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The Sign of the Four By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Chapter XII The Strange Story of Jonathan Small (2)

Chapter XII The Strange Story of Jonathan Small (2)

At Agra there were the 3rd Bengal Fusiliers, some Sikhs, two troops of horse, and a battery of artillery. A volunteer corps of clerks and merchants had been formed, and this I joined, wooden leg and all. We went out to meet the rebels at Shahgunge early in July, and we beat them back for a time, but our powder gave out, and we had to fall back upon the city.

“Nothing but the worst news came to us from every side,—which is not to be wondered at, for if you look at the map you will see that we were right in the heart of it. Lucknow is rather better than a hundred miles to the east, and Cawnpore about as far to the south. From every point on the compass there was nothing but torture and murder and outrage.

“The city of Agra is a great place, swarming with fanatics and fierce devil-worshippers of all sorts. Our handful of men were lost among the narrow, winding streets. Our leader moved across the river, therefore, and took up his position in the old fort at Agra. I don't know if any of you gentlemen have ever read or heard anything of that old fort. It is a very queer place,—the queerest that ever I was in, and I have been in some rum corners, too. First of all, it is enormous in size. I should think that the enclosure must be acres and acres. There is a modern part, which took all our garrison, women, children, stores, and everything else, with plenty of room over. But the modern part is nothing like the size of the old quarter, where nobody goes, and which is given over to the scorpions and the centipedes. It is all full of great deserted halls, and winding passages, and long corridors twisting in and out, so that it is easy enough for folk to get lost in it. For this reason it was seldom that any one went into it, though now and again a party with torches might go exploring.

“The river washes along the front of the old fort, and so protects it, but on the sides and behind there are many doors, and these had to be guarded, of course, in the old quarter as well as in that which was actually held by our troops. We were short-handed, with hardly men enough to man the angles of the building and to serve the guns. It was impossible for us, therefore, to station a strong guard at every one of the innumerable gates. What we did was to organise a central guard-house in the middle of the fort, and to leave each gate under the charge of one white man and two or three natives. I was selected to take charge during certain hours of the night of a small isolated door upon the southwest side of the building. Two Sikh troopers were placed under my command, and I was instructed if anything went wrong to fire my musket, when I might rely upon help coming at once from the central guard. As the guard was a good two hundred paces away, however, and as the space between was cut up into a labyrinth of passages and corridors, I had great doubts as to whether they could arrive in time to be of any use in case of an actual attack.

“Well, I was pretty proud at having this small command given me, since I was a raw recruit, and a game-legged one at that. For two nights I kept the watch with my Punjaubees. They were tall, fierce-looking chaps, Mahomet Singh and Abdullah Khan by name, both old fighting-men who had borne arms against us at Chilian-wallah. They could talk English pretty well, but I could get little out of them. They preferred to stand together and jabber all night in their queer Sikh lingo. For myself, I used to stand outside the gateway, looking down on the broad, winding river and on the twinkling lights of the great city. The beating of drums, the rattle of tomtoms, and the yells and howls of the rebels, drunk with opium and with bang, were enough to remind us all night of our dangerous neighbours across the stream. Every two hours the officer of the night used to come round to all the posts, to make sure that all was well.

“The third night of my watch was dark and dirty, with a small, driving rain. It was dreary work standing in the gateway hour after hour in such weather. I tried again and again to make my Sikhs talk, but without much success. At two in the morning the rounds passed, and broke for a moment the weariness of the night. Finding that my companions would not be led into conversation, I took out my pipe, and laid down my musket to strike the match. In an instant the two Sikhs were upon me. One of them snatched my firelock up and levelled it at my head, while the other held a great knife to my throat and swore between his teeth that he would plunge it into me if I moved a step.

“My first thought was that these fellows were in league with the rebels, and that this was the beginning of an assault. If our door were in the hands of the Sepoys the place must fall, and the women and children be treated as they were in Cawnpore. Maybe you gentlemen think that I am just making out a case for myself, but I give you my word that when I thought of that, though I felt the point of the knife at my throat, I opened my mouth with the intention of giving a scream, if it was my last one, which might alarm the main guard. The man who held me seemed to know my thoughts; for, even as I braced myself to it, he whispered, ‘Don't make a noise. The fort is safe enough. There are no rebel dogs on this side of the river.' There was the ring of truth in what he said, and I knew that if I raised my voice I was a dead man. I could read it in the fellow's brown eyes. I waited, therefore, in silence, to see what it was that they wanted from me.

“‘Listen to me, Sahib,' said the taller and fiercer of the pair, the one whom they called Abdullah Khan. ‘You must either be with us now or you must be silenced forever. The thing is too great a one for us to hesitate. Either you are heart and soul with us on your oath on the cross of the Christians, or your body this night shall be thrown into the ditch and we shall pass over to our brothers in the rebel army. There is no middle way. Which is it to be, death or life? We can only give you three minutes to decide, for the time is passing, and all must be done before the rounds come again.' “‘How can I decide?' said I.

‘You have not told me what you want of me. But I tell you now that if it is anything against the safety of the fort I will have no truck with it, so you can drive home your knife and welcome.' “‘It is nothing against the fort,' said he. ‘We only ask you to do that which your countrymen come to this land for. We ask you to be rich. If you will be one of us this night, we will swear to you upon the naked knife, and by the threefold oath which no Sikh was ever known to break, that you shall have your fair share of the loot. A quarter of the treasure shall be yours. We can say no fairer.' “‘But what is the treasure, then?' I asked. ‘I am as ready to be rich as you can be, if you will but show me how it can be done.' “‘You will swear, then,' said he, ‘by the bones of your father, by the honour of your mother, by the cross of your faith, to raise no hand and speak no word against us, either now or afterwards?' “‘I will swear it,' I answered, ‘provided that the fort is not endangered.' “‘Then my comrade and I will swear that you shall have a quarter of the treasure which shall be equally divided among the four of us.' “‘There are but three,' said I. “‘No; Dost Akbar must have his share. We can tell the tale to you while we await them. Do you stand at the gate, Mahomet Singh, and give notice of their coming. The thing stands thus, Sahib, and I tell it to you because I know that an oath is binding upon a Feringhee, and that we may trust you. Had you been a lying Hindoo, though you had sworn by all the gods in their false temples, your blood would have been upon the knife, and your body in the water. But the Sikh knows the Englishman, and the Englishman knows the Sikh. Hearken, then, to what I have to say.

“‘There is a rajah in the northern provinces who has much wealth, though his lands are small. Much has come to him from his father, and more still he has set by himself, for he is of a low nature and hoards his gold rather than spend it. When the troubles broke out he would be friends both with the lion and the tiger,—with the Sepoy and with the Company's Raj. Soon, however, it seemed to him that the white men's day was come, for through all the land he could hear of nothing but of their death and their overthrow. Yet, being a careful man, he made such plans that, come what might, half at least of his treasure should be left to him. That which was in gold and silver he kept by him in the vaults of his palace, but the most precious stones and the choicest pearls that he had he put in an iron box, and sent it by a trusty servant who, under the guise of a merchant, should take it to the fort at Agra, there to lie until the land is at peace. Thus, if the rebels won he would have his money, but if the Company conquered his jewels would be saved to him. Having thus divided his hoard, he threw himself into the cause of the Sepoys, since they were strong upon his borders. By doing this, mark you, Sahib, his property becomes the due of those who have been true to their salt.

“‘This pretended merchant, who travels under the name of Achmet, is now in the city of Agra, and desires to gain his way into the fort. He has with him as travelling-companion my foster-brother Dost Akbar, who knows his secret. Dost Akbar has promised this night to lead him to a side-postern of the fort, and has chosen this one for his purpose. Here he will come presently, and here he will find Mahomet Singh and myself awaiting him. The place is lonely, and none shall know of his coming. The world shall know of the merchant Achmet no more, but the great treasure of the rajah shall be divided among us. What say you to it, Sahib?' “In Worcestershire the life of a man seems a great and a sacred thing; but it is very different when there is fire and blood all round you and you have been used to meeting death at every turn.

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Chapter XII The Strange Story of Jonathan Small (2) Kapitel XII Die seltsame Geschichte von Jonathan Small (2) Capítulo XII La extraña historia de Jonathan Small (2) Capitolo XII La strana storia di Jonathan Small (2) 第十二章 ジョナサン・スモールの奇妙な物語 (2)

At Agra there were the 3rd Bengal Fusiliers, some Sikhs, two troops of horse, and a battery of artillery. |||||||火槍兵團||||||||||| A volunteer corps of clerks and merchants had been formed, and this I joined, wooden leg and all. ||||||商人||||||||||| We went out to meet the rebels at Shahgunge early in July, and we beat them back for a time, but our powder gave out, and we had to fall back upon the city. ||||||||沙罕根|||七月初|||||||||||||||||||||| На початку липня ми вийшли назустріч повстанцям у Шахгунге і деякий час відбивалися від них, але порох закінчився, і нам довелося відступити до міста.

“Nothing but the worst news came to us from every side,—which is not to be wondered at, for if you look at the map you will see that we were right in the heart of it. "Звідусіль до нас надходили лише найгірші новини, і це не дивно, бо якщо ви подивитеся на карту, то побачите, що ми були в самому центрі подій. Lucknow is rather better than a hundred miles to the east, and Cawnpore about as far to the south. Лакхнау набагато краще, ніж сотня миль на схід, а Коунпор приблизно так само далеко на південь. From every point on the compass there was nothing but torture and murder and outrage. ||||||||||折磨||||

“The city of Agra is a great place, swarming with fanatics and fierce devil-worshippers of all sorts. ||||||||||狂熱分子||||||| Our handful of men were lost among the narrow, winding streets. Our leader moved across the river, therefore, and took up his position in the old fort at Agra. I don't know if any of you gentlemen have ever read or heard anything of that old fort. It is a very queer place,—the queerest that ever I was in, and I have been in some rum corners, too. |||||||||||||||||||奇怪的|| Це дуже дивне місце, найдивніше з усіх, де я бував, а я бував і в деяких ромових куточках. First of all, it is enormous in size. I should think that the enclosure must be acres and acres. Я думаю, что участок должен занимать акр и акр. There is a modern part, which took all our garrison, women, children, stores, and everything else, with plenty of room over. Є сучасна частина, яка прийняла весь наш гарнізон, жінок, дітей, магазини і все інше, з великою кількістю вільного місця. But the modern part is nothing like the size of the old quarter, where nobody goes, and which is given over to the scorpions and the centipedes. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||蜈蚣 It is all full of great deserted halls, and winding passages, and long corridors twisting in and out, so that it is easy enough for folk to get lost in it. |||||||||||||走廊||||||||||||人們||||| For this reason it was seldom that any one went into it, though now and again a party with torches might go exploring. З цієї причини туди рідко хто заходив, хоча час від часу група зі смолоскипами могла відправитися на дослідження.

“The river washes along the front of the old fort, and so protects it, but on the sides and behind there are many doors, and these had to be guarded, of course, in the old quarter as well as in that which was actually held by our troops. "Річка омиває передню частину старого форту, і тому захищає його, але з боків і ззаду є багато дверей, і їх треба було охороняти, звичайно, і в старому кварталі, і в тому, який фактично утримувався нашими військами. We were short-handed, with hardly men enough to man the angles of the building and to serve the guns. У нас не вистачало людей, які могли б охороняти кути будівлі та обслуговувати гармати. It was impossible for us, therefore, to station a strong guard at every one of the innumerable gates. Тому ми не могли виставити сильну охорону біля кожної з незліченних воріт. What we did was to organise a central guard-house in the middle of the fort, and to leave each gate under the charge of one white man and two or three natives. I was selected to take charge during certain hours of the night of a small isolated door upon the southwest side of the building. Мене обрали відповідальним за невеликі ізольовані двері на південно-західній стороні будівлі в певні години ночі. Two Sikh troopers were placed under my command, and I was instructed if anything went wrong to fire my musket, when I might rely upon help coming at once from the central guard. |錫克教徒||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| As the guard was a good two hundred paces away, however, and as the space between was cut up into a labyrinth of passages and corridors, I had great doubts as to whether they could arrive in time to be of any use in case of an actual attack. Однако, поскольку дозор находился в двухстах шагах, а пространство между ними было изрезано лабиринтами ходов и коридоров, я сильно сомневался, что они успеют прибыть вовремя, чтобы быть полезными в случае нападения. Однак, оскільки охорона була за двісті кроків від нас, а простір між ними був розрізаний лабіринтом проходів і коридорів, я мав великі сумніви щодо того, чи зможе вона прибути вчасно, щоб бути корисною в разі реального нападу.

“Well, I was pretty proud at having this small command given me, since I was a raw recruit, and a game-legged one at that. |||||||||指挥权|||||||新兵|||||||| "Ну, я дуже пишався тим, що мені доручили це невелике командування, адже я був новобранцем, і до того ж, з дикими ногами. For two nights I kept the watch with my Punjaubees. |||||||||旁遮普士兵 They were tall, fierce-looking chaps, Mahomet Singh and Abdullah Khan by name, both old fighting-men who had borne arms against us at Chilian-wallah. ||||||||||||||||||||||||奇廉瓦拉|奇里安瓦拉 Це були високі, люті на вигляд хлопці, на ім'я Магомет Сінгх і Абдулла Хан, обидва старі воїни, які воювали проти нас під Чиліан-Валла. They could talk English pretty well, but I could get little out of them. Вони непогано розмовляли англійською, але я мало що міг з них витягти. They preferred to stand together and jabber all night in their queer Sikh lingo. ||||||喋喋不休||||||| Вони вважали за краще стояти разом і теревенити всю ніч на своєму дивному сикхському жаргоні. For myself, I used to stand outside the gateway, looking down on the broad, winding river and on the twinkling lights of the great city. The beating of drums, the rattle of tomtoms, and the yells and howls of the rebels, drunk with opium and with bang, were enough to remind us all night of our dangerous neighbours across the stream. |||||||戰鼓|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Биття барабанів, брязкіт томтомів, крики і виття повстанців, сп'янілих від опіуму, всю ніч нагадували нам про наших небезпечних сусідів по той бік річки. Every two hours the officer of the night used to come round to all the posts, to make sure that all was well. |||||||||||||||崗哨|||||||

“The third night of my watch was dark and dirty, with a small, driving rain. "Третя ніч мого чергування була темною і брудною, йшов дрібний проливний дощ. It was dreary work standing in the gateway hour after hour in such weather. I tried again and again to make my Sikhs talk, but without much success. At two in the morning the rounds passed, and broke for a moment the weariness of the night. О другій годині ночі закінчилися обстріли, які на мить розвіяли нічну втому. Finding that my companions would not be led into conversation, I took out my pipe, and laid down my musket to strike the match. Зрозумівши, що мої супутники не хочуть вступати в розмову, я вийняв люльку і поклав мушкет, щоб чиркнути сірником. In an instant the two Sikhs were upon me. В одну мить двоє сикхів накинулися на мене. One of them snatched my firelock up and levelled it at my head, while the other held a great knife to my throat and swore between his teeth that he would plunge it into me if I moved a step. Один з них вихопив мій пістолет і направив його мені в голову, а інший приставив до мого горла великого ножа і клявся крізь зуби, що встромить його в мене, якщо я зроблю хоч крок.

“My first thought was that these fellows were in league with the rebels, and that this was the beginning of an assault. If our door were in the hands of the Sepoys the place must fall, and the women and children be treated as they were in Cawnpore. Якби наші двері опинилися в руках сипаїв, це місце мало б впасти, а з жінками і дітьми поводилися б так само, як і в Каунпорі. Maybe you gentlemen think that I am just making out a case for myself, but I give you my word that when I thought of that, though I felt the point of the knife at my throat, I opened my mouth with the intention of giving a scream, if it was my last one, which might alarm the main guard. Можливо, ви, панове, думаєте, що я просто вигадую собі виправдання, але даю вам слово, що коли я подумав про це, то, відчуваючи вістря ножа біля свого горла, я відкрив рота з наміром крикнути, навіть якщо це був мій останній крик, який міг би стривожити головного охоронця. The man who held me seemed to know my thoughts; for, even as I braced myself to it, he whispered, ‘Don't make a noise. Чоловік, який тримав мене, здавалося, знав мої думки, бо навіть коли я приготувався до цього, він прошепотів: "Не шуміти". The fort is safe enough. There are no rebel dogs on this side of the river.' There was the ring of truth in what he said, and I knew that if I raised my voice I was a dead man. У його словах звучала істина, і я знав, що якщо я підвищу голос, то мені кінець. I could read it in the fellow's brown eyes. I waited, therefore, in silence, to see what it was that they wanted from me.

“‘Listen to me, Sahib,' said the taller and fiercer of the pair, the one whom they called Abdullah Khan. ‘You must either be with us now or you must be silenced forever. The thing is too great a one for us to hesitate. Дело слишком серьезное, чтобы мы могли колебаться. Справа надто важлива, щоб ми вагалися. Either you are heart and soul with us on your oath on the cross of the Christians, or your body this night shall be thrown into the ditch and we shall pass over to our brothers in the rebel army. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||叛軍| There is no middle way. Which is it to be, death or life? We can only give you three minutes to decide, for the time is passing, and all must be done before the rounds come again.' “‘How can I decide?' said I.

‘You have not told me what you want of me. "Ви не сказали мені, чого ви від мене хочете. But I tell you now that if it is anything against the safety of the fort I will have no truck with it, so you can drive home your knife and welcome.' Але я кажу вам зараз, що якщо це буде щось проти безпеки форту, я не візьму з собою вантажівку, тож ви можете відвезти свій ніж додому і ласкаво просимо". “‘It is nothing against the fort,' said he. ‘We only ask you to do that which your countrymen come to this land for. "Ми лише просимо вас зробити те, заради чого ваші співвітчизники приїхали на цю землю. We ask you to be rich. If you will be one of us this night, we will swear to you upon the naked knife, and by the threefold oath which no Sikh was ever known to break, that you shall have your fair share of the loot. Если ты станешь одним из нас этой ночью, мы поклянемся тебе на обнаженном ноже и на тройной клятве, которую не нарушал ни один сикх, что ты получишь свою долю добычи. Якщо ти будеш одним з нас цієї ночі, ми присягнемо тобі на оголеному ножі і потрійній клятві, яку, як відомо, жоден сикх ніколи не порушував, що ти отримаєш свою справедливу частку здобичі. A quarter of the treasure shall be yours. We can say no fairer.' Ми не можемо сказати, що це справедливіше". “‘But what is the treasure, then?' I asked. ‘I am as ready to be rich as you can be, if you will but show me how it can be done.' "Я готовий стати таким же багатим, як і ви, якщо ви тільки покажете мені, як це зробити". “‘You will swear, then,' said he, ‘by the bones of your father, by the honour of your mother, by the cross of your faith, to raise no hand and speak no word against us, either now or afterwards?' "То чи присягаєшся ти, - сказав він, - кістками свого батька, честю своєї матері, хрестом своєї віри, що не піднімеш руки і не скажеш проти нас жодного слова, ні тепер, ні потім?". “‘I will swear it,' I answered, ‘provided that the fort is not endangered.' "Я поклянусь в этом, - ответил я, - при условии, что форту не будет угрожать опасность". "Я присягнуся, - відповів я, - якщо форт не буде під загрозою". “‘Then my comrade and I will swear that you shall have a quarter of the treasure which shall be equally divided among the four of us.' “‘There are but three,' said I. “‘No; Dost Akbar must have his share. |多斯特·阿克巴||||| We can tell the tale to you while we await them. Do you stand at the gate, Mahomet Singh, and give notice of their coming. Стань біля брами, Магомете Сінгху, і сповісти про їхній прихід. The thing stands thus, Sahib, and I tell it to you because I know that an oath is binding upon a Feringhee, and that we may trust you. |||||||||||||||||||||歐洲人|||||| Справа стоїть так, сагібе, і я кажу це тобі, бо знаю, що присяга є обов'язковою для ферингхі, і що ми можемо довіряти тобі. Had you been a lying Hindoo, though you had sworn by all the gods in their false temples, your blood would have been upon the knife, and your body in the water. |||||||||||||||||廟宇|||||||||||||| Якби ти був брехливим індусом, хоч і присягався всіма богами в їхніх фальшивих храмах, твоя кров була б на ножі, а тіло - у воді. But the Sikh knows the Englishman, and the Englishman knows the Sikh. Hearken, then, to what I have to say. Тоді послухайте, що я хочу сказати.

“‘There is a rajah in the northern provinces who has much wealth, though his lands are small. |||拉惹||||||||||||| Much has come to him from his father, and more still he has set by himself, for he is of a low nature and hoards his gold rather than spend it. ||||||||||||||||||||||||囤積|||||| Багато дісталося йому від батька, а ще більше він сам собі нажив, бо він низької вдачі і золото своє накопичує, а не витрачає. When the troubles broke out he would be friends both with the lion and the tiger,—with the Sepoy and with the Company's Raj. ||||||||||||||||||士兵|||||英属印度统治 Коли почалися проблеми, він дружив і з левом, і з тигром - з сипаєм і з раджем Компанії. Soon, however, it seemed to him that the white men's day was come, for through all the land he could hear of nothing but of their death and their overthrow. Однак незабаром йому здалося, що день білих людей настав, бо по всій землі він чув лише про їхню смерть і повалення. Yet, being a careful man, he made such plans that, come what might, half at least of his treasure should be left to him. Проте, будучи людиною обережною, він склав такі плани, щоб, що б не сталося, половина його скарбу залишилася йому. That which was in gold and silver he kept by him in the vaults of his palace, but the most precious stones and the choicest pearls that he had he put in an iron box, and sent it by a trusty servant who, under the guise of a merchant, should take it to the fort at Agra, there to lie until the land is at peace. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||商人偽裝|||商人||||||||||||||||| То, что было из золота и серебра, он хранил в хранилищах своего дворца, но самые драгоценные камни и самые лучшие жемчужины, которые у него были, он положил в железный ящик и отправил его с надежным слугой, который под видом купца должен был отвезти его в форт в Агре, чтобы он лежал там до тех пор, пока в стране не установится мир. Thus, if the rebels won he would have his money, but if the Company conquered his jewels would be saved to him. Таким чином, якби повстанці перемогли, він отримав би свої гроші, але якби Компанія перемогла, його коштовності були б врятовані. Having thus divided his hoard, he threw himself into the cause of the Sepoys, since they were strong upon his borders. Розділивши таким чином свій скарб, він кинувся у бій з сепоями, оскільки вони були сильні на його кордонах. By doing this, mark you, Sahib, his property becomes the due of those who have been true to their salt. Поступая так, заметьте, сахиб, его имущество становится достоянием тех, кто был верен своей соли. Зауважте, сагібе, його майно стає власністю тих, хто був вірний своїй солі.

“‘This pretended merchant, who travels under the name of Achmet, is now in the city of Agra, and desires to gain his way into the fort. "Цей удаваний купець, який подорожує під ім'ям Ахмет, зараз перебуває в місті Агра і хоче потрапити до форту. He has with him as travelling-companion my foster-brother Dost Akbar, who knows his secret. Dost Akbar has promised this night to lead him to a side-postern of the fort, and has chosen this one for his purpose. ||||||||||||側門||||||||||| Дост Акбар пообіцяв, що ця ніч приведе його до бічної стіни форту, і вибрав для своєї мети саме цю стіну. Here he will come presently, and here he will find Mahomet Singh and myself awaiting him. The place is lonely, and none shall know of his coming. The world shall know of the merchant Achmet no more, but the great treasure of the rajah shall be divided among us. Світ більше не дізнається про купця Ахмета, але великий скарб раджі буде поділений між нами. What say you to it, Sahib?' “In Worcestershire the life of a man seems a great and a sacred thing; but it is very different when there is fire and blood all round you and you have been used to meeting death at every turn. "У Вустерширі життя людини здається великою і священною річчю; але це зовсім інша річ, коли навколо тебе вогонь і кров, і ти звик зустрічати смерть на кожному кроці.