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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 5

Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 5

Above all, be very careful, while the imaginative fit is on, to avoid letting the subject as to which your imagination is stirred become the object of either fun, vanity, or gossip. The vision which you see may quite harmlessly and legitimately become a source of fun to yourself and your friends at some future time, but take care never to gossip or joke about it until it has passed from the condition of imaginative vision to that of working hypothesis. But the most important precaution of all is incessant reverence for the Great Unknown, the sacred x: or, in other words, a constant awareness of your own ignorance. Remember always that Genius means conscientious, careful work on suggestions of the imagination taken as provisional hypotheses.

To take suggestions of the Imagination as fact is Insanity. When you hear of a man that he has unquestionable genius but is a little mad, that means that he sometimes takes the products of his imagination as working hypotheses, but sometimes mistakes them for facts. All the above precautions may be summed up in one sentence: Remember that the more active the imagination is, the less the physical and moral instincts are on the alert; therefore, conscious precaution should supplement instinct at such times, until self-protection has become so fixed by habit as to become in its turn automatic and instinctive. If you observe these precautions you need not fear using your imagination freely. When you hear of some brilliant imaginative writer who has come to grief physically, mentally, or morally, after a short and brilliant career, you will find it advantageous to try to find out which of the precautions he has been neglecting. In future letters I hope to point out to your notice some famous cases of disaster due to such neglect.

Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 5 Chapter 7, How to Choose Our Hypotheses, part 5 Capítulo 7, Cómo elegir nuestras hipótesis, parte 5 第7章 仮説の選び方 その5 Capítulo 7, Como escolher nossas hipóteses, parte 5 Глава 7, Как выбирать гипотезы, часть 5 Bölüm 7, Hipotezlerimizi Nasıl Seçeriz, kısım 5 第 7 章,如何选择我们的假设,第 5 部分 第 7 章,如何選擇我們的假設,第 5 部分

Above all, be very careful, while the imaginative fit is on, to avoid letting the subject as to which your imagination is stirred become the object of either fun, vanity, or gossip. Par-dessus tout, faites très attention, pendant que le fit imaginatif est en marche, à ne pas laisser le sujet sur lequel votre imagination est en éveil devenir l'objet d'un amusement, d'une vanité ou d'un commérage. Acima de tudo, tenha muito cuidado, enquanto o ataque imaginativo estiver ativo, para evitar que o assunto sobre o qual sua imaginação é estimulada se torne objeto de diversão, vaidade ou fofoca. 最重要的是,在开启想象力的脚步时要格外小心,避免让激发想象力的主题成为乐趣,虚荣或八卦的对象。 The vision which you see may quite harmlessly and legitimately become a source of fun to yourself and your friends at some future time, but take care never to gossip or joke about it until it has passed from the condition of imaginative vision to that of working hypothesis. |||||||harmlessly||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A visão que você vê pode se tornar inofensiva e legitimamente uma fonte de diversão para você e seus amigos em algum momento futuro, mas tome cuidado para nunca fofocar ou brincar sobre isso até que tenha passado da condição de visão imaginativa para a de hipótese de trabalho. . 您看到的愿景可能会在将来某个时候无害地合法地成为您自己和您的朋友的乐趣之源,但是要小心,不要闲聊或开玩笑,直到它从想象力的愿景变为可行的假设的条件为止。 But the most important precaution of all is incessant reverence for the Great Unknown, the sacred x: or, in other words, a constant awareness of your own ignorance. Mas a precaução mais importante de todas é a reverência incessante pelo Grande Desconhecido, o x sagrado: ou, em outras palavras, uma consciência constante de sua própria ignorância. Remember always that Genius means conscientious, careful work on suggestions of the imagination taken as provisional hypotheses. Lembre-se sempre de que Gênio significa trabalho consciencioso e cuidadoso sobre sugestões da imaginação tomadas como hipóteses provisórias.

To take suggestions of the Imagination as fact is Insanity. Tomar sugestões da Imaginação como fato é Insanidade. When you hear of a man that he has unquestionable genius but is a little mad, that means that he sometimes takes the products of his imagination as working hypotheses, but sometimes mistakes them for facts. ||||||||||||||||that||||||||||||||||||| Quando você ouve falar de um homem que ele tem um gênio inquestionável, mas é um pouco louco, isso significa que ele às vezes toma os produtos de sua imaginação como hipóteses de trabalho, mas às vezes os confunde com fatos. All the above precautions may be summed up in one sentence: Remember that the more active the imagination is, the less the physical and moral instincts are on the alert; therefore, conscious precaution should supplement instinct at such times, until self-protection has become so fixed by habit as to become in its turn automatic and instinctive. Toutes les précautions ci-dessus peuvent être résumées en une phrase : Rappelez-vous que plus l'imagination est active, moins les instincts physiques et moraux sont en éveil ; par conséquent, la précaution consciente doit suppléer l'instinct dans ces moments-là, jusqu'à ce que l'autoprotection soit tellement ancrée dans les habitudes qu'elle devienne à son tour automatique et instinctive. Todas as precauções acima podem ser resumidas em uma frase: Lembre-se de que quanto mais ativa a imaginação, menos alertas estão os instintos físicos e morais; portanto, a precaução consciente deve complementar o instinto nessas ocasiões, até que a autoproteção se torne tão fixada pelo hábito que se torne, por sua vez, automática e instintiva. If you observe these precautions you need not fear using your imagination freely. ||||precautions|||||||| Se você observar essas precauções, não precisará temer usar sua imaginação livremente. 如果遵守这些注意事项,则不必担心会随意使用您的想象力。 When you hear of some brilliant imaginative writer who has come to grief physically, mentally, or morally, after a short and brilliant career, you will find it advantageous to try to find out which of the precautions he has been neglecting. Quando você ouvir falar de algum escritor brilhante e imaginativo que se deteriorou física, mental ou moralmente, após uma carreira curta e brilhante, você achará vantajoso tentar descobrir quais das precauções ele tem negligenciado. 当您听到一位杰出的,富有想象力的作家在短暂而辉煌的职业生涯后身体上,心理上或道德上都感到悲痛时,您会发现找出他所忽略的预防措施是很有益的。 In future letters I hope to point out to your notice some famous cases of disaster due to such neglect. Dans les prochaines lettres, j'espère attirer votre attention sur quelques cas célèbres de catastrophes dues à une telle négligence. Em cartas futuras, espero chamar a sua atenção para alguns casos famosos de desastre devido a tal negligência.