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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 47. CASABIANCA


THERE was a great battle at sea. One could hear nothing but the roar of the big guns. The air was filled with black smoke. The water was strewn with broken masts and pieces of timber which the cannon balls had knocked from the ships. Many men had been killed, and many more had been wounded.

The flagship had taken fire. The flames were breaking out from below. The deck was all ablaze. The men who were left alive made haste to launch a small boat. They leaped into it, and rowed swiftly away. Any other place was safer now than on board of that burning ship. There was powder in the hold.

But the captain's son, young Casabianca, still stood upon the deck. The flames were almost all around him now; but he would not stir from his post. His father had bidden him stand there, and he had been taught always to obey. He trusted in his father's word, and believed that when the right time came he would tell him to go. He saw the men leap into the boat. He heard them call to him to come. He shook his head.

"When father bids me, I will go," he said. And now the flames were leaping up the masts. The sails were all ablaze. The fire blew hot upon his cheek. It scorched his hair. It was before him, behind him, all around him.

"O father!" he cried, "may I not go now? The men have all left the ship. Is it not time that we too should leave it?" He did not know that his father was lying in the burning cabin below, that a cannon ball had struck him dead at the very beginning of the fight. He listened to hear his answer.

"Speak louder, father!" he cried. "I cannot hear what you say." Above the roaring of the flames, above the crashing of the falling spars, above the booming of the gulls, he fancied that his father's voice came faintly to him through the scorching air. "I am here, father! Speak once again!" he gasped.

But what is that?

A great flash of light fills the air; clouds of smoke shoot quickly upward to the sky; and—

"BOOM!" Oh, what a terrific sound! Louder than thunder, louder than the roar of all the guns! The air quivers; the sea itself trembles; the sky is black.

The blazing ship is seen no more.

There was powder in the hold!

A long time ago a lady, whose name was Mrs. Hemans, wrote a poem about this brave boy Casabianca. It is not a very well written poem, and yet everybody has read it, and thousands of people have learned it by heart. I doubt not but that some day you too will read it. It begins in this way:—

"The boy stood on the burning deck Whence all but him had fled;

The flame that lit the battle's wreck Shone round him o'er the dead. "Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As born to rule the storm—

A creature of heroic blood,

A proud though childlike form."

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THERE was a great battle at sea. VAR denizde büyük bir savaştı. One could hear nothing but the roar of the big guns. Nebylo slyšet nic než řev velkých děl. 大砲の轟音しか聞こえなかった。 Biri büyük silahların kükremesinden başka bir şey duyamazdı. The air was filled with black smoke. The water was strewn with broken masts and pieces of timber which the cannon balls had knocked from the ships. Voda byla poseta rozbitými stěžněmi a kusy dřeva, které dělové koule srazily z lodí. Many men had been killed, and many more had been wounded.

The flagship had taken fire. Vlajková loď začala hořet. 旗艦が発砲した。 Amiral gemisi ateş aldı. The flames were breaking out from below. Plameny šlehaly zespodu. 下から炎が噴き出していました。 Alevler aşağıdan patlıyordu. The deck was all ablaze. Paluba byla celá v plamenech. Güverte parıldıyordu. The men who were left alive made haste to launch a small boat. 生き残った男たちは急いで小さなボートを進水させた。 Hayatta kalan adamlar küçük bir tekne başlatmak için acele etti. They leaped into it, and rowed swiftly away. 彼らはそれに飛び込み、素早く漕ぎ出しました。 İçine sıçradılar ve hızla kürek çektiler. Any other place was safer now than on board of that burning ship. あの燃える船の上より安全な場所は他にありませんでした。 There was powder in the hold. 船倉には粉がありました。 Beklemede toz vardı. У трюмі був порох.

But the captain's son, young Casabianca, still stood upon the deck. The flames were almost all around him now; but he would not stir from his post. 今や炎は彼の周りをほとんど覆っていた。しかし、彼は自分の持ち場から動こうとはしませんでした。 Alevler hemen şimdi onun etrafındaydı; ama görevinden kalkmayacaktı. His father had bidden him stand there, and he had been taught always to obey. 彼の父は彼にそこに立つように命じ、彼はいつも従うように教えられていた. Babası orada durmasını istemişti ve her zaman uyması öğretildi. He trusted in his father's word, and believed that when the right time came he would tell him to go. 彼は父親の言葉を信頼し、適切な時期が来たら行くように言うだろうと信じていました. Babasının sözüne güvendi ve doğru zaman geldiğinde ona gitmesini söyleyeceğine inandı. He saw the men leap into the boat. He heard them call to him to come. Onların gelmesini istediklerini duydu. He shook his head.

"When father bids me, I will go," he said. “Babam beni teklif ettiğinde gideceğim” dedi. And now the flames were leaping up the masts. Ve şimdi alevler direklere sıçradı. The sails were all ablaze. 帆はすべて燃えていた。 The fire blew hot upon his cheek. Yangın yanağında sıcak patladı. It scorched his hair. Saçını yaktı. It was before him, behind him, all around him. それは彼の前、彼の後ろ、彼の周りにありました。

"O father!" he cried, "may I not go now? 彼は叫びました、「もう行っていいですか? diye bağırdı "Şimdi gidebilir miyim? The men have all left the ship. Adamların hepsi gemiyi terk etti. Is it not time that we too should leave it?" 私たちもそこから離れるべき時ではないでしょうか?」 He did not know that his father was lying in the burning cabin below, that a cannon ball had struck him dead at the very beginning of the fight. He listened to hear his answer. Poslouchal, aby slyšel svou odpověď.

"Speak louder, father!" he cried. "I cannot hear what you say." Above the roaring of the flames, above the crashing of the falling spars, above the booming of the gulls, he fancied that his father's voice came faintly to him through the scorching air. 炎の轟音よりも、落下する桁の砕ける音よりも、カモメの鳴き声よりも、灼熱の空気を通して父親の声がかすかに聞こえてくるような気がした。 "I am here, father! Speak once again!" he gasped. 彼はあえぎました。 nefes aldı.

But what is that?

A great flash of light fills the air; clouds of smoke shoot quickly upward to the sky; and— 大きな閃光が空気を満たします。煙の雲が空に向かって急速に上昇します。と-

"BOOM!" "ブーム!" Oh, what a terrific sound! Louder than thunder, louder than the roar of all the guns! 雷鳴よりも大声で、すべての銃の轟音よりも大声で! Gök gürültüsünden daha yüksek, tüm silahların kükremesinden daha yüksek! The air quivers; the sea itself trembles; the sky is black. Vzduch se chvěje; moře samo se chvěje; nebe je černé. Hava titriyor; denizin kendisi titriyor; gökyüzü siyah.

The blazing ship is seen no more. Yanan gemi artık görülmez.

There was powder in the hold! V nákladovém prostoru byl prášek! 船倉にパウダーがありました!

A long time ago a lady, whose name was Mrs. Hemans, wrote a poem about this brave boy Casabianca. 昔々、ヘマンズ夫人という女性が、この勇敢な少年カサビアンカについて詩を書きました。 It is not a very well written poem, and yet everybody has read it, and thousands of people have learned it by heart. それはあまりよく書かれた詩ではありませんが、それでも誰もがそれを読み、何千人もの人々がそれを暗記しました. I doubt not but that some day you too will read it. 疑いはありませんが、いつかあなたもそれを読むでしょう。 It begins in this way:—

"The boy stood on the burning deck 「少年は燃える甲板に立っていた Whence all but him had fled; Odkud všichni kromě něj uprchli; そこから彼以外は逃げた。 Ondan başka herkes kaçtı;

The flame that lit the battle's wreck Plamen, který zapálil vrak bitvy 戦いの残骸を照らした炎 Shone round him o'er the dead. Zářil kolem něj nad mrtvými. 死んだ彼の周りを照らした。 Öldüğü için onu parladım. "Yet beautiful and bright he stood, "Přesto stál krásný a jasný, "Yine de güzel ve parlak durdu, As born to rule the storm— Jako zrozený, aby vládl bouři – 嵐を支配するために生まれてきたように— Fırtına hükmetmek için doğmuş gibi—

A creature of heroic blood, Tvor hrdinské krve, 英雄的な血の生き物、 Bir kahraman kanı yaratığı,

A proud though childlike form." Hrdá, i když dětská forma." 子供のような誇らしげなフォルム。」 Горда, хоча й дитяча форма".