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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. II.—WORK AND SORROW.


In the autumn, just after Abraham Lincoln was eight years old, his parents left their Kentucky home and moved to Spencer county, in Indiana.

It was not yet a year since Indiana had become a state. Land could be bought very cheap, and Mr. Lincoln thought that he could make a good living there for his family. He had heard also that game was plentiful in the Indiana woods.

It was not more than seventy or eighty miles from the old home to the new. But it seemed very far, indeed, and it was a good many days before the travelers reached their journey's end. Over a part of the way there was no road, and the movers had to cut a path for themselves through the thick woods.

The boy, Abraham, was tall and very strong for his age. He already knew how to handle an ax, and few men could shoot with a rifle better than he. He was his father's helper in all kinds of work. It was in November when the family came to the place which was to be their future home. Winter was near at hand. There was no house, nor shelter of any kind. What would become of the patient, tired mother, and the gentle little sister, who had borne themselves so bravely during the long, hard journey?

No sooner had the horses been loosed from the wagon than Abraham and his father were at work with their axes. In a short time they had built what they called a "camp." This camp was but a rude shed, made of poles and thatched with leaves and branches. It was enclosed on three sides, so that the chill winds or the driving rains from the north and west could not enter. The fourth side was left open, and in front of it a fire was built.

This fire was kept burning all the time. It warmed the interior of the camp. A big iron kettle was hung over it by means of a chain and pole, and in this kettle the fat bacon, the venison, the beans, and the corn were boiled for the family's dinner and supper. In the hot ashes the good mother baked luscious "corn dodgers," and sometimes, perhaps, a few potatoes. In one end of the camp were the few cooking utensils and little articles of furniture which even the poorest house cannot do without. The rest of the space was the family sitting-room and bed-room. The floor was covered with leaves, and on these were spread the furry skins of deer and bears, and other animals.

It was in this camp that the family spent their first winter in Indiana. How very cold and dreary that winter must have been! Think of the stormy nights, of the shrieking wind, of the snow and the sleet and the bitter frost! It is not much wonder if, before the spring months came, the mother's strength began to fail. But it was a busy winter for Thomas Lincoln. Every day his ax was heard in the woods. He was clearing the ground, so that in the spring it might be planted with corn and vegetables.

He was hewing logs for his new house; for he had made up his mind, now, to have something better than a cabin.

The woods were full of wild animals. It was easy for Abraham and his father to kill plenty of game, and thus keep the family supplied with fresh meat.

And Abraham, with chopping and hewing and hunting and trapping, was very busy for a little boy. He had but little time to play; and, since he had no playmates, we cannot know whether he even wanted to play.

With his mother, he read over and over the Bible stories which both of them loved so well. And, during the cold, stormy days, when he could not leave the camp, his mother taught him how to write.

In the spring the new house was raised. It was only a hewed log house, with one room below and a loft above. But it was so much better than the old cabin in Kentucky that it seemed like a palace.

The family had become so tired of living in the "camp," that they moved into the new house before the floor was laid, or any door hung at the doorway. Then came the plowing and the planting and the hoeing. Everybody was busy from daylight to dark. There were so many trees and stumps that there was but little room for the corn to grow.

The summer passed, and autumn came. Then the poor mother's strength gave out. She could no longer go about her household duties. She had to depend more and more upon the help that her children could give her.

At length she became too feeble to leave her bed. She called her boy to her side. She put her arms about him and said: "Abraham, I am going away from you, and you will never see me again. I know that you will always be good and kind to your sister and father. Try to live as I have taught you, and to love your heavenly Father." On the 5th of October she fell asleep, never to wake again.

Under a big sycamore tree, half a mile from the house, the neighbors dug the grave for the mother of Abraham Lincoln. And there they buried her in silence and great sorrow.

There was no minister there to conduct religious services. In all that new country there was no church; and no holy man could be found to speak words of comfort and hope to the grieving ones around the grave.

But the boy, Abraham, remembered a traveling preacher, whom they had known in Kentucky. The name of this preacher was David Elkin. If he would only come!

And so, after all was over, the lad sat down and wrote a letter to David Elkin. He was only a child nine years old, but he believed that the good man would remember his poor mother, and come.

It was no easy task to write a letter. Paper and ink were not things of common use, as they are with us. A pen had to be made from the quill of a goose.

But at last the letter was finished and sent away. How it was carried I do not know; for the mails were few and far between in those days, and postage was very high. It is more than likely that some friend, who was going into Kentucky, undertook to have it finally handed to the good preacher.

Months passed. The leaves were again on the trees. The wild flowers were blossoming in the woods. At last the preacher came.

He had ridden a hundred miles on horseback; he had forded rivers, and traveled through pathless woods; he had dared the dangers of the wild forest: all in answer to the lad's beseeching letter. He had no hope of reward, save that which is given to every man who does his duty. He did not know that there would come a time when the greatest preachers in the world would envy him his sad task.

And now the friends and neighbors gathered again under the great sycamore tree. The funeral sermon was preached. Hymns were sung. A prayer was offered. Words of comfort and sympathy were spoken.

From that time forward the mind of Abraham Lincoln was filled with a high and noble purpose. In his earliest childhood his mother had taught him to love truth and justice, to be honest and upright among men, and to reverence God. These lessons he never forgot.

Long afterward, when the world had come to know him as a very great man, he said: "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."


In the autumn, just after Abraham Lincoln was eight years old, his parents left their Kentucky home and moved to Spencer county, in Indiana. |||||||||||||||||||||||Indiana Sonbaharda, Abraham Lincoln sekiz yaşına bastıktan hemen sonra, ailesi Kentucky'deki evlerini terk ederek Indiana'daki Spencer ilçesine taşındı. Восени, одразу після того, як Аврааму Лінкольну виповнилося вісім років, його батьки залишили свій дім у Кентуккі та переїхали до округу Спенсер, штат Індіана.

It was not yet a year since Indiana had become a state. Indiana'nın eyalet olmasının üzerinden henüz bir yıl geçmemişti. Не минуло й року, як Індіана стала штатом. 印第安纳州成为一个州还不到一年。 Land could be bought very cheap, and Mr. Lincoln thought that he could make a good living there for his family. Arazi çok ucuza satın alınabiliyordu ve Bay Lincoln orada ailesi için iyi bir yaşam kurabileceğini düşünüyordu. Землю можна було купити дуже дешево, і містер Лінкольн вважав, що зможе добре заробити там на життя для своєї родини. He had heard also that game was plentiful in the Indiana woods. |||||||dồi dào|||| |||||caza abundante||abundante|||| Indiana ormanlarında bol miktarda av hayvanı olduğunu da duymuştu. Він також чув, що в лісах Індіани було багато дичини.

It was not more than seventy or eighty miles from the old home to the new. Eski ev ile yeni ev arası yetmiş ya da seksen milden fazla değildi. Від старого дому до нового було не більше сімдесяти-вісімдесяти миль. But it seemed very far, indeed, and it was a good many days before the travelers reached their journey's end. Ama gerçekten de çok uzak görünüyordu ve yolcuların yolculuklarının sonuna ulaşmaları için daha günler vardı. Але це справді здавалося дуже далеко, і минуло чимало днів, перш ніж мандрівники дійшли до кінця своєї подорожі. 但事实上,这似乎很远,旅行者们花了很多天才到达旅程的终点。 Over a part of the way there was no road, and the movers had to cut a path for themselves through the thick woods. Yolun bir kısmında yol yoktu ve nakliyeciler sık ağaçların arasından kendilerine bir patika açmak zorunda kaldılar. Частину шляху дороги не було, і вантажникам довелося прорізати собі шлях крізь густий ліс.

The boy, Abraham, was tall and very strong for his age. Çocuk, Abraham, uzun boylu ve yaşına göre çok güçlüydü. He already knew how to handle an ax, and few men could shoot with a rifle better than he. |||||||||||||||súng trường||| Balta kullanmayı zaten biliyordu ve tüfekle ondan daha iyi ateş edebilen çok az adam vardı. Він уже вмів поводитися з сокирою, а мало хто краще за нього вмів стріляти з рушниці. 他已经知道如何使用斧头,很少有人比他更擅长用步枪射击。 He was his father's helper in all kinds of work. Her türlü işte babasının yardımcısıydı. Він був батькові помічником у всіляких роботах. 他是父亲各项工作的得力助手。 It was in November when the family came to the place which was to be their future home. Aile, gelecekteki evleri olacak yere geldiğinde Kasım ayındaydı. Winter was near at hand. Kış yaklaşıyordu. Зима була близько. There was no house, nor shelter of any kind. Ne bir ev ne de herhangi bir barınak vardı. Не було ні хати, ні якогось притулку. What would become of the patient, tired mother, and the gentle little sister, who had borne themselves so bravely during the long, hard journey? |||||||||||||||chịu đựng|||||||| |||||||||||||||सहन किया|||||||| |||||||||||||||soportado|||||||| Uzun ve zorlu yolculuk boyunca kendilerini çok cesurca koruyan sabırlı, yorgun anne ve nazik küçük kız kardeşe ne olacaktı? Що буде з терплячою, втомленою матір’ю та ніжною сестричкою, які так мужньо витримали довгу, важку дорогу? 耐心、疲惫的母亲和温柔的妹妹,在漫长而艰难的旅程中勇敢地承担着自己的责任,会变成什么样子呢?

No sooner had the horses been loosed from the wagon than Abraham and his father were at work with their axes. ||||||thả ra|||xe ngựa||||||||||| ||||||soltado|||||||||||||| Atlar arabadan indirilir indirilmez İbrahim ve babası baltalarıyla işe koyuldular. Щойно коні були випущені з воза, як Авраам і його батько почали працювати зі своїми сокирами. 马匹一从马车上松开,亚伯拉罕和他的父亲就开始用斧子干活。 In a short time they had built what they called a "camp." Kısa bir süre içinde "kamp" adını verdikleri bir yer inşa ettiler. За короткий час вони побудували те, що вони назвали «табором». This camp was but a rude shed, made of poles and thatched with leaves and branches. ||||||túp lều thô sơ|||cột gỗ||lợp lá|||| ||||||Cobertizo rudimentario|||Postes||cubierto de paja|||| Bu kamp, direklerden yapılmış, yaprak ve dallarla sazdan örülmüş kaba bir kulübeden başka bir şey değildi. Цей табір був лише грубим сарайчиком, зробленим із жердин і покритим листям і гілками. 这个营地只是一个简陋的棚屋,用柱子搭成,用树叶和树枝搭成茅草。 It was enclosed on three sides, so that the chill winds or the driving rains from the north and west could not enter. Üç tarafı çevriliydi, böylece kuzeyden ve batıdan gelen soğuk rüzgârlar ya da şiddetli yağmurlar içeri giremiyordu. Він був огороджений з трьох боків, щоб не могли проникнути прохолодні вітри чи проливні дощі з півночі та заходу. 三边封闭,北边、西边的寒风和暴雨无法侵入。 The fourth side was left open, and in front of it a fire was built. Dördüncü taraf açık bırakıldı ve önünde bir ateş yakıldı. 第四面敞开着,前面生了一堆火。

This fire was kept burning all the time. |||||||todo el tiempo Bu ateş her zaman yanmaya devam etti. Цей вогонь весь час палав. It warmed the interior of the camp. |||nội thất||| Kampın içini ısıttı. Це зігрівало внутрішню частину табору. A big iron kettle was hung over it by means of a chain and pole, and in this kettle the fat bacon, the venison, the beans, and the corn were boiled for the family's dinner and supper. ||||||||||||dây xích||cây sào|||||||||thịt nai||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||carne de venado|||||||||||||cena Üzerine zincir ve sırıkla büyük bir demir kazan asılmıştı ve bu kazanda yağlı domuz pastırması, geyik eti, fasulye ve mısır ailenin akşam yemeği ve akşam yemeği için kaynatılıyordu. Над ним за допомогою ланцюга і жердини підвішували великий залізний казан, і в цьому казані варили жирне сало, оленину, квасолю і кукурудзу для сімейного обіду і вечері. 上面用链子和杆子挂着一个大铁锅,锅里煮着肥肥的培根、鹿肉、豆子和玉米,作为全家的晚餐和夜宵。 In the hot ashes the good mother baked luscious "corn dodgers," and sometimes, perhaps, a few potatoes. |||tro tàn nóng|||||ngon lành||bánh ngô nướng|||||| ||||||||deliciosos||tortas de maíz|||||| İyi kalpli anne, sıcak küllerin içinde nefis "corn dodgers" ve bazen de belki birkaç patates pişirirdi. На гарячому попелі добра мати пекла смачні «кукурудзяні кукурудзи», а часом, може, й кілька картоплин. 善良的母亲在炽热的灰烬中烤出美味的“玉米饼”,有时也许还烤一些土豆。 In one end of the camp were the few cooking utensils and little articles of furniture which even the poorest house cannot do without. Kampın bir ucunda, en fakir evin bile onsuz yapamayacağı birkaç mutfak eşyası ve küçük mobilya parçaları vardı. В одному кінці табору було кілька кухонного начиння та дрібних меблів, без яких не може обійтися навіть найбідніший дім. 营地的一端有一些炊具和小家具,即使是最贫穷的房子也离不开这些。 The rest of the space was the family sitting-room and bed-room. Alanın geri kalanı ailenin oturma odası ve yatak odasıydı. 其余的空间是家庭客厅和卧室。 The floor was covered with leaves, and on these were spread the furry skins of deer and bears, and other animals. Zemin yapraklarla kaplıydı ve bunların üzerine geyik, ayı ve diğer hayvanların tüylü derileri serilmişti. Підлога була вкрита листям, а на них розстелені пухнасті шкури оленів, ведмедів та інших тварин. 地板上铺满了树叶,上面铺着鹿、熊和其他动物的毛皮。

It was in this camp that the family spent their first winter in Indiana. Aile Indiana'daki ilk kışını bu kampta geçirdi. How very cold and dreary that winter must have been! ||||ảm đạm||||| ||||sombrío||||| O kış ne kadar soğuk ve kasvetli geçmiş olmalı! Якою ж холодною й похмурою мала бути та зима! 那年冬天该是多么寒冷和凄凉啊! Think of the stormy nights, of the shrieking wind, of the snow and the sleet and the bitter frost! ||||||||||||||mưa tuyết rơi||||băng giá |||||||aullido|||||||aguanieve||||helada amarga Fırtınalı geceleri, çığlık çığlığa esen rüzgarı, karı, sulu karı ve acı ayazı düşünün! Подумай про грозові ночі, про пронизливий вітер, про сніг, мокрий сніг і лютий мороз! 想想那些暴风雨的夜晚、呼啸的风、雪、雨夹雪和严霜! It is not much wonder if, before the spring months came, the mother's strength began to fail. Bahar ayları gelmeden annenin gücünün tükenmeye başlaması pek de şaşırtıcı değildir. Не дивно, якщо до настання весняних місяців материнські сили почали знемагати. 毫不奇怪,在春天到来之前,母亲的体力就开始衰退。 But it was a busy winter for Thomas Lincoln. Ama Thomas Lincoln için yoğun bir kıştı. Але це була напружена зима для Томаса Лінкольна. Every day his ax was heard in the woods. Her gün ormanda baltasının sesi duyuluyordu. Кожен день його сокиру чути в лісі. He was clearing the ground, so that in the spring it might be planted with corn and vegetables. İlkbaharda mısır ve sebze ekilebilmesi için toprağı temizliyordu. Він розчищав землю, щоб навесні посадити кукурудзу та овочі. 他正在清理土地,以便春天可以种植玉米和蔬菜。

He was hewing logs for his new house; for he had made up his mind, now, to have something better than a cabin. ||đẽo gỗ|khúc gỗ||||||||||||||||||| ||tallando|||||||||||||||||||| Yeni evi için kütük yontuyordu; çünkü artık bir kulübeden daha iyi bir şeye sahip olmaya karar vermişti. Тесав колоди для своєї нової хати; бо тепер він вирішив мати щось краще, ніж каюта. 他正在为他的新房子砍木头。因为他现在已经下定决心要拥有比小屋更好的东西。

The woods were full of wild animals. Orman vahşi hayvanlarla doluydu. Ліси були повні диких тварин. 树林里到处都是野生动物。 It was easy for Abraham and his father to kill plenty of game, and thus keep the family supplied with fresh meat. ||||||||||||thú rừng||||||||| ||||||||||||शिकार||||||||| İbrahim ve babası için bol miktarda av hayvanı öldürmek ve böylece aileyi taze etle beslemek kolaydı. Аврааму та його батькові було легко вбити багато дичини і таким чином забезпечити сім’ю свіжим м’ясом. 亚伯拉罕和他的父亲很容易就能杀死大量的猎物,从而为家人提供新鲜的肉。

And Abraham, with chopping and hewing and hunting and trapping, was very busy for a little boy. |||||đốn củi||||||||||| |||||काटना|||||||व्यस्त|||| Ve İbrahim kesip biçmekle, avlanmakla ve tuzak kurmakla küçük bir çocuk için çok meşguldü. І Авраам був дуже зайнятий маленьким хлопчиком, рубаючи, рубаючи, полюючи й ловлячи пастки. 亚伯拉罕,砍伐、砍伐、狩猎、诱捕,对于一个小男孩来说非常忙碌。 He had but little time to play; and, since he had no playmates, we cannot know whether he even wanted to play. ||||||||||||bạn chơi cùng||||||||| Oynamak için çok az zamanı vardı; ve oyun arkadaşı olmadığı için, oynamak isteyip istemediğini bile bilemeyiz. 他几乎没有时间玩;而且,由于他没有玩伴,我们无法知道他是否想玩。

With his mother, he read over and over the Bible stories which both of them loved so well. Annesiyle birlikte, her ikisinin de çok sevdiği Kutsal Kitap öykülerini tekrar tekrar okudu. 他和母亲一起读了一遍又一遍的圣经故事,他们都非常喜欢这些故事。 And, during the cold, stormy days, when he could not leave the camp, his mother taught him how to write. Ve kamptan ayrılamadığı soğuk, fırtınalı günlerde annesi ona nasıl yazılacağını öğretti. І в холодні, бурхливі дні, коли він не міг покинути табір, мати навчила його писати. 而且,在寒冷、暴风雨的日子里,当他无法离开营地时,他的母亲教他如何写作。

In the spring the new house was raised. İlkbaharda yeni ev yükseltildi. It was only a hewed log house, with one room below and a loft above. ||||đẽo gọt|||||||||gác xép| ||||काटी हुई|||||||||| ||||tallado|||||||||desván| Sadece yontulmuş bir kütük evdi, altında bir oda ve üstünde bir çatı katı vardı. Це був лише тесаний зруб з однією кімнатою внизу та горищем угорі. 那只是一座凿成的木屋,下面是一个房间,上面是一个阁楼。 But it was so much better than the old cabin in Kentucky that it seemed like a palace. Ama Kentucky'deki eski kulübeden o kadar daha iyiydi ki bir saray gibi görünüyordu.

The family had become so tired of living in the "camp," that they moved into the new house before the floor was laid, or any door hung at the doorway. ||||||||||||||||||||||lát xong|||||||khung cửa Aile "kampta" yaşamaktan o kadar sıkılmıştı ki, daha zemin döşenmeden ya da kapıya herhangi bir kapı asılmadan yeni eve taşındılar. Сім'ї так набридло жити в «таборі», що вони переїхали в нову хату ще до того, як настелили підлогу або повісили двері на порозі. 这家人已经厌倦了“营地”的生活,所以在地板还没铺好、门口还没有挂门之前,他们就搬进了新房子。 Then came the plowing and the planting and the hoeing. |||cày bừa||||||cuốc đất |||arado||||||el deshierbe Sonra çift sürme, ekme ve çapalama geldi. Потім була оранка, посадка та копання. Everybody was busy from daylight to dark. Gün ışığından karanlığa kadar herkes meşguldü. Усі були зайняті від дня до темряви. There were so many trees and stumps that there was but little room for the corn to grow. ||||||gốc cây||||||||||| ||||||tocones de árboles||||||||||| O kadar çok ağaç ve kütük vardı ki mısırların yetişmesi için çok az yer vardı. Дерев і пнів було так багато, що кукурудзі було мало місця для росту. 树木和树桩太多,几乎没有空间种植玉米。

The summer passed, and autumn came. Минуло літо, настала осінь. Then the poor mother's strength gave out. Тоді бідолашній матері вирвалися сили. She could no longer go about her household duties. Вона більше не могла виконувати свої домашні обов’язки. She had to depend more and more upon the help that her children could give her. Їй доводилося все більше покладатися на допомогу, яку їй могли надати її діти. 她不得不越来越依赖孩子们给她的帮助。

At length she became too feeble to leave her bed. |||||quá yếu ớt|||| Нарешті вона стала надто слабкою, щоб встати з ліжка. 最后,她变得虚弱得无法下床。 She called her boy to her side. Вона покликала свого хлопчика до себе. She put her arms about him and said: "Abraham, I am going away from you, and you will never see me again. Вона обійняла його і сказала: «Аврааме, я йду від тебе, і ти ніколи більше не побачиш мене. 她用双臂搂住他说:“亚伯拉罕,我要离开你了,你再也见不到我了。 I know that you will always be good and kind to your sister and father. Я знаю, що ти завжди будеш добрим і добрим до своєї сестри й батька. 我知道你会永远对你的姐姐和父亲很好。 Try to live as I have taught you, and to love your heavenly Father." ||||||||||||thiên thượng| Намагайтеся жити так, як Я навчив вас, і любити свого небесного Батька». 尝试按照我教导你们的方式生活,并爱你们的天父。” On the 5th of October she fell asleep, never to wake again. 5 жовтня вона заснула, щоб більше не прокинутися.

Under a big sycamore tree, half a mile from the house, the neighbors dug the grave for the mother of Abraham Lincoln. |||cây sung dâu|||||||||||||||||| |||árbol sicómoro|||||||||||||||||| Під великим явором, за півмилі від будинку, сусіди викопали могилу для матері Авраама Лінкольна. 在距离房子半英里的一棵大梧桐树下,邻居们为亚伯拉罕·林肯的母亲挖了坟墓。 And there they buried her in silence and great sorrow. І поховали її там у мовчанні та великому смутку.

There was no minister there to conduct religious services. |||mục sư||||| Там не було служителя, який би відправляв богослужіння. 那里没有牧师主持宗教仪式。 In all that new country there was no church; and no holy man could be found to speak words of comfort and hope to the grieving ones around the grave. |||||||||||||||||||||||||đau buồn|||| 在那个新国家里,没有教堂;只有教堂。没有圣人对坟墓周围悲伤的人说安慰和希望的话。

But the boy, Abraham, remembered a traveling preacher, whom they had known in Kentucky. |||||||predicador itinerante|||||| Але хлопчик, Авраам, згадав мандрівного проповідника, якого вони знали в Кентуккі. The name of this preacher was David Elkin. 这位传教士的名字叫大卫·埃尔金。 If he would only come! Якби він тільки прийшов! 他要是来就好了!

And so, after all was over, the lad sat down and wrote a letter to David Elkin. ||||||||||||||||David Elkin І ось, коли все закінчилося, хлопець сів і написав листа Девіду Елкіну. 一切结束后,小伙子坐下来给大卫·埃尔金写了一封信。 He was only a child nine years old, but he believed that the good man would remember his poor mother, and come. Йому було всього дев'ять років, але він вірив, що добрий чоловік згадає його бідну матір і прийде.

It was no easy task to write a letter. Написати листа було непростим завданням. Paper and ink were not things of common use, as they are with us. Папір і чорнило не були предметами загального вжитку, як у нас. A pen had to be made from the quill of a goose. ||||||||pluma de ganso||| З гусячого пера треба було зробити ручку.

But at last the letter was finished and sent away. How it was carried I do not know; for the mails were few and far between in those days, and postage was very high. ||||||||||||||||||||bưu phí||| ||||||||||||||||||||franqueo||| Як його несли, я не знаю; оскільки в ті дні поштових відправлень було небагато, а поштові витрати були дуже високими. It is more than likely that some friend, who was going into Kentucky, undertook to have it finally handed to the good preacher. Цілком імовірно, що якийсь друг, який збирався до Кентуккі, взявся передати його доброму проповіднику. 很可能是某个即将前往肯塔基州的朋友承诺将其最终交给那位好传道人。

Months passed. Минали місяці. The leaves were again on the trees. На деревах знову було листя. The wild flowers were blossoming in the woods. У лісі розцвіли польові квіти. 树林里野花盛开。 At last the preacher came. Нарешті прийшов проповідник.

He had ridden a hundred miles on horseback; he had forded rivers, and traveled through pathless woods; he had dared the dangers of the wild forest: all in answer to the lad's beseeching letter. ||cưỡi ngựa|||||cưỡi ngựa|||lội qua|||||không có đường|||||||||||||||||khẩn cầu| ||cabalgado||||||||cruzado a pie||||||||||||||||||||||suplicante| Він проїхав сотню миль верхи; він переходив річки вброд і мандрував бездоріжжями; він наважився на небезпеку дикого лісу: усе у відповідь на благальний лист хлопця. 他已经骑马骑行了一百英里;他涉过河流,穿过无路的树林。他敢于冒险进入野生森林:这一切都是为了回应小伙子的恳求信。 He had no hope of reward, save that which is given to every man who does his duty. Він не мав жодної надії на винагороду, окрім тієї, яку отримує кожен, хто виконує свій обов’язок. 除了给予每一个履行职责的人的报酬之外,他不希望得到任何回报。 He did not know that there would come a time when the greatest preachers in the world would envy him his sad task. ||||||||||||||||||ghen tị với|||| Він не знав, що прийде час, коли найбільші проповідники світу заздрять йому його сумному завданню. Anh không biết rằng sẽ có một lúc mà những nhà thuyết pháp vĩ đại nhất trên thế giới sẽ ghen tị anh với nhiệm vụ buồn của mình. 他不知道有一天,世界上最伟大的传教士会羡慕他的悲伤任务。

And now the friends and neighbors gathered again under the great sycamore tree. |||||||||||gran sicómoro| І ось друзі та сусіди знову зібралися під великим явором. Và bây giờ, những người bạn và hàng xóm lại tụ tập dưới cây dương lĩnh lớn. The funeral sermon was preached. ||||giảng đạo ||El sermón fúnebre||se predicó Була виголошена заупокійна проповідь. Truyền đạo tang lễ đã được tổ chức. 举行了葬礼讲道。 Hymns were sung. Thánh ca|| Співали гімни. A prayer was offered. Була піднесена молитва. Words of comfort and sympathy were spoken. Були висловлені слова втіхи та співчуття. Những lời an ủi và đồng cảm đã được phát biểu. 人们说出了安慰和同情的话。

From that time forward the mind of Abraham Lincoln was filled with a high and noble purpose. З того часу розум Авраама Лінкольна був сповнений високої та благородної мети. Từ thời điểm đó điều tâm trí của Abraham Lincoln được đầy ắp bởi một mục tiêu cao quý và cao cả. 从那时起,亚伯拉罕·林肯的心中就充满了崇高的目标。 In his earliest childhood his mother had taught him to love truth and justice, to be honest and upright among men, and to reverence God. ||||||||||||||||||íntegro|||||venerar a Dios| У ранньому дитинстві мати навчила його любити правду і справедливість, бути чесним і чесним серед людей і шанувати Бога. Trong tuổi thơ sớm nhất của mình, mẹ ông đã dạy ông yêu sự thật và công bằng, trở nghề và trung thực giữa mọi người, cũng như kính sợ Đức Chúa Trời. These lessons he never forgot.

Long afterward, when the world had come to know him as a very great man, he said: "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." Через довгий час, коли світ дізнався про нього як про велику людину, він сказав: «Усім, ким я є або сподіваюся бути, я завдячую моїй матері-ангелу». Lâu sau, khi thế giới đã biết đến ông như một người rất vĩ đại, ông nói: "Tất cả những gì tôi là, hoặc hy vọng trở thành, tôi nợ cho người mẹ thiên thần của tôi." 很久以后,当全世界都知道他是一个非常伟大的人时,他说:“我现在的一切,或者我希望成为的一切,都归功于我天使般的母亲。”