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Crash Course: World History, The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9

The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9

Hi there, I'm John Green, this is Crash Course: World History, and today we're

gonna talk about the Silk Road, so called because it was not a road and not made of silk.

So this is a t-shirt. It was designed in Belgium and contains cotton from both Brazil and the

Texas, which was turned into cloth in China, stitched in Haiti, screen-printed in the Washington,

sold to me in Indiana, and now that I am too fat to wear it, it will soon make its way

to Cameroon or Honduras or possibly even back to Haiti.

Can we just pause for a moment to consider the astonishing fact that most t-shirts see

more of the World than most of us do—

Mr. Green Mr. Green the t-shirt can't see the world because they don't have eyes—

Look, me from the past, it's difficult for me to isolate what I hate most about you because

there is so much to hate.

But very near the top is your relentless talent for ignoring everything that is interesting

and beautiful about our species in favor of pedantic sniveling in which no one loses or

gains anything of value.

I'm gonna go put on a collared shirt because we're here to tackle the big picture.

[theme music]

So the silk road didn't begin trade, but it did radically expand its scope, and the

connections that were formed by mostly unknown merchants arguably changed the world more

than any political or religious leaders.

It was especially cool If you were rich, because you finally had something to spend your money

on other than temples. But even if you weren't rich, the Silk Road reshaped the lives of

everyone living in Africa and Eurasia, as we will see today. Let's go straight to the Thought Bubble.

As previously mentioned, the silk road was not a road. It's not like archaeologists

working in Uzbekistan have uncovered a bunch of yield signs and baby on board stickers.

It was an overland route where merchants carried goods for trade.

But it was really two routes: One that connected the Eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia

and one that went from Central Asia to China.

Further complicating things, the Silk Road involved sea routes: Many goods reached Rome

via the Mediterranean,

and goods from Central Asia found their way across the Pacific to Japan and even Java.

So we shouldn't think of the Silk Road as a road but rather as a network of trade routes.

But just as now, the goods traveled more than the people who traded them: Very few traders

traversed the entire silk road: Instead, they'd move back and forth between towns, selling

to traders who'd take the goods further toward their destination, with everybody marking

up prices along the way.

So what'd they trade? Well silk, for starters. For millennia, silk was only produced in China.

It is spun from the cocoons of mulberry tree-eating worms and the process of silk making as well

as the techniques for raising the worms were closely guarded secrets, since the lion's

share of China's wealth came from silk production.

The Chinese used silk as fishing line, to buy off nomadic raiders to keep things peaceful,

and to write before they invented paper.

But as an export, silk was mostly used for clothes: Silk clothing feels light in the

summer and warm in the winter, and until we invented $700 pre-distressed designer jeans,

decking yourself out in silk was the #1 way to show people that you were wealthy.

Thanks, Thought Bubble. But the silk road wasn't all about silk.

The Mediterranean exported such cliched goods as olives, olive oil, wine, and mustachioed plumbers.

China also exported raw materials like jade, silver, and iron. India exported

fine cotton textiles; the ivory that originated in East Africa made its way across the Silk Road;

And Arabia exported incense and spices and tortoise shells. Oh, god, it's a red one,

isn't it? It's just gonna chase me, I just--- Ow.

Up until now on Crash Course we've been focused on city-dwelling civilizational types,

but with the growth of the silk road, the nomadic people of Central Asia suddenly become

much more important to world history.

Most of Central Asia isn't great for agriculture, but it's difficult to conquer, unless you

are, wait for it -- The Mongols.

It also lends itself fairly well to herding, and since nomads are definitionally good at

moving around, they're also good at moving stuff from Point A to Point B, which makes them good traders.

Plus all their travel made them more resistant to diseases.

One group of such nomads, the Yuezhi, were humiliated in battle in the 2nd century BCE

by their bitter rivals the Xiongnu, who turned the Yuezhi king's skull into a drinking cup, in fact.

And in the wake of that the Yuezhi migrated to Bactria and started the Kushan Empire in

what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Although silk road trading began more than a century before the birth of Jesus, it really took

off in the second and third centuries CE, and the Kushan Empire became a huge hub for that silk road trade.

By then, nomads were being eclipsed by professional merchants who travelled the silk roads, often

making huge profits, but those cities that had been founded by nomadic peoples became hugely important.

They continued to grow, because most of the trade on the Silk Road was by caravan, and

those caravans had to stop frequently, you know, for like food and water and prostitutes.

These towns became fantastically wealthy: One, Palmyra, was particularly important because

all of the incense and silk that travelled to Rome had to go through Palmyra.

Silk was so popular among the Roman elite that the Roman senate repeatedly tried to ban it,

complaining about trade imbalances caused by the silk trade and also that silk was inadequately modest.

To quote Seneca the Younger, “I see clothes of silk, if materials that do not hide the body, nor even

one's decency, can be called clothes,”

he also said of the woman who wears silk, “her husband has no more acquaintance than

any outsider or foreigner with his wife's body."

And yet all attempts to ban silk failed, which speaks to how much,

even in the ancient world, wealth shaped governance.

And with trade, there was a way to become wealthy without being a king or lord who takes

part of what your citizens produce.

The merchant class that grew along with the Silk Road came to have a lot of political

clout, and in some ways that began the tension that we still see today between wealth and politics. Whether

it's, you know, corporations making large donations or Vladimir Putin periodically jailing billionaires.

Mr. Putin, I just want to state for the record that I did not mean that in any way, I was -- Stan wrote that joke.

Oh, it's time for the Open Letter.

An Open Letter to Billionaires:

But first, let's see what's in the Secret Compartment today. Oh, it's some fake silk;

the stuff that put real silk out of business.

Dear Billionaires, I've wrapped myself in the finest of polyester so that you will take my message seriously.

Here at Crash Course we've done a lot of research into our demographics and our show

is watched primarily by Grammar Nazis, Muggle Quidditch Players, People Who Have a Test

Tomorrow, and Billionaires.

I have a message for you Billionaires: It will never be enough. You're relentless

yearning is going to kill us all.

Best wishes, John Green

Speaking of billionaires, the goods that travelled on the Silk Road really only changed the lives

of rich people. Did the Silk Road affect the rest of us? Yes, for three reasons.

First, wider economic impact. Relatively few people could afford silk, but a lot of people

devoted their lives to making that silk.

And as the market for silk grew, more and more people chose to go into silk production

rather than doing something else with their lives.

Second, the Silk Road didn't just trade luxury goods. In fact, arguably the most important

thing traded along the Silk Road: ideas.

For example, the Silk Road was the primary route for the spread of Buddhism.When we last

saw the Buddha's Eight-Fold Path to escaping the cycle of suffering and desire that's inherent

to humans, it was beginning to dwindle in India.

But through contacts with other cultures and traditions, Buddhism grew and flourished and

became one of the great religious traditions of the world.

The variation of Buddhism that took root in China, Korea, Japan, and Central Asia is known

as Mahayana Buddhism, and it differed from the original teachings of the Buddha in many

ways, but one that was fundamental. For Mahayana Buddhists, the Buddha was divine. (I mean,

we can—and religious historians do—fight over the exact definition of divine, but in

Mahayanna Buddhism, there's no question that the Buddha is venerated to a greater degree.

The idea of Nirvana also transformed from a release from that cycle of suffering and

desire to something much more heavenly and frankly more fun, and in some versions of

Mahayana Buddhism, there are lots of different heavens, each more awesome than the last.

Rather than focusing on the fundamental fact of suffering, Mahayana Buddhism offered the

hope that through worship of the Buddha, or one of the many bodhisattvas – holy people

who could have achieved nirvana but chose to hang out on Earth with us because they're

super nice– one could attain a good afterlife.

Many merchants on the silk road became strong supporters of monasteries which in turn became

convenient weigh stations for caravans.

And by endowing the monasteries, rich merchants were buying a form of supernatural insurance;

Monks who lived in the monasteries would pray for the success of trade missions and the

health of their patrons. It was win-win, especially when you consider that one of the central

materials used in Mahayana Buddhist rituals is … silk.

And a third reason the silk road changed all our lives, worldwide interconnectedness of

populations led to the spread of disease.

Measles and Smallpox traveled along it, as did bubonic plague, which came from the East

to the West in 534, 750, and—most devastatingly—in 1346.

This last plague—known as the Black Death—resulted in the largest population decimation in human

history, with nearly half of Europeans dying in a four-year period.

A sizable majority of people living in Italy died as did two-thirds of Londoners.

And it quite possibly wouldn't have happened without the Silk Road. If you were living

in London during the fourteenth century, you probably didn't blame the Silk Road for

your community's devastation, but it played a role.

If you look at it that way, the interconnectedness fostered by Silk Road affected way, way more

people than just those rich enough to buy silk, just as today's globalization offers

both promise and threat to each of us.

Next week we'll talk about Julius Caesar and in what situation, if any, it's okay

to stab your friend in the gut. Until then, thanks for watching.

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller, our script supervisor is Danica Johnson.

Our graphics team is Thought Bubble and the show is written by my high school history

teacher Raoul Meyer and myself.

Last week's Phrase of the Week was "Kim Kardashian". If you didn't like it, SUGGEST BETTER PHRASES

OF THE WEEK IN COMMENTS. Every week I take one of your suggestions and find a way to

squeeze it into the new episode.

If you liked today's episode of Crash Course, please click the "like" button and consider

sharing the show with your friends.

You can also follow us on Twitter @THECRASHCOURSE or on Facebook, links below.

Raoul also has a Twitter where he tweets Crash Course pop quizzes. As do I. All of those

links can be found below.

Also, the beloved and not fictitious, Stan, has agreed to start tweeting. So that's exciting!

Thanks for watching, and as we say in my hometown, don't forget to be awesome.

Oh, hey. Remember that Mongols shirt from the beginning of the episode? In addition

to being a joke, it's a shirt!

So many of you requested Mongols shirts that WE ARE GIVING THEM TO YOU!

They are now available for pre-order at DFTBA.com, link in the video

info below, so you can show your love for Crash Course or Mongols or exceptions.

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The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9 Die Seidenstraße und der antike Handel: Crashkurs Weltgeschichte #9 La Ruta de la Seda y el comercio antiguo: Crash Course World History #9 La route de la soie et le commerce antique : Cours accéléré d'histoire mondiale n°9 La Via della Seta e il commercio antico: Corso accelerato di storia mondiale #9 シルクロードと古代の交易:クラッシュコース世界史 第9回 실크로드와 고대 무역: 크래시 코스 세계사 #9 A Rota da Seda e o Comércio Antigo: Curso Rápido de História Mundial #9 Шелковый путь и древняя торговля: Краткий курс всемирной истории №9 İpek Yolu ve Antik Ticaret: Crash Course Dünya Tarihi #9 Шовковий шлях і стародавня торгівля: Прискорений курс всесвітньої історії #9 丝绸之路与古代贸易:世界历史速成第九课

Hi there, I'm John Green, this is Crash Course: World History, and today we're

gonna talk about the Silk Road, so called because it was not a road and not made of silk.

So this is a t-shirt. It was designed in Belgium and contains cotton from both Brazil and the

Texas, which was turned into cloth in China, stitched in Haiti, screen-printed in the Washington, |||||Stoff|||genäht||||||| ||||||||sewn together|||||||

sold to me in Indiana, and now that I am too fat to wear it, it will soon make its way me lo vendieron en Indiana, y ahora que estoy demasiado gordo para ponérmelo, pronto hará su camino

to Cameroon or Honduras or possibly even back to Haiti. |nach Kamerun|||||||| |||Honduras|||||| a Camerún u Honduras o, posiblemente, incluso de vuelta a Haití.

Can we just pause for a moment to consider the astonishing fact that most t-shirts see ||||||||in Betracht ziehen||erstaunliche Tatsache||||||

more of the World than most of us do—

Mr. Green Mr. Green the t-shirt can't see the world because they don't have eyes—

Look, me from the past, it's difficult for me to isolate what I hate most about you because ||||||||||identify|||||||

there is so much to hate.

But very near the top is your relentless talent for ignoring everything that is interesting |||||||unerbittlich||||||| |||||||unwavering|||||||

and beautiful about our species in favor of pedantic sniveling in which no one loses or ||||||||kleinliche Nörgelei|weinerliches Jammern|||||| |||||||||whining or complaining|||||| ||||||||pedante e chorão|lamento pedante||||||

gains anything of value. gewinnt|||

I'm gonna go put on a collared shirt because we're here to tackle the big picture. ||||||mit Kragen||||||||| ||||||with a collar||||||address||| ||||||com gola||||||abordar|||

[theme music]

So the silk road didn't begin trade, but it did radically expand its scope, and the |||||||||||||abrangência comercial||

connections that were formed by mostly unknown merchants arguably changed the world more ||||||||provavelmente||||

than any political or religious leaders.

It was especially cool If you were rich, because you finally had something to spend your money

on other than temples. But even if you weren't rich, the Silk Road reshaped the lives of

everyone living in Africa and Eurasia, as we will see today. Let's go straight to the Thought Bubble. |||||Eurasien||||||||||||

As previously mentioned, the silk road was not a road. It's not like archaeologists

working in Uzbekistan have uncovered a bunch of yield signs and baby on board stickers. ||Usbekistan arbeiten||||||Ertragsschilder|||||| ||||||||yield signs||||on||stickers ||||||||sinais de rendimento|placas de sinalização||||| trabajando en Uzbekistán han descubierto un montón de carteles de ceder el paso y pegatinas de bebé a bordo.

It was an overland route where merchants carried goods for trade. |||über Land||||||| |||land-based||||||| |||terrestre|||||||

But it was really two routes: One that connected the Eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia

and one that went from Central Asia to China.

Further complicating things, the Silk Road involved sea routes: Many goods reached Rome

via the Mediterranean,

and goods from Central Asia found their way across the Pacific to Japan and even Java.

So we shouldn't think of the Silk Road as a road but rather as a network of trade routes.

But just as now, the goods traveled more than the people who traded them: Very few traders

traversed the entire silk road: Instead, they'd move back and forth between towns, selling atravessaram|||||||||||||

to traders who'd take the goods further toward their destination, with everybody marking

up prices along the way.

So what'd they trade? Well silk, for starters. For millennia, silk was only produced in China. |||||seda||||||||||

It is spun from the cocoons of mulberry tree-eating worms and the process of silk making as well |||||Kokons||Maulbeerbaum||||||||||| ||produced|||silk casings||mulberry tree||||||||||| ||é produzido|||casulos||moreira branca|||||||||||

as the techniques for raising the worms were closely guarded secrets, since the lion's |||||||||||||main portion

share of China's wealth came from silk production.

The Chinese used silk as fishing line, to buy off nomadic raiders to keep things peaceful, ||||||||||nômades invasores|os invasores nôm||||

and to write before they invented paper.

But as an export, silk was mostly used for clothes: Silk clothing feels light in the

summer and warm in the winter, and until we invented $700 pre-distressed designer jeans,

decking yourself out in silk was the #1 way to show people that you were wealthy. dressing up in|||||||||||||| vestir-se||||||||||||||

Thanks, Thought Bubble. But the silk road wasn't all about silk.

The Mediterranean exported such cliched goods as olives, olive oil, wine, and mustachioed plumbers. ||||overused or stereotypical||||||||mustached| ||||||||||||com bigode|encanadores bigod

China also exported raw materials like jade, silver, and iron. India exported |||brutos||||||||

fine cotton textiles; the ivory that originated in East Africa made its way across the Silk Road; ||||marfim||||||||||||

And Arabia exported incense and spices and tortoise shells. Oh, god, it's a red one, |||fragrant resin|||||||||||

isn't it? It's just gonna chase me, I just--- Ow. |||||follow||||

Up until now on Crash Course we've been focused on city-dwelling civilizational types, ||||||||||||societal or cultural| |||||||||||habitação urbana||

but with the growth of the silk road, the nomadic people of Central Asia suddenly become |||||||||nômade||||||

much more important to world history.

Most of Central Asia isn't great for agriculture, but it's difficult to conquer, unless you

are, wait for it -- The Mongols.

It also lends itself fairly well to herding, and since nomads are definitionally good at ||||quite|||gathering animals|||||by definition|| ||se presta|||||pastoreio|||||||

moving around, they're also good at moving stuff from Point A to Point B, which makes them good traders.

Plus all their travel made them more resistant to diseases.

One group of such nomads, the Yuezhi, were humiliated in battle in the 2nd century BCE

by their bitter rivals the Xiongnu, who turned the Yuezhi king's skull into a drinking cup, in fact. |||||nomadic tribal confederation||||||||||||

And in the wake of that the Yuezhi migrated to Bactria and started the Kushan Empire in |||||||ancient nomads|||||||ancient Central Asian||

what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Although silk road trading began more than a century before the birth of Jesus, it really took

off in the second and third centuries CE, and the Kushan Empire became a huge hub for that silk road trade. |||||||||||||||centro comercial|||||

By then, nomads were being eclipsed by professional merchants who travelled the silk roads, often |||||overshadowed by|||||||||

making huge profits, but those cities that had been founded by nomadic peoples became hugely important. |||||||||||migratory||||

They continued to grow, because most of the trade on the Silk Road was by caravan, and

those caravans had to stop frequently, you know, for like food and water and prostitutes.

These towns became fantastically wealthy: One, Palmyra, was particularly important because

all of the incense and silk that travelled to Rome had to go through Palmyra.

Silk was so popular among the Roman elite that the Roman senate repeatedly tried to ban it, |||||||||the||||||prohibit| |||||||||||senado romano|||||

complaining about trade imbalances caused by the silk trade and also that silk was inadequately modest.

To quote Seneca the Younger, “I see clothes of silk, if materials that do not hide the body, nor even

one's decency, can be called clothes,”

he also said of the woman who wears silk, “her husband has no more acquaintance than ||||||||||||||familiarity|

any outsider or foreigner with his wife's body."

And yet all attempts to ban silk failed, which speaks to how much,

even in the ancient world, wealth shaped governance.

And with trade, there was a way to become wealthy without being a king or lord who takes

part of what your citizens produce.

The merchant class that grew along with the Silk Road came to have a lot of political

clout, and in some ways that began the tension that we still see today between wealth and politics. Whether ||||||||||||||||||Ob influence|||||||||||||||||| influência||||||||||||||||||

it's, you know, corporations making large donations or Vladimir Putin periodically jailing billionaires. |||||||||||imprisoning|wealthy business magnates

Mr. Putin, I just want to state for the record that I did not mean that in any way, I was -- Stan wrote that joke.

Oh, it's time for the Open Letter.

An Open Letter to Billionaires: ||||Wealthy individuals

But first, let's see what's in the Secret Compartment today. Oh, it's some fake silk; ||||||||Geheimfach||||||

the stuff that put real silk out of business.

Dear Billionaires, I've wrapped myself in the finest of polyester so that you will take my message seriously. |||||||||synthetic fabric||||||||

Here at Crash Course we've done a lot of research into our demographics and our show

is watched primarily by Grammar Nazis, Muggle Quidditch Players, People Who Have a Test

Tomorrow, and Billionaires.

I have a message for you Billionaires: It will never be enough. You're relentless |||||||||||||unermüdlich

yearning is going to kill us all. Sehnsucht|||||| desire||||||

Best wishes, John Green

Speaking of billionaires, the goods that travelled on the Silk Road really only changed the lives

of rich people. Did the Silk Road affect the rest of us? Yes, for three reasons.

First, wider economic impact. Relatively few people could afford silk, but a lot of people

devoted their lives to making that silk. ihr Leben gewidmet||||||

And as the market for silk grew, more and more people chose to go into silk production

rather than doing something else with their lives.

Second, the Silk Road didn't just trade luxury goods. In fact, arguably the most important

thing traded along the Silk Road: ideas.

For example, the Silk Road was the primary route for the spread of Buddhism.When we last

saw the Buddha's Eight-Fold Path to escaping the cycle of suffering and desire that's inherent |||||||||||||||innewohnend

to humans, it was beginning to dwindle in India. ||||||decrease significantly||

But through contacts with other cultures and traditions, Buddhism grew and flourished and

became one of the great religious traditions of the world.

The variation of Buddhism that took root in China, Korea, Japan, and Central Asia is known

as Mahayana Buddhism, and it differed from the original teachings of the Buddha in many

ways, but one that was fundamental. For Mahayana Buddhists, the Buddha was divine. (I mean, ||||||||||||göttlich|| |||||||Great Vehicle|||||||

we can—and religious historians do—fight over the exact definition of divine, but in

Mahayanna Buddhism, there's no question that the Buddha is venerated to a greater degree. Great Vehicle Buddhism|||||||||||||

The idea of Nirvana also transformed from a release from that cycle of suffering and

desire to something much more heavenly and frankly more fun, and in some versions of |||||||honestly|||||||

Mahayana Buddhism, there are lots of different heavens, each more awesome than the last.

Rather than focusing on the fundamental fact of suffering, Mahayana Buddhism offered the

hope that through worship of the Buddha, or one of the many bodhisattvas – holy people ||||||||||||enlightened beings||

who could have achieved nirvana but chose to hang out on Earth with us because they're

super nice– one could attain a good afterlife. ||||erlangen||| ||||achieve|||next existence

Many merchants on the silk road became strong supporters of monasteries which in turn became ||||||||||Klöster||||

convenient weigh stations for caravans. praktische||||

And by endowing the monasteries, rich merchants were buying a form of supernatural insurance; ||ausstatten mit||||||||||| ||providing funds to|||||||||||

Monks who lived in the monasteries would pray for the success of trade missions and the

health of their patrons. It was win-win, especially when you consider that one of the central

materials used in Mahayana Buddhist rituals is … silk.

And a third reason the silk road changed all our lives, worldwide interconnectedness of

populations led to the spread of disease.

Measles and Smallpox traveled along it, as did bubonic plague, which came from the East

to the West in 534, 750, and—most devastatingly—in 1346. ||||||verheerendsten| ||||||most destructively|

This last plague—known as the Black Death—resulted in the largest population decimation in human ||Pest||||Schwarzer Tod||||||||| |||||||||||||reduction||

history, with nearly half of Europeans dying in a four-year period.

A sizable majority of people living in Italy died as did two-thirds of Londoners. |large|||||||||||||

And it quite possibly wouldn't have happened without the Silk Road. If you were living

in London during the fourteenth century, you probably didn't blame the Silk Road for

your community's devastation, but it played a role.

If you look at it that way, the interconnectedness fostered by Silk Road affected way, way more ||||||||||||||||much more

people than just those rich enough to buy silk, just as today's globalization offers

both promise and threat to each of us.

Next week we'll talk about Julius Caesar and in what situation, if any, it's okay

to stab your friend in the gut. Until then, thanks for watching. |"erstechen"|||||in den Bauch|||||

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller, our script supervisor is Danica Johnson.

Our graphics team is Thought Bubble and the show is written by my high school history

teacher Raoul Meyer and myself.

Last week's Phrase of the Week was "Kim Kardashian". If you didn't like it, SUGGEST BETTER PHRASES

OF THE WEEK IN COMMENTS. Every week I take one of your suggestions and find a way to

squeeze it into the new episode.

If you liked today's episode of Crash Course, please click the "like" button and consider

sharing the show with your friends.

You can also follow us on Twitter @THECRASHCOURSE or on Facebook, links below. |||||||Crash Course|||||

Raoul also has a Twitter where he tweets Crash Course pop quizzes. As do I. All of those

links can be found below.

Also, the beloved and not fictitious, Stan, has agreed to start tweeting. So that's exciting!

Thanks for watching, and as we say in my hometown, don't forget to be awesome.

Oh, hey. Remember that Mongols shirt from the beginning of the episode? In addition

to being a joke, it's a shirt!

So many of you requested Mongols shirts that WE ARE GIVING THEM TO YOU!

They are now available for pre-order at DFTBA.com, link in the video ||||||||DFTBA.com|||||

info below, so you can show your love for Crash Course or Mongols or exceptions. ||||||||||||||Ausnahmen