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Spotlight Broadcasts, Lovers Reunited

Lovers Reunited

Voice 1

Hello. I'm Marina Santee.

Voice 2

And I'm Ruby Jones. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Imagine meeting the man or woman of your dreams. You get married. But then exile separates you - for over fifty years! Would you still recognise your loved one - after all that time? How would you react when you saw them again? For two people in Russia, these are not imaginary questions! Today we tell their story.

Voice 2

Anna Kozlov(a) looked down the street. She knew it well. It was in the village of Borovlyanka, Siberia. She had lived here as a young girl - many years ago now! It was here that she had lived with her husband, Boris. They married in 1946. Then, they had only three nights together. Boris had to return to serve in the army. As Anna looked at the house, memories came back to her. She was an old woman now. But then, she was just a young woman!

Voice 1

Anna met Boris over fifty [50] years ago. In many people's opinion, the two were not good together. Boris was in Stalin's Red Army. But Anna's family were in trouble with Stalin's government. Anna's father was a farmer. He refused to work in one of Stalin's ‘collective farms.' Collective farms were supposed to increase production. And they were supposed to work for the whole community. However, farmers often got far less for their work. So, some farmers refused to work on collective farms - like Anna's father. Eventually, the government forced Anna's father into exile in another part of the country.

Voice 2

However, when Boris saw Anna, he saw such beauty. The problems of her family did not concern him. And so the two began a loving relationship. Boris was away much of the time, serving in the military. But Anna was always waiting for him, when he returned.

Anna and Boris did not have much money - or time. Boris was always away! But they knew they wanted to marry. And so on one of his trips home, they married. They had only three days together. Then Boris had to leave for the army. He kissed her goodbye.

Voice 1

However, while Boris was away, troubles came to Anna and her family. Like her father, the government forced Anna into exile with her family, to another part of Siberia. The state said they were enemies of the people. Anna knew what leaving meant for her. It meant the end of her relationship. Boris would return - and she would be gone. At first, Anna refused to leave, she remembers;

Voice 3

‘I threatened to kill myself. I could not live without him. But in the end I was forced to go. It was the most unhappy time of my life.' Voice 1

And so Anna moved away with her family. They built a new life, in a new town. Anna's mother encouraged her to marry someone else. She told Anna that Boris had married again. She said he had forgotten her. But Anna said;

Voice 3

‘I did not believe it. And I missed him so much. But one day I got home and my mother had burned all his earlier letters and pictures. This included pictures of when we got married.' Voice 1

Anna's family organised a meeting between Anna and a man. They wanted her to marry him. But such a thought was not possible for Anna. Boris was the man who had her heart!

Voice 3

'My mother told me this other man was coming to meet me. She said that I should go out with him. If I was lucky, he would marry me. I started crying. The world turned black for me. I wanted to die. I got a clothes line. I went into the animal barn. I planned to hang myself.

‘My mother came in. She hit me in the face and told me not to be so stupid. She persuaded me to go out with this man, Nefed. And over time, he and my mother persuaded me that this was where my future lay.' Voice 1

And so, finally Anna gave in. She married Nefed.

Meanwhile, Boris was hunting for Anna. But his search bought only sadness. In the end, he too married. But he never forgot the girl who had his heart, Anna Kozlov(a).

Voice 1

Years passed and much changed. The two built their own new lives - separate from each other. The Soviet Union fell. And in time, Anna's husband died. Boris's wife also died. The future was unsure for both of them. Then, in 2007, something unexpected happened!

Voice 2

Boris decided to return to Borovlyanka, his original home village. He wanted to visit the burial place of his parents. He stepped outside the car slowly. He was now an old man in his eighties! But, he could not believe his eyes. There was Anna! She was alive! They were both there on the same day - at the same time! How was this possible? So many questions needed answering! But these could all wait. There was the woman he had loved all those years ago. There was no time to waste. He moved towards her quickly. Anna remembers:

Voice 3

‘I thought my eyes were playing games with me. I saw this man coming towards me. His eyes were looking at me closely. My heart jumped. I knew it was him. I cried with joy.' Voice 2

Boris walked towards her. He said,

Voice 4

‘My darling. I have been waiting for you for so long. My wife. My life.' Voice 2

There, in the village they once shared, the two were united again. More than fifty years had passed! Yet Boris said,

Voice 4

‘I could not take my eyes off her. Yes I had loved other women when we were separated. But she was the true love of my life.' Voice 2

The two talked for many hours - they had a life time to catch up on. Boris wanted to make sure they did not miss anything else. So he asked Anna to become his wife again. She accepted. And this time, they are not spending any time apart.

Voice 3

‘Since we have found each other again, we have not had a single argument. We have been parted for so long. Who knows how much life is left for us. So we just do not want to lose time on arguing.' Voice 2

The writer and producer of today's programme was Marina Santee. All quotes were adapted for radio. Computer users can find our programmes on our website at www.radio.english.net. This programme is called, ‘Lovers Reunited.'

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Lovers Reunited |Lovers Reunited Wiedervereinigte Liebende Εραστές επανενωμένοι Amantes reunidos Amoureux réunis 恋人たちの再会 재회한 연인 Amantes reunidos Влюбленные воссоединились Aşıklar Yeniden Birleşti Закохані возз'єдналися 恋人重逢 戀人重逢

Voice 1

Hello. Bonjour. I’m Marina Santee.

Voice 2

And I’m Ruby Jones. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Imagine meeting the man or woman of your dreams. あなたの夢の男性または女性に会うことを想像してみてください。 Imagine conhecer o homem ou mulher dos seus sonhos. You get married. あなたは結婚します。 Você se casou. But then exile separates you - for over fifty years! ||isolation|||||| しかし、亡命はあなたを引き離します-50年以上! Mas então o exílio separa você - por mais de cinquenta anos! Would you still recognise your loved one - after all that time? Reconnaissez-vous encore votre bien-aimé - après tout ce temps ? あなたは今でもあなたの愛する人を認識できますか? Você ainda reconheceria seu ente querido - depois de todo esse tempo? How would you react when you saw them again? 彼らに再び会ったとき、あなたはどのように反応しますか? Como você reagiria ao vê-los novamente? For two people in Russia, these are not imaginary questions! ロシアの 2 人にとって、これらは架空の質問ではありません。 Para duas pessoas na Rússia, essas não são perguntas imaginárias! Today we tell their story. Hoje contamos sua história.

Voice 2

Anna Kozlov(a) looked down the street. アンナ・コズロフは通りを見下ろした。 Anna Kozlov (a) olhou para a rua. She knew it well. 彼女はそれをよく知っていました。 Ela sabia disso muito bem. It was in the village of Borovlyanka, Siberia. それはシベリアのボロヴリャンカ村にありました。 Foi na aldeia de Borovlyanka, na Sibéria. She had lived here as a young girl - many years ago now! 彼女はここに若い女の子として住んでいました - 何年も前に! Ela tinha vivido aqui quando era uma menina - muitos anos atrás! It was here that she had lived with her husband, Boris. 彼女が夫のボリスと一緒に住んでいたのはここでした。 Foi aqui que ela morou com seu marido, Boris. They married in 1946. Then, they had only three nights together. それから、彼らが一緒に過ごしたのは3泊だけでした。 Então, eles passaram apenas três noites juntos. Boris had to return to serve in the army. ボリスは軍に仕えるために戻らなければなりませんでした。 Boris teve que voltar para servir no exército. As Anna looked at the house, memories came back to her. アンナが家を見ていると、思い出がよみがえりました。 Enquanto Anna olhava para a casa, as memórias voltaram para ela. She was an old woman now. Ela era uma velha agora. But then, she was just a young woman! しかし、彼女はただの若い女性でした! Mas então, ela era apenas uma mulher jovem!

Voice 1

Anna met Boris over fifty [50] years ago. アンナは 50 [50] 年以上前にボリスに会いました。 In many people’s opinion, the two were not good together. 多くの人の意見では、この 2 つは相性が良くありませんでした。 Na opinião de muitas pessoas, os dois não eram bons juntos. Boris was in Stalin’s Red Army. Boris estava no Exército Vermelho de Stalin. But Anna’s family were in trouble with Stalin’s government. Mas a família de Anna tinha problemas com o governo de Stalin. Anna’s father was a farmer. O pai de Anna era fazendeiro. He refused to work in one of Stalin’s ‘collective farms.' 彼は、スターリンの「集団農場」の 1 つで働くことを拒否しました。 Ele se recusou a trabalhar em uma das 'fazendas coletivas' de Stalin. Collective farms were supposed to increase production. 集団農場は、生産量を増やすことになっていました。 As fazendas coletivas deveriam aumentar a produção. And they were supposed to work for the whole community. そして、彼らはコミュニティ全体のために働くことになっていました。 E eles deveriam trabalhar para toda a comunidade. However, farmers often got far less for their work. しかし、農民はしばしば、彼らの仕事に対してはるかに少ない収入を得ました。 No entanto, os agricultores geralmente recebiam muito menos por seu trabalho. So, some farmers refused to work on collective farms - like Anna’s father. そのため、アンナの父親のように、集団農場で働くことを拒否した農民もいました。 Então, alguns fazendeiros se recusaram a trabalhar em fazendas coletivas - como o pai de Anna. Eventually, the government forced Anna’s father into exile in another part of the country. 最終的に、政府はアンナの父親を国の別の場所に亡命させました。 Eventualmente, o governo forçou o pai de Anna ao exílio em outra parte do país.

Voice 2

However, when Boris saw Anna, he saw such beauty. しかし、ボリスがアンナを見たとき、彼はそのような美しさを見ました。 The problems of her family did not concern him. 彼女の家族の問題は彼には関係ありませんでした。 Os problemas de sua família não o preocupavam. And so the two began a loving relationship. そして、二人は愛情深い関係を始めました。 E então os dois começaram um relacionamento amoroso. Boris was away much of the time, serving in the military. Boris estava ausente a maior parte do tempo, servindo no exército. But Anna was always waiting for him, when he returned. Mas Anna estava sempre esperando por ele, quando ele voltou.

Anna and Boris did not have much money - or time. Anna e Boris não tinham muito dinheiro - ou tempo. Boris was always away! Boris estava sempre ausente! But they knew they wanted to marry. Mas eles sabiam que queriam se casar. And so on one of his trips home, they married. そして、彼の家への旅行の1つで、彼らは結婚しました。 E assim, em uma de suas viagens para casa, eles se casaram. They had only three days together. Eles tiveram apenas três dias juntos. Then Boris had to leave for the army. Então Boris teve que partir para o exército. He kissed her goodbye. 彼は彼女に別れのキスをした. Ele deu um beijo de despedida.

Voice 1

However, while Boris was away, troubles came to Anna and her family. No entanto, enquanto Boris estava fora, os problemas vieram para Anna e sua família. Like her father, the government forced Anna into exile with her family, to another part of Siberia. Como seu pai, o governo forçou Anna ao exílio com sua família, para outra parte da Sibéria. The state said they were enemies of the people. 国家は彼らが国民の敵であると言った。 O estado disse que eles eram inimigos do povo. Anna knew what leaving meant for her. アンナは自分にとっての別れの意味を知っていました。 Анна знала, що означає для неї від'їзд. It meant the end of her relationship. Isso significou o fim de seu relacionamento. Boris would return - and she would be gone. ボリスは戻ってくるだろう - そして彼女はいなくなるだろう. Boris voltaria - e ela iria embora. At first, Anna refused to leave, she remembers; No início, Anna se recusou a sair, ela lembra;

Voice 3

‘I threatened to kill myself. 「自殺すると脅した。 'Eu ameacei me matar. I could not live without him. Eu não poderia viver sem ele. But in the end I was forced to go. でも結局行かざるを得なかった。 It was the most unhappy time of my life.' Foi a época mais infeliz da minha vida. ' Voice 1

And so Anna moved away with her family. They built a new life, in a new town. Anna’s mother encouraged her to marry someone else. She told Anna that Boris had married again. 彼女はボリスが再婚したことをアンナに話しました。 She said he had forgotten her. 彼女は彼が彼女を忘れたと言いました。 But Anna said;

Voice 3

‘I did not believe it. And I missed him so much. But one day I got home and my mother had burned all his earlier letters and pictures. しかし、ある日家に帰ると、母は以前の手紙や写真をすべて燃やしてしまいました。 Але одного разу я повернулася додому, а мама спалила всі його попередні листи і фотографії. This included pictures of when we got married.' これには、私たちが結婚したときの写真が含まれていました。 Voice 1

Anna’s family organised a meeting between Anna and a man. They wanted her to marry him. But such a thought was not possible for Anna. Boris was the man who had her heart! ボリスは彼女の心を持った男でした!

Voice 3

'My mother told me this other man was coming to meet me. She said that I should go out with him. 彼女は私が彼と一緒に出かけるべきだと言いました。 Вона сказала, що я повинна зустрічатися з ним. If I was lucky, he would marry me. もし私が運が良ければ、彼は私と結婚するでしょう。 I started crying. The world turned black for me. 世界は私にとって黒くなりました。 I wanted to die. I got a clothes line. 洋服ラインをつけました。 У мене є мотузка для білизни. I went into the animal barn. 動物小屋に入りました。 I planned to hang myself. 私は首を吊るすつもりでした。

‘My mother came in. She hit me in the face and told me not to be so stupid. She persuaded me to go out with this man, Nefed. 彼女は私にこの男、ネフェドと付き合うよう説得した。 And over time, he and my mother persuaded me that this was where my future lay.' そして、時間が経つにつれて、彼と私の母は、これが私の未来にあると私を説得しました。 І з часом вони з мамою переконали мене, що саме тут моє майбутнє". Voice 1

And so, finally Anna gave in. そして、ついにアンナは屈服した。 She married Nefed.

Meanwhile, Boris was hunting for Anna. その間、ボリスはアンナを探していました。 But his search bought only sadness. しかし、彼の検索は悲しみだけをもたらしました。 In the end, he too married. But he never forgot the girl who had his heart, Anna Kozlov(a).

Voice 1

Years passed and much changed. 年月が経ち、多くの変化がありました。 The two built their own new lives - separate from each other. Вони будували своє власне нове життя - окремо одне від одного. The Soviet Union fell. ソ連は崩壊した。 And in time, Anna’s husband died. そしてやがて、アンナの夫が亡くなりました。 Ve zaman içinde Anna'nın kocası öldü. Boris’s wife also died. The future was unsure for both of them. 二人の将来は不安でした。 Then, in 2007, something unexpected happened! |||surprising| そして2007年、予想外の出来事が!

Voice 2

Boris decided to return to Borovlyanka, his original home village. He wanted to visit the burial place of his parents. 彼は両親の埋葬地を訪れたかった。 He stepped outside the car slowly. Yavaşça arabanın dışına çıktı. He was now an old man in his eighties! But, he could not believe his eyes. There was Anna! She was alive! They were both there on the same day - at the same time! Вони обидва були там в один день - в один і той же час! How was this possible? これはどのように可能でしたか? So many questions needed answering! 非常に多くの質問に答える必要がありました。 But these could all wait. しかし、これらはすべて待つことができます。 Але це все може почекати. There was the woman he had loved all those years ago. 彼が何年も前に愛していた女性がいました。 There was no time to waste. 無駄にする時間はありませんでした。 He moved towards her quickly. Anna remembers:

Voice 3

‘I thought my eyes were playing games with me. 「目がゲームをしていると思った。 I saw this man coming towards me. 私はこの男が私に向かってくるのを見ました。 His eyes were looking at me closely. My heart jumped. Kalbim yerinden fırladı. I knew it was him. Я знав, що це був він. I cried with joy.' Voice 2

Boris walked towards her. He said,

Voice 4

‘My darling. I have been waiting for you for so long. My wife. My life.' Voice 2

There, in the village they once shared, the two were united again. Orada, bir zamanlar paylaştıkları köyde, ikisi yeniden bir araya geldi. More than fifty years had passed! Yet Boris said,

Voice 4

‘I could not take my eyes off her. 「彼女から目が離せませんでした。 Yes I had loved other women when we were separated. はい、私たちが別居していたとき、私は他の女性を愛していました. But she was the true love of my life.' しかし、彼女は私の人生の真の愛でした。 Voice 2

The two talked for many hours - they had a life time to catch up on. 2 人は何時間も話しました。 Вони проговорили багато годин - їм треба було наздогнати ціле життя. Boris wanted to make sure they did not miss anything else. ボリスは、他に何も見逃さないようにしたいと考えていました。 So he asked Anna to become his wife again. She accepted. And this time, they are not spending any time apart. |||||||||separated そして今回、彼らは離れて過ごすことはありません。

Voice 3

‘Since we have found each other again, we have not had a single argument. 「私たちは再びお互いを見つけて以来、一度も口論したことはありません. We have been parted for so long. 私たちは長い間別れてきました。 Who knows how much life is left for us. 私たちにどれだけの命が残されているか誰にもわかりません。 So we just do not want to lose time on arguing.' ですから、議論で時間を無駄にしたくありません。 Voice 2

The writer and producer of today’s programme was Marina Santee. All quotes were adapted for radio. Computer users can find our programmes on our website at www.radio.english.net. This programme is called, ‘Lovers Reunited.'