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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Let the dust settle: The English We Speak - YouTube

Let the dust settle: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak.

I'm Feifei but I'm not sure where Neil is.

Neil: Sorry I'm late.

It's going a bit crazy out there in the office.

Feifei: Crazy?

Neil: Yes. Everybody is arguing and shouting.

Feifei: About what exactly?

Neil: The mess in the office.

The boss says it's untidy

and we should clear up after ourselves.

He even said that my desk was like a pigsty!

Feifei: Hmmm, well you'd better stay in here and keep

out of the way until things have calmed down.

Neil: Good idea. I'll just let the dust to settle.

Feifei: Oh, so the office is messy and dusty.

Is that what everyone's arguing about. The dust?

Neil: No Feifei,

I just mean I'll wait for the situation to calm down.

Feifei: Got it!

So, you're just keeping out of the way.

Are you scared?

Neil: Of course not.

I just wanted to hear these examples…

We've had lots of complaints about the changes

but let's wait until the dust settles

before we respond.

We're busy moving house at the moment

but I'll give you a call when the dust settles.

Now the dust has settled after the restructuring,

I think we can talk about recruitment.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from the BBC

and we're finding out about the phrase

'let the dust settle',

which means to wait for a

situation to calm down.

Neil: We can also say 'wait for the dust to settle',

which is what I'm doing right now.

Feifei: Neil, I have a feeling you're just

avoiding the situation for one reason.

Neil: Oh yeah, what's that?

Feifei: Look out there.

They're all pointing at your desk.

They're not arguing about a messy office.

They're complaining about your mess.

Neil: Really. Well I like to work in a messy environment.

Feifei: Maybe, but I don't think the dust is

ever going to settle in this argument.

Neil: OK. But I think I'll stay in here for just a little longer.

Both: Bye.

Let the dust settle: The English We Speak - YouTube Laisser|||||||| ||Staub|||||| ||poeira|||||| Dejemos que el polvo se asiente: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Laissons la poussière retomber : The English We Speak - YouTube Lascia che la polvere si depositi: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube 塵も積もれば山となる:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Niech opadnie kurz: The English We Speak - YouTube Deixar a poeira assentar: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Пусть пыль осядет: Английский, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Bırakın toz duman dağılsın: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Нехай пил вляжеться: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 让尘埃落定我们说的英语 - YouTube 让尘埃落定我们说的英语 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak.

I'm Feifei but I'm not sure where Neil is.

Neil: Sorry I'm late.

It's going a bit crazy out there in the office. |sta diventando|||||||| Ça devient un peu fou là-bas au bureau. オフィスではちょっとクレイジーになっている。

Feifei: Crazy?

Neil: Yes. Everybody is arguing and shouting. ||||litigando||urlando ||||discutindo|| Neil : Oui. Tout le monde se dispute et crie.

Feifei: About what exactly?

Neil: The mess in the office. ||disordine||| Neil : Le désordre dans le bureau.

The boss says it's untidy ||||désordonné ||||unordentlich ||||disordinato ||||desorganizado Le patron dit que c'est désordonné Бос каже, що тут неохайно.

and we should clear up after ourselves. et nous devrions nettoyer après nous-mêmes. і ми повинні прибирати за собою. 我們應該自己清理一下。

He even said that my desk was like a pigsty! |||||||||porcherie |||||Schreibtisch||||Saustall |||||||||messy place |||||||||porcile |||||||||um chiqueiro Il a même dit que mon bureau était comme une porcherie !

Feifei: Hmmm, well you'd better stay in here and keep |Hmmm|||||||| ||bene||||||| Feifei : Hmmm, eh bien tu ferais mieux de rester ici et de garder Фейфей: Хм, що ж, тобі краще залишитися тут і тримати

out of the way until things have calmed down. |||||||sich beruhigt haben| |||||||calmati| à l'écart jusqu'à ce que les choses se soient calmées. з дороги, поки все не заспокоїться.

Neil: Good idea. I'll just let the dust to settle. |||||||polvere||assestarsi Neil : Bonne idée. Je vais laisser la poussière retomber.

Feifei: Oh, so the office is messy and dusty. ||||||||staubig ||||||disordinato||polveroso Feifei : Oh, le bureau est donc désordonné et poussiéreux.

Is that what everyone's arguing about. The dust? |||tutti|||| C'est pour ça que tout le monde se dispute. La poussière?

Neil: No Feifei, Neil : Pas de Feifei,

I just mean I'll wait for the situation to calm down. Je veux simplement dire que j'attendrai que la situation se calme.

Feifei: Got it! Feifei : J'ai compris !

So, you're just keeping out of the way. Donc, vous vous tenez juste à l'écart. 所以,你只是躲開。

Are you scared? ||As-tu peur ? ||spaventato Es tu effrayé? 你怕了嗎?

Neil: Of course not.

I just wanted to hear these examples…

We've had lots of complaints about the changes ||||plaintes||| ||||Beschwerden||| ||||lamentele||| Nous avons reçu beaucoup de plaintes au sujet des changements Ми отримали багато скарг на зміни

but let's wait until the dust settles ||||||se dissipe ||||||sich legt ||||||calms down |||||a poeira|se assenta mais attendons que la poussière retombe

before we respond. avant de répondre.

We're busy moving house at the moment Nous sommes occupés à déménager en ce moment Наразі ми зайняті переїздом

but I'll give you a call when the dust settles. mais je vous appellerai lorsque la poussière sera retombée. але я подзвоню тобі, коли все вляжеться.

Now the dust has settled after the restructuring, |||||||réorganisation |||||||Umstrukturierung Agora||||||| Maintenant, la poussière est retombée après la restructuration, Agora, depois da reestruturação, a poeira já assentou,

I think we can talk about recruitment. ||||||recrutement ||||||Ich denke, wir können über **Personalbeschaffung** sprechen. Je pense que nous pouvons parler de recrutement.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from the BBC

and we're finding out about the phrase

'let the dust settle', laisser la poussière retomber",

which means to wait for a

situation to calm down.

Neil: We can also say 'wait for the dust to settle', Neil : On peut aussi dire "attendre que la poussière retombe",

which is what I'm doing right now. c'est ce que je fais en ce moment. що я зараз і роблю.

Feifei: Neil, I have a feeling you're just Feifei : Neil, j'ai l'impression que tu es juste

avoiding the situation for one reason. éviter la situation pour une raison.

Neil: Oh yeah, what's that?

Feifei: Look out there.

They're all pointing at your desk. Ils pointent tous vers votre bureau.

They're not arguing about a messy office. Ils ne se disputent pas à propos d'un bureau en désordre.

They're complaining about your mess. Ils se plaignent de votre désordre.

Neil: Really. Well I like to work in a messy environment. ||||||||||environnement désordonné Neil : Vraiment, j'aime travailler dans un environnement désordonné.

Feifei: Maybe, but I don't think the dust is Feifei : Peut-être, mais je ne pense pas que la poussière soit

ever going to settle in this argument. 永遠不會解決這個爭論。

Neil: OK. But I think I'll stay in here for just a little longer. Neil : D'accord, mais je pense que je vais rester ici un peu plus longtemps.

Both: Bye.