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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 16. SIR WALTER RALEIGH


THERE once lived in England a brave and noble man whose name was Walter Raleigh. He was not only brave and noble, but he was also handsome and polite; and for that reason the queen made him a knight, and called him Sir Walter Raleigh.

I will tell you about it.

When Raleigh was a young man, he was one day walking along a street in London. At that time the streets were not paved, and there were no sidewalks. Raleigh was dressed in very fine style, and he wore a beautiful scarlet cloak thrown over his shoulders.

As he passed along, he found it hard work to keep from stepping in the mud, and soiling his handsome new shoes. Soon he came to a puddle of muddy water which reached from one side of the street to the other. He could not step across. Perhaps he could jump over it.

As he was thinking what he should do, he happened to look up. Who was it coming down the street, on the other side of the puddle?

It was Elizabeth, the Queen of England, with her train of gentlewomen and waiting maids. She saw the dirty puddle in the street. She saw the handsome young man with the scarlet cloak, standing by the side of it. How was she to get across?

Young Raleigh, when he saw who was coming, forgot about himself. He thought only of helping the queen. There was only one thing that he could do, and no other man would have thought of that.

He took off his scarlet cloak, and spread it across the puddle. The queen could step on it now, as on a beautiful carpet.

She walked across. She was safely over the ugly puddle, and her feet had not touched the mud. She paused a moment, and thanked the young man.

As she walked onward with her train, she asked one of the gentlewomen, "Who is that brave gentleman who helped us so handsomely?" "His name is Walter Raleigh," said the gentlewoman. "He shall have his reward," said the queen. Not long after that, she sent for Raleigh to come to her palace.

The young man went, but he had no scarlet cloak to wear. Then, while all the great men and fine ladies of England stood around, the queen made him a knight. And from that time he was known as Sir Walter Raleigh, the queen's favorite. Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Humphrey Gilbert, about whom I have already told you, were half-brothers.

When Sir Humphrey made his first voyage to America, Sir Walter was with him. After that, Sir Walter tried several times to send men to this country to make a settlement.

But those whom he sent found only great forests, and wild beasts, and savage Indians. Some of them went back to England; some of them died for want of food; and some of them were lost in the woods. At last Sir Walter gave up trying to get people to come to America.

But he found two things in this country which the people of England knew very little about. One was the potato, the other was tobacco.

If you should ever go to Ireland, you may be shown the place where Sir Walter planted the few potatoes which he carried over from America. He told his friends how the Indians used them for food; and he proved that they would grow in the Old World as well as in the New.

Sir Walter had seen the Indians smoking the leaves of the tobacco plant. He thought that he would do the same, and he carried some of the leaves to England. Englishmen had never used tobacco before that time; and all who saw Sir Walter puffing away at a roll of leaves thought that it was a strange sight.

One day as he was sitting in his chair and smoking, his servant came into the room. The man saw the smoke curling over his master's head, and he thought that he was on fire. He ran out for some water. He found a pail that was quite full. He hurried back, and threw the water into Sir Walter's face. Of course the fire was all put out.

After that a great many men learned to smoke. And now tobacco is used in all countries of the world. It would have been well if Sir Walter Raleigh had let it alone.

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THERE once lived in England a brave and noble man whose name was Walter Raleigh. He was not only brave and noble, but he was also handsome and polite; and for that reason the queen made him a knight, and called him Sir Walter Raleigh. |||||||||||handsome||||||||||||||||||

I will tell you about it.

When Raleigh was a young man, he was one day walking along a street in London. At that time the streets were not paved, and there were no sidewalks. |||||||asfaltate||||| Raleigh was dressed in very fine style, and he wore a beautiful scarlet cloak thrown over his shoulders. Raleigh çok güzel bir tarzda giyinmişti ve omuzlarının üzerine atılan güzel bir kırmızı pelerin giyiyordu.

As he passed along, he found it hard work to keep from stepping in the mud, and soiling his handsome new shoes. |||||||||||||||mud||soiling|||| 彼が通り過ぎるとき、彼は泥に足を踏み入れたり、ハンサムな新しい靴を汚したりしないようにするのが難しいことに気づきました。 Проходя мимо, он обнаружил, что тяжело работать, чтобы не наступить в грязь и не испачкать свои красивые новые туфли. Geçerken çamura basmaktan ve yakışıklı ayakkabılarını kirletmekten çok zorlandı. Soon he came to a puddle of muddy water which reached from one side of the street to the other. |||||puddle|||||||||||||| すぐに彼は、通りの片側から反対側に達する泥水の水たまりに来ました。 Çok geçmeden caddenin bir tarafından diğerine ulaşan çamurlu su birikintisine geldi. He could not step across. لم يستطع التحرك 彼は足を踏み入れることができませんでした。 Он не мог перешагнуть. Perhaps he could jump over it. Возможно, он мог бы перепрыгнуть через это.

As he was thinking what he should do, he happened to look up. Alors qu'il réfléchissait à ce qu'il devait faire, il a levé les yeux. どうしようかと考えていると、たまたま上を見上げた。 Пока он думал, что ему делать, он случайно поднял голову. Ne yapması gerektiğini düşünürken, o bakmak için oldu. Who was it coming down the street, on the other side of the puddle? 水たまりの向こう側の通りを下ってきたのは誰? Su birikintisinin diğer tarafında caddeden kim geliyordu?

It was Elizabeth, the Queen of England, with her train of gentlewomen and waiting maids. それはイギリスの女王であるエリザベスであり、彼女の一連の紳士と待機中のメイドでした. Это была Элизабет, королева Англии, с ее поездом джентльменок и ожидающих горничных. İngiltere Kraliçesi Elizabeth, nazik kadınları ve bekleyen hizmetçi treniyle oldu. She saw the dirty puddle in the street. Sokaktaki kirli su birikintisini gördü. She saw the handsome young man with the scarlet cloak, standing by the side of it. 彼女は緋色のマントを着たハンサムな若い男がその横に立っているのを見た. How was she to get across? 彼女はどうやって渡ったのですか? Karşılaşmak nasıldı?

Young Raleigh, when he saw who was coming, forgot about himself. 若いローリーは、誰が来るかを見たとき、自分のことを忘れていました。 Genç Raleigh, kimin geleceğini görünce kendini unuttu. He thought only of helping the queen. 彼は女王を助けることだけを考えていました。 There was only one thing that he could do, and no other man would have thought of that. 彼にできることはただ一つ、それは他の男なら思いつかなかった。 Yapabileceği tek bir şey vardı ve başka hiçbir erkek bunun hakkında düşünmezdi.

He took off his scarlet cloak, and spread it across the puddle. 彼は緋色のマントを脱ぎ、それを水たまりに広げた。 The queen could step on it now, as on a beautiful carpet. 美しいじゅうたんのように、女王は今それを踏むことができました。 Kraliçe şimdi, güzel bir halıda olduğu gibi devam edebilir.

She walked across. Она прошла через. She was safely over the ugly puddle, and her feet had not touched the mud. 彼女は無事に醜い水たまりを越え、足は泥に触れていませんでした。 She paused a moment, and thanked the young man. 彼女は一瞬立ち止まって、若者に感謝した。

As she walked onward with her train, she asked one of the gentlewomen, "Who is that brave gentleman who helped us so handsomely?" 彼女は電車で前に歩いていると、紳士の一人に尋ねました。 "His name is Walter Raleigh," said the gentlewoman. "He shall have his reward," said the queen. 「彼は報酬を受け取るでしょう」と女王は言いました。 Kraliçeyi “Ödülüne sahip olacak” dedi. Not long after that, she sent for Raleigh to come to her palace. Bundan çok sonra, Raleigh’in sarayına gelmesi için gönderdi.

The young man went, but he had no scarlet cloak to wear. Genç adam gitti, ama giyecek kızıl pelerini yoktu. Then, while all the great men and fine ladies of England stood around, the queen made him a knight. そして、英国のすべての偉人や貴婦人が周りに立つ中、女王は彼を騎士にしました。 Daha sonra, İngiltere'nin bütün büyük adamları ve güzel kadınları dururken, kraliçe ona bir şövalyeyi yaptı. And from that time he was known as Sir Walter Raleigh, the queen's favorite. そしてその時から、彼は女王の寵臣であるサー・ウォルター・ローリーとして知られるようになりました。 Ve o zamandan beri kraliçenin favorisi olan Sir Walter Raleigh olarak biliniyordu. Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Humphrey Gilbert, about whom I have already told you, were half-brothers. すでにお話ししたサー・ウォルター・ローリーとサー・ハンフリー・ギルバートは異母兄弟でした。 Сэр Уолтер Роли и сэр Хамфри Гилберт, о которых я вам уже говорил, были сводными братьями. Sör Walter Raleigh ve Sir Humphrey Gilbert, size daha önce söylediğim gibi, yarı-erkek kardeşlerdi.

When Sir Humphrey made his first voyage to America, Sir Walter was with him. Sir Humphrey Amerika'ya ilk yolculuğunu yaptığında, Sör Walter onun yanındaydı. After that, Sir Walter tried several times to send men to this country to make a settlement. Bundan sonra, Sir Walter bir yerleşim yapmak için bu ülkeye insan göndermek için birkaç kez denedi.

But those whom he sent found only great forests, and wild beasts, and savage Indians. Ama gönderdiği kişiler sadece harika ormanlar, vahşi hayvanlar ve vahşi Kızılderililer buldular. Some of them went back to England; some of them died for want of food; and some of them were lost in the woods. 彼らの何人かはイギリスに戻った。そのうちの何人かは食べ物がなくて死にました。それらのいくつかは森の中で失われました。 At last Sir Walter gave up trying to get people to come to America. とうとうサー・ウォルターは人々をアメリカに来させるのをやめました。 Sonunda Sir Walter, Amerika'ya gelmelerini sağlamak için pes etti.

But he found two things in this country which the people of England knew very little about. しかし、彼はこの国で、イギリスの人々がほとんど知らなかった 2 つのことを発見しました。 One was the potato, the other was tobacco. 1つはジャガイモで、もう1つはタバコでした。

If you should ever go to Ireland, you may be shown the place where Sir Walter planted the few potatoes which he carried over from America. アイルランドに行く機会があれば、ウォルター卿がアメリカから持ち帰った数本のジャガイモを植えた場所を見せられるかもしれません。 He told his friends how the Indians used them for food; and he proved that they would grow in the Old World as well as in the New. 彼は友達に、インディアンが彼らをどのように食べ物に使ったかを話しました。そして彼は、それらが新世界だけでなく旧世界でも成長することを証明しました。 Arkadaşlarına Kızılderililerin onları yiyecek için nasıl kullandığını söyledi; ve Eski Dünya'da ve Yeni'de büyüyeceklerini kanıtladı.

Sir Walter had seen the Indians smoking the leaves of the tobacco plant. ウォルター卿は、インディアンがタバコの葉を吸っているのを見たことがあります。 He thought that he would do the same, and he carried some of the leaves to England. 彼は自分も同じことをするだろうと考え、葉の一部をイギリスに運びました。 Englishmen had never used tobacco before that time; and all who saw Sir Walter puffing away at a roll of leaves thought that it was a strange sight. イギリス人はそれまでタバコを吸ったことがありませんでした。サー・ウォルターが葉っぱをふくらませているのを見た人は皆、それは奇妙な光景だと思いました。

One day as he was sitting in his chair and smoking, his servant came into the room. The man saw the smoke curling over his master's head, and he thought that he was on fire. Adam, efendinin başının üstünde duman kıvırdığını gördü ve ateşte olduğunu düşündü. He ran out for some water. He found a pail that was quite full. |||bucket|||| 彼はかなりいっぱいのバケツを見つけました。 Oldukça dolu bir kova buldu. He hurried back, and threw the water into Sir Walter's face. 彼は急いで戻ってきて、サー・ウォルターの顔に水をかけました。 Of course the fire was all put out. もちろん火は全部消しました。

After that a great many men learned to smoke. And now tobacco is used in all countries of the world. It would have been well if Sir Walter Raleigh had let it alone. Bylo by dobré, kdyby to sir Walter Raleigh nechal být. ウォルター・ローリー卿がそれを放っておけばよかったでしょう。 Было бы хорошо, если бы сэр Уолтер Рэли оставил это в покое. Sör Walter Raleigh'in yalnız bırakması iyi olurdu.