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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Shadow, part 10

The Shadow, part 10

"You cannot answer these questions?" said the princess.

"They belong to my childhood's learning," said the shadow. "I really believe my shadow, by the door there, can answer them!" "Your shadow!" said the princess.

"That would indeed be marvellous!" "I will not say for a certainty that he can," said the shadow, "but I think so; he has now followed me for so many years, and listened to my conversation--I should think it possible. But your royal highness will permit me to observe, that he is so proud of passing himself off for a man, that when he is to be in a proper humor--and he must be so to answer well--he must be treated quite like a man." "Oh! I like that!" said the princess.

So she went to the learned man by the door, and she spoke to him about the sun and the moon, and about persons out of and in the world, and he answered with wisdom and prudence.

"What a man that must be who has so wise a shadow!" thought she. "It will be a real blessing to my people and kingdom if I choose him for my consort--I will do it!" They were soon agreed, both the princess and the shadow; but no one was to know about it before she arrived in her own kingdom.

"No one--not even my shadow!" said the shadow, and he had his own thoughts about it!

Now they were in the country where the princess reigned when she was at home.

"Listen, my good friend," said the shadow to the learned man. "I have now become as happy and mighty as anyone can be; I will, therefore, do something particular for thee! Thou shalt always live with me in the palace, drive with me in my royal carriage, and have ten thousand pounds a year; but then thou must submit to be called SHADOW by all and everyone; thou must not say that thou hast ever been a man; and once a year, when I sit on the balcony in the sunshine, thou must lie at my feet, as a shadow shall do! I must tell thee: I am going to marry the king's daughter, and the nuptials are to take place this evening!" "Nay, this is going too far!" said the learned man. "I will not have it; I will not do it! It is to deceive the whole country and the princess too! I will tell everything! That I am a man, and that thou art a shadow--thou art only dressed up!"

The Shadow, part 10 Η Σκιά, μέρος 10 A Sombra, parte 10 Тень, часть 10 Gölge, 10. bölüm

"You cannot answer these questions?" said the princess.

"They belong to my childhood's learning," said the shadow. "Sie gehören zu dem, was ich in meiner Kindheit gelernt habe", sagte der Schatten. "I really believe my shadow, by the door there, can answer them!" "Ich glaube wirklich, dass mein Schatten dort an der Tür ihnen antworten kann!" "Your shadow!" said the princess.

"That would indeed be marvellous!" "Das wäre in der Tat wunderbar!" "I will not say for a certainty that he can," said the shadow, "but I think so; he has now followed me for so many years, and listened to my conversation--I should think it possible. "Ich will nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, dass er es kann", sagte der Schatten, "aber ich denke es; er ist mir nun schon so viele Jahre gefolgt und hat meine Gespräche mitgehört - ich halte es für möglich. But your royal highness will permit me to observe, that he is so proud of passing himself off for a man, that when he is to be in a proper humor--and he must be so to answer well--he must be treated quite like a man." Aber Eure königliche Hoheit werden mir gestatten, zu bemerken, daß er so stolz darauf ist, sich für einen Mann auszugeben, daß er, wenn er in guter Laune sein soll - und das muß er sein, um gut zu antworten -, ganz wie ein Mann behandelt werden muß." "Oh! I like that!" said the princess.

So she went to the learned man by the door, and she spoke to him about the sun and the moon, and about persons out of and in the world, and he answered with wisdom and prudence. Da ging sie zu dem gelehrten Mann an der Tür und sprach mit ihm über die Sonne und den Mond und über die Menschen in und außerhalb der Welt, und er antwortete mit Weisheit und Klugheit.

"What a man that must be who has so wise a shadow!" "Was muss das für ein Mann sein, der einen so klugen Schatten hat!" thought she. "It will be a real blessing to my people and kingdom if I choose him for my consort--I will do it!" "Es wird ein wahrer Segen für mein Volk und mein Reich sein, wenn ich ihn zu meinem Gemahl wähle - ich werde es tun!" They were soon agreed, both the princess and the shadow; but no one was to know about it before she arrived in her own kingdom. Sie waren sich bald einig, sowohl die Prinzessin als auch der Schatten; aber niemand sollte davon erfahren, bevor sie in ihrem eigenen Königreich angekommen war.

"No one--not even my shadow!" "Niemand, nicht einmal mein Schatten!" said the shadow, and he had his own thoughts about it! sagte der Schatten, und er hatte seine eigenen Gedanken dazu!

Now they were in the country where the princess reigned when she was at home.

"Listen, my good friend," said the shadow to the learned man. "I have now become as happy and mighty as anyone can be; I will, therefore, do something particular for thee! "Ich bin jetzt so glücklich und mächtig geworden, wie man nur sein kann; deshalb werde ich etwas Besonderes für dich tun! Thou shalt always live with me in the palace, drive with me in my royal carriage, and have ten thousand pounds a year; but then thou must submit to be called SHADOW by all and everyone; thou must not say that thou hast ever been a man; and once a year, when I sit on the balcony in the sunshine, thou must lie at my  feet, as a shadow shall do! Du sollst immer mit mir im Palast leben, mit mir in meiner königlichen Kutsche fahren und zehntausend Pfund im Jahr haben; aber dann mußt du dich fügen, von allen und jedem SCHATTEN genannt zu werden; du darfst nicht sagen, daß du jemals ein Mann gewesen bist; und einmal im Jahr, wenn ich auf dem Balkon im Sonnenschein sitze, mußt du dich zu meinen Füßen legen, wie ein Schatten es tun soll! I must tell thee: I am going to marry the king's daughter, and the nuptials are to take place this evening!" Ich muss es dir sagen: Ich werde die Tochter des Königs heiraten, und die Hochzeit soll heute Abend stattfinden!" "Nay, this is going too far!" "Nein, das geht zu weit!" said the learned man. "I will not have it; I will not do it! "Ich werde es nicht zulassen; ich werde es nicht tun! It is to deceive the whole country and the princess too! I will tell everything! That I am a man, and that thou art a  shadow--thou art only dressed up!" Dass ich ein Mensch bin und du ein Schatten bist - du bist nur verkleidet!"