Patienten von den Schlaftabletten abzubringen? 此外,为了让病人戒掉安眠药,到底付出了多少努力? There are also more voluntary suicides by sleeping pills than by any other method. Es gibt auch mehr freiwillige Selbstmorde durch Schlaftabletten als durch jede andere Methode. Perhaps if these drugs weren't so readily available, many of these unfortunate individuals would be with us today. Wenn diese Medikamente nicht so leicht verfügbar wären, würden viele dieser unglücklichen Individuen vielleicht heute bei uns sein. What about the often-quoted statement that "you might do some damage"? Was ist mit der oft zitierten Aussage „Du könntest etwas Schaden anrichten“? 那么经常被引用的一句话“你可能会造成一些损害”呢? Let's explore this area. Lassen Sie uns diesen Bereich erkunden. I assume that the reader is somewhat familiar with the work of Emile Coué or at least has heard of his famous autosuggestion formula of "Day by day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Leser mit der Arbeit von Emile Coué einigermaßen vertraut ist oder zumindest von seiner berühmten Autosuggestion-Formel gehört hat: „Ich werde von Tag zu Tag in jeder Hinsicht besser und besser“. During our time, thousands upon thousands of seemingly helpless and hopeless cases have been cured by repeating this affirmation over and over again, day after day, as the individual falls asleep. Während unserer Zeit wurden Tausende und Abertausende von scheinbar hilflosen und hoffnungslosen Fällen geheilt, indem diese Bestätigung Tag für Tag immer wieder wiederholt wurde, während der Einzelne einschlief.

I think we should make it clear that whether we call it autosuggestion, positive thinking, meditation, yoga, affirmations or self-hypnosis, we are, in reality, talking about the same thing. Ich denke, wir sollten klarstellen, dass wir, egal ob wir es Autosuggestion, positives Denken, Meditation, Yoga, Affirmationen oder Selbsthypnose nennen, in Wirklichkeit über dasselbe sprechen.

All require certain basic prerequisites before they will work effectively for the individual. Alle benötigen bestimmte Grundvoraussetzungen, bevor sie für den Einzelnen effektiv wirken. We'll discuss these prerequisites in the next chapter. Wir werden diese Voraussetzungen im nächsten Kapitel besprechen. What should be remembered is that the suggestions are being filtered into the subconscious mind which does not question, doubt, analyze or dispute the efficacy of these beneficial thoughts. Was nicht vergessen werden sollte, ist, dass die Vorschläge in das Unterbewusstsein gefiltert werden, das die Wirksamkeit dieser wohltuenden Gedanken nicht hinterfragt, anzweifelt, analysiert oder bestreitet.

You can be sure that the constant repetition will have its effect. Sie können sicher sein, dass die ständige Wiederholung Wirkung zeigt. Hasn't the mind, in the past, accepted the individual's diagnosis when he said, "I'm sick," "I have an inferiority complex," "I can't stop smoking," "I can't lose weight," "I can't concentrate," "I can remember a person's face, but I can't remember names," "I have a difficult time falling asleep," "I just can't seem to relax." Hat der Verstand nicht in der Vergangenheit die Diagnose des Einzelnen akzeptiert, als er sagte: „Ich bin krank“, „Ich habe einen Minderwertigkeitskomplex“, „Ich kann nicht aufhören zu rauchen“, „Ich kann nicht abnehmen, " "Ich kann mich nicht konzentrieren", "Ich kann mich an das Gesicht einer Person erinnern, aber ich kann mir keine Namen merken", "Ich kann mich schwer einschlafen", "Ich kann mich einfach nicht entspannen." Isn't such an individual, in effect, using self-hypnosis? Benutzt ein solches Individuum nicht tatsächlich Selbsthypnose? And hasn't the person convinced himself of the validity of his present state? Und hat sich die Person nicht von der Gültigkeit ihres gegenwärtigen Zustandes überzeugt? 难道这个人还没有说服自己相信自己目前的状态是正确的吗? This is truly dangerous. Das ist wirklich gefährlich. It is negative hypnosis. Es ist negative Hypnose.

The question that I raise is: "Why shouldn't the subconscious mind be even more convinced and respond strongly to suggestions which are in conformity with the natural desire to be of sound body and mind? ||||||||||||||переконаний|||||||||||||||||||| Die Frage, die ich aufwerfe, lautet: „Warum sollte das Unterbewusstsein nicht noch überzeugter sein und stärker auf Suggestionen reagieren, die mit dem natürlichen Wunsch nach einem gesunden Körper und Geist übereinstimmen? 我提出的问题是:“为什么潜意识不应该更加确信并强烈回应那些符合健康身心的自然愿望的建议呢? " I have never been able to find a logical answer. „Ich habe nie eine logische Antwort finden können. I think this is what happens many times. Ich denke, das passiert oft.

A person seeks help with a problem which, in reality, has nothing to do with hypnosis. Eine Person sucht Hilfe bei einem Problem, das in Wirklichkeit nichts mit Hypnose zu tun hat. His cure is not contingent on being hypnotized or on suggestions he or the hypnotist feel are indicated. Seine Heilung ist nicht davon abhängig, dass er hypnotisiert wird oder Suggestionen, die er oder der Hypnotiseur für angebracht halten. You will read in nearly every book and article dealing with hypnosis that "hypnotism is not a cure-all." Sie werden in fast jedem Buch und Artikel lesen, der sich mit Hypnose befasst, dass „Hypnose kein Allheilmittel ist“. No one has suggested or implied that it should be used exclusively for all emotional problems. |||запропонував|||||||||||| Niemand hat vorgeschlagen oder angedeutet, dass es ausschließlich für alle emotionalen Probleme verwendet werden sollte. You may read a newspaper article warning about the "dangers" of hypnosis. Vielleicht lesen Sie einen Zeitungsartikel, der vor den „Gefahren“ der Hypnose warnt. It may tell of a person who rid himself of one symptom and developed another in its place. Es kann von einer Person erzählen, die sich von einem Symptom befreit und stattdessen ein anderes entwickelt hat. 它可能讲述一个人摆脱了一种症状并出现另一种症状。 You usually get a grossly distorted picture of what happened, with many aspects of the case not included. |||||спотворений|||||||||||| Normalerweise bekommt man ein grob verzerrtes Bild von dem, was passiert ist, wobei viele Aspekte des Falls nicht enthalten sind. It's a matter of taking  what you want to prove out of context. Es geht darum, das, was Sie beweisen wollen, aus dem Zusammenhang zu reißen. Propagandists use this technique all the time to get across their message. Propagandisten verwenden diese Technik ständig, um ihre Botschaft zu vermitteln. It's the old story of telling a half truth. Es ist die alte Geschichte, eine halbe Wahrheit zu sagen. Honest criticism and a sincere difference of opinion are always welcome. Ehrliche Kritik und ehrliche Meinungsverschiedenheiten sind immer willkommen. Kritik yang jujur dan perbedaan pendapat yang tulus selalu diterima.

But criticism must be well-founded from a scientific point of view and not stem from an emotional reaction. Aber Kritik muss aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht begründet sein und darf nicht einer emotionalen Reaktion entspringen. You have probably heard the remark, "I won't let anyone hypnotize me." Wahrscheinlich haben Sie schon einmal die Bemerkung gehört: "Ich lasse mich von niemandem hypnotisieren." What are they really saying, and what does hypnosis represent to such an individual? Was sagen sie wirklich, und was bedeutet Hypnose für eine solche Person? To them, hypnosis represents some sort of "magic spell" which invokes a state of complete helplessness and dependency upon the hypnotist. Für sie stellt Hypnose eine Art "Zauberspruch" dar, der einen Zustand völliger Hilflosigkeit und Abhängigkeit vom Hypnotiseur heraufbeschwört. We previously discussed how this erroneous conception can take place because of the manner in which hypnosis is usually interwoven with bizarre fictional stories. |||||||||||||||||||||дивний|| Wir haben bereits darüber gesprochen, wie es zu dieser falschen Vorstellung kommen kann, weil Hypnose normalerweise mit bizarren fiktiven Geschichten verwoben ist.

For many, the hypnotic state represents a period in which the conscious guard is dropped. |||||||||||свідомий||| Für viele stellt der hypnotische Zustand eine Zeit dar, in der die bewusste Wache fallen gelassen wird.

They feel they may compulsively reveal the darker side of their nature, confess their hostility or relate information they would never voluntarily divulge to anyone. ||||||||||||||||розповідати|||||||| Sie haben das Gefühl, dass sie zwanghaft die dunkle Seite ihrer Natur offenbaren, ihre Feindseligkeit gestehen oder Informationen weitergeben, die sie niemandem freiwillig preisgeben würden. This is the real danger they see in hypnosis. To protect themselves from it, they attack it. Um sich davor zu schützen, greifen sie es an. It is much like the fanatic vice crusader who militantly attacks sin in order to alleviate his own feelings of guilt stemming from the fact that vice actually attracts him. |||||||хрестоносець проти пороку|||||||||||||||||||||| Es ist ähnlich wie bei dem fanatischen Lasterkreuzritter, der die Sünde militant angreift, um seine eigenen Schuldgefühle zu lindern, die darauf zurückzuführen sind, dass das Laster ihn tatsächlich anzieht. 这很像狂热的罪恶十字军,他激进地攻击罪恶,以减轻自己因罪恶实际上吸引了他而产生的负罪感。

Fear of hypnosis takes different forms, but basically it is the fear of revealing one's true feelings. Die Angst vor Hypnose nimmt verschiedene Formen an, aber im Grunde ist es die Angst, seine wahren Gefühle zu offenbaren. An employee, for instance, at a gathering which included the employer he dislikes, would never volunteer as a subject for hypnosis if the occasion arose. Ein Angestellter zum Beispiel würde sich bei einer Versammlung, zu der auch der Arbeitgeber gehörte, den er nicht mag, niemals freiwillig für eine Hypnose zur Verfügung stellen, falls sich die Gelegenheit ergeben sollte. He would be afraid he would do or say something which might endanger his position. Er würde Angst haben, etwas zu tun oder zu sagen, was seine Position gefährden könnte. Hypnosis for him would be "dangerous" because he would be afraid to take the chance. Hypnose wäre für ihn „gefährlich“, weil er Angst hätte, das Risiko einzugehen. The truth is, however, that this individual would be taking no chance. Die Wahrheit ist jedoch, dass diese Person kein Risiko eingehen würde. The hypnotic state is not a confessional period. Der hypnotische Zustand ist keine Beichtzeit. The subject is aware at all times of what he is saying. Das Subjekt ist sich zu jeder Zeit dessen bewusst, was es sagt. If the subject does not wish to pursue a line of questioning, he tells the hypnotist. Wenn die Versuchsperson keine Fragen stellen möchte, teilt sie dies dem Hypnotiseur mit. If the hypnotist persisted further along this line, the subject would shake off the hypnotic state. |||||||||||||||гіпнотичний стан Wenn der Hypnotiseur weiter auf dieser Linie beharrte, würde die Versuchsperson den hypnotischen Zustand abschütteln.

Another misconception about hypnosis is the widely held belief that the subject is unconscious. Ein weiteres Missverständnis über Hypnose ist der weit verbreitete Glaube, dass das Subjekt bewusstlos ist.

This represents a threat to the security of the individual. Dies stellt eine Bedrohung der Sicherheit des Einzelnen dar. Actually, the hypnotic state is a period of extreme awareness in which the subject is hyperacute. |||||||||усвідомлення|||||| Tatsächlich ist der hypnotische Zustand eine Periode extremer Bewusstheit, in der das Subjekt hyperakut ist. Furthermore, the subject is not asleep, nor is he in a trance state in the correct meaning of that term. Darüber hinaus schläft das Subjekt nicht und befindet sich auch nicht in einem Trancezustand im eigentlichen Sinne dieses Begriffs. He is in an altered state of awareness with his faculties and reasoning ability intact. |||||||усвідомлення||||||| Er befindet sich in einem veränderten Bewusstseinszustand mit intakten Fähigkeiten und Denkvermögen. Inducing hypnosis merely creates a mood or state in which the powers of suggestibility are heightened. ||лише||||||||||||| Das Einleiten von Hypnose erzeugt lediglich eine Stimmung oder einen Zustand, in dem die Kraft der Suggestibilität erhöht wird. 诱导催眠只会创造一种情绪或状态,在这种情绪或状态中,暗示的力量会增强。

When the general public and the medical profession become familiar with the true nature of hypnosis, we shall have a greater acceptance and utilization of this power. Wenn die breite Öffentlichkeit und die Ärzteschaft mit der wahren Natur der Hypnose vertraut werden, werden wir eine größere Akzeptanz und Nutzung dieser Kraft haben.

It is a slow process but one which will finally evolve. ||||||||||еволюціонувати Es ist ein langsamer Prozess, aber einer, der sich schließlich entwickeln wird. In the final analysis, I believe the only danger that exists is in the mind of the individual who fears hypnosis because of whatever subjective qualms he has about his own emotional involvement in the hypnotic process. |||||||||||||||||||||||||сумніви||||||||||| Letztendlich glaube ich, dass die einzige Gefahr, die besteht, in der Psyche des Individuums liegt, das die Hypnose fürchtet, weil es irgendwelche subjektiven Bedenken hinsichtlich seiner eigenen emotionalen Beteiligung am hypnotischen Prozess hat.

Of course, all persons using hypnosis for the alleviation of pain should consult their family physician. Selbstverständlich sollten alle Personen, die Hypnose zur Schmerzlinderung einsetzen, ihren Hausarzt konsultieren.

Pain is nature's way of indicating that something is wrong with the organism. Schmerz ist die Art und Weise, wie die Natur anzeigt, dass etwas mit dem Organismus nicht stimmt. It would be foolish to suggest that a pain in the stomach will disappear when this may be a sign of a needed appendix operation. Es wäre töricht zu behaupten, dass Magenschmerzen verschwinden, wenn dies ein Zeichen für eine notwendige Blinddarmoperation sein könnte. The same may be said of constant migraine headaches. Dasselbe gilt für ständige Migränekopfschmerzen. It must be determined that the headache is not a symptom of a brain tumor or some other pathological condition. Es muss festgestellt werden, dass die Kopfschmerzen kein Symptom eines Hirntumors oder eines anderen pathologischen Zustands sind. It may be of interest to know that hypnosis is presently being used to relieve pain in terminal cancer patients. Es könnte interessant sein zu wissen, dass Hypnose derzeit zur Linderung von Schmerzen bei Krebspatienten im Endstadium eingesetzt wird. There is an excellent article on this subject, and I recommend it to doctors reading this book. Es gibt einen ausgezeichneten Artikel zu diesem Thema, und ich empfehle ihn Ärzten, die dieses Buch lesen. It is called "The Use of Hypnosis in the Case of the Cancer Patient" which appeared in the January 1954 issue of Cancer . Es heißt „The Use of Hypnosis in the Case of the Cancer Patients“ und erschien in der Januarausgabe 1954 von Cancer. [1]

There are at present several thousand dentists throughout the country using hypnosis. Derzeit gibt es mehrere tausend Zahnärzte im ganzen Land, die Hypnose anwenden.

They have formed their own society and publish a quarterly journal, The Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry . Sie haben ihre eigene Gesellschaft gegründet und veröffentlichen eine vierteljährlich erscheinende Zeitschrift, The Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry . One of the best books in this field is called Dental Hypnosis Handbook by Jacob Stolzenberg, D.D.S. Eines der besten Bücher auf diesem Gebiet heißt Dental Hypnosis Handbook von Jacob Stolzenberg, DDS

An excellent article is "Danger! Ein ausgezeichneter Artikel ist „Gefahr! Hypnotherapist at Work" by M. Abramson. Hypnotherapeut bei der Arbeit“ von M. Abramson. [2] The author reviews briefly the pros and cons regarding the medical use of hypnosis. [2] Der Autor gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die Vor- und Nachteile der medizinischen Anwendung von Hypnose. He concludes: "It is the author's opinion, based on an extensive personal experience of over 15 years, that the use of hypnotherapy by a physician or dentist who has been properly trained and who uses this technique strictly within his field of competence carries with it no more (and probably less) 'danger' than the use of many other techniques of treatment used in medicine today. " ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||строго||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Er kommt zu dem Schluss: „Der Autor ist der Meinung, basierend auf einer umfassenden persönlichen Erfahrung von über 15 Jahren, dass die Anwendung der Hypnotherapie durch einen Arzt oder Zahnarzt, der ordnungsgemäß ausgebildet wurde und diese Technik ausschließlich in seinem Kompetenzbereich anwendet, mit sich bringt nicht mehr (und wahrscheinlich weniger) ‚Gefahr‘ als die Verwendung vieler anderer Behandlungstechniken, die heute in der Medizin verwendet werden. ---

[1] At the same time, I would highly recommend the booklet, Helping the Dying Patient and His Family , published by the National Association of Social Workers, 2 Park Avenue, New York 16, New York. [1] Gleichzeitig möchte ich wärmstens die Broschüre Helping the Dying Patient and His Family empfehlen, herausgegeben von der National Association of Social Workers, 2 Park Avenue, New York 16, New York.

Price: 75 cents. Preis: 75 Cent.

[2] Bull. [2] Bull.-Nr.

Hennepin Co. Med. Soc., 1960, 31:101-106