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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 4

Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 4

And here comes in the value of such formulæ as the Ten Commandments. They are the laws of the normal working of the brain machinery.

The angel (or imaginary messenger) suggests to you the one among possible working hypotheses on which your brain will most readily work. Now the formularies of which I spoke give you the laws of healthy brain action. Therefore, if the angel suggests something contrary to the registered formulas, he is suggesting the hypothesis which you ought carefully to avoid thinking out or using at that time. It is of all paths towards disease the one which will lead you, in your present condition, most rapidly towards disease. But if the imaginary angel suggests nothing contrary to the formularies, then the image or idea which he suggests is likely to be one on which your mind for the time being can work safely, and the one along which it can work most easily and profitably.

When your imagination is acting strongly in providing you with working hypotheses, there are a few little precautions which you ought to observe.

Do not at such times take either very rapid or very much prolonged physical exercise. Be rather particular not to eat anything either indigestible or highly flavoured. Even if you were in the habit of taking any kind of alcoholic stimulant (which, while you are young, I hope you will not do), avoid it during the process of framing hypotheses. Be extra careful, at such times, to keep up any routine exercises of slack muscles and slow breathing which you find suit you.

Take a little extra care, at such times, not to catch cold. You are rather less liable than usual to take cold at such times; but, on the other hand, you are less conscious than usual of ordinary physical sensations, and may be very cold without knowing it. A chill may settle locally, and produce permanent mischief.

Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 4 Kapitel 7, Wie wir unsere Hypothesen auswählen, Teil 4 Capítulo 7, Como escolher nossas hipóteses, parte 4

And here comes in the value of such formulæ as the Ten Commandments. E aqui entra o valor de fórmulas como os Dez Mandamentos. They are the laws of the normal working of the brain machinery. São as leis do funcionamento normal da maquinaria cerebral.

The angel (or imaginary messenger) suggests to you the one among possible working hypotheses on which your brain will most readily work. O anjo (ou mensageiro imaginário) sugere a você aquela entre as possíveis hipóteses de trabalho em que seu cérebro trabalhará mais prontamente. Now the formularies of which I spoke give you the laws of healthy brain action. Agora, os formulários de que falei fornecem as leis da ação saudável do cérebro. Therefore, if the angel suggests something contrary to the registered formulas, he is suggesting the hypothesis which you ought carefully to avoid thinking out or using at that time. |||||||||||he (the angel)||||||||||||||||| Portanto, se o anjo sugere algo contrário às fórmulas registradas, ele está sugerindo a hipótese que você deve evitar cuidadosamente pensar ou usar naquele momento. It is of all paths towards disease the one which will lead you, in your present condition, most rapidly towards disease. ||||||||||||||||||||illness É de todos os caminhos para a doença aquele que o levará, em sua condição atual, mais rapidamente à doença. But if the imaginary angel suggests nothing contrary to the formularies, then the image or idea which he suggests is likely to be one on which your mind for the time being can work safely, and the one along which it can work most easily and profitably. Mas se o anjo imaginário não sugere nada contrário aos formulários, então a imagem ou ideia que ele sugere provavelmente será aquela em que sua mente por enquanto pode trabalhar com segurança e aquela ao longo da qual ela pode trabalhar com mais facilidade e proveito.

When your imagination is acting strongly in providing you with working hypotheses, there are a few little precautions which you ought to observe. |||||||||||||||||safeguards||||| Quando sua imaginação está agindo fortemente para lhe fornecer hipóteses de trabalho, existem algumas pequenas precauções que você deve observar.

Do not at such times take either very rapid or very much prolonged physical exercise. Nessas ocasiões, não faça exercícios físicos muito rápidos ou muito prolongados. 在这种情况下,请勿进行非常快速或长时间的体育锻炼。 Be rather particular not to eat anything either indigestible or highly flavoured. ||||||||hard to digest||| Tenha cuidado para não comer nada indigerível ou muito saboroso. 尤其要特别注意不要吃任何难以消化或味道过浓的食物。 Even if you were in the habit of taking any kind of alcoholic stimulant (which, while you are young, I hope you will not do), avoid it during the process of framing hypotheses. Mesmo que você tenha o hábito de tomar qualquer tipo de estimulante alcoólico (o que, enquanto for jovem, espero que não faça), evite-o durante o processo de formulação de hipóteses. Be extra careful, at such times, to keep up any routine exercises of slack muscles and slow breathing which you find suit you. ||||||to keep|||||||||||||||| Seja extremamente cuidadoso, nessas ocasiões, para manter quaisquer exercícios rotineiros de músculos frouxos e respiração lenta que achar adequados para você. 在这种情况下,要格外小心,以保持适合自己的常规常规运动,以放松肌肉和呼吸缓慢。

Take a little extra care, at such times, not to catch cold. exercise||||||||||| Tome um pouco mais de cuidado, nessas horas, para não pegar um resfriado. You are rather less liable than usual to take cold at such times; but, on the other hand, you are less conscious than usual of ordinary physical sensations, and may be very cold without knowing it. you||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Você está menos suscetível do que o normal a pegar um resfriado nessas ocasiões; mas, por outro lado, você está menos consciente do que o normal das sensações físicas comuns e pode sentir muito frio sem saber. A chill may settle locally, and produce permanent mischief. Um calafrio pode se instalar localmente e produzir danos permanentes. 寒冷可能会在当地解决,并造成永久性的恶作剧。