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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about surfing and turfing online - YouTube

Learn to talk about surfing and turfing online - YouTube

Rob: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Rob.

Neil: And hello, I'm Neil.

Rob: Now Neil, what do you feel about

surf and turf?

Neil: Surf and turf? Love it. What's not to

love? Some lobster, a juicy steak – fries

on the side. Mmm, delicious.

Rob: Ah, you know what you've done there?

Neil: No, do tell.

Rob: You've got completely the wrong end

of the stick.

Neil: I said steak, not stick – a juicy steak.

Rob: No! Wrong end of the stick. You

misunderstood me. I'm not talking about

the surf and turf meal, but the online

shopping habit of surfing

and turfing.

Neil: Oh, my bad – but to be fair this is

quite a new use of this expression, isn't it?

Rob: Yes, it is. Now, you probably know

that 'surfing' is a verb we use for looking at

things on the internet. Surf and turf refers

to when we go to an online store, select

lots of things for our virtual shopping

basket but when we get to the checkout,

which is the place where

we pay for our shopping, we don't actually

complete the purchase. We turf out the

basket. We abandon it.

Neil: To turf something out is a phrasal

verb for throwing something out.

Although it's normally used about people

– for example, someone who is behaving

badly might be turfed out of a club.

Rob: Indeed. Well, I'm sure I'll get turfed

out of the presenter's union if I don't

get to today's quiz question. According

to recent research, which items are the

most likely to be surfed and turfed? Is it

a) Books b) Watches, or

c) Women's knitwear?

What do you think Neil?

Neil: Right, I think... I'm also certain it's a)


Rob: Well, we'll find out if you're right later

in the programme. Now, this research

also revealed that approximately 40% of

people have abandoned an online

shopping basket in the last year.

Neil: And it was calculated that this

meant there was approximately 18 billion

pounds worth of lost sales.

Rob: I have to say I'm a bit sceptical about

that figure. I don't trust it. We don't

always intend to buy everything we put in

our baskets. It's a bit like window shopping -

We just browse and find it convenient to

put things in our basket to think about

later. Have you ever done that?

Neil: Sure. It's a bit like browsing in a shop

isn't it – except you can save items you

are interested in to look at later. You might

also make a basket in one online store

then go to another to see if you can get

the same or similar items cheaper there.

So I agree, I don't think that the figure of

18 billion represents a total. Some of that

was never intended to be spent and some

would have gone to other stores.

Rob: But there are other reasons we don't

complete our purchases. For some it's

finding out at the end that there will be a high

delivery cost or that paying is very


Neil: Yes, I agree with that. That's so

annoying. You spend time collecting all

the things in the basket then find you

have to create an account or can't use

your favourite payment method or you

have to pay more to use a credit card and you

have to fill out so many details.

Sometimes you get so frustrated that you

just give up.

Rob: Exactly, and this is a subject that

retail expert Clare Bailey discussed in the

BBC programme You and Yours. She talks

about retailers, which are the businesses

that sell things. What does she say 70%

of retailers hadn't done?

Clare Bailey: We found that something

over 70% of the retailers hadn't invested

in the payment process in the last two years

so the technology is really out of date -

whereas they have potentially invested

in getting us to that page and then

they fell foul.

Rob: 70% of retailers hadn't invested in the

payment process. They hadn't changed

the way people pay online for at least two


Neil: Because online technology develops

so quickly, that means that their systems

are out of date.

Something that is out of date is too old,

it's no longer suitable.

Rob: She says that companies invest in

the shopping experience of their sites but

have ignored the checkout process. This

is where they fall foul. This is where they

make a mistake and get into trouble –

and where they can lose customers.

Right, before we fall foul of the listeners,

let's have the answer to the quiz. I asked you which items were the most

commonly abandoned at the virtual

checkout. Was it books, watches or

women's knitwear? So Neil, what did you say?

Neil: I am pretty certain it's books.

Rob: The answer was actually women's


Not books, as you thought.

Neil: Ah well, I can't be right all the time.

Rob: Some of the time would be nice.

Anyway, let's have a look at today's

vocabulary. First surf and turf is an

expression for online shopping without

the actual shopping. You put items in your

basket but never actually buy them.

Neil: It's also a delicious meal of seafood

and red meat.

Rob: Not if you're a vegetarian, Neil.

Neil: Ah, good point, good point.

Rob: The verb to turf out means 'to

remove someone from a place or

organisation, possibly because

they've broken the rules or behaved


For example, if we don't finish the

programme on time we might be turfed

out of this studio.

Neil: The place where you pay for your

shopping, either in a real shop or online is

the checkout. That can be a verb as well

as a noun, you check out at the checkout.

Rob: The businesses that sell you things

are retailers.

Neil: And with hope they don't sell you

things that are out of date because that

would mean they are past their best, too

old to be suitable.

Rob: And finally there was to fall foul of

something or someone, which is to make

a mistake and get into trouble with

someone. And as we don't want to fall

foul of the next team who need

to use this studio, it's just time for us

to say goodbye and to remind you to join

us again for 6 Minute English next time

and if you can't wait you can always catch

us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

and our website bbclearningenglish.com

where you can find lots of useful audio

and video programmes to help you

improve your English. That's all

for now. Bye bye!

Neil: Goodbye!

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Learn to talk about surfing and turfing online - YouTube ||||冲浪和冲浪||冲浪和灌水|| ||||||Online arguments|| ||||surfing||turfing|| ||||surf e turf||turfing|| ||||||тёрфинг|| Lernen Sie, online über Surfen und Rasen zu sprechen - YouTube Aprende a hablar de surf y turfing en Internet - YouTube Apprendre à parler de surf et de turf en ligne - YouTube サーフィンとターフィングについてオンラインで学ぶ - YouTube 온라인 서핑 및 터프닝에 대해 알아보기 - YouTube Naucz się rozmawiać o surfowaniu i turfowaniu online - YouTube Aprender a falar sobre surf e turfing online - YouTube Научитесь говорить о серфинге и турфинге в Интернете - YouTube Навчіться говорити про серфінг та серфінг в Інтернеті - YouTube 学习在线谈论冲浪和草皮运动 - YouTube 學習在線談論衝浪和草皮運動 - YouTube

Rob: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English. ||||Хвилина|

I'm Rob.

Neil: And hello, I'm Neil.

Rob: Now Neil, what do you feel about

surf and turf? ||мясо Seafood or fish|| surfowanie||mięso surf e terra||carne de vaca ||м'ясо surf and turf?

Neil: Surf and turf? Love it. What's not to

love? Some lobster, a juicy steak – fries ||Lobster|||Juicy beef steak|French fries ||lagosta|||| ||homar||soczysty|stek|frytki ||||соковитий||

on the side. Mmm, delicious. ||||tasty and satisfying

Rob: Ah, you know what you've done there? |Ah|||||| Rob: 啊,你知道你在那里做错了吗?

Neil: No, do tell. Neil: 不知道,说来听听。

Rob: You've got completely the wrong end Rob is mistaken|You have||||| ||tem||o|| Rob: 你完全搞错了

of the stick. ||kij ||do bastão ||палиця

Neil: I said steak, not stick – a juicy steak. |||||||succulent and tender| |||bife suculento||pau|||

Rob: No! Wrong end of the stick. You ||Misunderstood|misunderstanding||the situation|| ||zła||||| 罗布:不对!你搞错了。

misunderstood me. I'm not talking about misinterpreted||||| źle zrozumiano||||| не зрозумів|||||

the surf and turf meal, but the online |||||contrast|| |||трав'яний||||

shopping habit of surfing |||przeglądanie internetu

and turfing. |turfing |zakładanie trawnika |озеленення

Neil: Oh, my bad – but to be fair this is 尼尔:哦,我的错 - 但公平地说这是

quite a new use of this expression, isn't it?

Rob: Yes, it is. Now, you probably know

that 'surfing' is a verb we use for looking at |navegando na||||||||

things on the internet. Surf and turf refers ||Online content|||||

to when we go to an online store, select

lots of things for our virtual shopping

basket but when we get to the checkout, |||||||kasa |||||||касовий вузол

which is the place where

we pay for our shopping, we don't actually |||||ми||

complete the purchase. We turf out the ||||wyrzucamy|| ||a compra|||| завершити||||прибираємо|| 完成购买。我们把

basket. We abandon it. ||оставляем| ||leave it| ||porzucamy| ||залишаємо його| 篮子丢出去。我们放弃它。

Neil: To turf something out is a phrasal ||expel algo||||| 尼尔:把某物赶出去是一个短语

verb for throwing something out.

Although it's normally used about people 虽然通常用于人

– for example, someone who is behaving na przykład||||| – 例如,一个表现行为

badly might be turfed out of a club. |||выгнаны|||| |||expulso|||| ||być|wyrzucony|||| 可能会被踢出俱乐部。

Rob: Indeed. Well, I'm sure I'll get turfed Rob:确实。嗯,我很确定如果我不的话,我会被踢出主持人联盟

out of the presenter's union if I don't ||||union||| |||презентатора|||| |da união|||||| ||||związek||| 会被踢出主持人联盟的。

get to today's quiz question. According

to recent research, which items are the ||||przedmioty||

most likely to be surfed and turfed? Is it ||||przeglądane|||| ||||surfado|||| Najbardziej prawdopodobne jest surfowanie i turfowanie? Czy jest to

a) Books b) Watches, or

c) Women's knitwear? ||вязаная одежда ||malhas femininas |Damskie|odzież dzianinowa ||в'язаний одяг

What do you think Neil?

Neil: Right, I think... I'm also certain it's a)


Rob: Well, we'll find out if you're right later

in the programme. Now, this research

also revealed that approximately 40% of |disclosed||| |ujawniono||około|

people have abandoned an online ||покинули онлайн|| ||porzucili|| ||покинули|| ||abandonado|| 在过去一年里,人们放弃了一个在线购物篮。

shopping basket in the last year. 尼尔:据计算,这是

Neil: And it was calculated that this 在过去一年里,人们放弃了一个在线购物篮。

meant there was approximately 18 billion ||||мільярдів

pounds worth of lost sales. |wartości|||

Rob: I have to say I'm a bit sceptical about ||||||||doubtful| ||||||||sceptyczny| ||||||||cético|

that figure. I don't trust it. We don't

always intend to buy everything we put in |zamierzamy||||||

our baskets. It's a bit like window shopping - |кошики|||||| 我们的购物篮。这有点像窗口购物 -

We just browse and find it convenient to ||browse||||| ||przeglądamy||||wygodne| ||navegamos||||| 我们只是浏览,发现把东西放在我们的篮子里考虑起来很方便

put things in our basket to think about 的。

later. Have you ever done that? 以后再说。你有没有做过那种事?

Neil: Sure. It's a bit like browsing in a shop ||||||looking around||| ||||||przeglądanie||| 尼尔:当然。这有点像在商店里浏览

isn't it – except you can save items you ||that||||| 不是吗——除了你可以保存物品

are interested in to look at later. You might

also make a basket in one online store

then go to another to see if you can get

the same or similar items cheaper there.

So I agree, I don't think that the figure of

18 billion represents a total. Some of that |indicates|||||

was never intended to be spent and some ||meant||||| ||передбачений|||||

would have gone to other stores. 会去其他商店。

Rob: But there are other reasons we don't 罗布:但我们不完全

complete our purchases. For some it's finish||complete our purchases||| 购买商品的原因还有其他一些。有些人

finding out at the end that there will be a high stwierdzenie|||||||||| 最后发现将会有很高的交付成本

delivery cost or that paying is very dostawa|||||| 或者支付方式很复杂。

complicated. 复杂。

Neil: Yes, I agree with that. That's so

annoying. You spend time collecting all frustrating||||| ||||zbieraniu|

the things in the basket then find you

have to create an account or can't use

your favourite payment method or you |||Credit card||

have to pay more to use a credit card and you

have to fill out so many details. ||wypełnić|||| 必须填写很多细节。

Sometimes you get so frustrated that you ||||lose your patience|| 有时候你会感到非常沮丧,以至于你

just give up. 放弃了。

Rob: Exactly, and this is a subject that 罗布:确切地说,这是一个话题,

retail expert Clare Bailey discussed in the ||Clare Bailey||||

BBC programme You and Yours. She talks

about retailers, which are the businesses |Retail businesses|||| |роздрібні продавці|||| |os varejistas|||| |detaliści||||

that sell things. What does she say 70%

of retailers hadn't done? |os varejistas||

Clare Bailey: We found that something

over 70% of the retailers hadn't invested more than|||merchants|| |||os varejistas||

in the payment process in the last two years

so the technology is really out of date - |||||||out of date 所以技术确实过时-

whereas they have potentially invested |||possibly|put money podczas gdy|||| тоді як|||потенційно| 而他们潜在地投资

in getting us to that page and then 在引导我们到达那个页面然后

they fell foul. ||плохо |wpadli|złe |entraram em conflito| ||поганий

Rob: 70% of retailers hadn't invested in the ||роздрібні продавці||||

payment process. They hadn't changed

the way people pay online for at least two


Neil: Because online technology develops

so quickly, that means that their systems

are out of date.

Something that is out of date is too old,

it's no longer suitable. |||odpowiednie |||підходящий |||adequado

Rob: She says that companies invest in

the shopping experience of their sites but

have ignored the checkout process. This |||payment completion stage||

is where they fall foul. This is where they |||fall|to violate|||| |||wpadają||||| |||падають|||||

make a mistake and get into trouble –

and where they can lose customers.

Right, before we fall foul of the listeners, |||wpaść w konflikt|||| Так, пока мы не попали впросак со слушателями, 正确,让我们在听众们不满之前,

let's have the answer to the quiz. I asked 先说出小测验的答案。我问过 you which items were the most 你哪些物品是最

commonly abandoned at the virtual frequently|Neglected||| |покинуті віртуально||| üblicherweise aufgegeben im Virtuellen

checkout. Was it books, watches or

women's knitwear? So Neil, what did you say? |Women's sweaters, Neil?||||||

Neil: I am pretty certain it's books.

Rob: The answer was actually women's


Not books, as you thought. ||||pensou 不是书,就像你以为的那样。

Neil: Ah well, I can't be right all the time. 尼尔:啊,好吧,我不能总是对。

Rob: Some of the time would be nice. 罗布:总是对一些时间会很好。

Anyway, let's have a look at today's

vocabulary. First surf and turf is an ||mar e terra|||| słownictwo. Pierwszy surf and turf to

expression for online shopping without ||sem internet|| wyrażenie dla zakupów online bez

the actual shopping. You put items in your faktyczne zakupy. Umieszczasz przedmioty w swoim

basket but never actually buy them.

Neil: It's also a delicious meal of seafood |||||||owoców morza Neil: To także pyszny posiłek z owoców morza

and red meat.

Rob: Not if you're a vegetarian, Neil. |||||wegetarianin|

Neil: Ah, good point, good point.

Rob: The verb to turf out means 'to ||||Eject or expel|||

remove someone from a place or

organisation, possibly because

they've broken the rules or behaved they have|||||acted improperly |||||zachowali się złamali zasady lub zachowywali się


For example, if we don't finish the

programme on time we might be turfed

out of this studio.

Neil: The place where you pay for your

shopping, either in a real shop or online is

the checkout. That can be a verb as well |a caixa|||||||

as a noun, you check out at the checkout.

Rob: The businesses that sell you things

are retailers.

Neil: And with hope they don't sell you 尼尔:希望他们不会出售过时的东西,因为那意味着它们已经过了最好的时期。

things that are out of date because that 尼尔:希望他们不要卖给你那些过时的东西,因为那意味着它们已经过了最佳时期。

would mean they are past their best, too ||||||peak| 尼尔:希望他们不会卖给你过时的东西,因为那意味着它们已经过了最佳时期。

old to be suitable. |||odpowiedni

Rob: And finally there was to fall foul of

something or someone, which is to make

a mistake and get into trouble with

someone. And as we don't want to fall

foul of the next team who need

to use this studio, it's just time for us

to say goodbye and to remind you to join

us again for 6 Minute English next time "us" in this context translates to "our team" or "our show."|||||| nas||||||

and if you can't wait you can always catch 以及|||||||| і||||||||

us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

and our website bbclearningenglish.com

where you can find lots of useful audio

and video programmes to help you

improve your English. That's all

for now. Bye bye!

Neil: Goodbye! Ніл|