IT was a dark September morning.
There was a storm at sea.
A ship had been driven on a low rock off the shores of the Farne Islands.
Bir gemi, Farne Adaları kıyılarında alçak bir kaya üzerinde sürüldü.
It had been broken in two by the waves, and half of it had been washed away.
Dalgalar tarafından ikiye bölünmüştü ve yarısı yıkanmıştı.
The other half lay yet on the rock, and those of the crew who were still alive were clinging to it.
Diğer yarısı da kayaya uzanıyordu ve hâlâ hayatta olan mürettebat da ona yapışıyordu.
But the waves were dashing over it, and in a little while it too would be carried to the bottom.
Fakat dalgalar üzerinde keskin bir çizgi vardı ve bir süre içinde de tabana kadar taşınacaktı.
Could any one save the poor, half-drowned men who were there?
|||||||halb ertrunken||||
Herhangi biri, orada bulunan fakir, yarı boğulmuş adamları kurtarabilir mi?
On one of the islands was a lighthouse; and there, all through that stormy night, Grace Darling had listened to the storm.
Adalardan birinde bir deniz feneri vardı; Ve orada, tüm o fırtınalı gecede, Grace Darling fırtınayı dinlemişti.
Grace was the daughter of the lighthouse keeper, and she had lived by the sea as long as she could remember.
In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the winds and waves, she heard screams and wild cries.
When daylight came, she could see the wreck, a mile away, with the angry waters all around it.
日が暮れると、彼女は 1 マイル (1 マイル) 離れたところに沈没船が見え、その周りには荒れ狂う海が広がっていました。
She could see the men clinging to the masts.
Adamların direklere yapıştığını görebiliyordu.
"We must try to save them!"
she cried.
"Let us go out in the boat at once!"
"Bir kerede tekneyle çıkalım!"
"It is of no use, Grace," said her father.
“Bu hiç bir işe yaramıyor, Grace” dedi babası.
"We cannot reach them."
He was an old man, and he knew the force of the mighty waves.
Yaşlı bir adamdı ve güçlü dalgaların gücünü biliyordu.
"We cannot stay here and see them die," said Grace.
"We must at least try to save them."
Her father could not say, "No."
In a few minutes they were ready.
They set off in the heavy lighthouse boat.
Ağır deniz fenerinde yola çıktılar.
Grace pulled one oar, and her father the other, and they made straight toward the wreck.
Grace bir kürekle babasını ötekine çekti ve enkazdan aşağı doğru yürüdüler.
But it was hard rowing against such a sea, and it seemed as though they would never reach the place.
Ama böyle bir denize karşı sert kürek çekiyordu ve asla yere ulaşamayacakmış gibi görünüyordu.
At last they were close to the rock, and now they were in greater danger than before.
The fierce waves broke against the boat, and it would have been dashed in pieces, had it not been for the strength and skill of the brave girl.
Divoké vlny se rozbíjely o člun a byl by rozbitý na kusy, nebýt síly a dovednosti statečné dívky.
Şiddetli dalgalar tekneye karşı kırıldı ve cesur kızın gücü ve yeteneği için yapılmadığı için parçalara bölünmüş olurdu.
But after many trials, Grace's father climbed upon the wreck, while Grace herself held the boat.
Ale po mnoha zkouškách Gracein otec vylezl na vrak, zatímco Grace sama držela loď.
Then one by one the worn-out crew were helped on board.
Poté jeden po druhém pomáhali opotřebované posádce na palubu.
Sonra tek tek yıpranmış ekip, gemide yardımcı oldu.
It was all that the girl could do to keep the frail boat from being drifted away, or broken upon the sharp edges of the rock.
To bylo vše, co mohla dívka udělat, aby křehkou loďku neodnesla nebo nezlomila o ostré hrany skály.
Kızın, yelkenli teknenin sürüklenmesini veya kayaların keskin kenarlarında kırılmasını önlemek için yapabileceği her şeydi.
Then her father clambered back into his place.
Pak se její otec vyšplhal zpět na své místo.
Sonra babası onun yerine geri döndü.
Strong hands grasped the oars, and by and by all were safe in the lighthouse.
There Grace proved to be no less tender as a nurse than she had been brave as a sailor.
Tam se Grace ukázala být jako ošetřovatelka o nic méně něžná, než byla statečná jako námořník.
Orada Grace, bir hemşire olarak cesur olmasından daha az cesaret verici olmadığını kanıtladı.
She cared most kindly for the ship-wrecked men until the storm had died away and they were strong enough to go to their own homes.
Starala se o ztroskotané muže nanejvýš laskavě, dokud bouře neutichla a nebyli dost silní, aby se mohli vrátit do svých domovů.
All this happened a long time ago, but the name of Grace Darling will never be forgotten.
To vše se stalo už dávno, ale jméno Grace Darling nebude nikdy zapomenuto.
She lies buried now in a little churchyard by the sea, not far from her old home.
Nyní leží pohřbená na malém hřbitově u moře, nedaleko od svého starého domova.
Every year many people go there to see her grave; and there a monument has been placed in honor of the brave girl.
It is not a large monument, but it is one that speaks of the noble deed which made Grace Darling famous.
Není to velký pomník, ale je to ten, který vypovídá o vznešeném činu, který proslavil Grace Darling.
Bu büyük bir anıt değil, ama Grace Darling'i meşhur eden soylulardan bahsediyor.
It is a figure carved in stone of a woman lying at rest, with a boat's oar held fast in her right hand.
Je to postava vytesaná do kamene odpočívající ženy s veslem lodi pevně drženým v pravé ruce.
Это фигура, высеченная в камне женщины, лежащей в покое, с крепко держащим весло в правой руке.
Bu, sağ elinde hızlı tutulan bir teknenin kürekle istirahatte yatan bir kadının taşına oyulmuş bir figürdür.