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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about walks in the countryside in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Learn to talk about walks in the countryside in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Catherine: Hi! And I'm Catherine.

Neil: Now, Catherine, when was the last

time you went for a walk in the country for

fun, for exercise or relaxation?

Catherine: People do that?

Neil: Well, believe it or not, they do.

Catherine: Interesting, people are strange.

Neil: Well, it sounds like you should pay

close attention to today's programme

because it's all about how fewer and

fewer people are venturing out into the country.

Catherine: Well, I wonder if that word is

part of the problem. To venture out

somewhere suggests that it's a big

challenge, or even a risky activity.

Neil: I don't think a walk in the country

is a particularly dangerous activity, even

in bad weather. It's not one of the reasons

people gave in a recent survey for why they

don't do it. In fact, one of the biggest

reasons people gave was that it wouldn't

look good on their social media.

Catherine: Well, of course, why would you

go for a walk in the rain in the country if

you couldn't get good snaps for your

social media account?

Neil: Interesting you should say that

because it's the topic of this week's quiz

question. In the survey what percentage

of people gave the poor social media

photo opportunity as their reason for

not wanting to venture out into the

countryside. Was it:

a) around 10%, b) around 30% or c)

around 50%? What do you think?

Catherine: To be honest, I don't think that

would be a good excuse at all, so I'm

going to say it's just 10%.

Neil: Listen out for the answer at the end

of the programme. Annabel Shackleton is from

an organisation called Leaf - Linking

Environment and Farming. They want to

encourage more people to visit the

countryside. She recently appeared

on the BBC's Farming Today radio

programme. She gave her response to

the survey we mentioned which revealed

that many of us prefer to stay indoors.

What does she say a quarter of people

in the survey know and believe?

Annabel Shackleton: I can't believe that 4

in 10 millennials think they should spend

more time in the countryside and a

quarter of them know and believe that it's

much better and easier to relax in the

countryside but they're just not going out.

It's phenomenal.

Catherine: She was talking about a group in

the survey which she called millennials. This

term refers to people who are young

adults now, people who were born in the

1980s and 1990s.

Are you a millennial, Neil?

Neil: No, I'm actually Generation X, the

age group before millennials. We were

born in the 1960s, 70s and early 80s.

Shackleton said that a quarter of

millennials know and believe

that it's better and easier to relax in the

country, but they just don't go.

Catherine: She thought it was

phenomenal. Now this adjective means

that something is

incredible, unbelievable. It's often used

for something that is positive, something

that is very impressive or amazing.

Neil: In this case though she is using it

to say how shocked and surprised she is that

people know going out in the country is

good and a great way to relax but they

still don't do it. So what explanation does

she have for this phenomenal behaviour.

Here's Annabel Shackleton again.

Annabel Shackleton: There are just so

many other distractions and it's just so

easy for people to stay indoors.

You know and they're using excuses like

they haven't got the right

clothing, it's not instagramable, would you

believe it? And yes, it's a shame.

Catherine: She said that there are many

other distractions. A distraction is

something that takes your attention

away from doing something.

Usually we think of a distraction as

something that delays us from

doing something more important.

Neil: These days we have a lot of

distractions or things that offer us easy


So it's very easy to come up with an

excuse for not taking the time to go outside.

Catherine: Another very good excuse of

course is the weather. It's not a lot of fun

to go out if it's cold

and pouring with rain.

Neil: Well, a very wise person once said

that there is no such thing as the wrong

weather, just the wrong clothing!

Catherine: True, Neil, but you have to have

the right clothing in the first place and

if the weather is terrible you might not be

able to get good pictures for your

Instagram account. They might not be


Now you're not going to find that word in

the dictionary, but you probably know that

the suffix able means 'possible'. So put 'able'

on the end of Instagram and you get


Neil: And that brings us neatly back to our

question. What percentage of people in the

survey said that they wouldn't go out in

the country because they wouldn't get

good pictures for social media?

Was it around 10%, 30% or

50%. What did you say, Catherine?

Catherine: I said 10.

Neil: And the answer was about 30%!

Catherine: What is the world coming to?

Neil: I don't know what the world is

coming to, but we are coming to the end

of the programme,

so time to review today's vocabulary.

Catherine: We started off with to venture

out somewhere, which simply means to

go out somewhere,

but usually when the conditions are

bad, for example - it was pouring with rain

but I still decided to venture out to the


Neil: We heard about millennials and

Generation X. Different age groups,

millennials are those who became adults

in the early 21st century, and Generation X

are from the previous generation,

who became adults in the 1980s and 1990s.

Catherine: Something phenomenal is

amazing, surprising and unbelievable.

Neil: And then we had distractions for

activities that prevent us from doing more

important things.

Catherine: And one of the biggest

distractions is social media. Put the suffix

able onto the end of the name of a

social media platform and you create a

word that describes something

that is suitable for posting, so


Neil: bbclearningenglish is certainly

instagramable, facebookable, tweetable

and youtubeable. You can find us on

all those platforms as well as on our

website. So do check us out there

before joining us again for more 6 Minute

English. Goodbye.

Catherine: Goodbye!

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Learn to talk about walks in the countryside in 6 minutes! - YouTube Lerne in 6 Minuten, über Spaziergänge auf dem Land zu sprechen! - YouTube ¡Aprenda a hablar de paseos por el campo en 6 minutos! - YouTube Apprenez à parler des promenades à la campagne en 6 minutes ! - YouTube 6分で田舎の散歩について話せるようになる! - YouTube 6분 만에 시골 산책에 대해 이야기하는 법을 배워보세요! - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre passeios no campo em 6 minutos! - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论乡村散步! - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Catherine: Hi! And I'm Catherine.

Neil: Now, Catherine, when was the last

time you went for a walk in the country for ||行った|||田舎を散歩|||| ||||||||campo|

fun, for exercise or relaxation? ||||放松

Catherine: People do that?

Neil: Well, believe it or not, they do.

Catherine: Interesting, people are strange. ||Menschen||

Neil: Well, it sounds like you should pay |||||du|| Neil: Bem, parece que você deveria pagar

close attention to today's programme atenção ao programa de hoje

because it's all about how fewer and |||||less in number| |||||menos| 얼마나 더 적은 수와

fewer people are venturing out into the country. |weniger Menschen|||||| Not as many|||going out|||| |||aventurando-se|||| |||wyprawiających się|||| |||виходять|||| 해외로 나가는 사람이 줄어들고 있습니다. menos pessoas estão se aventurando no país.

Catherine: Well, I wonder if that word is |||am curious|||| 캐서린 글쎄요, 그 단어가

part of the problem. To venture out |||||Take a risk| |||||arriscar-se| 문제의 일부입니다. 모험을 떠나려면

somewhere suggests that it's a big |indicates|||| 어딘가에서는 그것이 큰 em algum lugar sugere que é um grande

challenge, or even a risky activity. Daring endeavor|||||

Neil: I don't think a walk in the country ||||田舎で散歩|田舎を歩く||| Neil: 시골에서 산책하는 것은

is a particularly dangerous activity, even 는 특히 위험한 활동입니다.

in bad weather. It's not one of the reasons |schlechtem|||||||

people gave in a recent survey for why they ||||latest|||| 사람들이 최근 설문 조사에서

don't do it. In fact, one of the biggest

reasons people gave was that it wouldn't

look good on their social media. parecem bem em suas redes sociais.

Catherine: Well, of course, why would you

go for a walk in the rain in the country if

you couldn't get good snaps for your ||||good photos|| ||||фотографії|| ||||fotos boas|| você não poderia obter boas fotos para o seu

social media account? 소셜 미디어 계정? conta de mídia social?

Neil: Interesting you should say that Neil: 흥미롭게도

because it's the topic of this week's quiz protože je to téma kvízu pro tento týden.

question. In the survey what percentage 问题。在调查中占百分比是多少?

of people gave the poor social media lidí dalo špatné sociální média 의 사람들이 가난한 소셜 미디어에 de pessoas deram aos pobres meios de comunicação sociais

photo opportunity as their reason for příležitost k focení jako důvod pro 사진 촬영 기회 oportunidade de foto como motivo para 不想冒险前往乡村的人有一个理由:照相机的拍照机会是他们的原因吗?

not wanting to venture out into the nechtějí se vydat do 모험을 떠나고 싶지 않은 não querendo se aventurar no 不想冒险前往乡村的人有一个理由:照相机的拍照机会是他们的原因吗?

countryside. Was it: venkovské oblasti. Bylo to: 不想冒险前往乡村的人有一个理由:照相机的拍照机会是他们的原因吗?

a) around 10%, b) around 30% or c)

around 50%? What do you think?

Catherine: To be honest, I don't think that |||truthful||||

would be a good excuse at all, so I'm ||||valid reason|||| 는 좋은 변명거리가 될 수 없으니, 저는

going to say it's just 10%.

Neil: Listen out for the answer at the end

of the programme. Annabel Shackleton is from |||Annabel Shackleton|No translation needed||

an organisation called Leaf - Linking |Leaf-Linking||Leaf - Linking| |||Leaf - Ligação|

Environment and Farming. They want to ||Agriculture|||

encourage more people to visit the

countryside. She recently appeared Rural area|||

on the BBC's Farming Today radio

programme. She gave her response to ||||Her feedback|

the survey we mentioned which revealed |||||disclosed

that many of us prefer to stay indoors. |||||||inside the house

What does she say a quarter of people |||||25 percent|| |||||чверть||

in the survey know and believe?

Annabel Shackleton: I can't believe that 4

in 10 millennials think they should spend |young adults|||| |millennials|||| 有10个千禧一代认为他们应该花钱

more time in the countryside and a

quarter of them know and believe that it's um quarto|||||||

much better and easier to relax in the

countryside but they're just not going out.

It's phenomenal. |Incredible

Catherine: She was talking about a group in

the survey which she called millennials. This |Millennial study|||||

term refers to people who are young

adults now, people who were born in the

1980s and 1990s.

Are you a millennial, Neil?

Neil: No, I'm actually Generation X, the

age group before millennials. We were سنین پیش از نسل میلنیال. ما در دهه ۱۹۶۰، ۷۰ و اوایل ۸۰ متولد شدیم.

born in the 1960s, 70s and early 80s. شکلتون می‌گوید که یک چهارم

Shackleton said that a quarter of سنین پیش از نسل میلنیال. ما در دهه ۱۹۶۰، ۷۰ و اوایل ۸۰ متولد شدیم.

millennials know and believe

that it's better and easier to relax in the

country, but they just don't go.

Catherine: She thought it was

phenomenal. Now this adjective means

that something is що||

incredible, unbelievable. It's often used unglaublich|||| Unbelievable, amazing|Hard to believe|||

for something that is positive, something ||||Favorable|

that is very impressive or amazing. |||非常令人印象深刻||Incredible

Neil: In this case though she is using it

to say how shocked and surprised she is that |||utterly astonished by||taken aback|how shocked she|| |||chocada||||| 说她对这件事感到震惊和惊讶

people know going out in the country is 人们知道在乡下外出很好,是一个放松的好方法,但是他们

good and a great way to relax but they 知道

still don't do it. So what explanation does |||||what reason||

she have for this phenomenal behaviour.

Here's Annabel Shackleton again.

Annabel Shackleton: There are just so

many other distractions and it's just so ||other diversions|||| ||відволікання||||

easy for people to stay indoors.

You know and they're using excuses like

they haven't got the right

clothing, it's not instagramable, would you |||nicht instagramtauglich|| |||not photo-worthy|| |||instagrammabile||

believe it? And yes, it's a shame. ||||||a pity

Catherine: She said that there are many

other distractions. A distraction is |||una distrazione| |відволікання|||

something that takes your attention

away from doing something.

Usually we think of a distraction as |||||diversion or interruption|

something that delays us from ||Holds up|| ||затримки|| ||delays||

doing something more important.

Neil: These days we have a lot of

distractions or things that offer us easy ||Ablenkungen||||

entertainment. Amusement

So it's very easy to come up with an

excuse for not taking the time to go outside. ||nicht|||||| |||making use of|||||

Catherine: Another very good excuse of

course is the weather. It's not a lot of fun

to go out if it's cold

and pouring with rain. |raining heavily|| |to pour||

Neil: Well, a very wise person once said |||||Person|| |"Actually"|||sagacious||| ||||saggia|||

that there is no such thing as the wrong |dass es|||||||

weather, just the wrong clothing!

Catherine: True, Neil, but you have to have

the right clothing in the first place and

if the weather is terrible you might not be

able to get good pictures for your capable of getting||||||

Instagram account. They might not be

instagramable. Photo-worthy.

Now you're not going to find that word in

the dictionary, but you probably know that

the suffix able means 'possible'. So put 'able' |Suffix: -bar|||||| |able|||||| |可能な||||||

on the end of Instagram and you get


Neil: And that brings us neatly back to our |||||ordentlich||| |||||整齐地||| |||||きれいに||| |||||in a tidy manner|||

question. What percentage of people in the ||percentage||||

survey said that they wouldn't go out in

the country because they wouldn't get

good pictures for social media?

Was it around 10%, 30% or

50%. What did you say, Catherine?

Catherine: I said 10.

Neil: And the answer was about 30%!

Catherine: What is the world coming to? |Was||||| |What||||| |何が|||||

Neil: I don't know what the world is

coming to, but we are coming to the end

of the programme,

so time to review today's vocabulary.

Catherine: We started off with to venture

out somewhere, which simply means to

go out somewhere,

but usually when the conditions are

bad, for example - it was pouring with rain |||||Raining heavily|| |||それ||土砂降り||

but I still decided to venture out to the


Neil: We heard about millennials and

Generation X. Different age groups,

millennials are those who became adults

in the early 21st century, and Generation X ||||世纪|||

are from the previous generation, |||上一代|

who became adults in the 1980s and 1990s.

Catherine: Something phenomenal is ||extraordinary|

amazing, surprising and unbelievable.

Neil: And then we had distractions for

activities that prevent us from doing more

important things.

Catherine: And one of the biggest

distractions is social media. Put the suffix ||||||is a distraction

able onto the end of the name of a |add to|||||||

social media platform and you create a Social networking site||||||

word that describes something Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the specific word and the context in which it is used?|||

that is suitable for posting, so ||appropriate||| ||||для публікації| ||||publicação|

instagramable. Photo-worthy.

Neil: bbclearningenglish is certainly

instagramable, facebookable, tweetable |facebook-tauglich|tweetbar |Suitable for Facebook|Suitable for Twitter |compartilhável no Facebook|tweetável

and youtubeable. You can find us on |und auf YouTube||||| |suitable for YouTube||||| |no YouTube|||||

all those platforms as well as on our

website. So do check us out there вебсайт||||||

before joining us again for more 6 Minute prior to||||||

English. Goodbye.

Catherine: Goodbye! 再见,凯瑟琳|