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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about mermaiding in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Learn to talk about mermaiding in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Rob: Welcome to 6 Minute English, the programme

where we explore an interesting topic

and bring you some useful items vocabulary. I'm Rob.

Neil: And I'm Neil.

Rob: Now Neil, I know you're a keen swimmer.

Neil: I am. I try to get to the pool once a week

and do a few lengths, yes.

Rob: That's good to hear because swimming

is one of the best sports for keeping fit.

It's an aerobic exercise - aerobic means a very

active type of exercise that makes your

heart and lungs stronger.

The opposite of this is anaerobic - and for my question

today Neil, I wonder if you know which of these activities

is an example of anaerobic

exercise? a) weightlifting, b) kickboxing or c) dancing

Neil: I don't have a clue but I'll pick

my favourite sport - a) weightlifting.

Rob: Is that really your favourite sport?!

Anyway, we'll find out the answer at the end

of the programme.

Neil: So what about you Rob

do you visit the swimming pool very often?

Rob: Only to use the cafe! I don't like anything

aquatic - I mean connected to water.

I just don't like getting wet - and swimming up and down

a pool is just boring!

Neil: Well there are alternatives to plain swimming.

There's synchronised swimming...

Rob: Synchronised - that's moving together at the same

time or speed as someone else.

Like dancing in water I suppose?

Hmm, I'm not a good dancer either.

Neil: How about the new craze of 'mermaiding'

which is making a splash at the moment -

in other words becoming very popular.

The idea originated in America but is now popular in

the UK and Europe.

Rob: OK. Tell me more!

Neil: Let's hear from an expert - Emma Longden,

who's founder of Fin2Fit - which runs classes,

teaching the skills of swimming safely like a mermaid...

Emma Longden: Mermaiding is putting a monofin on

your feet. Putting a beautiful tail on

and getting in the water and swimming like a mermaid.

Rob: OK, so I would need to wear a monofin

- the prefix 'mono' means 'only one or single'

- so a single fin -that's like a mermaid's tail

- then I just get in the water and swim around

like a mermaid - I'm not so sure about that Neil

- I don't really know how mermaids swim!

Neil: There's more to it than that Rob.

It's actually good for your fitness as

Emma can explain...

Emma Longden: It gives children's confidence in water

a boost, it improves their water strength,

it gives you an entire body workout.

It works your cardiovascular system,

it works your legs, your core - it improves the children's

swimming technique, flexibility, balance, co-ordination

- you get the reward, you get the social aspect -

and alongside all of that,

they're learning vital life skills along the way.

Neil: So there are many benefits to mermaiding Rob.

Improving confidence, strength, technique

and it's good for your cardiovascular system

- cardiovascular relates to your heart

and blood vessels.

Rob: I like the sound of the social aspect

- and by that Emma means being with other people

and having fun. It's an activity that's sociable.

And it teaches life skills - useful skills

that help you deal with everyday challenges.

Well that's great for kids - and that's the problem.

Neil: What's that?

Rob: Mermaiding is for kids - so I can't get involved

- even if I wanted to... can I?

Neil: You can Rob. According to Emma, it's

growing in popularity with adults too -

any excuse to live out your fantasies hey!

Emma Longden: There are so many adults that actually

kind of want to live out their childhood dreams

that they wanted to be a mermaid when they

were children and they didn't get the

opportunity and now it's here and now it's available...

So yes, we do a lot of adult classes as well.

Neil: There you go Rob - living out your childhood

dreams - that doing things you wanted to do

when you were a child. Like being a mermaid!

Rob: Sorry Neil, that wasn't a dream for me

- although I did dream of swimming like a shark once!

Anyway, mermaiding is a good form

of aerobic exercise - but earlier I asked you

what an example of anaerobic exercise is.

Is it... a) weightlifting, b) kickboxing or c) dancing

Neil: I said weightlifting. Was I right?

Rob: You were Neil, well done. Any exercise

that consists of short exertion, high-intensity movement

is an anaerobic exercise - such as weight lifting,

sprinting and jumping. I won't go into

scientific detail - but aerobics exercise

is done over a longer period of time and strengthens

the heart and lungs,

thereby improving the body's utilisation of oxygen.

Neil: Thanks for that Rob.

Now I think we should sprint through our recap

of some of the words we've talked about today -

starting with 'aerobic', which you just explained.

"Mermaiding is a good aerobic workout."

Rob: Assuming you don't mind dressing up, of course!

Next we had 'aquatic' which refers to something

connected with water. "Synchronised swimming

is an example of an aquatic sport."

Neil: Ah, you slipped in another of our words there

- 'synchronised' - which means 'moving

together at the same time or speed as someone

or something else'. "We synchronised our watches

so that we all arrived at the same time."

Rob: Good idea - you're always late Neil.

Then we mentioned 'mono' which means 'one'

or 'single' and is used as a prefix on words such as

'monochrome' - one colour - or 'monorail'

- a train running on a single track.

Neil: Then we heard the word 'cardiovascular'

- a word that relates to the effect on your

heart and lungs. "Experts say those who quit

smoking could also quickly reduce their risk

of cardiovascular disease."

Rob: Finally, we also mentioned 'social' -

this adjective relates to activities that you do

with other people and are usually fun.

"Now I live in London, I have a great social life."

Neil: Well you never invite me out Rob!

Anyway, that's it for this edition of 6 Minute English.

Before you rush off to fulfil your dream of

being a mermaid, don't forget to visit our

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages,

and of course our website!

Rob: Yes and that's at bbclearningenglish.com.

Bye for now.

Neil: Goodbye.

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Learn to talk about mermaiding in 6 minutes! - YouTube ||||Swimming like mermaid||| ||||syreni styl życia||| ||||natação com cauda||| Lerne in 6 Minuten, über Meerjungfrauen zu sprechen! - YouTube Learn to talk about mermaiding in 6 minutes! - YouTube ¡Aprenda a hablar de mermaiding en 6 minutos! - YouTube یاد بگیرید در 6 دقیقه در مورد پری دریایی صحبت کنید! - یوتیوب Apprenez à parler du mermaiding en 6 minutes ! - YouTube 6分で学ぶマーメイドの話!- YouTube 6분 만에 인어공주 이야기를 배워보세요! - YouTube Naucz się mówić o syrenach w 6 minut! - YouTube Aprender a falar de sereia em 6 minutos! - YouTube Научитесь говорить о русалках за 6 минут! - YouTube Denizkızı hakkında konuşmayı 6 dakikada öğrenin! - YouTube Навчіться говорити про русалочку за 6 хвилин! - YouTube 6分钟学会谈论美人鱼! - YouTube 6分鐘學會談美人魚! - Youtube

Rob: Welcome to 6 Minute English, the programme راب: به برنامه 6 دقیقه انگلیسی خوش آمدید Rob : Bienvenue dans 6 Minute English, le programme

where we explore an interesting topic جایی که ما یک موضوع جالب را بررسی می کنیم

and bring you some useful items vocabulary. I'm Rob.

Neil: And I'm Neil. نیل: و من نیل هستم.

Rob: Now Neil, I know you're a keen swimmer. |||||||enthusiastic| ||||||||nadador entusiasta راب: حالا نیل، می دانم که تو یک شناگر مشتاق هستی. 罗布:尼尔,我知道你非常热衷于游泳。

Neil: I am. I try to get to the pool once a week

and do a few lengths, yes. ||||laps| ||||dystansów| ||||distâncias| і зробити кілька відрізків, так. 是的,可以游几圈。

Rob: That's good to hear because swimming راب: شنیدن این موضوع برای شنا خوب است Роб: Це приємно чути, тому що плавання

is one of the best sports for keeping fit. один з найкращих видів спорту для підтримки фізичної форми.

It's an aerobic exercise - aerobic means a very ||with oxygen||||| ||aeróbico||||| این یک تمرین هوازی است - هوازی به معنای بسیار است

active type of exercise that makes your نوع فعال ورزش که باعث می شود شما

heart and lungs stronger. ||pulmões|mais fortes

The opposite of this is anaerobic - and for my question |||||without oxygen|||| |||||anaeróbico|||| برعکس این بی هوازی است - و برای سوال من

today Neil, I wonder if you know which of these activities |||wonder||||||| |||me pergunto||||||| امروز نیل، نمی‌دانم کدام یک از این فعالیت‌ها را می‌شناسید؟

is an example of anaerobic نمونه ای از بی هوازی است

exercise? a) weightlifting, b) kickboxing or c) dancing ||podnoszenie ciężarów||||| ||levantamento de peso||kickboxing||| ورزش؟ الف) وزنه برداری، ب) کیک بوکسینگ یا ج) رقص

Neil: I don't have a clue but I'll pick |||||no idea|||choose |||||uma ideia|mas|| نیل: من سرنخی ندارم اما انتخاب میکنم

my favourite sport - a) weightlifting. ||||levantamento de peso

Rob: Is that really your favourite sport?! راب: آیا این واقعا ورزش مورد علاقه شماست؟!

Anyway, we'll find out the answer at the end De qualquer forma|||||||| به هر حال در انتها به جواب خواهیم رسید

of the programme.

Neil: So what about you Rob نیل: پس تو راب چی؟

do you visit the swimming pool very often?

Rob: Only to use the cafe! I don't like anything Rob:只去咖啡馆!我什么都不喜欢

aquatic - I mean connected to water. Water-related||||| wodny||||| aquático||||| آبزی - منظورم متصل به آب است.

I just don't like getting wet - and swimming up and down |||||molhado||nadar de um lado ao outro||| من فقط خیس شدن - و شنا کردن بالا و پایین را دوست ندارم 我只是不喜欢弄湿自己——也不喜欢游来游去

a pool is just boring! |a piscina||| استخر فقط خسته کننده است!

Neil: Well there are alternatives to plain swimming. ||||options||regular| ニール:普通の水泳に代わるものがあります。 Neil: Cóż, istnieją alternatywy dla zwykłego pływania. 尼尔:嗯,除了普通的游泳,还有其他选择。

There's synchronised swimming... |synchronized| |natação sincronizada| Jest pływanie synchroniczne... 有花样游泳...

Rob: Synchronised - that's moving together at the same Rob: Synchroniczne - to poruszanie się razem w tym samym tempie

time or speed as someone else. 与他人一样的时间或速度。

Like dancing in water I suppose? فکر می کنم مثل رقص در آب؟ 就像在水中跳舞一样?

Hmm, I'm not a good dancer either.

Neil: How about the new craze of 'mermaiding' |||||popular trend||Swimming like mermaids |||||szał|| |||||moda|| نیل: در مورد شوق جدید "پری دریایی" چطور؟ Ніл: А як щодо нового захоплення "русалками"? 尼尔:最近流行的“美人鱼”怎么样

which is making a splash at the moment - ||||gaining significant attention||| ||||um sucesso||| яка на даний момент викликає фурор - 目前正引起轰动——

in other words becoming very popular. به عبارت دیگر بسیار محبوب شدن. тобто стають дуже популярними.

The idea originated in America but is now popular in

the UK and Europe.

Rob: OK. Tell me more!

Neil: Let's hear from an expert - Emma Longden, |||||expert||

who's founder of Fin2Fit - which runs classes, |||Fin2Fit founder||||fitness classes který je zakladatelem společnosti Fin2Fit, jež pořádá kurzy, چه کسی موسس Fin2Fit است - که کلاس ها را اجرا می کند، 他是 Fin2Fit 的创始人,该公司开设课程,

teaching the skills of swimming safely like a mermaid... ||||||||sereia

Emma Longden: Mermaiding is putting a monofin on ||||||single-blade fin| ||||||monofin| ||||||monofin| Emma Longdenová: Mermaiding je nasazení monofinu.

your feet. Putting a beautiful tail on |||||tail| |||||um belo rabo| vaše nohy. Nasazení krásného ocasu پاهای شما گذاشتن یک دم زیبا

and getting in the water and swimming like a mermaid. a vlézt do vody a plavat jako mořská panna.

Rob: OK, so I would need to wear a monofin |||||||||single fin Rob: Dobře, takže budu muset nosit monofinu.

- the prefix 'mono' means 'only one or single' |single unit element|one||||| - پیشوند "مونو" به معنای "فقط یک یا تک" است

- so a single fin -that's like a mermaid's tail |||uma nadadeira|||||

- then I just get in the water and swim around

like a mermaid - I'm not so sure about that Neil ||mythical creature|||||||

- I don't really know how mermaids swim!

Neil: There's more to it than that Rob. 尼尔:罗布,事情远不止于此。

It's actually good for your fitness as 这实际上对你的健康有好处

Emma can explain...

Emma Longden: It gives children's confidence in water Emma Longden: Dětem dodává sebedůvěru ve vodě

a boost, it improves their water strength, |enhancer||enhances|||water resistance |um aumento||||| a zvyšuje jejich pevnost ve vodě, 提高它们的耐水性,

it gives you an entire body workout. ||||full||exercise session ||||||treino corporal procvičíte celé tělo. 它能让你全身得到锻炼。

It works your cardiovascular system, |||心血管| |||układ sercowo-naczyniowy| |||cardiovascular|

it works your legs, your core - it improves the children's procvičuje nohy, jádro těla - zlepšuje pohyb dětí

swimming technique, flexibility, balance, co-ordination ||flexibility||| |||||coordenação motora technika plavání, flexibilita, rovnováha, koordinace. 游泳技术、柔韧性、平衡性、协调性

- you get the reward, you get the social aspect - |||recompensa||||| - získáte odměnu, sociální aspekt - - 你会得到奖励,你会得到社交方面的东西 -

and alongside all of that, |obok||| |ao lado de||| 除此之外,

they're learning vital life skills along the way. ||essential|||during|| 他们在这一过程中学习了重要的生活技能。

Neil: So there are many benefits to mermaiding Rob.

Improving confidence, strength, technique

and it's good for your cardiovascular system

- cardiovascular relates to your heart

and blood vessels. ||vasos sanguíneos

Rob: I like the sound of the social aspect Rob:我喜欢社交方面的声音

- and by that Emma means being with other people

and having fun. It's an activity that's sociable. 并享受乐趣。这是一项社交活动。

And it teaches life skills - useful skills

that help you deal with everyday challenges.

Well that's great for kids - and that's the problem. ||||children|||| 这对于孩子们来说很棒——但问题就在于此。

Neil: What's that?

Rob: Mermaiding is for kids - so I can't get involved Rob: Mermaiding jest dla dzieci - więc nie mogę się w to zaangażować

- even if I wanted to... can I? - nawet gdybym chciał... czy mogę? - 即使我想...我可以吗?

Neil: You can Rob. According to Emma, it's ニール:あなたは盗むことができます。エマによると、それは成長しています Neil: Możesz Rob. Według Emmy, to

growing in popularity with adults too - increasing||popularity||| 大人にも人気~

any excuse to live out your fantasies hey! |excuse|||||dreams| ||||||fantasias| jakákoli záminka k prožití vašich fantazií! あなたの空想を実現するための言い訳はありません。 jakiekolwiek usprawiedliwienie, by zrealizować swoje fantazje, co? 任何借口都可以实现你的幻想嘿!

Emma Longden: There are so many adults that actually Emma Longden: Jest tak wielu dorosłych, którzy naprawdę

kind of want to live out their childhood dreams chcą zrealizować swoje dziecięce marzenia 有点想实现他们的童年梦想

that they wanted to be a mermaid when they

were children and they didn't get the

opportunity and now it's here and now it's available... 机会就在这里,现在就可以获得……

So yes, we do a lot of adult classes as well.

Neil: There you go Rob - living out your childhood

dreams - that doing things you wanted to do

when you were a child. Like being a mermaid!

Rob: Sorry Neil, that wasn't a dream for me

- although I did dream of swimming like a shark once! ||||||||tubarão| - 尽管我确实曾经梦想过像鲨鱼一样游泳!

Anyway, mermaiding is a good form

of aerobic exercise - but earlier I asked you

what an example of anaerobic exercise is.

Is it... a) weightlifting, b) kickboxing or c) dancing

Neil: I said weightlifting. Was I right?

Rob: You were Neil, well done. Any exercise Rob:你就是 Neil,干得好。任何练习

that consists of short exertion, high-intensity movement |is made up|||effort||high intensity| ||||esforço||| которая состоит из коротких нагрузок, высокоинтенсивных движений 包括短时间高强度运动

is an anaerobic exercise - such as weight lifting,

sprinting and jumping. I won't go into sprinting|||||| correndo rápido||||||

scientific detail - but aerobics exercise scientific||||

is done over a longer period of time and strengthens |||||||||enhances |||||||||fortalece 经过较长时间的练习,效果会增强

the heart and lungs, |||pulmões

thereby improving the body's utilisation of oxygen. ||||wykorzystania|| ||||utilização||

Neil: Thanks for that Rob.

Now I think we should sprint through our recap |||||fazer uma corrida|||

of some of the words we've talked about today -

starting with 'aerobic', which you just explained.

"Mermaiding is a good aerobic workout." |||||exercise session

Rob: Assuming you don't mind dressing up, of course! |||||getting dressed||| |supondo que||||||| ロブ:着飾ることに抵抗がなければね! 罗布:当然,前提是你不介意盛装打扮!

Next we had 'aquatic' which refers to something |||related to water||||

connected with water. "Synchronised swimming |||synchronized|

is an example of an aquatic sport." |||||水上|

Neil: Ah, you slipped in another of our words there |||inserted casually|||||| |||escorregou|||||| 尼尔:啊,你又说错了我们说的另一个词

- 'synchronised' - which means 'moving

together at the same time or speed as someone

or something else'. "We synchronised our watches 或其他东西。”“我们同步了我们的手表

so that we all arrived at the same time." 这样我们就能同时到达。”

Rob: Good idea - you're always late Neil.

Then we mentioned 'mono' which means 'one' |||um|||

or 'single' and is used as a prefix on words such as |||||||Single prefix||||

'monochrome' - one colour - or 'monorail' one color||||one rail ||||kolej jednoszynowa monocromático||||monotrilho

- a train running on a single track. ||||||trilho ferroviário

Neil: Then we heard the word 'cardiovascular'

- a word that relates to the effect on your

heart and lungs. "Experts say those who quit

smoking could also quickly reduce their risk

of cardiovascular disease." of|heart and blood|

Rob: Finally, we also mentioned 'social' -

this adjective relates to activities that you do ||||actions|||

with other people and are usually fun.

"Now I live in London, I have a great social life." “现在我住在伦敦,我的社交生活很丰富。”

Neil: Well you never invite me out Rob! ||||ask me along||| Neil: No, nikdy jsi mě nepozval ven, Robe! 尼尔:你从来没邀请我出去过,罗布!

Anyway, that's it for this edition of 6 Minute English.

Before you rush off to fulfil your dream of Before||hurry|||achieve||| |||||realizar|||

being a mermaid, don't forget to visit our

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages,

and of course our website!

Rob: Yes and that's at bbclearningenglish.com.

Bye for now.

Neil: Goodbye.