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Society and people, Tattoo Reaction

Tattoo Reaction

Wendi: Alright, so I want to talk a little bit about what people's impressions of you are when they see you're tattoos, either strangers or people that actually know you. Rina: Some people it can be negative. Some people are interested and I have no problems with that if people are interested, and the negative feedback I get from it, it's OK. I know that these people were raised differently or they have different beliefs or ideas and I understand where they're coming from but, no, it's hard when people judge you just by face value but it's not my issue it's theirs so I'm OK with that. Pause 1

Wendi: Right. Can you talk a little bit about a negative or really positive experience has been since you've had tattoos from other people. Do you have any situations that you can think of? Rina: In general I've people just give me dirty looks and not like talk to me, or I had one gentleman slap my wrist one time when I was trying to get change back. He was being quite angry with me. Wendi: Really, because of your tattoo? Rina: Because of my tattoo on my wrist. I was holding out my hand and he slapped my wrist and it's upsetting that somebody gets that angry over your own personal decisions but it's their issue not mine. Pause 2

Wendi: Yeah, what about in, kind of, in the tattoo parlor, like what kind of stuff do people talk about? Like, is it just like getting your hair cut, speaking to the barber, talking about what's going on in your life or? Rina: Pretty much, see, I'm friends with my tattoo artist so we talk about, like, we know the same people and we sometimes hang out with some of the same people so we talk about that but a lot of the times we talk about people that come in wanting stupid things on their bodies. Wendi: Can you tell me a little about what kind of stupid things people have wanted? Rina: Um, there has been people wanting a symbol of a car brand , like the make of a car tattooed on them, or just people's names or just random. A lot of times it's kanji. Wendi: Really? Rina: Yeah. A lot of... Wendi: Chinese characters? Rina: Chinese characters, and some people find that when they do get those Chinese characters, after the fact, it's not initially what they thought it meant. Wendi: Right, so it's communication. Rina: It's really ill-researched and no reason for it unless that's your native country. Pause 3

Wendi: Right, can you tell me a little about what-- if you've ever seen a tattoo that you thought was just so well done. Rina: Yeah. Wendi: What was it and describe it? Rina: It was actually a piece on a man and it started from his hip and it was his whole right side of his body, half of his right side and it was flowers and vines and it went around and up to his shoulder and turned into a half-sleeve and it was absolutely beautiful, colorful and just well done. The lines were clean. It was an amazing tattoo.

Tattoo Reaction Tattoo-Reaktion

Wendi: Alright, so I want to talk a little bit about what people’s impressions of you are when they see you’re tattoos, either strangers or people that actually know you. ||||||||||||||||||||||或是||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||yabancılar veya tanıdıklar|||||| Wendi: Gut, ich möchte ein wenig darüber sprechen, welchen Eindruck die Leute von dir haben, wenn sie deine Tattoos sehen, entweder Fremde oder Leute, die dich tatsächlich kennen. Wendi: Pekala, biraz da yabancıların ya da sizi gerçekten tanıyan insanların dövmelerinizi gördüklerinde sizin hakkınızdaki izlenimlerinden bahsetmek istiyorum. Rina: Some people it can be negative. Some people are interested and I have no problems with that if people are interested, and the negative feedback I get from it, it’s OK. ||||||||||||||||這個||反饋|我|得到|從|它|| I know that these people were raised differently or they have different beliefs or ideas and I understand where they’re coming from but, no, it’s hard when people judge you just by face value but it’s not my issue it’s theirs so I’m OK with that. ||||||||||||||||||哪裡|他們|出發點|來自於||||||||||透過|面子||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||onların sorunu||||| Ich weiß, dass diese Leute anders erzogen wurden oder andere Überzeugungen oder Ideen haben, und ich verstehe, woher sie kommen, aber nein, es ist hart, wenn Leute einen nur nach dem äußeren Wert beurteilen, aber das ist nicht mein Problem, sondern ihres, also kann ich damit leben. Bu insanların farklı yetiştirildiklerini ya da farklı inançlara veya fikirlere sahip olduklarını biliyorum ve nereden geldiklerini anlıyorum ama hayır, insanların sizi sadece yüz değerinize göre yargılaması zor ama bu benim sorunum değil, onların sorunu, bu yüzden bununla bir sorunum yok. Pause 1

Wendi: Right. Can you talk a little bit about a negative or really positive experience has been since you’ve had tattoos from other people. Diğer insanlardan dövme yaptırdığınızdan beri yaşadığınız olumsuz veya gerçekten olumlu bir deneyimden biraz bahsedebilir misiniz? Do you have any situations that you can think of? Gibt es Situationen, die Ihnen einfallen? Rina: In general I’ve people just give me dirty looks and not like talk to me, or I had one gentleman slap my wrist one time when I was trying to get change back. |||||||我||||||||||我||一個||||手腕|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||bilek|||||||||| Rina: Im Allgemeinen werfen mir die Leute nur böse Blicke zu und reden nicht mit mir, oder einmal hat mir ein Herr einen Klaps auf die Hand gegeben, als ich versuchte, das Wechselgeld zurückzuholen. Rina: Genelde insanlar bana kötü kötü bakıyor ve benimle konuşmak istemiyorlar ya da bir keresinde para üstünü geri almaya çalışırken bir beyefendi bileğime tokat atmıştı. He was being quite angry with me. |過去式助動詞|表現得|||| Bana oldukça kızgındı. Wendi: Really, because of your tattoo? Rina: Because of my tattoo on my wrist. I was holding out my hand and he slapped my wrist and it’s upsetting that somebody gets that angry over your own personal decisions but it’s their issue not mine. |是||伸出|||||||||這是|令人不安|||||||||||||||| ||||||||tokat attı|||||üzücü|||||||||||||||| Ich streckte meine Hand aus, und er schlug mir aufs Handgelenk. Es ist ärgerlich, dass jemand so wütend wird, wenn es um persönliche Entscheidungen geht, aber das ist seine Sache, nicht meine. Elimi uzattım ve bileğime bir tokat attı ve birinin sizin kişisel kararlarınıza bu kadar sinirlenmesi üzücü ama bu onların sorunu, benim değil. Pause 2

Wendi: Yeah, what about in, kind of, in the tattoo parlor, like what kind of stuff do people talk about? |||||||||紋身|紋身店||||||||| ||||||||||dövme salonu||||||||| Like, is it just like getting your hair cut, speaking to the barber, talking about what’s going on in your life or? Ist es so, als würde man sich die Haare schneiden lassen, mit dem Friseur sprechen und darüber reden, was in seinem Leben vor sich geht, oder? Rina: Pretty much, see, I’m friends with my tattoo artist so we talk about, like, we know the same people and we sometimes hang out with some of the same people so we talk about that but a lot of the times we talk about people that come in wanting stupid things on their bodies. |||||朋友||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||來|在|想要||||| Wendi: Can you tell me a little about what kind of stupid things people have wanted? Rina: Um, there has been people wanting a symbol of a car brand , like the make of a car tattooed on them, or just people’s names or just random. A lot of times it’s kanji. |||||漢字 Wendi: Really? Rina: Yeah. A lot of... Wendi: Chinese characters? Rina: Chinese characters, and some people find that when they do get those Chinese characters, after the fact, it’s not initially what they thought it meant. |||||||||||||||之後|||||最初||||| Rina: Chinesische Schriftzeichen, und manche Leute stellen fest, dass diese chinesischen Schriftzeichen im Nachhinein nicht das bedeuten, was sie ursprünglich dachten. Rina: Çince karakterler ve bazı insanlar bu Çince karakterleri aldıklarında, daha sonra, başlangıçta ne anlama geldiğini düşündüklerini bulamıyorlar. Wendi: Right, so it’s communication. ||所以|這是|溝通 Wendi: Genau, es geht also um Kommunikation. Rina: It’s really ill-researched and no reason for it unless that’s your native country. |||糟糕||||||||||| Rina: Das ist wirklich schlecht recherchiert und es gibt keinen Grund dafür, es sei denn, das ist Ihr Heimatland. Pause 3

Wendi: Right, can you tell me a little about what-- if you’ve ever seen a tattoo that you thought was just so well done. Wendi: Richtig, kannst du mir ein wenig darüber erzählen, was... ob du jemals ein Tattoo gesehen hast, das du einfach so gut gemacht fandest. Wendi: Peki, çok iyi yapıldığını düşündüğünüz bir dövme gördüyseniz bana biraz anlatabilir misiniz? Rina: Yeah. Wendi: What was it and describe it? Rina: It was actually a piece on a man and it started from his hip and it was his whole right side of his body, half of his right side and it was flowers and vines and it went around and up to his shoulder and turned into a half-sleeve and it was absolutely beautiful, colorful and just well done. |||||||||||||||||||整個||||||||||||||||藤蔓|||||||||||||||袖子|||||||||| ||||||||||||||kalça|||||||||||||||||||||sarmaşıklar|||||||||||||||yarım kol|||||||||| Rina: Es war eigentlich ein Stück über einen Mann und es fing an seiner Hüfte an und war seine ganze rechte Körperseite, die Hälfte seiner rechten Seite und es waren Blumen und Ranken und es ging herum und bis zu seiner Schulter und wurde zu einem halben Ärmel und es war absolut schön, bunt und einfach gut gemacht. The lines were clean. It was an amazing tattoo.