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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'out with the old, in with the new' mean? - YouTube

What does 'out with the old, in with the new' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello. It's time for The English

We Speak, with you, Rob...

Rob: ... and you, Feifei. Hello!

Feifei: So, Rob, another year over.

Rob: Yes, goodbye 2019. It's been

a good year,

but it's time for a clear up.

Feifei: Rob's tidying up!

Why, Rob?

Rob: Well, there's so much junk

lying around - let's clear out

the old stuff. I'd like

to start the New Year with a tidy office.

Feifei: Oh right - we can say 'out with

the old, in with the new'.

Rob: Out with the old, in with the new.

Yeap - a good expression, Feifei.

You mean leave

old things or old ideas behind and start

fresh with new things or ideas.

Feifei: I do! It's often said

around New Year.

Rob: Well, I had better get on with

getting rid of old things

while we hear

some examples

of this phrase in action...

It's time for me to get rid of my old boots

and buy a new pair.

Out with the old, in with the new!

The tech company released their

new range last week. I've already

bought something.

It's out with the old chunky phone

and in with the new

lightweight touch screen-one.

Last year I spent too much time

eating cake - but now for 2020,

I'm going to join a gym

and get fit - it's out with the

old body and in with the new one!

Feifei: You're listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English.

In this programme,

we're looking at the expression 'out with

the old, in with the new'. It means getting

rid of old ideas or things and

starting fresh with new ones.

So what new things or ideas

shall we have for 2020, Rob?

Rob: Hmmm... Well, for a new thing,

I was thinking about some

flowers in the studio.

Feifei: Nice.

Rob: And for my new idea, I thought

I would start introducing

the programme every week

- it's always been you, Feifei!

Feifei: Excuse me, Rob ... I've always

introduced the programme.

It's ladies first! Sorry, I'm not

changing that. But actually

I was thinking about another change.

Rob: Oh yes, what's that?

Feifei: A new presenter. As we say -

out with old (you, Rob), and in with

the new (hi Dan).

Dan: Hi Feifei!

Rob: Hi!

Feifei: Just joking! Happy

New Year, Rob!

Rob: You too.

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What does 'out with the old, in with the new' mean? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "fuera lo viejo, dentro lo nuevo"? - YouTube Que signifie l'expression "sortir de l'ancien, entrer dans le nouveau" ? - YouTube out with old, in with new」の意味とは?- ユーチューブ Co oznacza "odejdź ze starym, przyjdź z nowym"? - YouTube O que significa "fora com o velho, dentro com o novo"? - YouTube Що означає "геть старе, до нового"? - YouTube 新旧交替 "意味着什么?- YouTube 「辭舊迎新」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hello. It's time for The English

We Speak, with you, Rob...

Rob: ... and you, Feifei. Hello!

Feifei: So, Rob, another year over.

Rob: Yes, goodbye 2019. It's been

a good year,

but it's time for a clear up.

Feifei: Rob's tidying up!

Why, Rob?

Rob: Well, there's so much junk

lying around - let's clear out

the old stuff. I'd like

to start the New Year with a tidy office.

Feifei: Oh right - we can say 'out with

the old, in with the new'.

Rob: Out with the old, in with the new.

Yeap - a good expression, Feifei.

You mean leave

old things or old ideas behind and start

fresh with new things or ideas.

Feifei: I do! It's often said

around New Year.

Rob: Well, I had better get on with

getting rid of old things

while we hear

some examples

of this phrase in action...

It's time for me to get rid of my old boots

and buy a new pair.

Out with the old, in with the new!

The tech company released their

new range last week. I've already

bought something.

It's out with the old chunky phone 古いがっしりした携帯電話から脱却

and in with the new

lightweight touch screen-one.

Last year I spent too much time

eating cake - but now for 2020,

I'm going to join a gym

and get fit - it's out with the

old body and in with the new one!

Feifei: You're listening to The English We

Speak from BBC Learning English.

In this programme,

we're looking at the expression 'out with

the old, in with the new'. It means getting

rid of old ideas or things and

starting fresh with new ones.

So what new things or ideas

shall we have for 2020, Rob?

Rob: Hmmm... Well, for a new thing,

I was thinking about some

flowers in the studio.

Feifei: Nice.

Rob: And for my new idea, I thought

I would start introducing

the programme every week

- it's always been you, Feifei!

Feifei: Excuse me, Rob ... I've always

introduced the programme.

It's ladies first! Sorry, I'm not

changing that. But actually

I was thinking about another change.

Rob: Oh yes, what's that?

Feifei: A new presenter. As we say -

out with old (you, Rob), and in with

the new (hi Dan).

Dan: Hi Feifei!

Rob: Hi!

Feifei: Just joking! Happy

New Year, Rob!

Rob: You too.