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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), A thing: The English We Speak - YouTube

A thing: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei.

Neil: And I'm Neil.

Feifei: Where's... your beard?

Neil: I, uh, shaved it off. I fancied a change.

Beards are such a thing these days.

Feifei: Yup, ever since beards became a thing,

I've found them a bit boring.

Neil: 'A thing'. Of course, we know what the word

'thing' normally means, but what does

'a thing' mean here?

Feifei: Our phrase for today means 'a trend'

or 'something recognisable in popular culture'.

If beards are 'a thing', it means they've become

fashionable: lots of people have them.

Neil: Yes. Cats on the internet - they're a thing.

Feifei: Oh, fidget spinners. They're definitely a thing.

Neil: Fidget spinners?

Feifei: Yes, those little metal or plastic toys

that you spin on your finger. Know them?

Neil: Oh, those things that kids everywhere

are playing with.

Feifei: Not just kids. Anyway. What else is a thing?

Listen to these examples.

Examples: Using funny GIFs in your message

is such a thing.

You know parkour: the sport of running and jumping

across buildings? Why is that such a thing?

Organic powdered food.

Since when has that been a thing?

Feifei: A well-known use of this phrase was after

American personality Kim Kardashian

posted a picture of herself pregnant,

with the words "pregnancy lips".

Neil: It's not a term that many people had heard of,

and prompted responses like this:

"Pregnancy lips? Is that even a thing?"

Feifei: Yes, when someone refers to a trend

you haven't heard of, or that you doubt exists,

feel free to respond with

'is that even a thing?'

Neil: But there's little doubt the phrase 'a thing'

is itself 'a thing' -

it's now been included in major dictionaries.

Feifei: There we are. A thing.

No plans to grow the beard back, then?

Neil: Only when being clean-shaven

becomes too much of a thing!

Feifei and Neil: Bye.

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A thing: The English We Speak - YouTube Eine Sache: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube A thing: The English We Speak - YouTube Una cosa: el inglés que hablamos - YouTube Une chose : l'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube あること: 私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Rzecz: mówimy po angielsku - YouTube Uma coisa: o inglês que falamos - YouTube A thing: The English We Speak - YouTube Bir şey: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Річ: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 一件事:我们说的英语 - YouTube 一件事:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. Feifei|||||||| Feifei: Witam i witam w The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei. Jestem Feifei.

Neil: And I'm Neil.

Feifei: Where's... your beard? |||barbe Feifei: Wo ist... dein Bart? Feifei : Où est... ta barbe ? Feifei: Gdzie jest... twoja broda?

Neil: I, uh, shaved it off. I fancied a change. |||rasé||||avais envie d|| |||||||mochte|| Neil: Ich, äh, habe sie abrasiert. Ich hatte Lust auf eine Veränderung. Neil: I, uh, shaved it off. I fancied a change. Neil : Je l'ai rasé, j'avais envie de changer. Neil: Ja go ogoliłem. Miałem ochotę na zmianę.

Beards are such a thing these days. les barbes|||||| Bärte sind heutzutage so eine Sache. La barbe est un phénomène très répandu de nos jours. 最近はヒゲが流行っている。 Brody są teraz czymś takim. Борода - це така модна річ у наш час.

Feifei: Yup, ever since beards became a thing, |Ouais|||les barbes||| |Tak|||||| Feifei: Ja, seit Bärte in Mode gekommen sind, Feifei : Oui, depuis que la barbe est devenue un phénomène courant, 菲菲:ええ、ヒゲが流行りだしてからずっとね、

I've found them a bit boring. Ich fand sie ein bisschen langweilig. Я вважаю їх трохи нудними.

Neil: 'A thing'. Of course, we know what the word

'thing' normally means, but what does

'a thing' mean here?

Feifei: Our phrase for today means 'a trend' |||||||Trend Фейфей: Наша фраза на сьогодні означає "тренд

or 'something recognisable in popular culture'. ||reconnaissable||| ||wiedererkennbar||| або "щось впізнаване в масовій культурі".

If beards are 'a thing', it means they've become |les barbes|||||||

fashionable: lots of people have them. modisch|||||

Neil: Yes. Cats on the internet - they're a thing. Neil : Oui, les chats sur Internet, c'est quelque chose. ニール:はい。インターネット上の猫って、そういうものなんだ。

Feifei: Oh, fidget spinners. They're definitely a thing. |||les toupies|||| |||Kreiselspielzeug|||| ||kręcić się niespokojnie|spinnery do zabawy|||| Feifei: Oh, Zappelphilippe. Die sind definitiv in Mode. Feifei : Oh, les spinners, c'est vraiment un truc qui existe. Фейфей: О, фіджет-спіннери. Вони безумовно річ.

Neil: Fidget spinners? ||Kreisel Neil: Zappelphilipp?

Feifei: Yes, those little metal or plastic toys |||||||jouets

that you spin on your finger. Know them? ||drehen|||||

Neil: Oh, those things that kids everywhere

are playing with.

Feifei: Not just kids. Anyway. What else is a thing?

Listen to these examples.

Examples: Using funny GIFs in your message |||GIFs amusants||| |||lustige GIFs||| Exemples : Utilisation de GIFs amusants dans votre message

is such a thing.

You know parkour: the sport of running and jumping ||le parkour|||||| ||Parkour: die Sportart|||||| Du kennst Parkour: der Sport des Laufens und Springens Vous connaissez le parkour : le sport qui consiste à courir et à sauter.

across buildings? Why is that such a thing? über Gebäude hinweg? Warum ist das so eine Sache? ビルをまたぐ?なぜそんなことが?

Organic powdered food. biologique|en poudre| |Pulverisiert| |proszek organiczny| Bio-Lebensmittel in Pulverform. Aliments biologiques en poudre. 有機粉末食品。

Since when has that been a thing? いつからそんなことになったんだ?

Feifei: A well-known use of this phrase was after

American personality Kim Kardashian |||Kardashian |||Kim Kardashian ||Kim Kardashian|Kardashian

posted a picture of herself pregnant, a publié||||| postete||||| ein Bild von sich selbst gepostet, auf dem sie schwanger ist,

with the words "pregnancy lips". ||||lèvres |||Schwangerschaftslippen| mit den Worten "Schwangerschaftslippen". avec la mention "lèvres de grossesse".

Neil: It's not a term that many people had heard of, Neil: Das ist ein Begriff, den viele Leute noch nicht kannten, Ніл: Це не той термін, про який багато хто чув,

and prompted responses like this: |et a suscité|réponses suggérées|| |Aufforderung zu||| |wywołane||| und löste Antworten wie diese aus: et a suscité des réponses comme celle-ci : і спонукали до таких відповідей:

"Pregnancy lips? Is that even a thing?" |lèvres||||| Schwangerschaft|||||| "Schwangerschaftslippen? Gibt es das überhaupt?" 「妊娠中の唇?そんなものあるのか?" "Губи вагітної? Це взагалі можливо?"

Feifei: Yes, when someone refers to a trend |||||||Trend Feifei: Ja, wenn sich jemand auf einen Trend bezieht

you haven't heard of, or that you doubt exists, von denen Sie noch nichts gehört haben oder deren Existenz Sie bezweifeln, про які ви не чули або в існуванні яких сумніваєтеся,

feel free to respond with |||gerne antworten| können Sie gerne antworten mit n'hésitez pas à répondre par 遠慮なく

'is that even a thing?' そんなことがあるのか? "Це взагалі можливо?

Neil: But there's little doubt the phrase 'a thing' Neil: Aber es besteht kaum ein Zweifel daran, dass die Formulierung "ein Ding Neil : Mais il n'y a pas de doute que l'expression "une chose"... 尼爾:但毫無疑問「一件事」這個詞

is itself 'a thing' - ist selbst 'ein Ding' - それ自体が『モノ』である 本身就是「一個東西」——

it's now been included in major dictionaries. ||||||les dictionnaires ||||||Wörterbücher Es wurde inzwischen in die wichtigsten Wörterbücher aufgenommen. 現在它已被收錄在主要字典中。

Feifei: There we are. A thing. 菲菲:あったあった。あるもの。

No plans to grow the beard back, then? |||||barbe|| Vous n'avez pas l'intention de vous laisser pousser la barbe ? Значить, відрощувати бороду не плануєш? 那沒有打算留鬍子嗎?

Neil: Only when being clean-shaven |||||rasé |||||glatt rasiert Neil : Seulement lorsqu'il est rasé de près ニール:髭を剃っているときだけ Ніл: Тільки коли чисто поголений 尼爾:只有當你刮乾淨的時候

becomes too much of a thing! devient trop importante ! стає занадто багато! 變得太過分了!

Feifei and Neil: Bye.