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Robin Hood, CHAPTER TWO Robin meets Little John

CHAPTER TWO Robin meets Little John

One day Robin came to a stream with a small bridge. When he began to cross it, he heard a loud voice say, 'I want to cross the stream first!' Robin turned around and saw an enormous, young man. He was very tall.

'No, I was first!' answered Robin.

'Can you push me off the bridge?' asked the enormous man. He was holding a wooden staff.

Robin cut a long branch from a tree and made a staff. Then he began to fight on the bridge. Robin was fast and light. But soon, the enormous man pushed Robin into the water. He was very strong.

The enormous man laughed. Then he pulled Robin out of the water. Robin started to laugh too. 'You are an honest fighter!' said Robin. 'What is your name?' 'My name is John Little. I am an honest man. I fought with good King Richard's men in the Holy Land. I made King Richard's sword and the swords of his men. He is a great king. But his brother John is cruel and greedy! I don't want to serve King John. I am looking for Robin Hood. I want to join his outlaws.' 'Welcome to our merry company of outlaws! I am Robin Hood!' said Robin, smiling. 'A friend of King Richard is a friend of mine!' John Little was very surprised. Then the two men embraced and became good friends.

'Now that you are an outlaw, you must change your name. Your new name is Little John.' Robin took Little John to the secret hiding place in the forest. The outlaws welcomed Little John with a big meal. Little John was an expert sword maker. Soon every outlaw had a new sword. The outlaws liked Little John because he was friendly and kind. At night, everyone sat around the fire and listened to his stories. He told them about his adventures in the Holy Land.

CHAPTER TWO Robin meets Little John РОЗДІЛ ДРУГИЙ Робін зустрічає Малого Джона 第二章 罗宾遇见小约翰

One day Robin came to a stream with a small bridge. ذات يوم جاء روبن إلى مجرى مائي به جسر صغير. Eines Tages kam Robin zu einem Bach mit einer kleinen Brücke. Однажды Робин пришел к ручью с небольшим мостом. When he began to cross it, he heard a loud voice say, 'I want to cross the stream first!' Als er anfing, ihn zu überqueren, hörte er eine laute Stimme sagen: „Ich will zuerst den Bach überqueren!“ Robin turned around and saw an enormous, young man. استدار روبن ورأى شابًا ضخمًا. Robin drehte sich um und sah einen riesigen, jungen Mann. He was very tall. كان طويلا جدا.

'No, I was first!' "لا ، كنت الأول!" answered Robin. أجاب روبن.

'Can you push me off the bridge?' "هل يمكنك دفعني من على الجسر؟" «Можете ли вы оттолкнуть меня с моста?» asked the enormous man. سأل الرجل الضخم. He was holding a wooden staff. كان يحمل عصا خشبية. Er hielt einen Holzstab. 彼は木製の杖を持っていました。 Он держал деревянный посох.

Robin cut a long branch from a tree and made a staff. قطع روبن غصنًا طويلًا من شجرة وصنع عصا. Robin schnitt einen langen Ast von einem Baum ab und machte daraus einen Stab. Робин срезал с дерева длинную ветку и сделал посох. Then he began to fight on the bridge. Затем он начал сражаться на мостике. Robin was fast and light. كان روبن سريعًا وخفيفًا. Робин был быстрым и легким. But soon, the enormous man pushed Robin into the water. لكن سرعان ما دفع الرجل الضخم روبن إلى الماء. He was very strong. كان قويا جدا.

The enormous man laughed. ضحك الرجل الضخم. Then he pulled Robin out of the water. ثم أخرج روبن من الماء. Robin started to laugh too. بدأ روبن يضحك أيضًا. 'You are an honest fighter!' "أنت مقاتل صادق!" said Robin. 'What is your name?' 'My name is John Little. I am an honest man. انا رجل نزيه Я честный человек. I fought with good King Richard's men in the Holy Land. قاتلت مع رجال الملك ريتشارد الطيبين في الأرض المقدسة. Я сражался с людьми хорошего короля Ричарда на Святой Земле. I made King Richard's sword and the swords of his men. صنعت سيف الملك ريتشارد وسيوف رجاله. Я сделал меч короля Ричарда и мечи его людей. He is a great king. إنه ملك عظيم. But his brother John is cruel and greedy! لكن أخوه يوحنا قاس وجشع! I don't want to serve King John. لا أريد أن أخدم الملك جون. Ich will König John nicht dienen. I am looking for Robin Hood. أنا أبحث عن روبن هود. I want to join his outlaws.' أريد أن أنضم إلى الخارجين عن القانون. 'Welcome to our merry company of outlaws! مرحبًا بكم في شركتنا المرحة من الخارجين عن القانون! „Willkommen in unserer fröhlichen Gesellschaft von Gesetzlosen! «Добро пожаловать в нашу веселую компанию преступников! I am Robin Hood!' said Robin, smiling. 'A friend of King Richard is a friend of mine!' "صديق الملك ريتشارد صديق لي!" John Little was very surprised. كان جون ليتل مندهشا جدا. Then the two men embraced and became good friends. ثم تعانق الرجلان وأصبحا صديقين حميمين. Dann umarmten sich die beiden Männer und wurden gute Freunde. Затем двое мужчин обнялись и стали хорошими друзьями.

'Now that you are an outlaw, you must change your name. الآن بعد أن أصبحت خارجًا على القانون ، يجب عليك تغيير اسمك. «Теперь, когда вы вне закона, вы должны изменить свое имя. Your new name is Little John.' Robin took Little John to the secret hiding place in the forest. أخذ روبن ليتل جون إلى مخبأ سري في الغابة. Робин отвел Маленького Джона в тайное укрытие в лесу. The outlaws welcomed Little John with a big meal. Преступники приветствовали Маленького Джона большой едой. Little John was an expert sword maker. كان ليتل جون صانع سيف خبير. Soon every outlaw had a new sword. سرعان ما كان لكل خارج عن القانون سيف جديد. The outlaws liked Little John because he was friendly and kind. أحب الخارجون عن القانون ليتل جون لأنه كان ودودًا ولطيفًا. Изгоям нравился Маленький Джон, потому что он был дружелюбным и добрым. At night, everyone sat around the fire and listened to his stories. في الليل ، جلس الجميع حول النار واستمعوا لقصصه. Ночью все сидели у костра и слушали его рассказы. He told them about his adventures in the Holy Land. أخبرهم عن مغامراته في الأرض المقدسة.