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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The shoes of fortune, V. Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk, part 1

The shoes of fortune, V. Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk, part 1

V. Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk

The watchman, whom we have certainly not forgotten, thought meanwhile of the galoshes he had found and taken with him to the hospital; he now went to fetch them; and as neither the lieutenant, nor anybody else in the street, claimed them as his property, they were delivered over to the police-office. *As on the continent, in all law and police practices nothing is verbal, but any circumstance, however trifling, is reduced to writing, the labor, as well as the number of papers that thus accumulate, is enormous. In a police-office, consequently, we find copying-clerks among many other scribes of various denominations, of which, it seems, our hero was one.

"Why, I declare the Shoes look just like my own," said one of the clerks, eying the newly-found treasure, whose hidden powers, even he, sharp as he was, was not able to discover. "One must have more than the eye of a shoemaker to know one pair from the other," said he, soliloquizing; and putting, at the same time, the galoshes in search of an owner, beside his own in the corner. "Here, sir!" said one of the men, who panting brought him a tremendous pile of papers.

The copying-clerk turned round and spoke awhile with the man about the reports and legal documents in question; but when he had finished, and his eye fell again on the Shoes, he was unable to say whether those to the left or those to the right belonged to him. "At all events it must be those which are wet," thought he; but this time, in spite of his cleverness, he guessed quite wrong, for it was just those of Fortune which played as it were into his hands, or rather on his feet. And why, I should like to know, are the police never to be wrong? So he put them on quickly, stuck his papers in his pocket, and took besides a few under his arm, intending to look them through at home to make the necessary notes. It was noon; and the weather, that had threatened rain, began to clear up, while gaily dressed holiday folks filled the streets. "A little trip to Fredericksburg would do me no great harm," thought he; "for I, poor beast of burden that I am, have so much to annoy me, that I don't know what a good appetite is. 'Tis a bitter crust, alas! at which I am condemned to gnaw!" Nobody could be more steady or quiet than this young man; we therefore wish him joy of the excursion with all our heart; and it will certainly be beneficial for a person who leads so sedentary a life. In the park he met a friend, one of our young poets, who told him that the following day he should set out on his long-intended tour.

"So you are going away again!" said the clerk. "You are a very free and happy being; we others are chained by the leg and held fast to our desk."

The shoes of fortune, V. Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk, part 1 Die Schuhe des Glücks, V. Metamorphose des Kopierschreibers, Teil 1 Los zapatos de la fortuna, V. Metamorfosis del copista, parte 1 Les chaussures de la fortune, V. Métamorphose du commis-copieur, partie 1 幸運の靴 V. 複写係の変身 その1 행운의 신발, V. 복사 점원의 변신, 1부 Laimės bateliai, V. Kopijavimo raštininko metamorfozė, 1 dalis Os sapatos da fortuna, V. Metamorfose do escrivão copista, parte 1 幸运之鞋,V. 抄写员的变形记,第 1 部分 財富之鞋,V. 影印員的變形,第 1 部分

V. Metamorphosis of the Copying-Clerk |Transformation||||

The watchman, whom we have certainly not forgotten, thought meanwhile  of the galoshes he had found and taken with him to the hospital; he now went to fetch them; and as neither the lieutenant, nor anybody else in the street, claimed them as his property, they were delivered over to the police-office. Сторож, якого ми, звичайно, не забули, тим часом згадав про калоші, які він знайшов і взяв з собою в лікарню; тепер він пішов за ними; і оскільки ні лейтенант, ні будь-хто інший на вулиці не претендував на них як на свою власність, вони були передані в поліцейський відділок. *As on the continent, in all law and police practices nothing is verbal, but any circumstance, however trifling, is reduced to writing, the labor, as well as the number of papers that thus accumulate, is enormous. |||||||||||||||||insignificant|||||||||||||||||| *Як і на континенті, в усій юридичній та поліцейській практиці немає нічого усного, але будь-яка обставина, навіть найдріб'язковіша, зводиться до письмового викладу, праця, а також кількість паперів, які таким чином накопичуються, є величезною. In a police-office, consequently, we find copying-clerks among many other scribes of various denominations, of which, it seems, our hero was one. ||||||||||||writers or clerks|||types or categories||||||||

"Why, I declare the Shoes look just like my own," said one of the clerks, eying the newly-found treasure, whose hidden powers, even he, sharp as he was, was not able to discover. |||||||||||||||examining|||||||||||||||||| "One must have more than the eye of a shoemaker to know one pair from the other," said he, soliloquizing; and putting, at the same time, the galoshes in search of an owner, beside his own in the corner. |||||||||||||||||||Talking to oneself||||||||||||||||||| "Щоб відрізнити одну пару від іншої, треба мати більше, ніж око шевця", - промовив він, розмовляючи, і водночас поклав калоші в пошуках власника поруч зі своїми в кутку. "Here, sir!" said one of the men, who panting brought him a tremendous pile of papers. сказав один із чоловіків, який, задихаючись, приніс йому величезну купу паперів.

The copying-clerk turned round and spoke awhile with the man about the reports and legal documents in question; but when he had finished, and his eye fell again on the Shoes, he was unable to say whether those to the left or those to the right belonged to him. "At all events it must be those which are wet," thought he; but this time, in spite of his cleverness, he guessed quite wrong, for it was just those of Fortune which played as it were into his hands, or rather on his feet. ||||||||||||||||despite his cleverness||||||||||||||||||||||||||| And why, I should like to know, are the police never to be wrong? So he put them on quickly, stuck his papers in his pocket, and took besides a few under his arm, intending to look them through at home to make the necessary notes. It was noon; and the weather, that had threatened rain, began to clear up, while gaily dressed holiday folks filled the streets. "A little trip to Fredericksburg would do me no great harm," thought he; "for I, poor beast of burden that I am, have so much to annoy me, that I  don't know what a good appetite is. ||||Fredericksburg trip|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 'Tis a bitter crust, alas! ||harsh|harsh reality| at which I am condemned to gnaw!" ||||forced to endure||chew persistently on Nobody could be more steady or quiet than this young man; we therefore wish him joy of the excursion with all our heart; and it will certainly be beneficial for a person who leads so sedentary a life. ||||reliable|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||inactive or stationary|| In the park he met a friend, one of our young poets, who told him that the following day he should set out on his long-intended tour.

"So you are going away again!" said the clerk. "You are a very free and happy being; we others are chained by the leg and held fast to our desk."