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Society and people, Essential Stuff

Essential Stuff

Jess: Right, Tom, tell me, what three things could you not live without? Tom: Well, I guess you say me playing with my new toy just now. It's my iPod touch and it is fantastic. I often take long bus journeys at the weekend and on this little electronic storage machine with screen I can watch a movie and that's just ... makes bus journeys fly by . It also has wireless internet so I can carry it around and in a coffee shop I can check my e-mail and it has the added function of being able to play music, although I don't listen to music much. That's one. My iPod touch is with me all the time. It's kind of connected to my number 2. Number 2 is the internet. I couldn't live without the internet. I'm online every day - reading newpapers, checking out information about things I want to do and see that day. Keeping in touch with family and friends, although I don't do that as much as they would like. The internet is such a huge part of my life. I can't imagine what it was like ten or fifteen years ago, when nobody was online. Number three, I suppose is the sun, which sounds a bit facile because everything on the whole planet requires the sun, but for me it's not so much about the nutrition that plants and animals derive from the sun. It's just being able to lie and relax in the soft warmth, tanning by the pool letting my mind empty and clear. Those are my three. How about you? Jess: Well, I have to agree with your second one, definitely the Internet is one thing couldn't live without either, for the same reasons you mentioned, really, just to stay in touch with people for things like reading the news, checking my e-mail, finding phone numbers, getting information. I really couldn't live without it. The second thing would be my family. I couldn't live without them. I think since I've moved away from Britain and I don't live close to them, and I don't see them regularly anymore, I've grown to love them even more. Kind of you don't realize what you've until it's gone , and that was true with my family. I really miss them all the time, and I love going back to see them, so they're my number two, and my number three would be music. Music's a huge part of my life and I think I remember things by what I was listening to at the time. I'll remember periods of my life by what's songs I was listening to or what album i bought, so for me my memories are very much brought back to me by music, so those are my three things: the Internet, my family, and music.

Essential Stuff Wesentliche Dinge エッセンシャル・スタッフ 필수 항목 Temel Malzemeler Найнеобхідніші речі

Jess: Right, Tom, tell me, what three things could you not live without? Tom: Well, I guess you say me playing with my new toy just now. Tom: Nun, ich denke du sagst, ich spiele gerade mit meinem neuen Spielzeug. It’s my iPod touch and it is fantastic. I often take long bus journeys at the weekend and on this little electronic storage machine with screen I can watch a movie and that’s just ... makes bus journeys fly by . It also has wireless internet so I can carry it around and in a coffee shop I can check my e-mail and it has the added function of being able to play music, although I don’t listen to music much. That’s one. My iPod touch is with me all the time. It’s kind of connected to my number 2. Number 2 is the internet. I couldn’t live without the internet. I’m online every day - reading newpapers, checking out information about things I want to do and see that day. Keeping in touch with family and friends, although I don’t do that as much as they would like. The internet is such a huge part of my life. I can’t imagine what it was like ten or fifteen years ago, when nobody was online. Number three, I suppose is the sun, which sounds a bit facile because everything on the whole planet requires the sun, but for me it’s not so much about the nutrition that plants and animals derive from the sun. Nummer drei, denke ich, ist die Sonne, die sich etwas leicht anhört, weil alles auf dem ganzen Planeten die Sonne erfordert, aber für mich ist die Ernährung, die Pflanzen und Tiere von der Sonne haben, weniger wichtig. It’s just being able to lie and relax in the soft warmth, tanning by the pool letting my mind empty and clear. Es liegt einfach in der Lage, in der sanften Wärme zu liegen und zu entspannen, sich am Pool zu bräunen und meine Gedanken leer und klar zu machen. Those are my three. How about you? Jess: Well, I have to agree with your second one, definitely the Internet is one thing couldn’t live without either, for the same reasons you mentioned, really, just to stay in touch with people for things like reading the news, checking my e-mail, finding phone numbers, getting information. Jess: Nun, ich muss dem zweiten Punkt zustimmen, das Internet ist definitiv eine Sache, ohne die ich auch nicht leben könnte, aus denselben Gründen, die du genannt hast, einfach um mit Leuten in Kontakt zu bleiben, um die Nachrichten zu lesen, meine E-Mails zu checken, Telefonnummern zu finden, Informationen zu bekommen. I really couldn’t live without it. The second thing would be my family. I couldn’t live without them. I think since I’ve moved away from Britain and I don’t live close to them, and I don’t see them regularly anymore, I’ve grown to love them even more. Ich glaube, seit ich aus Großbritannien weggezogen bin und nicht mehr in ihrer Nähe wohne und sie nicht mehr regelmäßig sehe, habe ich sie noch mehr lieb gewonnen. 我想自从我离开英国,不再住得离他们很近,也不再经常见到他们之后,我对他们的爱就更加深了。 Kind of you don’t realize what you’ve until it’s gone , and that was true with my family. 你直到失去时才会意识到你拥有什么,我的家人也是如此。 I really miss them all the time, and I love going back to see them, so they’re my number two, and my number three would be music. 我真的无时无刻不在想念他们,我喜欢回去看望他们,所以他们是我的第二选择,而音乐就是我的第三选择。 Music’s a huge part of my life and I think I remember things by what I was listening to at the time. Musik ist ein großer Teil meines Lebens, und ich denke, ich erinnere mich an die Dinge, die ich damals hörte. 音乐是我生活中很重要的一部分,我认为我是通过当时所听的音乐来记住一些事情的。 I’ll remember periods of my life by what’s songs I was listening to or what album i bought, so for me my memories are very much brought back to me by music, so those are my three things: the Internet, my family, and music. 我会通过我听过的歌曲或买过的专辑来回忆我生命中的某些时期,所以对我来说,音乐会带给我很多回忆,所以这就是我的三样东西:互联网、我的家人和音乐。