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By Pond and River by Arabella B. Buckley, CHAPTER 1. A FROG'S LIFE


CROAK, croak, croak, we hear the frogs in the month of March. They make a great deal of noise in this month, because they are just awaking from their winter's sleep, at the bottom of the pond. The mother frogs are laying their tiny dark eggs in the water. Each egg is not bigger than a grain of sand. But it has a coat of jelly, and this jelly swells and swells in the water, till it is as large as a pea, with a little black dot in the middle. The jelly lumps all cling together. You may see them in almost any pond, driven up to the side by the wind.

Soon the dark speck lengthens. A head grows at one end, and a tail at the other. The head has a mouth but no eyes as yet. The tail has a fin all round it, and the tadpole wriggles about in its slimy bed.

In about a week it wriggles out of the jelly, and hangs by its mouth to the weeds. Then two curious tufts grow on each side of its head. It uses these tufts to breathe, by taking air out of the water. You can see them if you dip a glass into the pond and catch a few tadpoles.

By this time the tadpole has let go of the weed and is swimming about. A sharp beak has grown on to his mouth. He uses it to tear off pieces of weed to eat. Now he grows eyes, nose-holes and flat ears. His tufts shrivel up, and a cover grows over them, so that you cannot see them. They are now like the gills of a fish. He gulps water in at his mouth and sends it out through the cover. As it passes, the gills take the air out of it, and so the tadpole breathes.

Soon two small lumps appear on each side of his body, behind the cover, just where it joins his tail. They grow larger and larger, till at last two hind legs come out. These legs grow very long and strong, and he uses them to swim. Two front legs are growing as well, but you cannot see them, because they are under the cover. In a few days these peep out, but they are short and stumpy.

Our tadpole has now four legs and a tail. He has four toes on the front feet, and five toes on the hind feet, with a skin between the toes. So his hind legs are web-footed, and this helps him to swim.

He comes to the top pf the water much more often than before, and sends a bubble of air out of his mouth. What do you think has happened? The gills under his cover have closed up, and a small air-bag has grown inside him. So he comes up to breathe in the air through his mouth, instead of taking it out of the water through his gills.

Now he likes to jump on a piece of weed and sit in the shade. He does not want his tail any longer, for he can swim quite well with his legs. So his tail is slowly sucked in to feed his body.

There you have your little frog. If you look through the web of his foot at the sun, you will see that he has red blood now. But it is not warm blood like ours. He is always cold and clammy because his blood moves slowly.

He has a number of teeth in the top of his mouth, and such a curious tongue. It is tied down to the front of his mouth, and the tip, which is very sticky, lies back down his throat. He does not eat weed now. He feeds on insects and slugs. He catches them by throwing out his tongue and drawing it back very quickly.

He lives chiefly on land during the summer if he is not eaten by ducks, rats, or snakes. Then he drops to the bottom of the pond to sleep in the mud all winter.


CROAK, croak, croak, we hear the frogs in the month of March. كواكيت، كواكيت، نسمع الضفادع في شهر مارس. They make a great deal of noise in this month, because they are just awaking from their winter's sleep, at the bottom of the pond. ||||||||||||||||||||||||البِركة إنها تصدر الكثير من الضجيج في هذا الشهر، لأنها تستيقظ للتو من نوم الشتاء، في قاع البركة. 在这个月里,它们会发出巨大的声响,因为它们刚刚从池塘底部的冬眠中苏醒过来。 The mother frogs are laying their tiny dark eggs in the water. ||||||صغيرة||||| الضفادع الأم تضع بيضها الصغيرة الداكنة في الماء. Each egg is not bigger than a grain of sand. كل بيضة ليست أكبر من حبة رمل. 每颗蛋不比一粒沙子大。 But it has a coat of jelly, and this jelly swells and swells in the water, till it is as large as a pea, with a little black dot in the middle. ||||معطف||||||ينتفخ||ينتفخ||||||||كبيرة بحجم|||بازلاء|||||||| لكن لديها غلاف من الجيلي، وهذا الجيلي يتضخم وينتفخ في الماء، حتى يصبح بحجم حبة البازلاء، مع نقطة سوداء صغيرة في الوسط. 但它有一层果冻,果冻在水中不断膨胀,直到像豌豆一样大,中间有一个小黑点。 The jelly lumps all cling together. ||كتل الهلام||تلتصق ببعضها| تتشبث كتل الجيلي جميعا معًا. Желейные комочки все слипаются. You may see them in almost any pond, driven up to the side by the wind. ||||||||مدفوعين بواسطة الرياح|إلى الأعلى|إلى|الـ|||| قد تراها في أي بركة تقريبًا، مدفوعة نحو الجانب بواسطة الرياح. Увидеть их можно практически в любом водоеме, подгоняемых ветром в сторону. 你几乎可以在任何池塘里看到它们,被风吹到池塘边。

Soon the dark speck lengthens. |||النقطة الداكنة|يطول قريبًا يطول النقطة الداكنة. Вскоре темное пятнышко удлиняется. 很快,黑点就变长了。 A head grows at one end, and a tail at the other. ينمو رأس في طرف واحد، وذيل في الطرف الآخر. 一端长着头,另一端长着尾巴。 The head has a mouth but no eyes as yet. الرأس لديه فم ولكن ليس لديه عيون بعد. The head has a mouth but no eyes as yet. У головы есть рот, но еще нет глаз. 头部有嘴,但还没有眼睛。 The tail has a fin all round it, and the tadpole wriggles about in its slimy bed. ||||زعنفة||||||الشرغوف|يتلوى||||| الذيل له زعنة حولها بالكامل، واليرقة تتموج في سريرها الطيني. Вокруг хвоста плавник, и головастик извивается в своей слизистой постели. 尾巴上有一圈鳍,蝌蚪在黏糊糊的床上蠕动。

In about a week it wriggles out of the jelly, and hangs by its mouth to the weeds. |||||يتلوى||||||يتعلق|||||| وفي نحو أسبوع، تتموج خارج الجيلي، وتعلق بفمها بالأعشاب. Примерно через неделю он выползает из желе и висит ртом на сорняках. Then two curious tufts grow on each side of its head. |||خصلات شعر||||||| ثم تنمو فتيلتان متطرفتان غريبتان على كل جانب من رأسها. It uses these tufts to breathe, by taking air out of the water. |||خصلات الشعر||||||||| يستخدم هذه الخصلات للتنفس، من خلال سحب الهواء من الماء. You can see them if you dip a glass into the pond and catch a few tadpoles. ||||||تغمس||||||||||شراغيف يمكنك رؤيتها إذا غطست كوبًا في البركة وصادفت بعض اليرقات.

By this time the tadpole has let go of the weed and is swimming about. ||||الشرغوف|||||||||| في هذا الوقت، قد تركت اليرقة الطحالب وتسبح حولها. К этому времени головастик уже отпустил травку и плавает. A sharp beak has grown on to his mouth. قد نما منقار حاد على فمه. Ко рту прирос острый клюв. He uses it to tear off pieces of weed to eat. ||||يمزق|||||| يستخدمه لتمزيق قطع العشب ليأكلها. Он использует его, чтобы отрывать кусочки травы и есть. Now he grows eyes, nose-holes and flat ears. |||||||مسطحة| الآن ينمو لديه عيون وثقوب أنف وآذان مسطحة. His tufts shrivel up, and a cover grows over them, so that you cannot see them. أطرافه|خصلات شعره|تذبل||||||||||||| تذبل شعيراته، وينمو غطاء عليها، بحيث لا يمكنك رؤيتها. Его кроны сморщиваются, и над ними вырастает покров, так что их не видно. They are now like the gills of a fish. |||||الخياشيم||| أصبحوا الآن مثل فتحات السمك. He gulps water in at his mouth and sends it out through the cover. |يبتلع|||||||||||| يبتلع الماء من فمه ويخرجه عبر الغطاء. Он глотает воду ртом и выпускает ее через крышку. As it passes, the gills take the air out of it, and so the tadpole breathes. ||||||||||||||الشرغوف| بمروره ، تستخرج الخياشيم الهواء منه ، وهكذا يتنفس اليرقة.

Soon two small lumps appear on each side of his body, behind the cover, just where it joins his tail. |||كتل صغيرة|||||||||||||||| قريبًا تظهر كُتلتان صغيرتان على كل جانب من جسمه ، خلف الغطاء ، تحديدًا حيث يتصل بذيله. Вскоре с каждой стороны его тела, за крышкой, как раз там, где она соединяется с хвостом, появляются две маленькие шишки. They grow larger and larger, till at last two hind legs come out. |||||||||أرجل خلفية||| يزداد حجمها ويصبح أكبر وأكبر، حتى يخرج في النهاية رجلين خلفيتان. These legs grow very long and strong, and he uses them to swim. تنمو هذه الأرجل طويلة وقوية جدًا، ويستخدمها للسباحة. Two front legs are growing as well, but you cannot see them, because they are under the cover. تنمو رجلين أماميتين أيضًا، ولكنك لا تستطيع رؤيتهما لأنهما تحت الغطاء. In a few days these peep out, but they are short and stumpy. ||||هذه|يظهر|||||||قصيرة ومكتنزة في غضون أيام قليلة تظهر هذه المظاهر، لكنها قصيرة وسميكة.

Our tadpole has now four legs and a tail. لدينا الآن ذبابة الماء أربعة أرجل وذيل. He has four toes on the front feet, and five toes on the hind feet, with a skin between the toes. |||أصابع القدم|||||||||||||||||أصابع القدم لديه أربعة أصابع على أرجله الأمامية، وخمسة أصابع على أرجله الخلفية، مع جلد بين الأصابع. So his hind legs are web-footed, and this helps him to swim. لذلك رجليه الخلفيتان لديها أصابع مجهزة بشبكة، وهذا يساعده على السباحة.

He comes to the top pf the water much more often than before, and sends a bubble of air out of his mouth. يأتي إلى السطح للماء كثيرًا أكثر مما كان عليه من قبل، ويطلق فقاعة هوائية من فمه. What do you think has happened? ماذا تظن أنه حدث؟ Как вы думаете, что произошло? The gills under his cover have closed up, and a small air-bag has grown inside him. |الخياشيم||||||||||||||| لقد أُغلقت الخياشيم تحت غطائه، وقد نمت حقيبة هوائية صغيرة بداخله. Жабры под его покровом закрылись, а внутри него вырос небольшой воздушный мешок. So he comes up to breathe in the air through his mouth, instead of taking it out of the water through his gills. ||||||||||||||||||||||Kiemen ||||||||||||||||||||||الخياشيم لذلك يأتي ليتنفس الهواء من خلال فمه، بدلاً من سحبه من الماء من خلال خياشيمه.

Now he likes to jump on a piece of weed and sit in the shade. الآن|||||||||عشب||||| الآن يحب القفز على قطعة من الطحالب والجلوس في الظل. Теперь он любит прыгать на травке и сидеть в тени. He does not want his tail any longer, for he can swim quite well with his legs. لا يريد ذيله بعد الآن، لأنه يستطيع السباحة بشكل جيد بأرجله. Ему больше не нужен хвост, потому что он неплохо плавает ногами. So his tail is slowly sucked in to feed his body. لذا يتم شفط ذيله ببطء لإطعام جسده. Таким образом, его хвост медленно всасывается, чтобы накормить его тело.

There you have your little frog. ها هي صغيرتك الضفدعة. If you look through the web of his foot at the sun, you will see that he has red blood now. إذا نظرت من خلال شبكة قدمه في الشمس ، سترى أن لديه الآن دم أحمر. Если вы посмотрите через перепонку его ноги на солнце, вы увидите, что теперь у него красная кровь. But it is not warm blood like ours. ولكنه ليس دماً دافئاً مثل دمائنا. He is always cold and clammy because his blood moves slowly. |||||بارد ورطب||||| إنه دائماً بارد ورطب لأن دمه يتحرك ببطء.

He has a number of teeth in the top of his mouth, and such a curious tongue. ||||||||||||||||لسان غريب لديه عدد من الأسنان في أعلى فمه، ولسان غريب. It is tied down to the front of his mouth, and the tip, which is very sticky, lies back down his throat. ||مربوط |إلى أسفل|||||||||طرف||||لزج جداً|يكمن|||| إنه مُربَط على جهة أمام فمه، والطرف، الذي يكون لزجاً جداً، يتدلى نحو حلقه. He does not eat weed now. هو لا يأكل الحشيش الآن. He feeds on insects and slugs. |||||البزاقات إنه يتغذى على الحشرات والسُلَمى. Питается насекомыми и слизнями. He catches them by throwing out his tongue and drawing it back very quickly. |||||||||سحبها بسرعة|||| يمسكهم عن طريق إخراج لسانه وسحبه بسرعة كبيرة.

He lives chiefly on land during the summer if he is not eaten by ducks, rats, or snakes. ||بشكل رئيسي|||أثناء|||||||||||| يعيش أساسا على اليابسة خلال الصيف إذا لم يتم أكله من قبل البط أو الجرذان أو الثعابين. Летом он живет главным образом на суше, если его не едят утки, крысы или змеи. Then he drops to the bottom of the pond to sleep in the mud all winter. ||يسقط|||||||||||الطين|| ثم ينزل إلى قاع البركة لينام في الطين طوال فصل الشتاء.