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BuzzFeed Video, KSI: How I Beat Logan Paul

KSI: How I Beat Logan Paul

- Yo, what's up, it's your boy KSI, I beat Logan Paul,

and this is that story.

(rhythmic electronic music)

I got started on YouTube around 2010, 11.

I started doing gaming videos, just playing FIFA,

Call of Duty, so that whole boxing thing

started from Joe Weller, actually.

He was the guy who called me out on my bluff.

I told him, "I'll fight the winner of him and his friend,"

he beat his friend and then he came at me.

I told him I wasn't really on it, and he made videos

calling me a (bleeps), this, that,

so we had a press conference, it got heated.

Yeah, me and Joe Weller had a fight, and I beat him.

So I called out the Paul brothers,

either Jake or Logan, any of the Pauls.

At first, they tried to get Greg Paul involved.

Greg Paul is their dad.

But yeah, I ain't gonna fight any old man, so.

Logan was the only guy properly down,

so me and him went at it.

Honestly with Logan Paul, I respect what he's done

on the YouTube platform, put out a lot of good videos.

You know, he works hard.

But what I don't respect is him as a person.

No right man would ever record someone who has died

and put it on the internet and show it

to all his millions of fans.

I mean, talk about having yes-men around you, like,

there's, at no point did he think, "maybe this is too much,

"or maybe this is ridiculous."

He was just thinking, "this is gonna get views,

"this is gonna get attention."

I thought it was absolutely disgusting.

So, you know, at the time when I called him out,

I was definitely doing him a favor, because, you know,

the whole Suicide Forest thing was happening,

and him tasing a dead rat as well, you know,

he just had a lot of bad press and I think he definitely

wanted to try and take attention away from that,

so, yeah, I essentially, you know, saved his career

by calling him out.

We got the contract sorted with me and Logan,

we had a few back-and-forth, it was quite mental.

Manchester Arena was the place we were fighting, sold out,

and we went at it, and after six rounds it was a draw.

I didn't think it was a draw, if I'm being honest.

I thought I might've just scraped it,

but, you know, it definitely warranted a rematch,

for sure, like, it was a close fight.

He did well for someone who only boxed

for a couple of months.

Yeah, that's why it was beautiful that the rematch

came the next year.

Lead-up to this one, you know, we were still somewhat

interacting with each other, but it was always just, like,

public, like, I'd never message him privately.

I think he tried messaging me privately

but I changed my number.

He had my old number, so, yeah, that was funny,

I have no idea what he sent me.

But he started DM-ing me on Instagram instead.

I dunno, he was just saying some stupid stuff.

So for the press conference, I didn't wanna just do

the exact same thing I did last year and just clown him,

and I knew he would expect that, so I wanted to be a lot

more serious this time in that I wasn't gonna accept a draw.

He was the complete opposite to how he was last year,

loud, he was all over the place, he was bouncing 'round,

he wasn't serious at all. (quacking)

Yeah, there was a huge juxtaposition

between me and him, for sure.

I think the only time I got nervous, it was the day

of the fight and I was trying to take my mind off things,

I was playing Call of Duty, Dragon Ball Legends,

I was talking to my girlfriend, you know,

I chilled with the boys that I was training with,

trying to do everything to take my mind off the fight.

Logan Paul was the favorite, everyone was

rooting for Logan Paul.

Yeah, Justin Bieber was just praying to make sure

Logan Paul won, went in the dressing room to, you know,

pray with him again, and do this and that.

Yeah, it was crazy, literally I had that nervous energy

all the way 'til the dressing room, just warmed up a bit.

I was still nervous, and I was just like, "Oh, this sucks,"

so I decided, like, I needed to switch something up.

So I just took a nap.

Slept for, like, 20 minutes, 'cause we had a bit of time.

And as soon as I woke up, all the nerves just went,

I just felt calm and ready and focused.

Yeah, that nap helped a lot. (laughs)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(crowd applauding) Yeah, as soon as I entered that ring,

I just looked at Logan. (laughs)

It was crazy, like, the whole time before the fight

he was staring at me, you know, making jokes,

doing this and that, and as soon as I was in the ring

with him he just couldn't look at me, he was looking

at the floor, he was looking to the side,

he just looked like he didn't wanna be there.

And yeah, I was just, you know, I was,

I felt like a stallion, man.

I was stamping on the ground, I was just bold,

(horse snorting) I didn't look at anyone else but him,

it was crazy.

I felt like a killer (laughs) it was crazy!

Yeah, I was ready, man, I was ready.

Yeah, round one, I came in and I was just, I did my thing,

(crowd applauding) and I'm jab to the body, jab to the body,

because I knew his head was always gonna do this,

I knew his head wasn't gonna be there.

That was the first time I tasted a 10-ounce to the head.

And I was actually calm, like, when he hit me I was like,

"Ah, this ain't so bad."

I was like, "I could deal with this."

'Cause, you know, I know, like, he didn't really put

his whole weight into his shot 'cause he was just afraid

of me coming at him and, you know, countering,

so he was quite tentative with his shots.

(bell dings) Round two, yeah, he tried to come in with

a few shots of his own and then I would just counter again.

And then he would just stay on the outside just, you know,

constantly moving, running from me.

Just running around, he didn't wanna get touched.

(bell dings) Round three, you know, I started to put

the pressure on, and, you know, I hit him

with a shot that knocked him down. (crowd applauding)

And Reese didn't count it as a knockdown.

He said it was just a slip, (laughs) which, I mean,

we all saw the replay and it wasn't a slip,

(crowd applauding) but, yeah, he was (laughs) clinching

my legs, which was funny.

Yeah, that was pretty much again my round,

I was just all over him and he just wasn't on it.

(bell dings) So Round four, just, yeah, he was struggling

to deal with me and then he got a very good shot on.

He me with the uppercut, which, you know, it didn't drop me

but it definitely stunned me.

But I think he got excited that he was able to actually

hit me with a big shot, to the point where

he held my head down and hit me with an illegal shot,

(crowd applauding) and then hit me twice

when I was going down.

Obviously he's like, "Oh, I should've got

"a warning for that," but you don't really need a warning

for something so illegal.

It was kinda crazy, like, I was able to just

stand up instantly. (laughs)

I don't even know how.

(laughs) I was going to the ref like, "Oh he hit me

"in the back of the head."

And that's why I was, like, wobbling, 'cause you get hit

in the back of the head your balance just goes, man.

Referee was like, "You got five minutes to rest."

I was thinking if I take five minutes,

that's him resting for five minutes and, you know,

I didn't wanna give Logan that much time,

so I was just looking, I was counting, I was like,

let me just give myself one minute, one minute's calm.

In previous fights that something like that has happened

they'll just get called off or just take the DQ.

I felt like I didn't wanna win like that,

I thought that was an injustice.

Yeah, I got back up, dusted myself off,

took a minute break and then we went back at it.

(bell dings) Round five, I'd say that

was definitely his round.

Obviously I was still a bit phased.

You know, he got more shots off, I was like,

I'm gonna take this round off and just take my time,

take it easy, make sure I didn't get hit

with another big shot again.

(bell dings) Yeah, so six, that's when I was like,

this is it, I'm good, I'm ready, let's go,

and I started going ham again.

(crowd cheering) Yeah, I was just, you know,

throwing haymakers, trying to put everything into it.

And, yeah, he was just, again, running like,

you know, hit and run or hit and run, and I was just

constantly trying to get in his grill

and just throw big shots. (bell dings)

(laughs) Obviously I was in America.

I was in his home country, so I was thinking, like,

the judges were probably gonna be in his favor.

But yeah, so, when I first heard the first judge

and he gave it to Logan I was like,

yeah, brilliant, here we go.

Second judge, he gave it to me, and I was like, all right,

this is big, and then obviously with the third one,

when Michael Buffer was just like, "From the United,"

I was like, "Ooooooh" (laughs), everyone was literally,

you know, holding their tongue, literally waiting,

and when he said, "Kingdom", man, went off.

(crowd cheering)

I was like, "Let's go!"

(laughs) And the judges both knew they did

what they were meant to do, like, you know,

they were all watching the right fight. (laughs)

But yeah, Justin Bieber was just, when he lost

I think at that point he became an atheist.

And obviously, Logan's face at the end,

(laughs) oh man, pure, just,

aaaah (bleeps)! (laughs)

Celebrated with my team, yeah, man,

and then we went 1 OAK, again, to celebrate

with everyone, we went nuts!

People are saying if I wanna fight Jake Paul.

Obviously I'm like, "You should go fight Gib,"

who's a friend of mind.

Everyone wants to see it, and then if,

if he beats Gib, then I'll give Jake Paul a chance

and we'll go at it, O2, O2 Arena, big boy things.

It's crazy, literally after the fight my song,

"Down Like That", has just done absolute numbers.

20 plus million streams on Spotify,

millions of streams on Apple Music, doing the rounds,

it's all over radio, like, it's literally been

the most successful song I've ever done,

and this year has been incredible for me,

from releasing an album with my friend Randolph,

going on tour, training for this fight, beating Logan Paul,

and then putting out a top 10 single,

yeah, it's been a crazy year, and I'm excited for next year,

man, next year's gonna be unreal.

Yeah, for this year, I think right now

I definitely need a holiday. (laughs)

("Jingle Bell Rock")

KSI: How I Beat Logan Paul KSI's victory||||Logan Paul| KSI: Wie ich Logan Paul schlug KSI: Cómo vencí a Logan Paul KSI : Comment j'ai battu Logan Paul KSI:どうやってローガン・ポールを倒したか KSI: Como derrotei o Logan Paul KSI: Как я победил Логана Пола KSI: Logan Paul'u Nasıl Yendim KSI: Як я переміг Логана Пола KSI:我如何击败洛根·保罗 KSI:我如何擊敗羅根保羅

- Yo, what's up, it's your boy KSI, I beat Logan Paul,

and this is that story.

(rhythmic electronic music)

I got started on YouTube around 2010, 11.

I started doing gaming videos, just playing FIFA, |||||||FIFA

Call of Duty, so that whole boxing thing Call of Duty, так что весь этот бокс

started from Joe Weller, actually. ||جو ويلر|جو ويلر| |||Weller| на самом деле началось с Джо Веллера.

He was the guy who called me out on my bluff. ||||||||||false pretense Он был парнем, который разоблачил мой блеф.

I told him, "I'll fight the winner of him and his friend," Я сказал ему: «Я буду драться с победителем из него и его друга».

he beat his friend and then he came at me.

I told him I wasn't really on it, and he made videos Я сказал ему, что на самом деле меня это не касается, и он снял видео.

calling me a (bleeps), this, that, |||ينعتني بـ|| |||censored term|| называя меня (пищит), это, это,

so we had a press conference, it got heated. ||||||||احتدم النقاش Итак, у нас была пресс-конференция, она разгорелась.

Yeah, me and Joe Weller had a fight, and I beat him. Да, мы с Джо Веллером подрались, и я победил его.

So I called out the Paul brothers, Поэтому я позвал братьев Пол,

either Jake or Logan, any of the Pauls. |Jake||||||Pauls либо Джейк, либо Логан, любой из Полов.

At first, they tried to get Greg Paul involved. ||||||Greg Paul|| Сначала они пытались привлечь Грега Пола.

Greg Paul is their dad. their father||||

But yeah, I ain't gonna fight any old man, so. Но да, я не собираюсь драться ни с одним стариком, так что.

Logan was the only guy properly down, Логан был единственным парнем, который нормально упал,

so me and him went at it. поэтому я и он пошли на это.

Honestly with Logan Paul, I respect what he's done Честно говоря с Логаном Полом, я уважаю то, что он сделал

on the YouTube platform, put out a lot of good videos.

You know, he works hard.

But what I don't respect is him as a person.

No right man would ever record someone who has died |||||||||توفي Ни один правильный человек никогда не запишет кого-то, кто умер

and put it on the internet and show it выложи в интернет и покажи

to all his millions of fans.

I mean, talk about having yes-men around you, like, Я имею в виду, говоря о том, что вокруг тебя есть поддакивающие мужчины, например,

there's, at no point did he think, "maybe this is too much, там, ни в коем случае он не подумал, "может быть, это слишком,

"or maybe this is ridiculous." ||||absurd

He was just thinking, "this is gonna get views,

"this is gonna get attention."

I thought it was absolutely disgusting. |||||repulsive, offensive, vile

So, you know, at the time when I called him out,

I was definitely doing him a favor, because, you know,

the whole Suicide Forest thing was happening, ||غابة الانتحار|غابة الانتحار||| вся эта история с Suicide Forest происходила,

and him tasing a dead rat as well, you know, ||صعق|||جرذ ميت|مثلما|أيضًا|| ||electrifying||||||| а еще он дразнил дохлую крысу, знаете ли,

he just had a lot of bad press and I think he definitely ||||||||||||certainly

wanted to try and take attention away from that,

so, yeah, I essentially, you know, saved his career

by calling him out.

We got the contract sorted with me and Logan, ||||arranged|||| Мы согласовали контракт со мной и Логаном,

we had a few back-and-forth, it was quite mental. у нас было несколько взад-вперед, это было довольно душевно.

Manchester Arena was the place we were fighting, sold out, |venue|||||||| Манчестер Арена была местом, где мы сражались, все билеты были распроданы,

and we went at it, and after six rounds it was a draw. и мы пошли на это, и после шести раундов была ничья.

I didn't think it was a draw, if I'm being honest. Я не думал, что это ничья, если быть честным.

I thought I might've just scraped it, |||||خدشته فقط| |||||touched lightly| Я думал, что мог просто поцарапать его,

but, you know, it definitely warranted a rematch, |||||استحق||

for sure, like, it was a close fight.

He did well for someone who only boxed

for a couple of months.

Yeah, that's why it was beautiful that the rematch

came the next year.

Lead-up to this one, you know, we were still somewhat В преддверии этого, вы знаете, мы все еще были несколько

interacting with each other, but it was always just, like,

public, like, I'd never message him privately.

I think he tried messaging me privately

but I changed my number.

He had my old number, so, yeah, that was funny,

I have no idea what he sent me.

But he started DM-ing me on Instagram instead.

I dunno, he was just saying some stupid stuff. |ما بعرف||||||| Я не знаю, он просто сказал какую-то глупость.

So for the press conference, I didn't wanna just do |||المؤتمر الصحفي|المؤتمر الصحفي|||||

the exact same thing I did last year and just clown him, то же самое, что я делал в прошлом году, просто дурачился над ним,

and I knew he would expect that, so I wanted to be a lot

more serious this time in that I wasn't gonna accept a draw. более серьезно на этот раз в том, что я не собирался соглашаться на ничью.

He was the complete opposite to how he was last year, Он был полной противоположностью тому, каким он был в прошлом году,

loud, he was all over the place, he was bouncing 'round, громко, он был повсюду, он подпрыгивал,

he wasn't serious at all. (quacking) |||||يثرثر |||||mocking or joking

Yeah, there was a huge juxtaposition |||||تباين كبير |||||contrast Да, было огромное сопоставление

between me and him, for sure.

I think the only time I got nervous, it was the day

of the fight and I was trying to take my mind off things, боя, и я пытался отвлечься от вещей,

I was playing Call of Duty, Dragon Ball Legends, ||||||||Dragon Ball game

I was talking to my girlfriend, you know,

I chilled with the boys that I was training with, Я расслабился с мальчиками, с которыми тренировался,

trying to do everything to take my mind off the fight. пытаясь сделать все, чтобы отвлечься от боя.

Logan Paul was the favorite, everyone was

rooting for Logan Paul. болеет за Логана Пола.

Yeah, Justin Bieber was just praying to make sure |Justin Bieber|Bieber|||||| Да, Джастин Бибер просто молился, чтобы убедиться

Logan Paul won, went in the dressing room to, you know,

pray with him again, and do this and that. снова помолитесь с ним и сделайте то-то и то-то.

Yeah, it was crazy, literally I had that nervous energy

all the way 'til the dressing room, just warmed up a bit. всю дорогу до раздевалки, только немного согрелся.

I was still nervous, and I was just like, "Oh, this sucks," Я все еще нервничал и думал: «О, это отстой».

so I decided, like, I needed to switch something up. поэтому я решил, что мне нужно что-то изменить.

So I just took a nap.

Slept for, like, 20 minutes, 'cause we had a bit of time.

And as soon as I woke up, all the nerves just went,

I just felt calm and ready and focused.

Yeah, that nap helped a lot. (laughs) ||||||laughs

(dramatic orchestral music)

(crowd applauding) Yeah, as soon as I entered that ring, |clapping|||||||| (толпа аплодирует) Да, как только я вышел на ринг,

I just looked at Logan. (laughs)

It was crazy, like, the whole time before the fight

he was staring at me, you know, making jokes,

doing this and that, and as soon as I was in the ring

with him he just couldn't look at me, he was looking с ним он просто не мог смотреть на меня, он смотрел

at the floor, he was looking to the side,

he just looked like he didn't wanna be there.

And yeah, I was just, you know, I was,

I felt like a stallion, man. ||||شعرت كالحصان| ||||strong man| Я чувствовал себя жеребцом, чувак.

I was stamping on the ground, I was just bold, ||أدوس بقوة|||||||جريء Я топал по земле, я был просто смел,

(horse snorting) I didn't look at anyone else but him,

it was crazy.

I felt like a killer (laughs) it was crazy!

Yeah, I was ready, man, I was ready.

Yeah, round one, I came in and I was just, I did my thing, Да, в первом раунде я пришел и просто сделал свое дело,

(crowd applauding) and I'm jab to the body, jab to the body,

because I knew his head was always gonna do this,

I knew his head wasn't gonna be there.

That was the first time I tasted a 10-ounce to the head. Это был первый раз, когда я попробовал 10 унций в голову.

And I was actually calm, like, when he hit me I was like, И я был на самом деле спокоен, например, когда он ударил меня, я подумал:

"Ah, this ain't so bad." — Ах, это не так уж и плохо.

I was like, "I could deal with this."

'Cause, you know, I know, like, he didn't really put

his whole weight into his shot 'cause he was just afraid

of me coming at him and, you know, countering,

so he was quite tentative with his shots. ||||متردد||| ||||hesitant, uncertain|||

(bell dings) Round two, yeah, he tried to come in with

a few shots of his own and then I would just counter again.

And then he would just stay on the outside just, you know,

constantly moving, running from me. باستمرار||||

Just running around, he didn't wanna get touched. Просто бегал вокруг, он не хотел, чтобы его трогали.

(bell dings) Round three, you know, I started to put

the pressure on, and, you know, I hit him давление на, и, вы знаете, я ударил его

with a shot that knocked him down. (crowd applauding) выстрелом, который сбил его с ног. (толпа аплодирует)

And Reese didn't count it as a knockdown. |Reese|||||| И Риз не считал это нокдауном.

He said it was just a slip, (laughs) which, I mean, Он сказал, что это была просто оговорка (смеется), что, я имею в виду,

we all saw the replay and it wasn't a slip, мы все видели повтор, и это не было оговоркой,

(crowd applauding) but, yeah, he was (laughs) clinching |||||||clenching

my legs, which was funny.

Yeah, that was pretty much again my round,

I was just all over him and he just wasn't on it.

(bell dings) So Round four, just, yeah, he was struggling

to deal with me and then he got a very good shot on.

He me with the uppercut, which, you know, it didn't drop me Он меня с апперкотом, который, знаете ли, меня не уронил

but it definitely stunned me.

But I think he got excited that he was able to actually

hit me with a big shot, to the point where

he held my head down and hit me with an illegal shot,

(crowd applauding) and then hit me twice

when I was going down. когда я спускался.

Obviously he's like, "Oh, I should've got

"a warning for that," but you don't really need a warning "предупреждение за это", но вам действительно не нужно предупреждение

for something so illegal.

It was kinda crazy, like, I was able to just

stand up instantly. (laughs) ||ينهض فوراً (يضحك).|

I don't even know how.

(laughs) I was going to the ref like, "Oh he hit me (смеется) Я собирался сказать судье: «О, он ударил меня.

"in the back of the head."

And that's why I was, like, wobbling, 'cause you get hit ||||||staggering or swaying||||

in the back of the head your balance just goes, man.

Referee was like, "You got five minutes to rest."

I was thinking if I take five minutes,

that's him resting for five minutes and, you know,

I didn't wanna give Logan that much time,

so I was just looking, I was counting, I was like,

let me just give myself one minute, one minute's calm.

In previous fights that something like that has happened

they'll just get called off or just take the DQ. |||||||||disqualification их просто отзовут или просто возьмут дисквалификацию.

I felt like I didn't wanna win like that,

I thought that was an injustice.

Yeah, I got back up, dusted myself off, Да, я встал, отряхнулся,

took a minute break and then we went back at it.

(bell dings) Round five, I'd say that

was definitely his round.

Obviously I was still a bit phased. Очевидно, я все еще был немного поэтапным.

You know, he got more shots off, I was like, Знаешь, он сделал больше выстрелов, я подумал:

I'm gonna take this round off and just take my time,

take it easy, make sure I didn't get hit

with another big shot again.

(bell dings) Yeah, so six, that's when I was like,

this is it, I'm good, I'm ready, let's go,

and I started going ham again.

(crowd cheering) Yeah, I was just, you know,

throwing haymakers, trying to put everything into it. бросая косилки, пытаясь вложить в это все.

And, yeah, he was just, again, running like,

you know, hit and run or hit and run, and I was just

constantly trying to get in his grill постоянно пытается попасть в его гриль

and just throw big shots. (bell dings) и просто бросать большие удары. (звенит звонок)

(laughs) Obviously I was in America. (смеется) Очевидно, я был в Америке.

I was in his home country, so I was thinking, like,

the judges were probably gonna be in his favor.

But yeah, so, when I first heard the first judge Но да, так что, когда я впервые услышал первого судью

and he gave it to Logan I was like,

yeah, brilliant, here we go.

Second judge, he gave it to me, and I was like, all right,

this is big, and then obviously with the third one,

when Michael Buffer was just like, "From the United," когда Майкл Баффер говорил "Из Юнайтед"

I was like, "Ooooooh" (laughs), everyone was literally, |||Oh wow|||| Я такой: «Ооооооо» (смеется), все буквально,

you know, holding their tongue, literally waiting, знаешь, прикусив язык, буквально ждут,

and when he said, "Kingdom", man, went off. и когда он сказал: «Царство», мужик, ушел.

(crowd cheering)

I was like, "Let's go!"

(laughs) And the judges both knew they did

what they were meant to do, like, you know,

they were all watching the right fight. (laughs)

But yeah, Justin Bieber was just, when he lost

I think at that point he became an atheist. ||||||||nonbeliever in God Думаю, в тот момент он стал атеистом.

And obviously, Logan's face at the end, ||Logan's|||| И, очевидно, лицо Логана в конце,

(laughs) oh man, pure, just, (смеется) о, чувак, чистый, справедливый,

aaaah (bleeps)! (laughs) exclamation of surprise||

Celebrated with my team, yeah, man, Праздновали с моей командой, да, чувак,

and then we went 1 OAK, again, to celebrate ||||one oak|||

with everyone, we went nuts! со всеми, мы офигели!

People are saying if I wanna fight Jake Paul.

Obviously I'm like, "You should go fight Gib," Очевидно, я такой: «Ты должен драться с Гибом».

who's a friend of mind.

Everyone wants to see it, and then if,

if he beats Gib, then I'll give Jake Paul a chance |||Gib|||||||

and we'll go at it, O2, O2 Arena, big boy things.

It's crazy, literally after the fight my song, Это безумие, буквально после боя моя песня,

"Down Like That", has just done absolute numbers. "Down Like That" только что показал абсолютные цифры.

20 plus million streams on Spotify,

millions of streams on Apple Music, doing the rounds,

it's all over radio, like, it's literally been

the most successful song I've ever done,

and this year has been incredible for me, |||||amazing||

from releasing an album with my friend Randolph, |||||||Randolph

going on tour, training for this fight, beating Logan Paul,

and then putting out a top 10 single,

yeah, it's been a crazy year, and I'm excited for next year,

man, next year's gonna be unreal.

Yeah, for this year, I think right now Evet|||||||

I definitely need a holiday. (laughs)

("Jingle Bell Rock") festive tune||