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American English Pronunciation Podcast (Pronuncian.com), #48: American English pronunciation of talk and walk

#48: American English pronunciation of talk and walk

There is no l sound in these words, and be sure to use the aw sound .


Hi everyone, and welcome back to Seattle Learning Academy's American English Pronunciation Podcast. My name is Mandy, and this is our 48th episode.

Last week, I talked about the fact that there is no l sound in could, would, and should. I decided to continue along that line this week, and tell you that there is also no l sound in the words walk and talk , or any other word that ends in -alk for that matter.

The words could , should , and would have something else in common with walk and talk , an odd vowel sound. No, it isn't the same vowel sound in both sets of words, but they both have less understood vowel sounds. Remember, could , should , and would have the u as in put sound. ( u as in put ) Walk and talk have the aw sound . I call it the aw sound because it is often spelled that way, as in the words awful, dawn , and draw . This sound can be confusing because it has a lot of common spellings. It is the vowel sound in the word dog , which is obviously spelled with an o , and is also commonly spelled au , as in taught and cause . I'll get to all of the aw sound 's spellings when I do the video for that sound in a few weeks. For now, I want to make sure you know how to say this sound. It sounds like this ( aw sound , aw sound ). Many vowel sounds we can't see from outside out mouth, this one we can. First, the lips are made rounded. They don't get closed like the oo sound, the sound in soon, but they are made round and open. Also, our jaw opens a bit for this sound. A lot of things are happening inside our mouth as well. The middle and tip of the tongue are pushed low in the mouth, and the back of the tongue raises and pushes back. So, you can tell now why this sound is so hard to say correctly, you need to be thinking about every part of your mouth for this sound. Again it sounds like this: ( aw sound )

I'll explain how to pronounce again. The lips are open and rounded, the jaw opens, the middle area and tip of the tongue are pushed low, and the back of the tongue is raised and pushed back. Got it? Let's try it, repeat after me. ( aw sound , aw sound )

Now, let's get back to the words talk and walk. First, remember, there is no l sound is words that end in -alk, ever. Don't try to sneak one in. It isn't there. I often hear my students say the l sound really softly. What they tell me is that they don't hear it in native English speakers, but they didn't trust that the native speaker wasn't saying it, so they add it in really quickly and quietly, just in case it is supposed to be there. Trust your ear on this one. We really aren't saying the l. Let's practice some words that end in -alk. Practice saying the aw sound , and if you know you add the l sound , now it the time to break that habit, and take it back out again.

Please, repeat after me.

talk walk chalk balk

And I'm sorry to say everyone, it is really only those four words you are likely to ever come across the end in -alk. And you may rarely, if ever, need to say chalk or balk . However, walk and talk are very, very high-frequency words. You want to practice saying them correctly just because you probably say them so often.

Also, because I don't want to create confusion, I said it is words that end in -alk . I mean the root words. If I add an -s or -ed to these words for grammatical purposes, the sound of the root word is the same, we just add the extra ending.

Let's practice the words talk, walk, chalk , and balk with an -s ending . These words end in the k sound , which is an unvoiced sound, so the s will sound like an s. Here we go, repeat after me.

talks walks chalks balks

And, here is the -ed ending . Because these words end in an unvoiced sound, the -ed will end sound like a t sound . Again, repeat after me.

talked walked chalked balked

If you want to review the rules for the -s ending , review podcast episode 3. You can review the -ed ending rules in podcast episode 19, and you can review the aw sound in podcast episode 11.

I'll link to those episodes and the free online lessons related to those topics with this week's transcripts, which you can find at www.pronuncian.com. I really want to thank those of you who have subscribed to Pronuncian or made a purchase from the website. Those purchases keep this podcast coming to you every week, and are now essential to the upkeep of Pronuncian's programming and the addition of new content. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. Pronuncian support and I rely on you, our listeners and users, to show us how you value the site by financially supporting it.

Also, don't forget to check out the forums on Pronuncian. Gabriel, a Brazilian listener who lives in New Zealand, asked a question specific to Portuguese. You are also welcome to ask similar questions about your specific language, or more broad English questions, as well as post comments and make suggestions for the site and podcasts. Thanks, Gabriel, for your question.

That's all for today everyone. Thanks for listening.

This has been a Seattle Learning Academy digital publication. SLA is where the world comes to learn.


#48: American English pronunciation of talk and walk #48: Американское английское произношение слов talk и walk

There is no l sound in these words, and be sure to use the aw sound . В этих словах нет звука l, поэтому обязательно используйте звук aw.


Hi everyone, and welcome back to Seattle Learning Academy's American English Pronunciation Podcast. My name is Mandy, and this is our 48th episode. Меня зовут Мэнди, и это наш 48-й эпизод.

Last week, I talked about the fact that there is no l sound in could, would, and should. I decided to continue along that line this week, and tell you that there is also no l sound in the words walk and talk , or any other word that ends in -alk for that matter. На этой неделе я решил продолжить эту тему и рассказать вам, что в словах walk и talk, а также в любых других словах, которые заканчиваются на -alk, также нет звука l.

The words could , should , and would have something else in common with walk and talk , an odd vowel sound. No, it isn't the same vowel sound in both sets of words, but they both have less understood vowel sounds. Remember, could , should , and would have the u as in put sound. Помните, что в словах could, should и would есть буква u, как в звуке put. ( u as in put ) Walk and talk have the aw sound . ( u as in put ) Walk and talk have the aw sound . I call it the aw sound because it is often spelled that way, as in the words awful, dawn , and draw . This sound can be confusing because it has a lot of common spellings. Этот звук может сбить с толку, потому что у него много общих написаний. It is the vowel sound in the word dog , which is obviously spelled with an o , and is also commonly spelled au , as in taught and cause . ||||||||||||||||||||||||ensinado|| I'll get to all of the aw sound 's spellings when I do the video for that sound in a few weeks. For now, I want to make sure you know how to say this sound. It sounds like this ( aw sound , aw sound ). Many vowel sounds we can't see from outside out mouth, this one we can. First, the lips are made rounded. They don't get closed like the oo sound, the sound in soon, but they are made round and open. Also, our jaw opens a bit for this sound. A lot of things are happening inside our mouth as well. Многое происходит и внутри нашего рта. The middle and tip of the tongue are pushed low in the mouth, and the back of the tongue raises and pushes back. |||||||||||||||||||sobe||| So, you can tell now why this sound is so hard to say correctly, you need to be thinking about every part of your mouth for this sound. Again it sounds like this: ( aw sound )

I'll explain how to pronounce again. Я объясню, как произносить еще раз. The lips are open and rounded, the jaw opens, the middle area and tip of the tongue are pushed low, and the back of the tongue is raised and pushed back. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||levantada||| Got it? Понятно? Let's try it, repeat after me. ( aw sound , aw sound )

Now, let's get back to the words talk and walk. First, remember, there is no l sound is words that end in -alk, ever. |||||||||||||nunca Don't try to sneak one in. |||tentar inserirfurtivamente|| Не пытайтесь пробраться внутрь. It isn't there. Его там нет. I often hear my students say the l sound really softly. What they tell me is that they don't hear it in native English speakers, but they didn't trust that the native speaker wasn't saying it, so they add it in really quickly and quietly, just in case it is supposed to be there. Они говорят мне, что не слышат этого в речи носителей английского языка, но не доверяют тому, что носитель не говорит этого, поэтому добавляют это очень быстро и тихо, на всякий случай, если это должно быть там. Trust your ear on this one. В этом вопросе доверьтесь своему слуху. We really aren't saying the l. Let's practice some words that end in -alk. Давайте потренируемся в написании слов, которые заканчиваются на -alk. Practice saying the aw sound , and if you know you add the l sound , now it the time to break that habit, and take it back out again. ||||||||||||||||the|||||||||||

Please, repeat after me.

talk walk chalk balk |||rechigner, hésiter |Move on foot|| говорить, ходить, мелом махать

And I'm sorry to say everyone, it is really only those four words you are likely to ever come across the end in -alk. |||||||||||||||provavelmente||alguma vez|||||| And you may rarely, if ever, need to say chalk or balk . |||||alguma vez|||||| И вам редко, если вообще когда-либо, придется говорить мелом или балакать. However, walk and talk are very, very high-frequency words. Однако walk и talk - это очень, очень высокочастотные слова. You want to practice saying them correctly just because you probably say them so often.

Also, because I don't want to create confusion, I said it is words that end in -alk . I mean the root words. |||raiz| Я имею в виду корневые слова. If I add an -s or -ed to these words for grammatical purposes, the sound of the root word is the same, we just add the extra ending. |||||||||||||||||raiz||||||||||finalizando

Let's practice the words talk, walk, chalk , and balk with an -s ending . ||||||giz||balk|||| These words end in the k sound , which is an unvoiced sound, so the s will sound like an s. Here we go, repeat after me.

talks walks chalks balks fala|caminha|fala, anda, giz, recua|balks

And, here is the -ed ending . Because these words end in an unvoiced sound, the -ed will end sound like a t sound . Again, repeat after me.

talked walked chalked balked falou|caminhou|riscado|balked

If you want to review the rules for the -s ending , review podcast episode 3. You can review the -ed ending rules in podcast episode 19, and you can review the aw sound in podcast episode 11.

I'll link to those episodes and the free online lessons related to those topics with this week's transcripts, which you can find at www.pronuncian.com. I really want to thank those of you who have subscribed to Pronuncian or made a purchase from the website. ||||||||||||||feito||||| Those purchases keep this podcast coming to you every week, and are now essential to the upkeep of Pronuncian's programming and the addition of new content. ||mantêm||||||||||||||manutenção||||||||| So, thank you, thank you, thank you. Pronuncian support and I rely on you, our listeners and users, to show us how you value the site by financially supporting it. ||||contar||||||||||||||||financeiramente||

Also, don't forget to check out the forums on Pronuncian. Gabriel, a Brazilian listener who lives in New Zealand, asked a question specific to Portuguese. You are also welcome to ask similar questions about your specific language, or more broad English questions, as well as post comments and make suggestions for the site and podcasts. ||||||||||||||gerais||||||||||||||| Thanks, Gabriel, for your question.

That's all for today everyone. Thanks for listening.

This has been a Seattle Learning Academy digital publication. SLA is where the world comes to learn. SLA|||||||
