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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, From Stanford to Startup No.6 Building a Product is Just the Beginning

From Stanford to Startup No.6 Building a Product is Just the Beginning

I remember getting so excited when we were starting Burbn that we had all these feature ideas, we had all these product ideas to work on. But it turns out that starting a company is 50% building your product and 50% a lot of other stuff: bank accounts, insurance, taxes that you didn't know existed, filing for things in the City of San Francisco and forms in the basement of City Hall to make sure that your founder from Brazil can get a job with you. There's all these other stuff that isn't about having brilliant product ideas that takes a lot of work. And I think when people decide on whether or not they're going to go into entrepreneurship, you need to remember that building a product is great, but there is a lot of legwork involved in getting a team off the ground, I think specifically in recruiting a team. Team-building is one of the most important things when you get off the ground. It's not just about having a great idea. It's finding the people to bring in to make that idea happen and supporting them by shielding them from the press and the checking accounts that you have to set up, etcetera... especially raising capital. That can be a huge time sink. And you don't realize that until you get into the flow of things that building a company is not building a product. At the same time, it's supremely important to know that you have to be good at building a product and that you're going to be willing to do the legwork to do the rest.

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From Stanford to Startup No.6 Building a Product is Just the Beginning Von Stanford zum Startup Nr. 6 Die Entwicklung eines Produkts ist nur der Anfang De Stanford a la startup nº 6 Crear un producto es sólo el principio De Stanford à la création d'entreprise n° 6 La création d'un produit n'est qu'un début スタンフォードからスタートアップへ 第6回 製品作りは始まりに過ぎない Od Stanforda do startupu nr 6 Tworzenie produktu to dopiero początek De Stanford para a Startup N.º 6 Construir um produto é apenas o começo От Стэнфорда до стартапа №6 Создание продукта - это только начало Stanford'dan Startup'a No.6 Bir Ürün Oluşturmak Sadece Başlangıçtır 从斯坦福到初创企业 No.6 打造产品只是开始 從史丹佛大學到排名第六的新創公司 建立產品只是一個開始

I remember getting so excited when we were starting Burbn that we had all these feature ideas, we had all these product ideas to work on. But it turns out that starting a company is 50% building your product and 50% a lot of other stuff: bank accounts, insurance, taxes that you didn't know existed, filing for things in the City of San Francisco and forms in the basement of City Hall to make sure that your founder from Brazil can get a job with you. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||başvuru|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pero resulta que montar una empresa es un 50% construir tu producto y un 50% un montón de otras cosas: cuentas bancarias, seguros, impuestos que no sabías que existían, tramitar cosas en el Ayuntamiento de San Francisco y formularios en el sótano del Ayuntamiento para asegurarte de que tu fundador de Brasil puede conseguir trabajo contigo. There's all these other stuff that isn't about having brilliant product ideas that takes a lot of work. And I think when people decide on whether or not they're going to go into entrepreneurship, you need to remember that building a product is great, but there is a lot of legwork involved in getting a team off the ground, I think specifically in recruiting a team. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ayak işi|||||||||||||işe alım|| Team-building is one of the most important things when you get off the ground. Создание команды — одна из самых важных вещей, когда вы начинаете работать. It's not just about having a great idea. It's finding the people to bring in to make that idea happen and supporting them by shielding them from the press and the checking accounts that you have to set up, etcetera... especially raising capital. ||||||||||||||||koruma|||||||||||||||||| It's finding the people to bring in to make that idea happen and supporting them by shielding them from the press and the checking accounts that you have to set up, etcetera... especially raising capital. Нужно найти людей, которых можно привлечь для воплощения этой идеи в жизнь, и поддержать их, ограждая от прессы и открыв расчетные счета, и так далее... особенно привлекая капитал. That can be a huge time sink. Eso puede suponer una enorme pérdida de tiempo. Это может быть огромной тратой времени. And you don't realize that until you get into the flow of things that building a company is not building a product. At the same time, it's supremely important to know that you have to be good at building a product and that you're going to be willing to do the legwork to do the rest. |||||son derece||||||||||||||||||||||||||||