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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Talk about taking risks in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Talk about taking risks in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English, I'm Neil and joining me today is Rob.

Rob: Hello.

Neil: So Rob, what's the most dangerous thing

you've ever chosen to do?

Rob: Mmm. Tricky question. I've done

many risky things but probably the most

risky thing is bungee jumping in

New Zealand.

Neil: Oh wow, bungee jumping. You'd

never catch me doing that. Did you enjoy it?

Rob: No, not really. I won't do it again!

Neil: OK, well today our topic is risk and

how different people react to different

levels of risk in different ways.

For example, would you be happy to be in a

driverless car?

Rob: Absolutely not! No, I don't trust

anybody's driving even a computer so no,

I wouldn't go in a driverless car.

Neil: OK, I won't offer you a lift! Driverless

cars are the topic of today's quiz.

The question is: When was the first driverless

car demonstrated on a public road? Was it:

a) 1970s, b) 1950s, or c) 1920s.

Rob: I think they are quite modern, so I'm

going to say 1970s.

Neil: OK, well we'll find out if you're right at

the end of the programme.

Joe Kable is an Associate Professor of

Psychology at the University of

Pennsylvania. In a recent

BBC science programme, All in the Mind,

he talked about the psychology

of risk and whether there was anything

physically in our brains that could predict

how much risk we are prepared to accept.

Here he is, first talking about a number

of different ways people see risk. How

many different types does he describe?

Joe Kable: Some people are quite

risk-averse and

really don't want to take any decisions

where there's risk involved at all, whereas

others are fairly risk-tolerant and in some

cases even risk-seeking so, they seek out

decisions that have an aspect

of risk to them.

Neil: How many different types of people

did he mention, when it comes to

attitudes to risk?

Rob: Well there were three. The first group

was those who are risk-averse. If you are

averse to something, you are against it,

you don't like it. So risk-averse people

don't like to take risks.

Neil: The second group are those who are


If you are tolerant of something, you

accept it, you don't mind it, it's not a

problem for you. So someone who is risk-

tolerant is not worried by an element of

risk in what they choose to do.

Rob: The third group he mentioned are

those who are risk-seeking. If you seek

something, you actively look for it,

you try to find it.

So risk seekers are those who enjoy risk

and what to take risks in their life.

Neil: Associate Professor Kable carried

out research on risk-taking and

discovered that there were

differences in brain structure and the way

parts of the brain worked together

between those who are risk-averse and

those who are risk-tolerant or

risk seekers.

Rob: So it seems as if this is something

that could be measured. You could put

someone in a brain scanner and tell if

they like risk or not.

I wonder how useful that would be though,

is there any practical application for this


Neil: Good question and one that was put

to Kable.

What area does he say this could be

applied to?

Joe Kable: Definitely something that I can

see coming out of this is using these

associations to help develop better

assessments of who's likely to take risks

versus not. This is exactly the thing that

financial advisors want to assess when

you come to them and say ‘I want to put

my money away for retirement.'

Exactly the aspect of your personality that

they want to know is what's your

tolerance for taking risk?

Neil: In which area does he say

knowledge of someone's attitude to risk

might be useful?

Rob: Financial planning. He says that

financial advisors, who are people that give advice on what to do with our money,

would find this information very useful. It would help them to assess what to do

with your money, which means it would

help them to decide, to make an

intelligent decision about your money in

certain situations.

Neil: For example if you are planning for

your retirement. Retirement is the time

when are able to or you have to stop working.

Rob: He also used an interesting

expression there: to put your money away,

which means 'save your money', 'put it

somewhere where you can't spend it and

where it can grow'.

You know I think my financial planner

could just ask me about how I feel about

risk rather than giving me a brain scan.

I heard brain scans can be risky!

Neil: Mmm, not sure that's true but

anyway, what is true is the answer to this

week's quiz question. I asked you when

the first driverless car was demonstrated

on a public road. The options were

a) the 1970s, b) the1950s and c) the 1920s.

What did you say Rob?

Rob: I said the 1970s.

Neil: And you were wrong I'm afraid.

Apparently it was the 1920s so a long

time ago. Well done if you got that right.

Now before we drive off into the sunset,

let's recap today's vocabulary.

Rob: Yes right, first we had three words

describing different attitudes to risk.

There was risk-averse, for people who

don't like risk.

Neil: People who don't mind risk are


Rob: And people who like risk and want

risk are risk seekers.

Neil: Next we had the verb to assess.

This means 'to make a judgement or a

decision based on information'.

Rob: A phrase meaning 'to save money' is

to put money away.

Neil: And finally we had retirement. That

time of life when you are too old to work

anymore or you have enough money that

you don't need to work anymore. Are you

looking forward to your retirement Rob?

Rob: Cheeky. I'm neither old enough nor

rich enough to even think about that Neil. Neil: Same here. Well that's all from us

today, and you don't have to be a risk seeker

to find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

and YouTube, and of course on our

website bbclearningenglish.com!

Thank you for joining us and goodbye.

Rob: Bye!

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Talk about taking risks in 6 minutes! - YouTube discours|||||| Mów||podejmowaniu|ryzyka||| In 6 Minuten zum Thema Risiken eingehen! - YouTube ¡Hablar de asumir riesgos en 6 minutos! - YouTube Prendre des risques en 6 minutes ! - YouTube Parlare di rischi in 6 minuti! - YouTube 6分間でリスクを取ることについて語る- ユーチューブ 6분 안에 위험을 감수하는 것에 대해 이야기하세요! - YouTube Kalbėkite apie riziką per 6 minutes! - "YouTube Rozmowa o podejmowaniu ryzyka w 6 minut! - YouTube Falar de correr riscos em 6 minutos! - YouTube Поговорим о риске за 6 минут! - YouTube Altı dakikada risk almak hakkında konuşun! - YouTube 在 6 分钟内谈论承担风险!- YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English, I'm Neil and joining me today is Rob.

Rob: Hello.

Neil: So Rob, what's the most dangerous thing ||||||risky or harmful|

you've ever chosen to do? 你曾选择过做的事情?

Rob: Mmm. Tricky question. I've done ||Difficile||| 罗布:嗯。棘手的问题。我做过

many risky things but probably the most 许多冒险的事情,但可能最

risky thing is bungee jumping in |||saut à l'élastique|| |||банджі-джампінг||

New Zealand.

Neil: Oh wow, bungee jumping. You'd |||||You would

never catch me doing that. Did you enjoy it? not ever|be seen doing|||such a thing|||| そんなことしている場合じゃない楽しかったですか?

Rob: No, not really. I won't do it again!

Neil: OK, well today our topic is risk and |||||主題是風險|||

how different people react to different 不同的人对不同的风险水平有不同的反应方式。

levels of risk in different ways. 例如,你会高兴地接受

For example, would you be happy to be in a 处于不同风险水平中?

driverless car? 無人駕駛| Autonomous| 自動運転| bez kierowcy| 无人驾驶汽车?

Rob: Absolutely not! No, I don't trust Rob: 绝对不可能!我不相信任何人,甚至是计算机驾驶,所以不会。

anybody's driving even a computer so no, czyjkolwiek|||||| 任何人都不会开车,甚至是计算机,所以不行,

I wouldn't go in a driverless car. ||||無人運転車|| 我不会坐无人驾驶汽车。

Neil: OK, I won't offer you a lift! Driverless |||||||ride| |||しない|||ニール: わかった|| |||||||podwózkę| Neil: Dobře, nebudu tě vozit! Bez řidiče Нил: Хорошо, я не буду предлагать вас подвезти! Без водителя 尼尔:好的,我不会给你提供搭车!无人驾驶

cars are the topic of today's quiz. ||||||測驗

The question is: When was the first driverless

car demonstrated on a public road? Was it:

a) 1970s, b) 1950s, or c) 1920s.

Rob: I think they are quite modern, so I'm

going to say 1970s.

Neil: OK, well we'll find out if you're right at

the end of the programme. ||||節目結束

Joe Kable is an Associate Professor of |||||副教授| ||||profesor nadzwyczajny||

Psychology at the University of

Pennsylvania. In a recent Pennsylvania|||

BBC science programme, All in the Mind, |||wszystkie||| BBC科学节目《一切都在心灵中》,

he talked about the psychology ||||mental processes 他谈到了心理学

of risk and whether there was anything 和风险是否有什么

physically in our brains that could predict in our brains||||||foresee fizycznie||||||przewidywać 在我们大脑中物理存在的东西,可以预测

how much risk we are prepared to accept. |||||願意接受|| 我们准备承受多少风险。

Here he is, first talking about a number 这里他首先谈到了一个数字

of different ways people see risk. How

many different types does he describe?

Joe Kable: Some people are quite

risk-averse and Potential danger|opposed to| |обережний| リスク|リスク回避の| ryzyko|odporny na ryzyko| |avesso|

really don't want to take any decisions 真的不想做任何决定

where there's risk involved at all, whereas |||涉及到風險||| ||||||on the other hand ||||||enquanto que |||zaangażowany związany||| リスクがまったくないのに対して 一旦涉及风险,他们就不愿意冒险

others are fairly risk-tolerant and in some |||リスク|リスク許容||| ||dość stosunkowo|ryzykowny|tolerancyjny||| 另一些人则相当风险容忍,在某些情况下

cases even risk-seeking so, they seek out |||pursuing|||look for| ||リスク追求||||| |||procuram|||| |||poszukując|||poszukują| 即使是冒险寻求者,他们也会寻找

decisions that have an aspect decisions|||| 对他们有一定风险的决策。

of risk to them. 具有风险因素的决策。

Neil: How many different types of people

did he mention, when it comes to

attitudes to risk?

Rob: Well there were three. The first group ||there|||||

was those who are risk-averse. If you are |||||небажаючі ризику|||

averse to something, you are against it, 不喜欢某事,你反对它,

you don't like it. So risk-averse people ||||||негативно налаштовані| 不喜欢它。所以厌恶风险的人

don't like to take risks. ||||ризики 不喜欢承担风险。

Neil: The second group are those who are

risk-tolerant. |толерантний 风险容忍。

If you are tolerant of something, you 如果你对某事持容忍态度,你

accept it, you don't mind it, it's not a 接受它,不介意,不会

problem for you. So someone who is risk-

tolerant is not worried by an element of ||||||元素|

risk in what they choose to do.

Rob: The third group he mentioned are

those who are risk-seeking. If you seek |||||||尋求 那些寻求风险的人。如果你寻求

something, you actively look for it, ||ativamente||| 某物,你会积极地寻找它,

you try to find it. 你会努力找到它。

So risk seekers are those who enjoy risk ||шукачі ризику||||| ||os que buscam|||||

and what to take risks in their life.

Neil: Associate Professor Kable carried |准教授||ケーブル准教授| |Profesor nadzwyczajny|||

out research on risk-taking and

discovered that there were

differences in brain structure and the way

parts of the brain worked together

between those who are risk-averse and

those who are risk-tolerant or

risk seekers. |risk takers

Rob: So it seems as if this is something

that could be measured. You could put |||mierzone|||

someone in a brain scanner and tell if

they like risk or not.

I wonder how useful that would be though, |||||||but |||||||jednak Zajímalo by mě, jak užitečné by to bylo, Интересно, насколько это будет полезно? 我想知道这究竟有多有用,

is there any practical application for this |||實際應用|實際應用|| existuje pro to nějaké praktické využití есть ли у этого практическое применение 这有什么实际应用吗?

knowledge? 知识?

Neil: Good question and one that was put Neil: Dobrá otázka, která byla položena

to Kable.

What area does he say this could be |||він||це|| Jaká oblast by to podle něj mohla být

applied to? zastosowany do| na které se vztahuje?

Joe Kable: Definitely something that I can

see coming out of this is using these |przychodzący|||||| widzieć, jak wychodzimy z tego, używając tych 我看到的是利用这些。

associations to help develop better 協會發展|||| ||||кращі stowarzyszenia|||| skojarzeń, aby pomóc w opracowywaniu lepszych

assessments of who's likely to take risks risk evaluations|||||| оцінки|||||| avaliações|||||| oceny|||||| ocen tego, kto jest skłonny do podejmowania ryzyka

versus not. This is exactly the thing that as opposed to|||||||

financial advisors want to assess when |doradcy finansowi|||ocenić| |радники|||оцінити|

you come to them and say ‘I want to put |||||||||поставити ||||||ja||| přijdete za nimi a řeknete jim: "Chci si dát

my money away for retirement.' ||||aposentadoria |pieniądze|na emeryturę||emeryturę své peníze na důchod.

Exactly the aspect of your personality that Přesně ten aspekt vaší osobnosti.

they want to know is what's your

tolerance for taking risk? 風險承受度||| tolerancja||| tolerância ao risco||| tolerance k podstupování rizika?

Neil: In which area does he say Neil: Ve které oblasti říká.

knowledge of someone's attitude to risk znalost postoje k riziku

might be useful? může být užitečné?

Rob: Financial planning. He says that

financial advisors, who are people that give advice on what to do with our money,

would find this information very useful. It would help them to assess what to do |||||оцінити що робити|||

with your money, which means it would

help them to decide, to make an

intelligent decision about your money in

certain situations. 某些情況|

Neil: For example if you are planning for

your retirement. Retirement is the time

when are able to or you have to stop working.

Rob: He also used an interesting

expression there: to put your money away, |||store||| |||||гроші| выражение там: откладывать деньги,

which means 'save your money', 'put it 这意味着“省钱,把它”.

somewhere where you can't spend it and ||||wydać|| 在一个你不能挥霥的地方,

where it can grow'. 它可以增长。

You know I think my financial planner ||||||планувальник Víš, myslím, že můj finanční plánovač 你知道我觉得我的理财规划师

could just ask me about how I feel about se mě mohl zeptat, co si myslím o

risk rather than giving me a brain scan. |||||||skanować než aby mi udělali sken mozku.

I heard brain scans can be risky! |||skany mózgu||| |||сканування|||

Neil: Mmm, not sure that's true but

anyway, what is true is the answer to this ||||||The truth||

week's quiz question. I asked you when

the first driverless car was demonstrated

on a public road. The options were |||||選項|

a) the 1970s, b) the1950s and c) the 1920s.

What did you say Rob?

Rob: I said the 1970s.

Neil: And you were wrong I'm afraid. ||||||sinto muito

Apparently it was the 1920s so a long 顯然是||||||| Очевидно||||||| 显然是上世纪20年代,所以很久以前。

time ago. Well done if you got that right. před časem. Dobrá práce, pokud jste to pochopili správně. время назад. Молодцы, если правильно поняли. 如果你答对了,做得不错。

Now before we drive off into the sunset, |||||||the horizon Teraz|||||||zachód sło Než odjedeme do západu slunce, 在我们驶向夕阳之前 现在在我们驶向日落之前,

let's recap today's vocabulary.

Rob: Yes right, first we had three words

describing different attitudes to risk.

There was risk-averse, for people who |||обережний|||

don't like risk.

Neil: People who don't mind risk are |Ludzie||nie martwią się|||


Rob: And people who like risk and want

risk are risk seekers.

Neil: Next we had the verb to assess. |||||||оцінювати

This means 'to make a judgement or a |||||osąd|| |||||судження||

decision based on information'.

Rob: A phrase meaning 'to save money' is

to put money away. |odłożyć||

Neil: And finally we had retirement. That

time of life when you are too old to work

anymore or you have enough money that

you don't need to work anymore. Are you

looking forward to your retirement Rob? |ansioso por|||aposentadoria| czekam na||||| 期待你退休了吗,罗布?

Rob: Cheeky. I'm neither old enough nor |Zuchwały||ani||| |生意気||||| |safado||nem||suficientemente velho| |Нахабний||||| 罗布:无礼。我既没有到足够的年纪,也没有足够的财富来考虑这个问题,尼尔。

rich enough to even think about that Neil. ||||думати||| Neil: Same here. Well that's all from us |同じく|||||| Neil: Same here. Well that's all from us

today, and you don't have to be a risk seeker This day||||||||| |||||||||buscador de risco |||||||||poszukiwacz ry |||||||||прихильник ризику today, and you don't have to be a risk seeker

to find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

and YouTube, and of course on our et|||||| and|||||| і||||||

website bbclearningenglish.com!

Thank you for joining us and goodbye.

Rob: Bye!