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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 056: What Makes the Great Wall of China So Extraordinary

056: What Makes the Great Wall of China So Extraordinary

A 13,000 mile dragon of earth and stone winds its way through the countryside of China with a history almost as long and serpentine as the structure. The Great Wall began as multiple walls of rammed earth built by individual feudal states, during the Chunqiu period to protect against nomadic raiders north of China and each other.

When Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified the states in 221 BCE, the Tibetan Plateau and Pacific Ocean became natural barriers, but the mountains in the north remained vulnerable to Mongol, Turkish, and Xiongnu invasions. To defend against them, the Emperor expanded the small walls built by his predecessors, connecting some and fortifying others. As the structures grew from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the east, they collectively became known as The Long Wall. To accomplish this task, the Emperor enlisted soldiers and commoners, not always voluntarily.

Of the hundreds of thousands of builders recorded during the Qin Dynasty, many were forcibly conscripted peasants and others were criminals serving out sentences. Under the Han Dynasty, the wall grew longer still, reaching 3700 miles, and spanning from Dunhuang to the Bohai Sea. Forced labor continued under the Han Emperor Xuandi, and the walls reputation grew into a notorious place of suffering. Poems and legends of the time told of laborers buried in nearby mass graves, or even within the wall itself. And while no human remains have been found inside, grave pits do indicate that many workers died from accidents, hunger and exhaustion.

The wall was formidable but not invincible. Both Genghis and his son Khublai Khan managed to surmount the wall during the Mongol invasion of the 13th Century. After the Ming dynasty gained control in 1368, they began to refortify and further consolidate the wall using bricks and stones from local kilns. Averaging 23 feet high and 21 feet wide, the walls 5500 miles were punctuated by watchtowers. When raiders were sighted, fire and smoke signals traveled between towers until reinforcements arrived. Small openings along the wall let archers fire on invaders, while larger ones were used to drop stones and more. But even this new and improved wall was not enough.

In 1644, northern Manchu clans overthrew the Ming to establish the Qing dynasty, incorporating Mongolia as well, Thus, for the second time, China was ruled by the very people the wall had tried to keep out. With the empire's borders now extending beyond the Great Wall, the fortifications lost their purpose. And without regular reinforcement, the wall fell into disrepair, rammed earth eroded, while brick and stone were plundered for building materials. But its job wasn't finished. During World War II, China used sections for defense against Japanese invasion, and some parts are still rumored to be used for military training. But the Wall's main purpose today is cultural.

As one of the largest man-made structures on Earth, it was granted UNESCO World Heritage Status in 1987. Originally built to keep people out of China, the Great Wall now welcomes millions of visitors each year. In fact, the influx of tourists has caused the wall to deteriorate, leading the Chinese government to launch preservation initiatives. It's also often acclaimed as the only man-made structure visible from space. Unfortunately, that's not at all true. In low Earth orbit, all sorts of structures, like bridges, highways and airports are visible, and the Great Wall is only barely discernible. From the moon, it doesn't stand a chance. But regardless, it's the Earth we should be studying it from because new sections are still discovered every few years, branching off from the main body and expanding this remarkable monument to human achievement.

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A 13,000 mile dragon of earth and stone winds its way through the countryside of China with a history almost as long and serpentine as the structure. ||||||||||||||||||||||蜿蜒曲折的|||建筑物 Great Wall of China|unit of distance|Great Wall of China|belonging to|soil and rock|as well as|rock or brick|twists and turns|the dragon's|follows a path|across||rural areas||the country|accompanied by||long past|nearly|similar to|extensive||snake-like||the|Great Wall ||||||||||||||||||||||คดเคี้ยว||| يشق تنين من الأرض والحجر بطول 13000 ميل طريقه عبر ريف الصين مع تاريخ طويل تقريبًا وأفعواني مثل الهيكل. 土と石の13,000マイルのドラゴンが中国の田園地帯を曲がりくねっており、その歴史は構造物とほぼ同じくらい長く曲がりくねっています。 Um dragão de 13.000 milhas de terra e pedra serpenteia pelo interior da China com uma história quase tão longa e sinuosa quanto a estrutura. Дракон из земли и камня длиной 13 000 миль прокладывает свой путь через сельскую местность Китая, история которого почти такая же длинная и змеевидная, как и его структура. มังกรดินและหินยาว 13,000 ไมล์เคลื่อนตัวผ่านชนบทของจีน โดยมีประวัติศาสตร์ยาวนานเกือบเท่าโครงสร้างคดเคี้ยว The Great Wall began as multiple walls of rammed earth built by individual feudal states, during the Chunqiu period to protect against nomadic raiders north of China and each other. |||||多个|||夯实的||||各个|封建的|诸侯国|||春秋时期|时期||保护|防御|游牧的|掠夺者|||||| The|Significant|defensive barrier|||several separate|||compacted, densely packed|compacted soil||||landholding aristocratic||||Spring and Autumn|||||wandering tribespeople|invaders or attackers|||||| |||||||||||||||||ชุนชิว|||||เร่ร่อน|ผู้บุกรุกเร่ร่อน|||||| بدأ السور العظيم كجدران متعددة من الأرض المدهونة التي بنتها الدول الإقطاعية الفردية ، خلال فترة تشونكيو للحماية من الغزاة البدو شمال الصين وبعضهم البعض. La Grande Muraille a commencé comme de multiples murs de terre battue construits par des États féodaux individuels, pendant la période Chunqiu pour se protéger des pillards nomades au nord de la Chine et les uns des autres. 万里の長城は、春秋時代に、中国北部の遊牧民の襲撃者やお互いから保護するために、個々の封建国家によって建てられた版築の複数の壁として始まりました。 A Grande Muralha começou como múltiplas paredes de taipa construídas por estados feudais individuais, durante o período Chunqiu para proteger contra invasores nômades ao norte da China e uns aos outros. กำแพงเมืองจีนเริ่มต้นจากกำแพงดินกระแทกหลายแห่งที่สร้างขึ้นโดยรัฐศักดินาแต่ละรัฐในสมัยชุนชิว เพื่อป้องกันผู้บุกรุกเร่ร่อนทางตอนเหนือของจีนและกันและกัน

When Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified the states in 221 BCE, the Tibetan Plateau and Pacific Ocean became natural barriers, but the mountains in the north remained vulnerable to Mongol, Turkish, and Xiongnu invasions. ||秦|始皇||统一||诸侯国||公元前||藏族的|青藏高原||太平洋|||天然的|屏障|||山脉||||仍然是|脆弱的||蒙古人|突厥人||匈奴人|入侵 |||||brought together||||||Tibetan Plateau|Highland region||Pacific Ocean||||natural defenses||||||||easily attacked|||||nomadic confederation|hostile incursions |||ฉิน|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||การรุกราน 始皇帝が紀元前221年に州を統一したとき、チベット高原と太平洋は自然の障壁になりましたが、北部の山々はモンゴル、トルコ、匈奴の侵略に対して脆弱なままでした。 Quando o imperador Qin Shi Huang unificou os estados em 221 aC, o planalto tibetano e o oceano Pacífico tornaram-se barreiras naturais, mas as montanhas ao norte permaneceram vulneráveis às invasões mongóis, turcas e xiongnu. เมื่อจักรพรรดิจิ๋นซีฮ่องเต้รวมรัฐต่างๆ เข้าด้วยกันใน 221 ปีก่อนคริสตศักราช ที่ราบสูงทิเบตและมหาสมุทรแปซิฟิกกลายเป็นอุปสรรคตามธรรมชาติ แต่ภูเขาทางตอนเหนือยังคงเสี่ยงต่อการรุกรานของมองโกล ตุรกี และซงหนู To defend against them, the Emperor expanded the small walls built by his predecessors, connecting some and fortifying others. |防御|对抗||||扩建|||城墙||||前任者|连接|||加固| |protect from attack|||||made larger|||||||previous rulers||||strengthening| ||||||ขยายออกไป|||||||||||เสริมความแข็งแกร่ง| それらを防ぐために、皇帝は前任者によって建てられた小さな壁を拡張し、いくつかを接続し、他を強化しました。 Para se defender deles, o Imperador ampliou as pequenas muralhas construídas por seus predecessores, conectando algumas e fortificando outras. As the structures grew from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the east, they collectively became known as The Long Wall. ||结构|||临洮|||西部||辽东|||||统称为||||||长城 ||||||||directional region||||||||||||| ||||||||||เหลียวตง||||||||||| 構造物が西のリンタオから東の遼東に成長するにつれて、それらは総称して長壁として知られるようになりました。 À medida que as estruturas cresciam de Lintao, no oeste, para Liaodong, no leste, elas se tornaram conhecidas coletivamente como The Long Wall. To accomplish this task, the Emperor enlisted soldiers and commoners, not always voluntarily. |完成|||||征召了|士兵||平民百姓|||自愿地 |complete|||||recruited|||ordinary citizens||| ||||||||||||โดยสมัครใจ Pour accomplir cette tâche, l'empereur enrôla des soldats et des roturiers, pas toujours volontairement. この任務を遂行するために、天皇は必ずしも自発的にではなく、兵士と庶民を雇いました。 Para realizar essa tarefa, o imperador alistou soldados e plebeus, nem sempre voluntariamente.

Of the hundreds of thousands of builders recorded during the Qin Dynasty, many were forcibly conscripted peasants and others were criminals serving out sentences. ||数以百计|||||记录的||||秦朝|||强行|征召|农民||||罪犯|服刑|| ||||||||||||||against their will|forcibly enlisted|||||||| ||||||คนงานก่อสร้าง||||||||||||||||| 秦王朝の間に記録された数十万の建設業者のうち、多くは強制徴兵された農民であり、他は刑を宣告する犯罪者でした。 Das centenas de milhares de construtores registrados durante a Dinastia Qin, muitos eram camponeses recrutados à força e outros eram criminosos cumprindo sentenças. Из сотен тысяч строителей, зарегистрированных в период правления династии Цинь, многие были насильно призванными крестьянами, а другие - преступниками, отбывавшими наказание. Under the Han Dynasty, the wall grew longer still, reaching 3700 miles, and spanning from Dunhuang to the Bohai Sea. |||朝代||||更长的||延伸到|||横跨||敦煌|||渤海海域| ||Chinese ruling family||||||||||extending across||ancient Chinese city|||Bohai Sea| ||||||||||||ครอบคลุมถึง|||||ทะเลโป๋ไห่| 漢王朝の下では、壁はさらに長くなり、3700マイルに達し、敦煌から敦煌海まで広がっていました。 Sob a Dinastia Han, a parede cresceu ainda mais, alcançando 3.700 milhas, e estendendo-se de Dunhuang ao Mar de Bohai. Forced labor continued under the Han Emperor Xuandi, and the walls reputation grew into a notorious place of suffering. 强制的||继续|||||宣帝|||城墙|声誉||||臭名昭著|||苦难之地 |||||||Emperor Xuan of Han||||||||||| 漢皇帝スアンディの下で強制労働が続き、壁の評判は悪名高い苦しみの場所へと成長しました。 O trabalho forçado continuou sob o imperador Han Xuandi, e a reputação das paredes se tornou um notório lugar de sofrimento. Poems and legends of the time told of laborers buried in nearby mass graves, or even within the wall itself. 诗歌||传说||||||工人们|埋葬在||附近的|集体墓穴|集体墓地|||墙内||| ||||||||workers||||||||||| |||||||||||||หลุมฝังศพหมู่|||||| 当時の詩や伝説は、近くの集団墓地に、あるいは壁自体の中にさえ埋葬された労働者について語っています。 Poemas e lendas da época falavam de trabalhadores enterrados em valas comuns próximas, ou mesmo dentro da própria parede. Поэмы и легенды того времени рассказывали о рабочих, похороненных в близлежащих братских могилах или даже внутри самой стены. บทกวีและตำนานในสมัยนั้นเล่าถึงคนงานที่ถูกฝังอยู่ในหลุมศพหมู่ใกล้เคียง หรือแม้แต่ภายในกำแพงเอง And while no human remains have been found inside, grave pits do indicate that many workers died from accidents, hunger and exhaustion. |尽管|||遗骸|||||坟墓|墓坑|||||工人们|||事故|饥饿||疲劳过度 ||||||||||burial sites||show evidence of||||||||| |||||||||หลุมฝังศพ|||||||||||| 中には人間の遺体は発見されていませんが、墓穴は多くの労働者が事故、飢餓、疲労で亡くなったことを示しています。 E embora nenhum resto humano tenha sido encontrado dentro, as covas indicam que muitos trabalhadores morreram de acidentes, fome e exaustão. И хотя внутри не было найдено человеческих останков, могилы показывают, что многие рабочие умерли от несчастных случаев, голода и истощения. และแม้ว่าจะไม่พบศพมนุษย์ภายในหลุมศพก็ตาม หลุมศพบ่งชี้ว่ามีคนงานจำนวนมากเสียชีวิตจากอุบัติเหตุ ความหิวโหย และความเหนื่อยล้า

The wall was formidable but not invincible. |||强大的|||不可战胜 |||daunting|||impossible to defeat ||||||ไม่อาจต้านทาน 壁は手ごわいものでしたが、無敵ではありませんでした。 A parede era formidável, mas não invencível. Стена была внушительной, но не непобедимой. กำแพงนั้นแข็งแกร่งแต่ก็ไม่สามารถเอาชนะได้ Both Genghis and his son Khublai Khan managed to surmount the wall during the Mongol invasion of the 13th Century. |成吉思||||忽必烈||成功地||翻越|||在...期间|||入侵|||| |Genghis Khan||||Kublai Khan|Mongol leader|succeeded in||overcome|||||||||the | |||||||||||||||การรุกราน|||| ジンギスと彼の息子クビライカーンは、13世紀のモンゴルの侵略の間になんとか壁を乗り越えました。 Tanto Genghis quanto seu filho Khublai Khan conseguiram superar a muralha durante a invasão mongol do século XIII. И Генгис Хан, и его сын Хубилай Хан смогли преодолеть стену во время монгольского нашествия 13-го века. ทั้งเจงกีสและกุบไล ข่าน ลูกชายของเขาสามารถพิชิตกำแพงได้ในช่วงการรุกรานมองโกลในศตวรรษที่ 13 After the Ming dynasty gained control in 1368, they began to refortify and further consolidate the wall using bricks and stones from local kilns. ||明朝|朝代|获得了|控制权|||||重新加固||进一步|巩固||||砖块||||当地的|窑炉 ||Chinese dynasty name||||||||strengthen again||additionally|strengthen and unify|||||||||furnaces for firing |||||||||||||รวมกำลัง||||||||| 明王朝が1368年に支配権を獲得した後、彼らは地元の窯からのレンガと石を使用して壁を強化し、さらに強化し始めました。 Depois que a dinastia Ming assumiu o controle em 1368, eles começaram a fortalecer e consolidar ainda mais a parede usando tijolos e pedras de fornos locais. หลังจากที่ราชวงศ์หมิงได้รับการควบคุมในปี 1368 พวกเขาก็เริ่มเสริมกำลังและเสริมกำแพงให้แข็งแกร่งยิ่งขึ้นโดยใช้อิฐและหินจากเตาเผาในท้องถิ่น Averaging 23 feet high and 21 feet wide, the walls 5500 miles were punctuated by watchtowers. 平均高度||||||||英里||点缀着||瞭望塔 Measuring approximately||||||||||interrupted by intervals||guard towers เฉลี่ยสูง|||||||||||| D'une hauteur moyenne de 23 pieds et d'une largeur de 21 pieds, les murs de 5500 miles étaient ponctués de tours de guet. 高さ23フィート、幅21フィートの平均で、5500マイルの壁は望楼によって中断されました。 Com uma média de 23 pés de altura e 21 pés de largura, as paredes de 5.500 milhas eram pontuadas por torres de vigia. กำแพงสูงโดยเฉลี่ย 23 ฟุตและกว้าง 21 ฟุต กำแพงยาว 5,500 ไมล์ถูกคั่นด้วยหอสังเกตการณ์ When raiders were sighted, fire and smoke signals traveled between towers until reinforcements arrived. |袭击者||被发现|||烟雾信号|信号|传递||||援军到达| |invading forces||spotted||||alert messages|||||additional troops| |||ถูกพบเห็น|||||||||| 襲撃者が目撃されたとき、援軍が到着するまで、火と煙の信号が塔の間を移動しました。 Quando invasores foram avistados, sinais de fogo e fumaça viajaram entre as torres até que os reforços chegassem. Small openings along the wall let archers fire on invaders, while larger ones were used to drop stones and more. |小孔洞|||||弓箭手|射击||入侵者|同时||较大的开口||||投掷|石块|| |narrow slits|throughout||||bowmen|shoot arrows||enemy attackers|||||||||| |||||||||ผู้บุกรุก|||||||||| De petites ouvertures le long du mur permettaient aux archers de tirer sur les envahisseurs, tandis que les plus grandes étaient utilisées pour larguer des pierres et plus encore. 壁に沿った小さな開口部は、射手が侵入者に発砲することを可能にし、大きな開口部は石などを落とすために使用されました。 Pequenas aberturas ao longo da parede permitiam que os arqueiros atirassem nos invasores, enquanto as maiores eram usadas para jogar pedras e muito mais. But even this new and improved wall was not enough. |||||改进的||||不足以 しかし、この新しく改良された壁でさえ十分ではありませんでした。 Mas mesmo essa parede nova e melhorada não era suficiente.

In 1644, northern Manchu clans overthrew the Ming to establish the Qing dynasty, incorporating Mongolia as well, Thus, for the second time, China was ruled by the very people the wall had tried to keep out. |北方的|满族|氏族|推翻了||||建立||清朝||并入|||||||第二次||||统治||||||||||| ||||toppled||||||||including||||As a result|||||||||||||||||| ||แมนจู|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| En 1644, les clans mandchous du nord ont renversé les Ming pour établir la dynastie Qing, incorporant également la Mongolie. Ainsi, pour la deuxième fois, la Chine était gouvernée par les mêmes personnes que le mur avait essayé de garder à l'écart. 1644年、満洲北部の氏族が明を倒して清王朝を樹立し、モンゴルも取り入れました。このように、中国は2度目に、壁が避けようとしたまさにその人々によって支配されました。 Em 1644, os clãs manchus do norte derrubaram os Ming para estabelecer a dinastia Qing, incorporando também a Mongólia. Assim, pela segunda vez, a China foi governada pelas mesmas pessoas que o muro tentou impedir. В 1644 году северные маньчжурские кланы свергли династию Мин и основали династию Цин, присоединив к ней и Монголию. Таким образом, во второй раз Китай оказался под властью тех самых людей, от которых пыталась отгородиться стена. 1644年,北方满族氏族推翻明朝,建立了清朝,同时并入了蒙古,因此,中国第二次被试图阻挡的人统治。 With the empire's borders now extending beyond the Great Wall, the fortifications lost their purpose. ||帝国的|边界||延伸到||||长城||防御工事|||用途 |||||reaching beyond|past|||||defensive structures||| ||ของจักรวรรดิ|||||||||||| 帝国の国境が万里の長城を越えて広がったため、要塞は目的を失いました。 Com as fronteiras do império agora se estendendo além da Grande Muralha, as fortificações perderam seu propósito. 如今,帝国的边境已超出了长城,这些防御工事失去了其目的。 And without regular reinforcement, the wall fell into disrepair, rammed earth eroded, while brick and stone were plundered for building materials. |没有|定期的|加固|||||失修|夯土|夯土|||砖块||石头||被掠夺|||建筑材料 ||||||||poor condition|compacted soil eroded||worn away||||||stolen for use||| |||||||||||กร่อน||||||ถูกปล้นสะดม||| Et sans renforcement régulier, le mur est tombé en mauvais état, la terre battue s'est érodée, tandis que la brique et la pierre ont été pillées pour les matériaux de construction. そして、定期的な補強なしで、壁は荒廃し、版築は侵食され、レンガと石は建築材料のために略奪されました。 E sem reforço regular, a parede caiu em desuso, a terra batida erodiu, enquanto tijolos e pedras foram saqueados para materiais de construção. และหากไม่มีการเสริมกำลังเป็นประจำ กำแพงก็ทรุดโทรมลง ดินที่ถูกกระแทกถูกกัดเซาะ ในขณะที่อิฐและหินถูกปล้นไปเป็นวัสดุก่อสร้าง 没有定期的维护,长城逐渐破败,土夯侵蚀,而砖石则被掠夺用于建筑材料。 But its job wasn't finished. |||没有|完成 しかし、その仕事は終わっていませんでした。 แต่งานของมันยังไม่เสร็จสิ้น During World War II, China used sections for defense against Japanese invasion, and some parts are still rumored to be used for military training. ||||||防御工事||防御||日本军队|入侵||||||传闻|||||军事用途|训练 |||||||||||||||||believed to be|||||| |||||||||||||||||ลือกันว่า|||||| 第二次世界大戦中、中国は日本の侵略に対する防御のためにセクションを使用しました、そして、いくつかの部分はまだ軍事訓練のために使用されると噂されています。 Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a China usou seções para defesa contra a invasão japonesa, e ainda há rumores de que algumas partes foram usadas para treinamento militar. ในช่วงสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2 จีนใช้พื้นที่บางส่วนเพื่อป้องกันการรุกรานของญี่ปุ่น และยังมีข่าวลือว่าบางส่วนยังใช้สำหรับการฝึกทหารอีกด้วย But the Wall's main purpose today is cultural. ||长城的||||| ||กำแพงนี้||||| しかし、今日の壁の主な目的は文化的です。 Mas o principal objetivo do Muro hoje é cultural.

As one of the largest man-made structures on Earth, it was granted UNESCO World Heritage Status in 1987. ||||最大的|||建筑物|||||||||| |||||||||||||||Cultural legacy|| ||||||||||||ได้รับการยกย่อง||||| 地球上で最大の人工建造物の1つとして、1987年にユネスコの世界遺産に登録されました。 Como uma das maiores estruturas feitas pelo homem na Terra, foi concedido o status de Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO em 1987. Originally built to keep people out of China, the Great Wall now welcomes millions of visitors each year. ||||||||||||ต้อนรับ||||| 万里の長城はもともと人々を中国から遠ざけるために建てられましたが、今では毎年何百万人もの訪問者を迎えています。 Originalmente construída para manter as pessoas fora da China, a Grande Muralha agora recebe milhões de visitantes todos os anos. In fact, the influx of tourists has caused the wall to deteriorate, leading the Chinese government to launch preservation initiatives. |||arrival of many||||||||fall into disrepair||||||initiate|protection efforts|preservation efforts |||การหลั่งไหล|||||||||||||||| 実際、観光客の流入により壁が劣化し、中国政府は保存イニシアチブを開始しました。 De fato, o fluxo de turistas causou a deterioração do muro, levando o governo chinês a lançar iniciativas de preservação. It's also often acclaimed as the only man-made structure visible from space. |||highly praised||||||||| |||ได้รับการยกย่อง||||||||| また、宇宙から見える唯一の人工構造物としても高く評価されています。 Também é frequentemente aclamado como a única estrutura feita pelo homem visível do espaço. Unfortunately, that's not at all true. 残念ながら、それはまったく真実ではありません。 Infelizmente, isso não é verdade. In low Earth orbit, all sorts of structures, like bridges, highways and airports are visible, and the Great Wall is only barely discernible. |||path around Earth|||||||||||||||||||barely noticeable |||วงโคจรต่ำ|||||||||||||||||||มองเห็นได้ 低軌道では、橋、高速道路、空港など、あらゆる種類の構造物が見え、万里の長城はほとんど識別できません。 Na órbita baixa da Terra, todos os tipos de estruturas, como pontes, rodovias e aeroportos são visíveis, e a Grande Muralha é quase imperceptível. From the moon, it doesn't stand a chance. Depuis la lune, cela n'a aucune chance. 月から、それはチャンスに耐えられません。 Da lua, não tem chance. С Луны у него нет шансов. But regardless, it's the Earth we should be studying it from because new sections are still discovered every few years, branching off from the main body and expanding this remarkable monument to human achievement. ||||||||||||||||found or revealed||||dividing into parts|||||||growing larger|||||| |แต่ไม่ว่าอย่างไร|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Aber egal, es ist die Erde, von der aus wir es studieren sollten, weil immer noch alle paar Jahre neue Abschnitte entdeckt werden, die vom Hauptkörper abzweigen und dieses bemerkenswerte Monument menschlicher Errungenschaften erweitern. Mais quoi qu'il en soit, c'est la Terre à partir de laquelle nous devrions l'étudier, car de nouvelles sections sont encore découvertes toutes les quelques années, partant du corps principal et agrandissant ce monument remarquable à la réalisation humaine. しかし、それにもかかわらず、私たちがそれを研究する必要があるのは地球です。なぜなら、新しいセクションがまだ数年ごとに発見され、本体から分岐し、この驚くべき記念碑を人間の業績に拡大しているからです。 Mas, independentemente disso, é da Terra que devemos estudá-la, porque novas seções ainda são descobertas a cada poucos anos, ramificando-se do corpo principal e expandindo este notável monumento à conquista humana.