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Society and people, The Wedding - Her Story

The Wedding - Her Story

Anna: I got married on May 18th, in 2002, and I wanted to have a very romantic wedding but also small and, so John and I started to have my wedding in our, my parents backyard, so we decorated the backyard and we invited just close family and friends and it was an outside wedding, it was really beautiful, and five days before the wedding it rained every single day, all day long, and the ground was really wet. It was terrible, and then the day of my wedding, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day, so sunny and we were so happy.

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The Wedding - Her Story Die Hochzeit - Ihre Geschichte La boda - Su historia Le mariage - Son histoire 結婚式 - 彼女の物語 O casamento - A sua história Свадьба - ее история Poroka - njena zgodba Düğün - Onun Hikayesi

Anna: I got married on May 18th, in 2002, and I wanted to have a very romantic wedding but also small and, so John and I started to have my wedding in our, my parents backyard, so we decorated the backyard and we invited just close family and friends and it was an outside wedding, it was really beautiful, and five days before the wedding it rained every single day, all day long, and the ground was really wet. ||||||pas longtemps||||||||||mariage||||||||||||||||||||||||||invités||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Anna: Ik ben op 18 mei in 2002 getrouwd en wilde een heel romantische bruiloft hebben, maar ook klein en dus begonnen John en ik mijn bruiloft te houden in de achtertuin van mijn ouders, dus we hebben de achtertuin ingericht en we hebben uitgenodigd gewoon familie en vrienden sluiten en het was een bruiloft buiten, het was echt prachtig en vijf dagen voor de bruiloft regende het elke dag, de hele dag door, en de grond was erg nat. Anna: Eu me casei no dia 18 de maio de 2002, e queria ter um casamento bem romântico, mas também pequeno e, então John e eu começamos a fazer meu casamento no quintal dos meus pais, então decoramos o quintal e convidamos apenas parentes e amigos unidos e foi um casamento externo, foi realmente lindo, e cinco dias antes do casamento choveu todos os dias, o dia todo, e o chão estava realmente molhado. Anna: Poročila sem se 18. maja 2002 in želela sem imeti zelo romantično poroko, a hkrati majhno, zato sva z Johnom začela prirejati poroko na dvorišču mojih staršev, zato sva okrasila dvorišče in povabila samo ožjo družino in prijatelje, poroka pa je bila zunaj, res lepa, a pet dni pred poroko je deževalo vsak dan, ves dan, in tla so bila res mokra. Anna: 18 Mayıs 2002'de evlendim ve çok romantik ama aynı zamanda küçük bir düğün yapmak istedim, bu yüzden John ve ben düğünümü ailemin arka bahçesinde yapmaya başladık, bu yüzden arka bahçeyi dekore ettik ve sadece yakın aile ve arkadaşları davet ettik ve dışarıda bir düğün oldu, gerçekten çok güzeldi ve düğünden beş gün önce her gün, tüm gün boyunca yağmur yağdı ve zemin gerçekten ıslaktı. It was terrible, and then the day of my wedding, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day, so sunny and we were so happy. ||terrible|||||||||||||||||||||||| Het was vreselijk, en toen de dag van mijn bruiloft, de zon kwam naar buiten en het was een mooie dag, zo zonnig en we waren zo blij. Bilo je grozno, potem pa je na dan moje poroke posijalo sonce in bil je čudovit dan, tako sončen, in bila sva tako srečna.