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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Waffle on: The English We Speak - YouTube

Waffle on: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Rob: And I'm Rob. Feifei, feeling hungry?

Feifei: Rob, they smell amazing!

Rob: Almost there. We're having a special

treat today... waffles!

Feifei: Rob is making waffles: those lovely,

crispy little cakes with raised squares on

the surface.

Rob: Absolutely! My favourite. But what

are we going to put on them?

Feifei: Oh that's simple: strawberries and

syrup. What about you?

Rob: OK, I'm not so sure. I mean, I used to

always love them with honey

and bananas. But they do taste

amazing with melted chocolate. Or... with

cream. You know, I recently tried one with

peanut butter: not a good experience.

I guess strawberries would be

worth trying... Or mango.

But only if the mangoes are fresh...

Feifei: Rob?

Rob: Yes?

Feifei: Can you stop waffling on?

Rob: Ah, very clever. Perfect time to use

that phrase! I do need to stop waffling on,

don't I?

Feifei: Yes, please. To 'waffle on' means

to talk and talk without saying anything

very useful or interesting.

Rob: I am sometimes guilty of that.

Let's hear a few more examples.

I think I did really badly in the interview.

I wasn't sure how to answer the

questions, so I just waffled on.

Meetings with Frank are frustrating.

He always waffles on about unimportant

things. Someone needs to have

a word with him.

I used to find her blog really interesting

and inspiring, but these days

she just waffles on about her pet tortoise.

Feifei: There we are. To waffle on. At least

we don't waffle on in this programme,

do we Rob?

Rob: Well, I must admit that sometimes

people have said I do talk rather a lot,

especially when it's about travel or

languages... which reminds me I really

should book my next holiday...

I've been considering Croatia, though I...

Feifei: Rob?

Rob: Ah. Am I waffling on?

Feifei: I'm afraid so.

Rob: Ooh, it's waffle time!

Feifei: Great. Hopefully these tasty

waffles will keep you quiet for a while.

Rob: Are you saying the waffles will

stop me waffling on?

Feifei: Yup! Now, enough talk... Oh, these

waffles are delicious.

Rob: Not bad, eh?!

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye.

Waffle on: The English We Speak - YouTube Divagare|||||| Waffle on: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Waffle on: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Waffle on : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Waffle on: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube ワッフル・オン私たちが話す英語 - YouTube 와플 켜기: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Wafel maar door: Het Engels dat wij spreken - YouTube Waffle on: The English We Speak - YouTube Waffle on: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Waffle on: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Waffle on: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Waffle on: The English We Speak - YouTube Waffle on:我们说的英语 - YouTube 華夫餅:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English Feifei: Olá e bem-vindos ao The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Rob: And I'm Rob. Feifei, feeling hungry? Rob: E eu sou o Rob. Feifei, estás com fome?

Feifei: Rob, they smell amazing!

Rob: Almost there. We're having a special Rob: Estamos quase lá. Estamos a ter um especial

treat today... waffles! concediti oggi... waffle!||

Feifei: Rob is making waffles: those lovely,

crispy little cakes with raised squares on |||||quadrati rialzati| 四角く盛り上がったサクサクの小さなケーキ

the surface.

Rob: Absolutely! My favourite. But what

are we going to put on them?

Feifei: Oh that's simple: strawberries and

syrup. What about you?

Rob: OK, I'm not so sure. I mean, I used to

always love them with honey

and bananas. But they do taste

amazing with melted chocolate. Or... with ||fuso|||

cream. You know, I recently tried one with

peanut butter: not a good experience.

I guess strawberries would be

worth trying... Or mango.

But only if the mangoes are fresh...

Feifei: Rob?

Rob: Yes?

Feifei: Can you stop waffling on? ||||divagare|

Rob: Ah, very clever. Perfect time to use Дуже розумно. Ідеальний час, щоб використати

that phrase! I do need to stop waffling on, цю фразу! Мені справді треба припинити роздуми,

don't I? чи не так?

Feifei: Yes, please. To 'waffle on' means Так, будь ласка. "Вафлювати далі" означає

to talk and talk without saying anything говорити і говорити, нічого не кажучи

very useful or interesting. дуже корисним або цікавим.

Rob: I am sometimes guilty of that. ||||colpevole di ciò||

Let's hear a few more examples.

I think I did really badly in the interview.

I wasn't sure how to answer the Я не знав, як відповісти на запитання

questions, so I just waffled on. тому я просто вагався.

Meetings with Frank are frustrating. Зустрічі з Франком розчаровують.

He always waffles on about unimportant Він завжди говорить про несуттєві речі.

things. Someone needs to have речі. Хтось повинен мати

a word with him. と一言。 поговорити з ним.

I used to find her blog really interesting Її блог був дуже цікавим для мене.

and inspiring, but these days

she just waffles on about her pet tortoise. |||||||tartaruga domestica

Feifei: There we are. To waffle on. At least Feifei: Da sind wir. Zum Weiterwackeln. Mindestens

we don't waffle on in this programme,

do we Rob?

Rob: Well, I must admit that sometimes

people have said I do talk rather a lot,

especially when it's about travel or

languages... which reminds me I really

should book my next holiday...

I've been considering Croatia, though I...

Feifei: Rob?

Rob: Ah. Am I waffling on? ||||divagando|

Feifei: I'm afraid so.

Rob: Ooh, it's waffle time!

Feifei: Great. Hopefully these tasty

waffles will keep you quiet for a while.

Rob: Are you saying the waffles will

stop me waffling on?

Feifei: Yup! Now, enough talk... Oh, these

waffles are delicious.

Rob: Not bad, eh?!

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye.