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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF DANIEL WEBSTER. V.—AT EXETER ACADEMY.


It was the first time that Daniel Webster had been so far from home. He was bashful and awkward. His clothes were of home-made stuff, and they were cut in the quaint style of the back-country districts.

He must have been a funny-looking fellow. No wonder that the boys laughed when they saw him going up to the principal to be examined for admission.

The principal of the academy at that time was Dr. Benjamin Abbott. He was a great scholar and a very dignified gentleman.

He looked down at the slender, black-eyed boy and asked:

"What is your age, sir?" "Fourteen years," said Daniel. "I will examine you first in reading. Take this Bible, and let me hear you read some of these verses." He pointed to the twenty-second chapter of Saint Luke's Gospel. The boy took the book and began to read. He had read this chapter a hundred times before. Indeed, there was no part of the Bible that was not familiar to him.

He read with a clearness and fervor which few men could equal.

The dignified principal was astonished. He stood as though spell-bound, listening to the rich, mellow tones of the bashful lad from among the hills.

In the case of most boys it was enough if he heard them read a verse or two. But he allowed Daniel Webster to read on until he had finished the chapter. Then he said:

"There is no need to examine you further. You are fully qualified to enter this academy." Most of the boys at Exeter were gentlemen's sons. They dressed well, they had been taught fine manners, they had the speech of cultivated people.

They laughed at the awkward, new boy. They made fun of his homespun coat; they twitted him on account of his poverty; they annoyed him in a hundred ways.

Daniel felt hurt by this cruel treatment. He grieved bitterly over it in secret, but he did not resent it.

He studied hard and read much. He was soon at the head of all his classes. His schoolmates ceased laughing at him; for they saw that, with all his uncouth ways, he had more ability than any of them.

He had, as I have said, a wonderful memory. He had also a quick insight and sound judgment.

But he had had so little experience with the world, that he was not sure of his own powers. He knew that he was awkward; and this made him timid and bashful.

When it came his turn to declaim before the school, he had not the courage to do it. Long afterwards, when he had become the greatest orator of modern times, he told how hard this thing had been for him at Exeter:

"Many a piece did I commit to memory, and rehearse in my room over and over again. But when the day came, when the school collected, when my name was called and I saw all eyes turned upon my seat, I could not raise myself from it.

"Sometimes the masters frowned, sometimes they smiled. My tutor always pressed and entreated with the most winning kindness that I would venture only once ; but I could not command sufficient resolution, and when the occasion was over I went home and wept tears of bitter mortification." Daniel stayed nine months at Exeter. In those nine months he did as much as the other boys of his age could do in two years.

He mastered arithmetic, geography, grammar, and rhetoric. He also began the study of Latin. Besides this, he was a great reader of all kinds of books, and he added something every day to his general stock of knowledge.

His teachers did not oblige him to follow a graded course of study. They did not hold him back with the duller pupils of his class. They did not oblige him to wait until the end of the year before he could be promoted or could begin the study of a new subject.

But they encouraged him to do his best. As soon as he had finished one subject, he advanced to a more difficult one.

More than fifty years afterwards, Dr. Abbott declared that in all his long experience he had never known any one whose power of gaining knowledge was at all equal to that of the bashful country lad from the New Hampshire hills.

Judge Webster would have been glad to let Daniel stay at Exeter until he had finished the studies required at the academy. But he could not afford the expense.

If he should spend all his money to keep the boy at the academy, how could he afterwards find the means to send him to college where the expenses would be much greater?

So he thought it best to find a private teacher for the boy. This would be cheaper.


It was the first time that Daniel Webster had been so far from home. ||||primera vez||||||||| It was the first time that Daniel Webster had been so far from home. Era la primera vez que Daniel Webster estaba tan lejos de casa. ダニエル・ウェブスターが家から遠く離れたのはこれが初めてでした。 Daniel Webster ilk kez evinden bu kadar uzakta bulunuyordu. He was bashful and awkward. ||Tímido|| 彼は恥ずかしがり屋でぎこちなかった。 Utangaç ve beceriksizdi. 他害羞又尴尬。 His clothes were of home-made stuff, and they were cut in the quaint style of the back-country districts. |||||||||||||pintoresco|||||| Su ropa era de tela casera y estaba cortada al estilo pintoresco de los distritos rurales. 彼の服は自家製のもので、バックカントリー地区の趣のあるスタイルでカットされていました. Giysileri ev yapımıydı ve taşra bölgelerinin tuhaf tarzında kesilmişlerdi. Його одяг був із саморобних речей і покроєний у химерному стилі глухих районів. 他的衣服是自制的,裁剪成偏远地区的古朴风格。

He must have been a funny-looking fellow. Debía de ser un tipo de aspecto raro. おかしな顔をした男だったに違いない。 Komik görünüşlü bir adam olmalı. Мабуть, він був кумедним хлопцем. No wonder that the boys laughed when they saw him going up to the principal to be examined for admission. 彼が校長先生のところへ入学の検査を受けに行くのを見て、少年たちが笑ったのも不思議ではありません。 Kabul muayenesi için müdürün yanına gittiğini gören çocukların gülmesine şaşmamalı. Не дивно, що хлопчики сміялися, коли бачили, як він йде до директора, щоб перевірити його на вступ. 难怪孩子们看到他去校长那儿接受入学考试时都笑了。

The principal of the academy at that time was Dr. Benjamin Abbott. |||||||en ese momento|||| O dönemde akademinin müdürü Dr. Benjamin Abbott idi. Директором академії на той час був доктор Бенджамін Ебботт. He was a great scholar and a very dignified gentleman. 彼は偉大な学者であり、非常に威厳のある紳士でした。 Büyük bir bilgin ve çok saygın bir beyefendiydi. Він був великим ученим і дуже поважним джентльменом. Ông ấy là một học giả vĩ đại và là một quý ông rất đàng hoàng.

He looked down at the slender, black-eyed boy and asked: 彼はほっそりした黒い目の少年を見下ろし、こう尋ねた。 İnce, siyah gözlü çocuğa baktı ve sordu: Він подивився на стрункого чорноокого хлопчика й запитав: Anh nhìn xuống cậu bé mảnh khảnh, mắt đen và hỏi:

"What is your age, sir?" 「先生、何歳ですか?」 "Yaşınız kaç efendim?" "Fourteen years," said Daniel. 「十四年」ダニエルは言った。 "On dört yıl," dedi Daniel. “Mười bốn năm,” Daniel nói. "I will examine you first in reading. 「私は最初に読書であなたを調べます。 Take this Bible, and let me hear you read some of these verses." この聖書を持ってきて、あなたがこれらの節のいくつかを読むのを聞かせてください.」 Bu İncil'i alın ve şu ayetlerden bazılarını okumanıza izin verin." Візьміть цю Біблію, і дозвольте мені послухати, як ви прочитаєте деякі з цих віршів». He pointed to the twenty-second chapter of Saint Luke's Gospel. 彼は聖ルカの福音書の第 22 章を指さしました。 Aziz Luka'nın İncil'inin yirmi ikinci bölümünü işaret etti. Він вказав на двадцять другу главу Євангелія від Луки. Ông chỉ vào chương thứ hai mươi hai của Tin Mừng Thánh Luca. 他指着圣路加福音第二十二章。 The boy took the book and began to read. 少年は本を手に取り、読み始めた。 Çocuk kitabı aldı ve okumaya başladı. Хлопчик узяв книжку і почав читати. He had read this chapter a hundred times before. 彼はこの章を何百回も読んだことがあります。 เขาเคยอ่านบทนี้มาก่อนร้อยครั้ง Bu bölümü daha önce yüzlerce kez okumuştu. Він читав цю главу сто разів раніше. Indeed, there was no part of the Bible that was not familiar to him. 確かに、彼がなじみのない聖書の箇所はありませんでした。 อันที่จริงไม่มีส่วนใดของพระคัมภีร์ที่ไม่คุ้นเคยกับเขา Gerçekten de Kutsal Kitap'ın ona tanıdık gelmeyen hiçbir bölümü yoktu. Дійсно, не було жодної частини Біблії, яка б йому була не знайома.

He read with a clearness and fervor which few men could equal. ||||||fervor||||| 彼は明晰さと熱意をもって読んだ。 เขาอ่านด้วยความกระจ่างและร้อนรนซึ่งผู้ชายไม่กี่คนจะเท่าเทียมกัน Çok az insanın erişebileceği bir açıklık ve coşkuyla okuyordu. Він читав із чіткістю й запалом, з якими мало хто міг зрівнятися. Anh ấy đọc với sự rõ ràng và nhiệt tình mà ít người đàn ông nào có thể sánh bằng.

The dignified principal was astonished. 威厳のある校長は驚いた。 Ağırbaşlı müdür şaşırmıştı. Шановний директор був здивований. Hiệu trưởng uy nghiêm kinh ngạc. 堂堂校长大吃一惊。 He stood as though spell-bound, listening to the rich, mellow tones of the bashful lad from among the hills. ||||Hechizado||||||suave||||||||| 彼は魔法にかけられたかのように立って、丘の中からはにかむ若者の豊かでまろやかな音色に耳を傾けていました。 เขายืนนิ่งราวกับมนต์สะกด ฟังน้ำเสียงที่ไพเราะและไพเราะของชายหนุ่มขี้อายจากท่ามกลางเนินเขา Büyülenmiş gibi durmuş, tepelerin arasından gelen utangaç delikanlının zengin, yumuşak ses tonunu dinliyordu. Він стояв, наче зачарований, прислухаючись до багатих, лагідних тонів сором’язливого хлопця з-поміж пагорбів. Anh đứng như bị mê hoặc, lắng nghe những giai điệu êm dịu, phong phú của chàng trai bẽn lẽn giữa những ngọn đồi. 他仿佛着了迷似的站着,听着山间那个害羞的小伙子浑厚而柔和的声音。

In the case of most boys it was enough if he heard them read a verse or two. ほとんどの男の子の場合、一節か二節読むだけで十分だった。 ในกรณีของเด็กชายส่วนใหญ่ ก็เพียงพอแล้วถ้าเขาได้ยินพวกเขาอ่านหนึ่งหรือสองข้อ Çoğu çocuk için bir ya da iki ayet okuduklarını duyması yeterliydi. У випадку більшості хлопців було достатньо, якщо він почув, як вони читають вірш або два. Trong trường hợp của hầu hết các cậu bé, chỉ cần nghe chúng đọc một hoặc hai câu thơ là đủ. 对于大多数男孩来说,只要他听到他们读一两节经文就足够了。 But he allowed Daniel Webster to read on until he had finished the chapter. しかし、彼はダニエル・ウェブスターが章を終えるまで読み続けることを許可しました. แต่เขายอมให้แดเนียล เว็บสเตอร์อ่านต่อไปจนกว่าเขาจะอ่านจบบท Ancak Daniel Webster'ın bölümü bitirene kadar okumasına izin verdi. Але він дозволив Деніелу Вебстеру читати далі, доки той не закінчить розділ. Then he said: それから彼は言った:

"There is no need to examine you further. 「あなたをこれ以上調べる必要はありません。 “ไม่จำเป็นต้องตรวจสอบคุณเพิ่มเติม "Sizi daha fazla incelemeye gerek yok. «Немає потреби вас додатково оглядати. "Không cần phải kiểm tra bạn thêm nữa. “没有必要对你做进一步的检查。 You are fully qualified to enter this academy." あなたはこのアカデミーに入学する資格が十分にあります。」 คุณมีคุณสมบัติครบถ้วนในการเข้าสู่สถานศึกษาแห่งนี้ " Bu akademiye girmeye tamamen ehilsiniz." Ви маєте повну кваліфікацію для вступу до цієї академії». 你完全有资格进入这所学院。” Most of the boys at Exeter were gentlemen's sons. エクセターの少年たちのほとんどは紳士の息子でした。 เด็กผู้ชายส่วนใหญ่ที่ Exeter เป็นลูกชายของสุภาพบุรุษ Exeter'deki çocukların çoğu beyefendilerin oğullarıydı. Більшість хлопчиків в Ексетері були синами джентльменів. 埃克塞特的大多数男孩都是绅士的儿子。 They dressed well, they had been taught fine manners, they had the speech of cultivated people. 彼らは身なりがよく、礼儀作法を教えられ、教養のある人々の話し方をしていた。 พวกเขาแต่งกายดี ถูกสั่งสอนมาอย่างมีมารยาท มีวาจาของผู้ฝึกตน İyi giyiniyorlardı, görgü kurallarını öğrenmişlerdi ve kültürlü insanların konuşmalarına sahiptiler. Вони гарно одягалися, їх навчили гарних манер, у них була мова культурних людей. Họ ăn mặc đẹp đẽ, họ được dạy cách cư xử lịch sự, họ có cách ăn nói của những người có học thức. 他们衣着考究,受过良好的礼仪教育,说话有教养。

They laughed at the awkward, new boy. 彼らはぎこちない新しい男の子を笑った。 Garip, yeni çocuğa güldüler. Вони сміялися з незграбного, нового хлопця. They made fun of his homespun coat; they twitted him on account of his poverty; they annoyed him in a hundred ways. |||||hecho en casa|||se burlaron de||||||||||||| 彼らは彼の手織りのコートをからかった。彼らは彼の貧困のために彼をつぶやきました。彼らは百の方法で彼を悩ませました。 พวกเขาเยาะเย้ยเสื้อพื้นเมืองของเขา พวกเขาทวีตถึงเขาเพราะความยากจนของเขา พวกเขาทำให้เขารำคาญเป็นร้อยๆ ทาง Ev yapımı paltosuyla dalga geçtiler; yoksulluğundan dolayı onunla alay ettiler; onu yüzlerce şekilde kızdırdılar. Вони глузували з його домотканого кожуха; вони ганьбили його через його бідність; вони дратували його сотнею способів. Họ chế giễu chiếc áo khoác mặc ở nhà của anh ấy; họ chế giễu anh vì sự nghèo khó của anh; họ làm anh khó chịu theo hàng trăm cách. 他们取笑他的土布外套;他们因为他的贫穷而嘲笑他。他们以一百种方式惹恼了他。

Daniel felt hurt by this cruel treatment. ダニエルはこの残酷な扱いに傷つきました。 ดาเนียลรู้สึกเจ็บปวดจากการปฏิบัติที่โหดร้ายนี้ Daniel bu zalimce muamele karşısında incindiğini hissetti. Даніель відчував біль через таке жорстоке поводження. Daniel cảm thấy bị tổn thương trước sự đối xử tàn nhẫn này. He grieved bitterly over it in secret, but he did not resent it. |Afligido||||||||||guardar rencor| 彼はひそかにそのことでひどく悲しんだが、それを恨むことはなかった。 เขาโศกเศร้าอย่างขมขื่นในที่ลับ แต่เขาไม่ได้ขุ่นเคือง Bunun için gizliden gizliye acı çekti, ama buna içerlemedi. Він таємно гірко сумував через це, але не ображався. Anh thầm đau buồn cay đắng vì điều đó, nhưng anh không hề oán hận. 他暗自为此悲痛不已,但并不怨恨。

He studied hard and read much. 彼は一生懸命勉強し、たくさん読んだ。 Çok çalıştı ve çok okudu. Він старанно вчився і багато читав. He was soon at the head of all his classes. 彼はすぐにすべてのクラスの頭になりました。 ในไม่ช้าเขาก็เป็นหัวหน้าชั้นเรียนทั้งหมดของเขา Kısa sürede tüm sınıfların birincisi oldu. Незабаром він очолив усі свої класи. His schoolmates ceased laughing at him; for they saw that, with all his uncouth ways, he had more ability than any of them. 彼の学友は彼を笑うのをやめました。彼らは、彼のすべての無礼な方法で、彼が彼らの誰よりも優れた能力を持っていることを見た. เพื่อนร่วมโรงเรียนของเขาหยุดหัวเราะเยาะเขา เพราะพวกเขาเห็นว่าด้วยวิถีทางที่ไร้ศีลธรรมของเขา พระองค์ทรงมีกำลังมากกว่าวิธีใดๆ Okul arkadaşları ona gülmeyi bıraktılar; çünkü tüm kaba saba tavırlarına rağmen, onun hepsinden daha yetenekli olduğunu gördüler. Його однокласники перестали з нього сміятися; бо вони бачили, що, незважаючи на всю його неотесаність, він мав більше здібностей, ніж будь-хто з них. Các bạn cùng trường đã ngừng cười nhạo anh; vì họ thấy rằng, với tất cả những cách làm thô lỗ của mình, anh ấy có nhiều khả năng hơn bất kỳ ai trong số họ. 他的同学们不再嘲笑他了。因为他们看到,尽管他行为粗俗,但他的能力却比他们中的任何人都强。

He had, as I have said, a wonderful memory. 私が言ったように、彼は素晴らしい記憶を持っていました。 Söylediğim gibi, harika bir hafızası vardı. У нього була, як я вже сказав, чудова пам'ять. He had also a quick insight and sound judgment. |||||perspicacia rápida||| また、洞察力が鋭く、判断力も優れていました。 เขายังมีความเข้าใจอย่างถ่องแท้และวิจารณญาณที่ดีอีกด้วย Aynı zamanda hızlı bir kavrayışa ve sağlam bir muhakemeye sahipti. Він також мав швидке розуміння та здорове судження. Anh ấy cũng có cái nhìn sâu sắc và khả năng phán đoán đúng đắn. 他还具有快速的洞察力和正确的判断力。

But he had had so little experience with the world, that he was not sure of his own powers. しかし、彼は世界での経験がほとんどなかったため、自分の力について確信が持てませんでした. แต่เขามีประสบการณ์กับโลกน้อยมากจนไม่มั่นใจในพลังของตัวเอง Ancak dünya ile ilgili o kadar az deneyimi vardı ki, kendi güçlerinden emin değildi. Але він мав так мало досвіду спілкування зі світом, що не був упевнений у власних силах. Nhưng anh có quá ít kinh nghiệm với thế giới nên anh không chắc chắn về sức mạnh của chính mình. He knew that he was awkward; and this made him timid and bashful. ||||||||||tímido||Tímido y vergonzoso 彼は自分がぎこちないことを知っていました。これが彼を臆病で恥ずかしがり屋にしました。 Beceriksiz olduğunu biliyordu; bu da onu çekingen ve utangaç yapıyordu. Він знав, що він незграбний; і це зробило його боязким і сором'язливим. Anh biết mình đang lúng túng; và điều này khiến anh trở nên rụt rè và rụt rè.

When it came his turn to declaim before the school, he had not the courage to do it. ||||||recitar en público||||||||||| 学校の前で宣言する番になったとき、彼にはそれをする勇気がありませんでした。 เมื่อถึงคราวที่เขาจะประกาศก่อนไปโรงเรียน เขาก็ไม่กล้าที่จะทำ Okul önünde konuşma sırası ona geldiğinde, bunu yapacak cesareti yoktu. Коли настала його черга продекламувати перед школою, йому не вистачило на це сміливості. Khi đến lượt phát biểu trước trường, anh không đủ can đảm để làm điều đó. 轮到他在学校面前演讲时,他却没有勇气。 Long afterwards, when he had become the greatest orator of modern times, he told how hard this thing had been for him at Exeter: それからずっと後になって、彼が現代で最も偉大な雄弁家になったとき、彼はエクセターでこのことがどれほど大変だったかを次のように語った。 หลังจากนั้นไม่นาน เมื่อเขากลายเป็นนักพูดที่ยิ่งใหญ่ที่สุดในยุคปัจจุบัน เขาบอกว่าสิ่งนี้ยากสำหรับเขาที่ Exeter: Uzun zaman sonra, modern zamanların en büyük hatibi haline geldiğinde, Exeter'de bu işin kendisi için ne kadar zor olduğunu anlattı: Довго пізніше, коли він став найвидатнішим оратором сучасності, він розповідав, як важко йому було це в Ексетері: Rất lâu sau đó, khi đã trở thành nhà hùng biện vĩ đại nhất thời hiện đại, ông kể lại rằng công việc này đã khó khăn như thế nào đối với ông ở Exeter:

"Many a piece did I commit to memory, and rehearse in my room over and over again. |||||"Memorizar"||||Ensayar||||||| 「多くの曲を記憶に留め、自分の部屋で何度もリハーサルをしました。 "Birçok parçayı hafızama kaydettim ve odamda defalarca prova ettim. «Багато творів я запам’ятав і репетирував у своїй кімнаті знову і знову. “Tôi đã ghi nhớ rất nhiều đoạn và luyện đi tập lại trong phòng. “很多曲子我都牢记在心,并在我的房间里一遍又一遍地排练。 But when the day came, when the school collected, when my name was called and I saw all eyes turned upon my seat, I could not raise myself from it. しかし、その日が来て、学校が集まったとき、私の名前が呼ばれ、すべての目が私の席に向けられたのを見たとき、私はそこから立ち上がることができませんでした. Ama gün gelip de okul toplandığında, adım okunduğunda ve tüm gözlerin benim yerime çevrildiğini gördüğümde, kendimi oradan kaldıramadım. Nhưng khi ngày đó đến, khi cả trường tập trung, khi tên tôi được gọi và tôi thấy mọi ánh mắt đổ dồn về chỗ ngồi của mình, tôi không thể nhấc mình lên được. 但当这一天到来,当学校集合时,当我的名字被叫到时,我看到所有的目光都集中在我的座位上,我无法从座位上站起来。

"Sometimes the masters frowned, sometimes they smiled. |||fruncían el ceño||| 「マスターは眉をひそめることもあれば、微笑むこともありました。 "Ustalar bazen kaşlarını çattı, bazen gülümsedi. «Майстри то хмурилися, то посміхалися. “Đôi khi các bậc thầy cau mày, đôi khi họ mỉm cười. My tutor always pressed and entreated with the most winning kindness that I would venture only  once ; but I could not command sufficient resolution, and when the occasion was over I went home and wept tears of bitter mortification." |||||suplicó|||||||||arriesgarme|||||||dominar|||||||||||||||||mortificación amarga 私の家庭教師はいつも、私が一度だけ挑戦したことのないような最も説得力のある優しさで圧力をかけ、懇願しました。しかし、私は十分な解決を命じることができず、その機会が終わったとき、私は家に帰り、苦い悔しさの涙を流しました. ติวเตอร์ของฉันมักจะกดดันและอ้อนวอนด้วยความเมตตาที่ชนะมากที่สุดที่ฉันจะเสี่ยงเพียงครั้งเดียว แต่ข้าพเจ้าไม่สามารถมีมติที่เพียงพอได้ และเมื่อหมดโอกาสข้าพเจ้าก็กลับบ้านและร้องไห้ด้วยความเสียใจอย่างขมขื่น” Öğretmenim her zaman en büyük nezaketle baskı yaptı ve sadece bir kez cesaret etmem için yalvardı; ama yeterli kararlılığı gösteremedim ve olay sona erdiğinde eve gidip acı bir utançla gözyaşı döktüm." Мій наставник завжди наполягав і благав із найвигіднішою добротою, на яку я ризикнув би лише раз; але я не міг досягти достатньої рішучості, і коли нагода закінчилася, я пішов додому і заплакав гіркими сльозами». Gia sư của tôi luôn nài nỉ và nài xin một cách tử tế nhất mà tôi chỉ dám mạo hiểm một lần; nhưng tôi không thể đưa ra đủ giải pháp, và khi sự kiện kết thúc, tôi về nhà và khóc những giọt nước mắt tủi nhục cay đắng.” 我的导师总是用最令人感动的善意来逼迫和恳求我,而我只敢冒险一次。但我无法下定足够的决心,当仪式结束后,我回到家,流下了痛苦的屈辱的泪水。” Daniel stayed nine months at Exeter. ダニエルはエクセターに 9 か月滞在しました。 Daniel Exeter'de dokuz ay kaldı. Даніель пробув в Ексетері дев'ять місяців. Daniel ở lại Exeter chín tháng. In those nine months he did as much as the other boys of his age could do in two years. この 9 か月間で、彼は同年代の他の少年たちが 2 年間でできることと同じくらいのことをしました。 O dokuz ayda, yaşıtlarının iki yılda yapabileceği kadar çok şey yaptı. За ці дев’ять місяців він зробив стільки, скільки інші хлопці його віку могли зробити за два роки. Trong chín tháng đó, cậu bé đã làm được nhiều việc như những cậu bé cùng tuổi khác có thể làm trong hai năm.

He mastered arithmetic, geography, grammar, and rhetoric. ||||||retórica 彼は算数、地理、文法、修辞学を習得しました。 Aritmetik, coğrafya, dilbilgisi ve retorik konularında ustalaştı. Оволодів арифметикою, географією, граматикою, риторикою. Ông thông thạo số học, địa lý, ngữ pháp và hùng biện. He also began the study of Latin. 彼はラテン語の勉強も始めました。 Ayrıca Latince öğrenmeye başladı. Besides this, he was a great reader of all kinds of books, and he added something every day to his general stock of knowledge. これに加えて、彼はあらゆる種類の本を読むのが得意で、彼の一般的な知識に毎日何かを追加していました。 นอกจากนี้ เขายังเป็นนักอ่านหนังสือทุกประเภท และเขาได้เพิ่มความรู้ทั่วไปของเขาทุกวัน Bunun yanı sıra, her tür kitabın büyük bir okuyucusuydu ve genel bilgi birikimine her gün bir şeyler eklerdi. Крім того, він чудово читав усі види книжок і щодня додавав щось до свого загального запасу знань. Ngoài ra, anh ấy còn là một người đọc rất tốt mọi loại sách và mỗi ngày anh ấy đều bổ sung thêm điều gì đó vào kho kiến thức chung của mình. 除此之外,他还广泛阅读各种书籍,每天都在增加自己的知识储备。

His teachers did not oblige him to follow a graded course of study. ||||बाध्य करना|||||||| 彼の教師は、段階的な学習コースに従うことを彼に義務付けませんでした。 Öğretmenleri onu derecelendirilmiş bir eğitim sürecini takip etmeye zorlamadı. Його вчителі не зобов'язували його дотримуватися курсу навчання. Các giáo viên của anh ấy không bắt buộc anh ấy phải theo một khóa học được phân loại. 他的老师没有强迫他学习分级课程。 They did not hold him back with the duller pupils of his class. |||||||||alumnos más lentos||| 彼らは、彼のクラスの鈍い生徒たちと一緒に彼を引き止めませんでした. Onu sınıfındaki daha silik öğrencilerden geri tutmadılar. Вони не стримали його з більш тупими учнями його класу. 他们并没有阻止他和班上那些迟钝的学生在一起。 They did not oblige him to wait until the end of the year before he could be promoted or could begin the study of a new subject. |||obligar a||||||||||||||||||||||| 彼らは、彼が昇進したり、新しい主題の研究を開始したりできるようになる前に、年末まで待つことを彼に強制しませんでした. Terfi edebilmesi ya da yeni bir konuda çalışmaya başlayabilmesi için yıl sonuna kadar beklemek zorunda bırakmadılar. Вони не зобов'язували його чекати до кінця року, перш ніж він зможе підвищитися або почати вивчати новий предмет. Họ không bắt buộc anh phải đợi đến cuối năm mới được thăng chức hoặc có thể bắt đầu học một môn học mới. 他们并没有强迫他等到年底才能升职或开始学习新科目。

But they encouraged him to do his best. しかし、彼らは彼に最善を尽くすように勧めました。 Але вони заохочували його робити все можливе. As soon as he had finished one subject, he advanced to a more difficult one. 彼は 1 つの科目を終えるとすぐに、より難しい科目に進みました。 ทันทีที่เขาทำวิชาหนึ่งเสร็จ เขาก็ก้าวไปสู่วิชาที่ยากขึ้นอีก Як тільки він закінчив один предмет, він переходив до більш складного.

More than fifty years afterwards, Dr. Abbott declared that in all his long experience he had never known any one whose power of gaining knowledge was at all equal to that of the bashful country lad from the New Hampshire hills. それから 50 年以上が経ち、アボット博士は、彼の長い経験の中で、知識を得る力がニューハンプシャーの丘に住む内気な田舎の若者とまったく同じような人を、これまで知らなかったと宣言しました。 กว่าห้าสิบปีให้หลัง ดร. แอ๊บบอตประกาศว่าจากประสบการณ์อันยาวนานทั้งหมดของเขา เขาไม่เคยรู้จักใครที่มีพลังในการรับความรู้เท่ากับเด็กหนุ่มในชนบทที่ขี้อายจากเนินเขาในมลรัฐนิวแฮมป์เชียร์ Aradan elli yıldan fazla bir zaman geçtikten sonra Dr. Abbott, tüm bu uzun deneyimleri boyunca, bilgi edinme gücü New Hampshire tepelerinden gelen bu utangaç taşralı delikanlınınkine eşit olan hiç kimseyi tanımadığını açıkladı. Понад п’ятдесят років потому доктор Ебботт заявив, що за весь свій довгий досвід він ніколи не знав нікого, чия здатність здобувати знання була б хоча б рівною здатності сором’язливого сільського хлопця з пагорбів Нью-Гемпшира. Hơn năm mươi năm sau, Tiến sĩ Abbott tuyên bố rằng trong suốt kinh nghiệm lâu năm của mình, ông chưa bao giờ biết ai có khả năng tiếp thu kiến thức ngang bằng với chàng trai nhà quê rụt rè đến từ vùng đồi New Hampshire.

Judge Webster would have been glad to let Daniel stay at Exeter until he had finished the studies required at the academy. ウェブスター判事は、ダニエルがアカデミーで必要な研究を終えるまで、喜んでエクセターに留まらせたでしょう。 Yargıç Webster, Daniel'in akademideki eğitimini tamamlayana kadar Exeter'de kalmasına izin vermekten memnuniyet duyacaktı. Суддя Вебстер був би радий дозволити Деніелу залишитися в Ексетері, доки він не закінчить навчання в академії. Thẩm phán Webster hẳn sẽ vui lòng để Daniel ở lại Exeter cho đến khi anh hoàn thành chương trình học bắt buộc tại học viện. But he could not afford the expense. しかし、彼はその費用を支払う余裕がありませんでした。 Ama bu masrafı karşılayamazdı. Але він не міг дозволити собі ці витрати. Nhưng anh không đủ khả năng chi trả.

If he should spend all his money to keep the boy at the academy, how could he afterwards find the means to send him to college where the expenses would be much greater? 彼がすべてのお金を使って少年をアカデミーに留めておく必要がある場合、その後、費用がはるかに高くなる大学に彼を送る手段をどうやって見つけることができるでしょうか? ถ้าเขาควรใช้เงินทั้งหมดเพื่อดูแลเด็กชายที่สถาบันการศึกษา หลังจากนั้นเขาจะหาวิธีส่งเขาไปเรียนที่วิทยาลัยซึ่งค่าใช้จ่ายจะสูงขึ้นมากได้อย่างไร? Bütün parasını çocuğu akademide tutmak için harcarsa, daha sonra onu masrafların çok daha fazla olacağı üniversiteye göndermek için nasıl para bulabilirdi? Якщо він витратить усі свої гроші, щоб утримати хлопчика в академії, як він зможе потім знайти кошти, щоб відправити його до коледжу, де витрати будуть набагато більшими? Nếu ông phải tiêu hết tiền để giữ cậu bé ở lại học viện thì sau đó làm sao ông có thể tìm đủ phương tiện để gửi cậu vào trường đại học nơi chi phí sẽ lớn hơn nhiều? 如果他把所有的钱都花在了让孩子留在学院上的话,他以后怎么想办法送他去上大学,费用会更大呢?

So he thought it best to find a private teacher for the boy. そこで彼は、その少年のために家庭教師を見つけるのが最善だと考えました。 Bu yüzden çocuk için özel bir öğretmen bulmanın en iyisi olacağını düşündü. This would be cheaper.