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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), About - The English We Speak - YouTube

About - The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei.

Neil: And I'm Neil.

Feifei: In this programme, we're talking about 'about'!

Neil: About 'about'?

Feifei: About 'about'!

Neil: This is getting silly! We are indeed talking

about the word 'about' - but not as it's usually used.

Feifei: Indeed. Let's demonstrate. Is Mark about today?

Neil: Yes, I saw him this morning.

Feifei: So, when I asked: 'Is Mark about today?' I

wasn't asking if Mark was somehow related

to the concept of 'today' I just meant, 'Is

Mark here?'

Neil: 'About' means 'here', or 'somewhere near here'.

Feifei: Mark's about. Mark's near here. By the way,

who's Mark?

Neil: No idea. But I know he's near here!

Feifei: Well, that's reassuring. Time for some more

examples about 'about'.

Examples: Hi, is Sue about? Just need to give her some


Will you be about this evening? I want to

ask a big favour.

There's no one about. It's a bit scary.

Don't talk like that. There are children about.

Feifei: There we are. 'About' meaning in or close

to an area.

Neil: You know, there's another word that behaves

like this.

Feifei: You're talking about - 'around'!

Neil: Indeed. We could ask: 'Is Mark around?'

Feifei: And we know the answer to that: you saw him

this morning.

Neil: Except - I didn't really see him. Because

Mark doesn't exist...

Mark: Hi. I'm Mark.

Neil: Ah, Mark!

Feifei: We were just talking about you!

Neil: We were just talking about 'about'.

Feifei: And 'around'.

Neil, Feifei, Mark: Bye.

About - The English We Speak - YouTube Acerca de - El inglés que hablamos - YouTube À propos - L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube 英語について - The English We Speak - YouTube About - The English We Speak - YouTube Sobre - O inglês que falamos - YouTube About - The English We Speak - YouTube Про компанію - The English We Speak - YouTube 关于 - 我们说的英语 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei.

Neil: And I'm Neil.

Feifei: In this programme, we're talking about 'about'!

Neil: About 'about'?

Feifei: About 'about'!

Neil: This is getting silly! We are indeed talking

about the word 'about' - but not as it's usually used.

Feifei: Indeed. Let's demonstrate. Is Mark about today? Дійсно. Давайте продемонструємо. Марк буде сьогодні?

Neil: Yes, I saw him this morning.

Feifei: So, when I asked: 'Is Mark about today?' I

wasn't asking if Mark was somehow related

to the concept of 'today' I just meant, 'Is

Mark here?' Марк тут?

Neil: 'About' means 'here', or 'somewhere near here'. Ніл: "Про" означає "тут" або "десь поруч".

Feifei: Mark's about. Mark's near here. By the way, |Marks||||||| Фейфей: Марк десь тут. Марк десь тут. До речі,

who's Mark? Хто такий Марк?

Neil: No idea. But I know he's near here! Без поняття. Але я знаю, що він десь тут!

Feifei: Well, that's reassuring. Time for some more Фейфей: Що ж, це заспокоює. Час ще трохи

examples about 'about'. приклади про "про".

Examples: Hi, is Sue about? Just need to give her some Beispiele: Hallo, ist Sue da? Ich muss ihr nur etwas geben Приклади: Привіт, Сью вдома? Просто потрібно дати їй трохи

files. файли.

Will you be about this evening? I want to

ask a big favour.

There's no one about. It's a bit scary. Es gibt||||||| Тут нікого немає. Це трохи лякає.

Don't talk like that. There are children about. Не говори так. Тут діти.

Feifei: There we are. 'About' meaning in or close 菲菲:着いたよ。about」は「だいたい」という意味です。 Фейфей: Ось так. "Про" означає приблизно або близько

to an area. на місцевість.

Neil: You know, there's another word that behaves

like this.

Feifei: You're talking about - 'around'!

Neil: Indeed. We could ask: 'Is Mark around?' |||||ist||

Feifei: And we know the answer to that: you saw him

this morning.

Neil: Except - I didn't really see him. Because

Mark doesn't exist... Марка не існує...

Mark: Hi. I'm Mark.

Neil: Ah, Mark!

Feifei: We were just talking about you!

Neil: We were just talking about 'about'.

Feifei: And 'around'.

Neil, Feifei, Mark: Bye.