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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), Mustn't vs Don't have to - English In A Minute - YouTube

Mustn't vs Don't have to - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hi guys! This is Kee from BBC Learning English.

Today, I'm going to tell you the differences

between mustn't and don't have to.

Now, must and have to are similar in meaning.

They are both used to describe obligations.

However, their negative forms

are completely different in meaning.

We still use mustn't to talk about obligations.

For example:

In the house, I mustn't wear shoes.

You know, to keep the house clean.

But don't have to does not describe obligations,

so the choice is yours!

For example, if your teacher said:

you don't have to do your homework,

well... then choice is yours.

You can say:

Alright, I won't!

Mustn't vs Don't have to - English In A Minute - YouTube يجب ألا||||||||| Mustn't vs Don't have - English In A Minute - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - English In A Minute - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - Inglese in un minuto - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - Angielski w minutę - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - Inglês num minuto - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - English In A Minute - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - Bir Dakikada İngilizce - YouTube Mustn't vs Don't have to - English In A Minute - YouTube 不得与不必 - 一分钟英语 - YouTube 不得與不必 - 一分鍾英語 - YouTube

Hi guys! This is Kee from BBC Learning English. Hallo Leute! Das ist Kee von BBC Learning English. Merhaba millet! Ben BBC Learning English'ten Kee.

Today, I'm going to tell you the differences Heute erkläre ich euch die Unterschiede Bugün size farkları anlatacağım.

between mustn't and don't have to. zwischen dürfen und müssen nicht. yapmamalı ve yapmamalı arasında.

Now, must and have to are similar in meaning. Nun, must und have to haben eine ähnliche Bedeutung. Şimdi, must ve have to anlam bakımından benzerdir.

They are both used to describe obligations. Sie werden beide verwendet, um Verpflichtungen zu beschreiben. Her ikisi de yükümlülükleri tanımlamak için kullanılır.

However, their negative forms Allerdings ihre negativen Formen Ancak olumsuz biçimleri

are completely different in meaning. |совершенно||| haben eine völlig andere Bedeutung. anlam bakımından tamamen farklıdır.

We still use mustn't to talk about obligations. Wir verwenden immer noch Must't, um über Verpflichtungen zu sprechen. Hala zorunluluklardan bahsetmek için mustn't kullanıyoruz.

For example: Zum Beispiel: Örneğin:

In the house, I mustn't wear shoes. Im Haus darf ich keine Schuhe tragen.

You know, to keep the house clean. Sie wissen schon, um das Haus sauber zu halten. Bilirsin, evi temiz tutmak için.

But don't have to does not describe obligations, Aber nicht müssen beschreibt keine Pflichten, しかし、その必要はない、 Ancak zorunlulukları tarif etmek zorunda değilsiniz,

so the choice is yours! ||выбор|| Sie haben also die Wahl! だから、選択はあなた次第だ! Yani, seçim senin!

For example, if your teacher said: Wenn dein Lehrer zum Beispiel gesagt hat: 例えば、先生がこう言ったとする:

you don't have to do your homework, Du musst deine Hausaufgaben nicht machen,

well... then choice is yours. ||выбор|| naja...dann hast du die wahl. まあ...それなら選択はあなた次第だ。 peki... o zaman seçim senin.

You can say: Sie können sagen: Söyleyebilirsin:

Alright, I won't! Okay, werde ich nicht! わかった! 알았어요, 안 할게요! Tamam, yapmayacağım!