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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube

Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube

Rob: Morning Feifei! Nice bike.

Feifei: Thanks Rob, you know I always

cycle to work. And what

a beautiful sports car!

Rob: Oh this old thing? Hey, Feifei, mind

if we take a quick selfie?

Feifei: What, me in my sweaty cycling

gear and you leaning on your fancy...

Rob: Smile!

Right! Let me just post that... out there

"I really respect my super healthy

colleague Feifei cycling to work every day.

It saves money and is so good for the

environment! Much better than lazy

little me driving this old car."

Feifei: Hang on, let me see. You know,

Rob, I'm not sure how I feel about this

post. I mean, it's a bit of a humblebrag.

Rob: A humblebrag?

Feifei: Sorry - I'll just say it straight. You

make it look like you're praising my

cycling, but in fact you're just drawing

attention to your expensive car.

Rob: Hmm.

Feifei: You look like you're being humble,

but in fact you're bragging - showing off -

about your car. It's a humblebrag.

False modesty.

Rob: OK, I get it. You're right. I suppose

that is what I was doing.

Feifei: You're not the only one. It's

everywhere on social media and in the

workplace these days. Check out

these humblebrags:

I never thought I was very good at exams,

so it's a bit confusing that I got top of the

class in all subjects again this year.

I somehow made it to the singing

competition final this year. Think the

judges need their ears testing!

Feifei: And if you want to take your

humblebragging to the next level, try

hiding your brag inside a complaint.

Examples: I'm exhausted because I've just

received two promotions in three months.

I need a holiday!

Help! I can't believe the cakes in first

class aren't sugar-free. I'll be gaining

so much weight.

Rob: Some pretty impressive

humblebrags there! But what exactly is

the problem with it?

Feifei: Well, researchers in Harvard and

the University of North Carolina have

found that if you humblebrag, people like

you less. They say you're better off

just bragging.

Rob: Just plain bragging?

Feifei: Apparently so. Humblebragging

makes you look less sincere.

Rob: Well, that makes sense. Best to say

what I think. Let me change the caption...

Right. "I'm not going to lie, I absolutely

love my new sports car. Feifei's bike isn't

bad either."

Feifei: That'll do! Let me just comment...

"Get some exercise!"

Rob: Very funny. Bye bye!

Feifei: Bye!

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Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube Vantarsi umilmente||||| Humblebrag: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen – YouTube Humblebrag: Τα αγγλικά που μιλάμε - YouTube Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube Humblebrag: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube Humblebrag : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Humblebrag: l'inglese che parliamo - YouTube Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube 겸손한 자랑: 우리가 사용하는 영어 - YouTube "Humblebrag": anglų kalba, kuria kalbame - "YouTube Humblebrag: Het Engels dat wij spreken - YouTube Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube Humblebrag: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube Humblebrag: Den engelska vi talar - YouTube Humblebrag: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Humblebrag: The English We Speak - YouTube 谦虚自夸:我们说的英语 - YouTube 謙虛自誇:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Rob: Morning Feifei! Nice bike. Rob: ¡Buenos días Feifei! Bonita moto. Rob : Bonjour Feifei ! Joli vélo.

Feifei: Thanks Rob, you know I always Feifei: Thanks Rob, you know I always Feifei: Gracias Rob, sabes que siempre

cycle to work. And what ir en bici al trabajo. Y qué 骑车上班。还有什么

a beautiful sports car! ¡un deportivo precioso!

Rob: Oh this old thing? Hey, Feifei, mind Rob: Oh esta cosa vieja? Hey, Feifei, mente

if we take a quick selfie? si nos tomamos un rápido selfie? si nous prenons un petit selfie ?

Feifei: What, me in my sweaty cycling |||||sudata| Feifei: ¿Qué, yo en mi sudoroso ciclismo Feifei : Quoi, moi dans mon vélo en sueur ?

gear and you leaning on your fancy... |||appoggiandoti||| engranaje y tú apoyándote en tu... et que vous vous appuyiez sur votre fantaisie...

Rob: Smile!

Right! Let me just post that... out there ¡Vale! Permítanme publicar que ... por ahí C'est vrai ! Permettez-moi d'afficher cela... là-bas

"I really respect my super healthy "Realmente respeto mi super saludable "Je respecte vraiment ma super santé

colleague Feifei cycling to work every day.

It saves money and is so good for the Ahorra dinero y es tan bueno para el

environment! Much better than lazy ¡medio ambiente! Mucho mejor que la pereza

little me driving this old car." pequeño yo conduciendo este viejo coche".

Feifei: Hang on, let me see. You know, Feifei : Attendez, laissez-moi voir. Vous savez..,

Rob, I'm not sure how I feel about this Rob, je ne suis pas sûr de ce que je ressens à ce sujet

post. I mean, it's a bit of a humblebrag. ||||||||bescheidene Prahl post. Je veux dire que c'est un peu de l'humilité.

Rob: A humblebrag?

Feifei: Sorry - I'll just say it straight. You Feifei : Désolé, je vais vous le dire franchement. Vous

make it look like you're praising my |||||lodando il mio| faire croire que vous faites l'éloge de mon

cycling, but in fact you're just drawing cyclisme, mais en fait vous ne faites que dessiner

attention to your expensive car.

Rob: Hmm.

Feifei: You look like you're being humble, ||||||bescheiden ||||||modesto Feifei : Vous avez l'air d'être humble,

but in fact you're bragging - showing off - ||||angeben|| ||||vantarsi|| mais en fait, vous vous vantez - vous vous exhibez -

about your car. It's a humblebrag. |||||vantarsi modestamente de votre voiture. C'est un signe d'humilité.

False modesty. |Bescheideneit 虚伪的谦虚。

Rob: OK, I get it. You're right. I suppose Rob : OK, j'ai compris. Vous avez raison. Je suppose que

that is what I was doing. 这就是我正在做的事情。

Feifei: You're not the only one. It's 菲菲:你不是唯一一个。它是

everywhere on social media and in the 在社交媒体和社交媒体上随处可见

workplace these days. Check out de travail de nos jours. Vérifier

these humblebrags:

I never thought I was very good at exams, ||pensato|||||| Je n'ai jamais pensé que j'étais très douée pour les examens,

so it's a bit confusing that I got top of the Il est donc un peu déroutant de constater que j'ai obtenu la première place dans la catégorie des

class in all subjects again this year. dans toutes les matières cette année encore.

I somehow made it to the singing |In qualche modo||||| J'ai réussi à me rendre jusqu'à la chanson

competition final this year. Think the

judges need their ears testing! |brauchen||| les juges doivent faire tester leurs oreilles !

Feifei: And if you want to take your

humblebragging to the next level, try bescheidenes Prahlen|||||

hiding your brag inside a complaint. ||Prahlerei|||Beschwerde ||vantarsi|||Lamentela vantata cacher sa vantardise dans une plainte.

Examples: I'm exhausted because I've just Exemples : Je suis épuisé parce que je viens de

received two promotions in three months.

I need a holiday!

Help! I can't believe the cakes in first Aidez-nous ! Je n'arrive pas à croire que les gâteaux soient en première position.

class aren't sugar-free. I'll be gaining ||||||ingrassando ne sont pas sans sucre. Je vais prendre

so much weight.

Rob: Some pretty impressive Rob : Quelques exemples assez impressionnants

humblebrags there! But what exactly is humblebrags ! Mais qu'est-ce que c'est exactement ?

the problem with it?

Feifei: Well, researchers in Harvard and

the University of North Carolina have

found that if you humblebrag, people like a découvert que si l'on se montre humble, les gens aiment les 謙虚に自慢話をすると、人は好感を持つ。 发现如果你谦虚自夸,人们就会喜欢

you less. They say you're better off moins. Ils disent qu'il vaut mieux その方がいい。その方がいいと言われる

just bragging. juste pour se vanter.

Rob: Just plain bragging? Rob : Une simple vantardise ?

Feifei: Apparently so. Humblebragging

makes you look less sincere. ||||aufrichtig

Rob: Well, that makes sense. Best to say Rob: Well, that makes sense. Best to say

what I think. Let me change the caption... |||||||Überschrift

Right. "I'm not going to lie, I absolutely |||||mentire|| C'est vrai. "Je ne vais pas mentir, j'ai absolument

love my new sports car. Feifei's bike isn't

bad either." mauvais non plus".

Feifei: That'll do! Let me just comment... Feifei : C'est parfait ! Permettez-moi de faire un commentaire... 菲菲:それでいいよ!ちょっとコメントさせて...

"Get some exercise!" "Faites de l'exercice !"

Rob: Very funny. Bye bye! Rob : Très drôle. Bye bye !

Feifei: Bye!