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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Talk about marriage in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Talk about marriage in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Neil: Hello welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Neil.

Rob: And I'm Rob.

Neil: Now Rob, Can you complete this

saying: "Love and marriage go together


Rob: Love and marriage go together like...

a horse

and carriage!

Neil: That's right, and when was the last

time you saw a horse and carriage?

Rob: Well that would have been quite a while

while ago - they're quite rare these days.

Not an everyday sight.

Neil: Indeed. And according to recent


marriage in the UK is getting rarer too.

Not as rare as seeing a horse and

carriage, but

the numbers are falling. Before we look at

this topic in a bit more detail, a little

quiz for our listeners.

Rob: Yes, according to UK's Office for

National Statistics, how many opposite-

sex marriages were there in 2015?

Was it: a) 239,000

b) 309,000 or, c) 339,000

Any idea Neil?

Neil: I have no idea but I'm going to have a guess

and say a) 239,000.

Rob: We'll reveal the answer a little later in

this programme. And whatever the

correct number,

the trend is downwards. Year on year

there are fewer opposite sex couples

getting married in the UK.

Neil: So why might this be? Are we falling

out of

love with marriage? Let's hear from a

couple of people with different views.

First, here's Tom from BBC Learning

English - what doesn't he like

about the idea or concept of getting


Tom Banks: I'm not that enthusiastic

about the idea of

marriage, to tell you the truth. I think it's

a bit of an archaic concept these days and

I'm a bit of a commitment phobe - I don't

like the idea of signing a piece of paper

that says I have to be with someone for

the rest of my life and can never escape

from that person I suppose - although I

am in a very happy relationship at the moment.

Rob: So that was Tom there. Not a fan of


But what were his objections Neil?

Neil: Well he described marriage as an

archaic concept.

When someone describes something as archaic

they think it is very old fashioned, out of

date - belonging to a different time.

Rob: So that was one of his problems

with marriage,

but he also said that he was a

commitment phobe. The suffix phobe

means someone who

is afraid of something. In some cases it

can also be used as a standalone word,

but it means the same. So a commitment

phobe is someone who is afraid of, or

doesn't like the idea of commitment.

Neil: And when talking about

relationships, commitment

means being with one person and giving

up the idea of being free to do whatever

you want and see whoever you want


Rob: So for commitment phobes,

commitment means losing something.

Neil: But that's not true for everyone.

Here's Dan, also from BBC Learning

English. What's his view of marriage?

Dan O'Brien: In general I think it's quite

good. It has a very stabilising

effect on society and it declares publicly

to the world that you have

found the right person for you and that

you're in a committed relationship.

Rob: So Dan is a fan. He thinks marriage

has a stabilising effect on society. He

sees marriage

as being good for society as a whole - it

makes society stronger, more stable.

Neil: And he also sees it as a way to say

to everyone

that you have a strong relationship, you

are with the one person you love.

Rob: So for Dan, commitment and being

in a committed

relationship is a good thing.

Now, back to our question at the top of

the programme. I asked how many

opposite-sex couples

got married in the UK in 2015?

Neil: And I took a guess, didn't I, and I said

a) 239,000. Am I right?

Rob: You are definitely right. The answer is 239,000

or 239,020 to be precise. That figure was

3.4% lower than 2014. So what do

relationship experts think is the reason

fewer people are getting married?

Neil: Well, there could be lots of reasons.

in some countries the way society is

changing means that there is less

pressure to get married

or stay married. As a result, there are

more divorces. So perhaps children of

divorced parents are less likely to get

married themselves.

Right, well before we go, let's recap the

vocabulary we highlighted today. The first

word was trend.

Rob: A trend is the direction that

something is

changing over time. When it comes to

marriage, the trend is for fewer

marriages. And the

trend for 6-Minute listeners is the

opposite - going up, particularly when you

are presenting Neil.

Neil: Ah, that's very nice of you, you're very

kind. The next two words were an archaic

concept. Archaic is an adjective for

something dated or old-fashioned.

Rob: A bit like your fashion sense!

Neil: Just when I was beginning to like you!

Rob: Sorry about that, you know I don't

mean it. In the interview archaic was used

to describe the concept of marriage, not

your fashion sense. Concept is another

word for an idea or belief.

So an archaic concept is an old-fashioned


Neil: Our next expression was

commitment phobe.

We use this phrase to talk about someone

who is scared of the idea of a long-term

relationship because they see it as giving

up some freedoms.

You're obviously a compliment phobe!

You're afraid of saying nice things about

someone so you always say something

nasty as well!

Rob: I said I was sorry.

Neil: And finally we had the adjective


Something that is stable is strong and

something that makes something strong

can be described as stabilising.

Dan expressed his belief that

marriage had a stabilising effect on


Well, that's it for this programme. For

more, find us on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and our YouTube pages, and of

course our website at

bbclearningenglish.com where you can find

find all kinds of other activities, videos

and quizzes and things to help you

improve your English. Thanks for joining

us and goodbye!

Rob: Bye!

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Talk about marriage in 6 minutes! - YouTube 談論||||| Discuss||婚姻||| تحدث عن الزواج في 6 دقائق! - موقع يوتيوب Ein Gespräch über die Ehe in 6 Minuten! - YouTube Hablar de matrimonio en 6 minutos - YouTube Parler du mariage en 6 minutes ! - YouTube 6分でわかる結婚の話- YouTube 6분 안에 결혼에 대해 이야기하세요! - YouTube Rozmowa o małżeństwie w 6 minut! - YouTube Falar de casamento em 6 minutos! - YouTube Поговорим о браке за 6 минут! - YouTube Evlilik hakkında 6 dakikada konuşun! - YouTube Поговоримо про шлюб за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6分钟谈婚论嫁! - YouTube 6分鐘談婚論嫁! - Youtube

Neil: Hello welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Neil. |||||Англійська мова|| نيل: مرحبًا بكم في برنامج 6 Minute English. أنا نيل.

Rob: And I'm Rob.

Neil: Now Rob, Can you complete this |||||完成這個| |||||finish this| |||Можеш||завершити| Neil: Teraz, Robie, możesz to dokończyć?

saying: "Love and marriage go together


Rob: Love and marriage go together like... روب: الحب والزواج يسيران معًا مثل ...

a horse |馬 |кінь

and carriage! |kočár |馬車 |carriage return |carroça |i powóz!

Neil: That's right, and when was the last Neil: Zgadza się, a kiedy ostatni raz

time you saw a horse and carriage? kiedy ostatnio widziałeś konia i powóz? 你什么时候见过马和马车?

Rob: Well that would have been quite a while ||||||||long time Rob: Cóż, to musiał być już jakiś czas temu Rob:那可能得花很长时间了

while ago - they're quite rare these days. ||他們現在||罕見|| |||fairly|uncommon|| ||||rzadkie|| są one dość rzadkie w dzisiejszych czasach. 不久前——如今它们已经相当罕见了。

Not an everyday sight. ||不是日常景象。|罕見景象 nicht||| |||visão Nie codzienny widok.||niecodzienny widok|niecodzienny widok To nie jest codzienny widok. 这并不是每天都能看到的景象。

Neil: Indeed. And according to recent |||||最近的 |Certainly|||| نيل: في الواقع. وبحسب الاحدث Neil: Faktycznie. A według ostatnich

statistics, 統計學 统计学 statystyk,

marriage in the UK is getting rarer too. ||||||less common| ||||||mais rara| ||||||рідше зустрічається| ||||||rzadsze| małżeństwa w Wielkiej Brytanii też stają się coraz rzadsze.

Not as rare as seeing a horse and ليست نادرة مثل رؤية الحصان و Nie tak rzadkie jak zobaczenie konia i

carriage, but powozu, ale

the numbers are falling. Before we look at |||下降|||| liczby spadają. Zanim się przyjrzymy

this topic in a bit more detail, a little

quiz for our listeners.

Rob: Yes, according to UK's Office for ||||Великобританії||

National Statistics, how many opposite- |國家統計||多少|相反的

sex marriages were there in 2015? 性別|婚姻數量||存在過|在 Ehen|Ehen||| |шлюбів||| 2015 年有同性婚姻吗?

Was it: a) 239,000 Czy to było||

b) 309,000 or, c) 339,000

Any idea Neil?

Neil: I have no idea but I'm going to have a guess |||||||||||hádat

and say a) 239,000.

Rob: We'll reveal the answer a little later in ||||答案稍後揭曉|||| ||show|||||| ||ujawnić|||||| Rob: Odkryjemy odpowiedź trochę później.

this programme. And whatever the

correct number,

the trend is downwards. Year on year |||下降||| ||||Jahr|| |||declining||| |||para baixo||| |||w dół||| trend jest zniżkowy. Co roku 趋势是下降的。同比

there are fewer opposite sex couples |||||異性情侶 jest coraz mniej par różnopłciowych

getting married in the UK. wychodzących za mąż w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Neil: So why might this be? Are we falling ||||||||caindo ||||||||spadamy Neil: Proč tomu tak je? Padáme? 尼尔:那么为什么会这样呢?我们是不是在堕落?

out of z

love with marriage? Let's hear from a láska s manželstvím? Pojďme si poslechnout 爱情与婚姻?让我们听听

couple of people with different views.

First, here's Tom from BBC Learning

English - what doesn't he like

about the idea or concept of getting


Tom Banks: I'm not that enthusiastic |||||熱情 |||||excited 汤姆·班克斯:我没那么热衷

about the idea of

marriage, to tell you the truth. I think it's |對於||||||| 说实话,婚姻。我认为

a bit of an archaic concept these days and ||||outdated|||| 有點過時||||有些過時|概念(有點過時)||| ||||veraltet|||| ||||有些过时|||| |||трохи|застарілий|||| ||trochę||nieco archaiczne pojęcie|||| 如今有点过时的概念,

I'm a bit of a commitment phobe - I don't |||||commitment|fear of commitment|| |||||compromisso|fóbico de compromisso|| |||||承諾恐懼|恐懼者|| ||||||Angst vor Bindung|| ||||||害怕承诺|| |||||зобов'язання|боюся зобов'язань|| ja jestem||trochę|||zobowiązania|boję się zaangażowania|| Jestem trochę fobem związku - nie lubię zobowiązań.

like the idea of signing a piece of paper ||||Unterschrift|||| ||||podpisanie dokumentu||||

that says I have to be with someone for

the rest of my life and can never escape ||||||||逃脫不了 ||||||||втекти від

from that person I suppose - although I ||||припускаю|| 我想是那个人 - 虽然我

am in a very happy relationship at the moment.

Rob: So that was Tom there. Not a fan of


But what were his objections Neil? ||||但他的反對是什麼,尼爾?| ||||objeções| ||||Ale jakie były jego zastrzeżenia, Neil?| Но в чем заключались возражения Нила?

Neil: Well he described marriage as an |||描述為|||

archaic concept. outdated| <archaiczny>| 古老的概念。

When someone describes something as archaic |||||zastaralý |||||veraltet |||||outdated or old-fashioned 当有人形容某样东西过时

they think it is very old fashioned, out of |||||過時的||| |||||||niemodne|

date - belonging to a different time. |pertencente|||| data z przeszłości|należący do innej epoki||||

Rob: So that was one of his problems

with marriage,

but he also said that he was a

commitment phobe. The suffix phobe |||恐懼症者| ||||Angst vor Verpflichtungen |||фобія зобов'язань| |||fobik zaangażowania|

means someone who

is afraid of something. In some cases it

can also be used as a standalone word, ||||||independent term| ||||||palavra independente| ||||||獨立使用| ||||||eigenständiges| ||||||самостійне слово| ||||||samodzielne słowo|

but it means the same. So a commitment

phobe is someone who is afraid of, or

doesn't like the idea of commitment. mag nicht||||| |||||compromisso 不喜欢承诺的想法。

Neil: And when talking about

relationships, commitment

means being with one person and giving ||||||dawanie

up the idea of being free to do whatever 自由自在做任何事的想法

you want and see whoever you want |||sehen||| ||||kogo tylko chcesz|| 你想见谁就见谁

romantically. romantisch de forma romântica романтично romantycznie

Rob: So for commitment phobes, ||||Phobiker |||commitment| ||||фобів зобов'язань ||||osoby z fobią

commitment means losing something. ||utrata|

Neil: But that's not true for everyone.

Here's Dan, also from BBC Learning

English. What's his view of marriage?

Dan O'Brien: In general I think it's quite ||在...中||||| |О'Браєн||||||

good. It has a very stabilising |||||stabilizing effect |||||estabilizadora |||||穩定作用 |||||stabilisierenden |||||стабілізуючий ефект |||||stabilizujący wpływ dobrze. To ma bardzo stabilizujący 很好。它有非常稳定的

effect on society and it declares publicly 影響|||||宣告| ||||es|erklärt| |||||заявляє| |||||ogłasza publicznie| wpływ na społeczeństwo i publicznie oznajmia

to the world that you have światu, że masz

found the right person for you and that

you're in a committed relationship. |||穩定交往| 你们的关系很稳定。

Rob: So Dan is a fan. He thinks marriage

has a stabilising effect on society. He

sees marriage widzi małżeństwo|

as being good for society as a whole - it

makes society stronger, more stable. |||stärker stabiler| ||||stable

Neil: And he also sees it as a way to say 尼尔:他也认为这是一种表达方式

to everyone

that you have a strong relationship, you

are with the one person you love.

Rob: So for Dan, commitment and being

in a committed ||zaangażowany

relationship is a good thing.

Now, back to our question at the top of

the programme. I asked how many

opposite-sex couples

got married in the UK in 2015?

Neil: And I took a guess, didn't I, and I said

a) 239,000. Am I right?

Rob: You are definitely right. The answer is 239,000 |Du||||||

or 239,020 to be precise. That figure was |||přesně řečeno||| |||確切來說||| ||||Diese|| |||exactly||| |||dokładnie mówiąc|||

3.4% lower than 2014. So what do

relationship experts think is the reason |專家||||

fewer people are getting married?

Neil: Well, there could be lots of reasons. ||da|||||

in some countries the way society is

changing means that there is less

pressure to get married 结婚压力

or stay married. As a result, there are 或维持婚姻。因此,

more divorces. So perhaps children of |更多離婚|||| |Scheidungen|||| |mais divórcios|||| |розлучення|||| |rozwody||||

divorced parents are less likely to get Separated|||||| 离异的父母不太可能得到

married themselves. 自己结婚了。

Right, well before we go, let's recap the

vocabulary we highlighted today. The first Wortschatz||||| ||destacada||| ||wyróżniony|||

word was trend. ||趨勢

Rob: A trend is the direction that

something is

changing over time. When it comes to mudando|ao longo de|tempo|||refere-se a| 随着时间的推移而变化。当谈到

marriage, the trend is for fewer |||||less in number

marriages. And the

trend for 6-Minute listeners is the

opposite - going up, particularly when you

are presenting Neil. |介紹| |представляють| 介绍尼尔。

Neil: Ah, that's very nice of you, you're very

kind. The next two words were an archaic |||||||<archaiczny> w kontekście <rodzaj. Następne dwa słowa były archaiczne>.

concept. Archaic is an adjective for

something dated or old-fashioned. |veraltet||| |old-fashioned|||

Rob: A bit like your fashion sense!

Neil: Just when I was beginning to like you! 尼尔:我刚刚开始喜欢你!

Rob: Sorry about that, you know I don't

mean it. In the interview archaic was used ||||interview|||

to describe the concept of marriage, not

your fashion sense. Concept is another

word for an idea or belief.

So an archaic concept is an old-fashioned


Neil: Our next expression was

commitment phobe.

We use this phrase to talk about someone

who is scared of the idea of a long-term ||afraid|||||||

relationship because they see it as giving

up some freedoms. ||деякі свободи ||wolności

You're obviously a compliment phobe! Jesteś|||komplementów| Jesteś oczywiście cynikiem na punkcie komplementów! 很明显,你是一个害怕赞美的人!

You're afraid of saying nice things about Boisz się mówić miłych rzeczy o

someone so you always say something kimś, dlatego zawsze mówisz coś

nasty as well! Unpleasant as well!|| desagradável também|| Też wredny!|| złego też!

Rob: I said I was sorry.

Neil: And finally we had the adjective

stabilising. stabilizowanie.

Something that is stable is strong and |||forte e seguro||| |||stabilny|||

something that makes something strong Reinforcing element||||

can be described as stabilising. ||||stabilizujący

Dan expressed his belief that |表達了||| Dan||||

marriage had a stabilising effect on шлюб мав стабілізуючий вплив|||||


Well, that's it for this programme. For

more, find us on Facebook, Twitter, more|||||

Instagram and our YouTube pages, and of

course our website at navigate|||

bbclearningenglish.com where you can find

find all kinds of other activities, videos знайти||||||

and quizzes and things to help you

improve your English. Thanks for joining |your own|Enhance English skills|||

us and goodbye! ||See you later!

Rob: Bye!