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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Take the biscuit: The English We Speak - YouTube

Take the biscuit: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Welcome to The English We Speak.

It's Feifei here with Rob.

Rob: Hi everyone.

Feifei: So Rob, help yourself to a biscuit.

I know how much you love them, so I

bought some for us to share today.

Rob: Oh right. That's very kind, Feifei, but

very odd. You don't normally buy me

things. Are you feeling guilty? Have you

done something wrong?

Feifei: Of course not! Well… sort of. I hope

you don't mind, but I used up all your

coffee when I made drinks for the team

this morning.

Rob: What?! You used up all my coffee

and you didn't make me one? That really

takes the biscuit!

Feifei: I haven't taken any biscuits – just

your coffee.

Rob: No, Feifei! When I say someone

really takes the biscuit, I mean what you

have done is really surprising, annoying or

sometimes just silly.

Feifei: Oh dear. You're not happy? Sorry, Rob.

Let's hear some examples while you

calm down…

I can't believe she copied my work and

pretended it was her own – now that

really takes the biscuit.

You're really taking the biscuit if you're

expecting me to take you to the match

and wait outside until it's finished!

Your plan to turn the spare bedroom into

a snooker room really takes the biscuit!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're finding

out about the phrase 'to take', or 'to really

take the biscuit', which means we are

surprised or annoyed by someone's

actions. Oh Rob, I'll buy you some

more coffee.

Rob: I hope so. By the way, we can say

'something' as well as 'someone' takes

the biscuit. So you take the biscuit by

using up my coffee but there is

something that really takes the biscuit.

Feifei: Oh yes? What's that?

Rob: These biscuits you bought are ginger

nuts – I hate ginger biscuits. Didn't you

know? Oh that really takes the biscuit!

Feifei: OK, Rob. You are really taking this

badly. Pass them over here then and I'll

eat them.

Rob: Oh crumbs, I've dropped them. Sorry!

Feifei: It looks like I won't be taking any of

my biscuits today! Come on, Rob. I'll buy

you a coffee.

Rob: Thanks. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.

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Take the biscuit: The English We Speak - YouTube Nimm den Keks: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Take the biscuit: The English We Speak - YouTube Toma la galleta: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Prenez le biscuit : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube ビスケットを取る:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Take the biscuit: The English We Speak - YouTube O que é que se passa? O inglês que falamos - YouTube Возьмите бисквит: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Bisküviyi alın: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Візьміть печиво: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 拿饼干:我们说的英语 - YouTube 拿餅乾:我們說的英語 - YouTube 拿餅乾:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Welcome to The English We Speak.

It's Feifei here with Rob.

Rob: Hi everyone.

Feifei: So Rob, help yourself to a biscuit. |||||||biscotto Feifei: Also Rob, nimm dir einen Keks. 菲菲:じゃあロブ、ビスケットをどうぞ。 Робе, пригощайся печивом.

I know how much you love them, so I

bought some for us to share today.

Rob: Oh right. That's very kind, Feifei, but

very odd. You don't normally buy me |molto strano||||| дуже дивно. Зазвичай ти не купуєш мені

things. Are you feeling guilty? Have you ||||colpevole|| речі. Ти відчуваєш провину? Ти коли-небудь

done something wrong? зробив щось не так?

Feifei: Of course not! Well… sort of. I hope

you don't mind, but I used up all your you don't mind, but I used up all your

coffee when I made drinks for the team

this morning.

Rob: What?! You used up all my coffee

and you didn't make me one? That really

takes the biscuit!

Feifei: I haven't taken any biscuits – just

your coffee.

Rob: No, Feifei! When I say someone

really takes the biscuit, I mean what you

have done is really surprising, annoying or

sometimes just silly.

Feifei: Oh dear. You're not happy? Sorry, Rob.

Let's hear some examples while you Давайте послухаємо кілька прикладів, поки ви

calm down… заспокойся...

I can't believe she copied my work and ||||ha copiato|||e

pretended it was her own – now that fingeva fosse suo||||||

really takes the biscuit. ist wirklich der Hammer.

You're really taking the biscuit if you're Sie gehen wirklich auf die Palme, wenn Sie

expecting me to take you to the match очікуючи, що я візьму тебе на матч

and wait outside until it's finished! і зачекайте на вулиці, поки вона не закінчиться!

Your plan to turn the spare bedroom into |||||camera degli ospiti|| Ihr Plan, das Gästezimmer in ein Ваш план перетворити вільну спальню на

a snooker room really takes the biscuit! |Billard||||| |sala da biliardo||||| ein Snooker-Raum ist wirklich der Hammer! снукерна кімната дійсно забирає бісквіт!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're finding

out about the phrase 'to take', or 'to really

take the biscuit', which means we are

surprised or annoyed by someone's

actions. Oh Rob, I'll buy you some

more coffee.

Rob: I hope so. By the way, we can say

'something' as well as 'someone' takes

the biscuit. So you take the biscuit by

using up my coffee but there is

something that really takes the biscuit.

Feifei: Oh yes? What's that?

Rob: These biscuits you bought are ginger ||||||zenzero

nuts – I hate ginger biscuits. Didn't you

know? Oh that really takes the biscuit!

Feifei: OK, Rob. You are really taking this Feifei: OK, Rob. Du nimmst das wirklich Фейфей: Гаразд, Робе. Ти дійсно приймаєш це

badly. Pass them over here then and I'll schlecht. Dann gib sie hier rüber und ich werde дуже погано. Передай їх сюди, а я

eat them.

Rob: Oh crumbs, I've dropped them. Sorry! ||verdammt|||| ||Accidenti||ho fatto cadere|| Rob: Oh, Krümel, ich habe sie fallen lassen. Entschuldigung! Rob: Oh crumbs, I've dropped them. Sorry! Ой, крихти, я впустив їх. Вибач!

Feifei: It looks like I won't be taking any of Фейфей: Схоже, що я не буду брати нічого з

my biscuits today! Come on, Rob. I'll buy моє печиво сьогодні! Ходімо, Робе. Я куплю

you a coffee.

Rob: Thanks. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.