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Spotlight Broadcasts, Neem Tree

Neem Tree


I'm Elizabeth Lickiss. Voice 2 And I'm Mike Procter. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1 A large tree stands in the middle of the village. People shelter under it. The leaves of the tree protect them from the fierce sun. The temperature is always a few degrees cooler under the tree. The Neem tree is important to village life in Rajasthan, India. Every village community has its own tree. The Neem tree is a meeting point for village people. It is a place to do business deals. People have used the Neem to protect their crops and their lives for centuries. People often talk about the tree's healing power. They say that it can cure skin problems and prevent infection. Local people know how important the tree is. But now people in the rest of the world are also interested. The ancient tree has become the centre of an international legal battle. Who owns the rights to its medicinal healing powers? Voice 2 People often go to a pharmacy store to buy their medicines. At a pharmacy they can choose the right drugs to treat their sickness or condition. But local people often call the Neem tree the ‘village pharmacy' of South Asia. This is because the Neem is used in so many traditional medicines. Ancient Sanskrit books tell about the Neem's many uses. Village women treat skin conditions using the Neem. They grind the leaves into a thick substance. Then they rub the substance into the patient's skin. The effect on the skin is good. It can help ease any pain. It stops insect bites from becoming infectious. It helps the skin to heal. Voice 1 But Neem leaves do not just help skin conditions. The Neem leaves can also help protect clothes. In the summer time village women put away their heavy winter clothes. They have to store them carefully. They will need them next year. However insects are a problem. Moths can damage the clothes. But women in South Asia know what to do. They place Neem leaves between the stored clothes. Moths and other insects do not like the smell of the leaves. They stay away. Voice 2 Village people also make a drink out of the Neem leaves. This is used to treat diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is a major medical problem in many communities. Diarrohea is when solid body waste becomes, well- not solid. Diarrohea is sometimes caused by small creatures - worms. The worms enter the body in unclean food or uncooked meat. Experts at the WHO say that diarrhoea is a leading cause of child death in the world. Young children are at high risk. But the people of South Asia know that the Neem tree can help in these cases. Village people boil the Neem leaves and make a liquid. The liquid does not taste good. But drinking it often stops the diarrhoea. It also helps to kill the worms. Voice 1 People have found hundreds of different uses for the Neem tree. They often use it as a tool to clean between teeth. Village people break off a small part of the tree. They put one end of the stick in their mouths. They bite the end until it becomes soft. Then they use this end to clean between their teeth. The Neem is a natural antiseptic. It helps to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. In this way it protects the teeth from damage. Voice 2 The people of South Asia have known about the Neem for centuries. But now expert scientists are also interested in its qualities. The experts are especially interested in Neem tree oil. Pressing the seeds of the Neem tree produces the oil. This oil contains Azadirachtin. Azadirachtin is an important natural pesticide and fungicide. People can use it to destroy pests such as unwanted insects and moulds. These pests often attack food crops and destroy them. Azadirachtin can also fight bacteria and viruses - the organisms that cause harmful diseases to people. Voice 1 Doctor Ramesh Saxena is head of the Neem Foundation in India. He has used Neem as a natural pesticide in South Asia, the Philippines, East Africa and Australia. He believes that Neem may be useful across the world. It may be able to help prevent diseases like malaria. A parasite causes the malaria disease. A parasite is a very small organism that can enter the body. An insect carries the parasite that causes malaria. The insect is a particular kind of mosquito. It bites people. It then feeds on their blood. In this way the parasite can pass from the mosquito into the human blood system. Voice 2 A natural pesticide such as Azadirachtin may be useful in the battle against malaria. People often use chemical pesticides created by industry for this purpose. But Azadirachtin is a natural substance. It comes from a tree. Many experts believe that it could be better for the environment. Voice 1 Many large companies would like the only or exclusive right to sell this natural pesticide. Large profits are possible. An exclusive right would prevent other companies from also making money from the Neem. But should anyone be able to claim ownership of the Neem and its natural pesticide? Doctor Vandana Shiva is a leading Indian Environmentalist.

He claims that no one person or company can have rights to this ancient knowledge. Doctor Shiva says that people have used the Neem for centuries as a natural pesticide. He argues that for this reason it is public property. Over the past ten years he has been fighting to protect the Neem. Voice 2 The government of India has also reacted. It is also working to protect the Neem. Vinod Gupta is in charge of the ‘Traditional Knowledge Digital library'. The library is based in Delhi. Here, Vinod and his team record the details of all traditional medicines. They translate ancient writings. They have recorded millions of such medicines. The library acts as a useful information centre. Patent offices around the world use the library. Patent offices have the authority to award ownership rights to companies. But before they give a right or patent they do careful research. To gain a patent a company has to prove that its medicine or process is new. Medicines or cures used by ancient peoples are not new. Voice 1 Vinod and others hope to protect the medicinal powers of the Neem for everyone to enjoy. Many important Indian scientists support their campaign. They believe that the Neem is God's gift to the world. Doctor BN Dhawan is a scientist at the Central Drug Research Institute. He says, Voice 3 ‘I believe it would be terrible if the gains from using the Neem to go to an individual or to a company. I sincerely hope that the Neem will continue to be used by people all over the world without the need to pay a high price to a company. Voice 2 The writer of today's programme was Elizabeth Lickiss. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom. Computer users can hear our programmes on our website at www.radio.english.net. This programme is called ‘Neem Tree'. Thank you for joining us in today's Spotlight programme. Goodbye

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Neem Tree Neem| Neem-Baum Δέντρο Neem Neem Tree Árbol de Neem Arbre à margousier Albero di Neem ニームの木 님 트리 Árvore de Neem Дерево Neem Neem Ağacı Німське дерево 楝树 印楝樹


I’m Elizabeth Lickiss. Voice 2 And I’m Mike Procter. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1 A large tree stands in the middle of the village. Voz 1: Uma grande árvore ergue-se no meio da aldeia. People shelter under it. |sığınak|| As pessoas abrigam-se debaixo dela. The leaves of the tree protect them from the fierce sun. As folhas da árvore protegem-nos do sol forte. The temperature is always a few degrees cooler under the tree. |sıcaklık||||||||| A temperatura é sempre alguns graus mais fresca debaixo da árvore. The Neem tree is important to village life in Rajasthan, India. A árvore de Neem é importante para a vida nas aldeias do Rajastão, na Índia. Every village community has its own tree. Cada comunidade de aldeia tem a sua própria árvore. The Neem tree is a meeting point for village people. |el árbol Neem|||||||| A árvore de Neem é um ponto de encontro para as pessoas da aldeia. It is a place to do business deals. É um local para fazer negócios. People have used the Neem to protect their crops and their lives for centuries. Há séculos que as pessoas utilizam o Neem para proteger as suas colheitas e as suas vidas. People often talk about the tree’s healing power. 人々は木の癒しの力についてよく話します。 As pessoas falam frequentemente do poder curativo da árvore. They say that it can cure skin problems and prevent infection. Dizem que pode curar problemas de pele e prevenir infecções. Local people know how important the tree is. 地元の人々は、この木がいかに重要であるかを知っています。 A população local sabe o quão importante é a árvore. But now people in the rest of the world are also interested. しかし、今では世界中の人々も関心を持っています。 Mas agora as pessoas no resto do mundo também estão interessadas. The ancient tree has become the centre of an international legal battle. 古代の木は、国際法廷闘争の中心となっています。 A árvore antiga tornou-se o centro de uma batalha legal internacional. 这棵古树已成为国际法律斗争的中心。 Who owns the rights to its medicinal healing powers? その薬効のある治癒力に対する権利を所有するのは誰ですか? A quem pertencem os direitos sobre os seus poderes medicinais curativos? Voice 2 People often go to a pharmacy store to buy their medicines. Voz 2: As pessoas vão frequentemente a uma farmácia para comprar os seus medicamentos. At a pharmacy they can choose the right drugs to treat their sickness or condition. Numa farmácia, podem escolher os medicamentos certos para tratar a sua doença ou condição. 在药房,他们可以选择合适的药物来治疗他们的疾病或病症。 But local people often call the Neem tree the ‘village pharmacy' of South Asia. しかし、地元の人々はしばしばニームの木を南アジアの「村の薬局」と呼んでいます。 Mas a população local chama frequentemente à árvore de Neem a "farmácia da aldeia" do Sul da Ásia. This is because the Neem is used in so many traditional medicines. これは、ニームが非常に多くの伝統的な薬に使用されているためです. Isto deve-se ao facto de o Neem ser utilizado em muitos medicamentos tradicionais. Ancient Sanskrit books tell about the Neem’s many uses. ||||||del neem|| 古代のサンスクリット語の本は、ニームの多くの用途について語っています。 Os antigos livros sânscritos falam das muitas utilizações do Neem. Village women treat skin conditions using the Neem. As mulheres da aldeia tratam os problemas de pele com o Neem. They grind the leaves into a thick substance. 彼らは葉を厚い物質に粉砕します。 Trituram as folhas até obterem uma substância espessa. Then they rub the substance into the patient’s skin. 次に、その物質を患者の皮膚にこすりつけます。 Depois, esfregam a substância na pele do doente. Daha sonra bu maddeyi hastanın cildine sürerler. The effect on the skin is good. O efeito na pele é bom. It can help ease any pain. あらゆる痛みを和らげるのに役立ちます。 Pode ajudar a aliviar qualquer dor. It stops insect bites from becoming infectious. 虫刺されが感染するのを防ぎます。 Impede que as picadas de insectos se tornem infecciosas. It helps the skin to heal. Ajuda a pele a sarar. Voice 1 But Neem leaves do not just help skin conditions. Voice 1 しかし、ニームの葉は皮膚の状態を改善するだけではありません。 Voz 1 Mas as folhas de Neem não ajudam apenas os problemas de pele. The Neem leaves can also help protect clothes. ニームの葉は衣類の保護にも役立ちます。 As folhas de Neem também podem ajudar a proteger as roupas. 印楝叶还可以帮助保护衣服。 In the summer time village women put away their heavy winter clothes. 夏になると、村の女性たちは重い冬服を片付けます。 No verão, as mulheres da aldeia deixam de lado as suas pesadas roupas de inverno. They have to store them carefully. Têm de os guardar cuidadosamente. They will need them next year. Vão precisar deles no próximo ano. However insects are a problem. No entanto, os insectos são um problema. Moths can damage the clothes. Moths|||| las polillas|||| As traças podem danificar a roupa. But women in South Asia know what to do. Mas as mulheres do Sul da Ásia sabem o que fazer. They place Neem leaves between the stored clothes. Colocam folhas de Neem entre as roupas guardadas. Moths and other insects do not like the smell of the leaves. As traças e outros insectos não gostam do cheiro das folhas. They stay away. Eles mantêm-se afastados. Voice 2 Village people also make a drink out of the Neem leaves. Voice 2 村の人たちもニームの葉で飲み物を作っています。 Voz 2: As pessoas da aldeia também fazem uma bebida com as folhas de Neem. This is used to treat diarrhoea. Este medicamento é utilizado para tratar a diarreia. Diarrhoea is a major medical problem in many communities. A diarreia é um problema médico grave em muitas comunidades. Diarrohea is when solid body waste becomes, well- not solid. 下痢とは、体の老廃物が固くなり、固くならない状態です。 A diarreia é quando os resíduos sólidos do corpo se tornam, bem, não sólidos. 腹泻是指体内的固体废物变成了固体,但不是固体。 Diarrohea is sometimes caused by small creatures - worms. diarrea||||||| 下痢は、小さな生き物、ワームによって引き起こされることがあります。 A diarreia é por vezes causada por pequenos seres - vermes. The worms enter the body in unclean food or uncooked meat. Os vermes entram no corpo através de alimentos impuros ou de carne não cozinhada. Experts at the WHO say that diarrhoea is a leading cause of child death in the world. Young children are at high risk. As crianças pequenas correm um risco elevado. But the people of South Asia know that the Neem tree can help in these cases. Mas as pessoas do Sul da Ásia sabem que a árvore Neem pode ajudar nestes casos. Village people boil the Neem leaves and make a liquid. As pessoas da aldeia fervem as folhas de Neem e fazem um líquido. The liquid does not taste good. O líquido não sabe bem. But drinking it often stops the diarrhoea. Mas a sua ingestão faz frequentemente parar a diarreia. It also helps to kill the worms. Também ajuda a matar os vermes. Voice 1 People have found hundreds of different uses for the Neem tree. Voice 1 ニームの木には何百もの用途があります。 Voz 1 As pessoas descobriram centenas de utilizações diferentes para a árvore de Neem. They often use it as a tool to clean between teeth. Utilizam-no frequentemente como um instrumento para limpar entre os dentes. Village people break off a small part of the tree. 村の人々は木の小さな部分を折る。 As pessoas da aldeia partem uma pequena parte da árvore. They put one end of the stick in their mouths. Se meten un extremo del palo en la boca. 彼らは棒の一端を口に入れました。 Colocam uma ponta do pau na boca. 他们把棍子的一端放进嘴里。 They bite the end until it becomes soft. 端が柔らかくなるまで噛みます。 Mordem a extremidade até esta ficar mole. Then they use this end to clean between their teeth. Depois, utilizam esta extremidade para limpar entre os dentes. The Neem is a natural antiseptic. |||||antiséptico natural ニームは天然の防腐剤です。 O Neem é um antissético natural. It helps to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. Ajuda a matar as bactérias nocivas da boca. In this way it protects the teeth from damage. Desta forma, protege os dentes de danos. Voice 2 The people of South Asia have known about the Neem for centuries. Voz 2: Os povos do Sul da Ásia conhecem o Neem há séculos. But now expert scientists are also interested in its qualities. Mas agora os cientistas especializados também estão interessados nas suas qualidades. The experts are especially interested in Neem tree oil. Os especialistas estão especialmente interessados no óleo da árvore de Neem. Pressing the seeds of the Neem tree produces the oil. ニームの木の種子を圧搾すると、オイルが生成されます。 A prensagem das sementes da árvore de Neem produz o óleo. This oil contains Azadirachtin. |||azadiractina(1) このオイルにはアザジラクチンが含まれています。 Este óleo contém azadiractina. Azadirachtin is an important natural pesticide and fungicide. |||||pesticida||fungicida アザディラクチンは、重要な天然の殺虫剤および殺菌剤です。 People can use it to destroy pests such as unwanted insects and moulds. ||||||plagas||||||hongos As pessoas podem utilizá-lo para destruir pragas, como insectos indesejados e bolores. These pests often attack food crops and destroy them. Estas pragas atacam frequentemente as culturas alimentares e destroem-nas. Azadirachtin can also fight bacteria and viruses - the organisms that cause harmful diseases to people. アザディラクチンは、人々に有害な病気を引き起こす微生物であるバクテリアやウイルスと戦うこともできます. A azadiractina também pode combater bactérias e vírus - os organismos que causam doenças nocivas às pessoas. Voice 1 Doctor Ramesh Saxena is head of the Neem Foundation in India. |||Saxena(1)|||||||| Voz 1: O Dr. Ramesh Saxena é diretor da Fundação Neem na Índia. Voice 1 Ramesh Saxena 博士是印度印楝基金会的负责人。 He has used Neem as a natural pesticide in South Asia, the Philippines, East Africa and Australia. Utilizou o Neem como pesticida natural no Sul da Ásia, nas Filipinas, na África Oriental e na Austrália. He believes that Neem may be useful across the world. Ele acredita que o Neem pode ser útil em todo o mundo. 他相信印楝可能在全世界都有用。 It may be able to help prevent diseases like malaria. Pode ser capaz de ajudar a prevenir doenças como a malária. A parasite causes the malaria disease. Um parasita causa a doença da malária. A parasite is a very small organism that can enter the body. Um parasita é um organismo muito pequeno que pode entrar no corpo. An insect carries the parasite that causes malaria. Um inseto transporta o parasita que causa a malária. The insect is a particular kind of mosquito. O inseto é um tipo particular de mosquito. It bites people. Morde as pessoas. It then feeds on their blood. Depois alimenta-se do seu sangue. In this way the parasite can pass from the mosquito into the human blood system. Desta forma, o parasita pode passar do mosquito para o sistema sanguíneo humano. Voice 2 A natural pesticide such as Azadirachtin may be useful in the battle against malaria. Voz 2 Um pesticida natural como a azadiractina pode ser útil na luta contra a malária. People often use chemical pesticides created by industry for this purpose. 人々は、この目的のために産業界が作成した化学殺虫剤をよく使用します。 As pessoas utilizam frequentemente pesticidas químicos criados pela indústria para este fim. But Azadirachtin is a natural substance. Mas a azadiractina é uma substância natural. It comes from a tree. Vem de uma árvore. Many experts believe that it could be better for the environment. Muitos especialistas acreditam que pode ser melhor para o ambiente. Voice 1 Many large companies would like the only or exclusive right to sell this natural pesticide. Voice 1 多くの大企業は、この天然農薬を販売する唯一または独占的な権利を望んでいます。 Voz 1: Muitas grandes empresas gostariam de ter o direito único ou exclusivo de vender este pesticida natural. Large profits are possible. 大きな利益が可能です。 É possível obter grandes lucros. An exclusive right would prevent other companies from also making money from the Neem. 独占権があれば、他の企業もニームから利益を上げることができなくなります。 Um direito exclusivo impediria que outras empresas também ganhassem dinheiro com o Neem. But should anyone be able to claim ownership of the Neem and its natural pesticide? しかし、誰かがニームとその天然殺虫剤の所有権を主張できるでしょうか? Mas será que alguém pode reclamar a propriedade do Neem e do seu pesticida natural? Doctor Vandana Shiva is a leading Indian Environmentalist. |Vandana|Shiva|||||

He claims that no one person or company can have rights to this ancient knowledge. Ele afirma que nenhuma pessoa ou empresa pode ter direitos sobre este conhecimento antigo. Doctor Shiva says that people have used the Neem for centuries as a natural pesticide. He argues that for this reason it is public property. 彼は、この理由からそれは公共財産であると主張しています。 Defende que, por esse motivo, se trata de património público. Over the past ten years he has been fighting to protect the Neem. Nos últimos dez anos, tem lutado para proteger o Neem. Voice 2 The government of India has also reacted. Voice 2 インド政府も反応しました。 Voz 2 O governo da Índia também reagiu. It is also working to protect the Neem. Está também a trabalhar para proteger o Neem. Vinod Gupta is in charge of the ‘Traditional Knowledge Digital library'. |Gupta||||||||| Vinod Gupta は、「伝統知識デジタル ライブラリ」を担当しています。 The library is based in Delhi. 図書館はデリーに拠点を置いています。 A biblioteca está sediada em Deli. Here, Vinod and his team record the details of all traditional medicines. Aqui, Vinod e a sua equipa registam os pormenores de todos os medicamentos tradicionais. They translate ancient writings. Traduzem escritos antigos. They have recorded millions of such medicines. Registaram milhões de medicamentos deste tipo. The library acts as a useful information centre. A biblioteca funciona como um centro de informação útil. 图书馆是一个有用的信息中心。 Patent offices around the world use the library. 世界中の特許庁がライブラリを使用しています。 A biblioteca é utilizada por institutos de patentes de todo o mundo. 世界各地的专利局都使用该图书馆。 Patent offices have the authority to award ownership rights to companies. Intellectual property|||||||||| 特許庁は、企業に所有権を与える権限を持っています。 专利局有权将所有权授予公司。 But before they give a right or patent they do careful research. しかし、彼らは権利や特許を与える前に、入念な調査を行います。 To gain a patent a company has to prove that its medicine or process is new. 特許を取得するには、企業は自社の医薬品またはプロセスが新しいことを証明する必要があります。 Para obter uma patente, uma empresa tem de provar que o seu medicamento ou processo é novo. Medicines or cures used by ancient peoples are not new. 古代の人々が使用した薬や治療法は新しいものではありません。 Os medicamentos ou as curas utilizadas pelos povos antigos não são novos. 古代人们使用的药物或疗法并不新鲜。 Voice 1 Vinod and others hope to protect the medicinal powers of the Neem for everyone to enjoy. Voz 1 Vinod e outros esperam proteger os poderes medicinais do Neem para que todos possam usufruir. Many important Indian scientists support their campaign. Muitos cientistas indianos importantes apoiam a sua campanha. They believe that the Neem is God’s gift to the world. Acreditam que o Neem é uma dádiva de Deus para o mundo. Doctor BN Dhawan is a scientist at the Central Drug Research Institute. |Doctor BN|Dhawan (1)||||||||| He says, Voice 3 ‘I believe it would be terrible if the gains from using the Neem to go to an individual or to a company. Voice 3 'Neem を使用して得た利益が個人や企業に渡ったとしたら、それは恐ろしいことだと思います。 Voz 3: "Penso que seria terrível se os lucros da utilização do Neem fossem para um indivíduo ou para uma empresa. I sincerely hope that the Neem will continue to be used by people all over the world without the need to pay a high price to a company. 企業に高い対価を支払うことなく、世界中の人々にニームが使われ続けることを心から願っています。 Voice 2 The writer of today’s programme was Elizabeth Lickiss. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom. Computer users can hear our programmes on our website at www.radio.english.net. This programme is called ‘Neem Tree'. Thank you for joining us in today’s Spotlight programme. Goodbye