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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), Banking Explained – Money and Credit

Banking Explained – Money and Credit

The international banking system is an enigma.

There are more than 30.000 different banks world wide, and they hold unbelievable amounts of assets.

The top 10 banks alone account for roughly 25 trillion US-Dollars.

Today, banking can seem very complex, but originally, the idea was to make life simpler.

11th century Italy was the centre of European trading.

Merchants from all over the continent met to trade their goods, but there was one problem:

too many currencies in circulation.

In Pisa, merchants had to deal with seven different types of coins

and had to exchange their money constantly.

This exchange business, which commonly took place outdoors benches,

is where we get the word "bank" from;

from the word "banco", Italian for "bench".

The dangers of travelling, counterfeit money and the difficulty of getting a loan got people thinking.

It was time for a new business model:

home brokers started to give credit to businessmen,

while genevese merchants developed cashless payments.

Networks of banks spread all over Europe,

handing out credit even to the church, or European kings.

What about today ?

In a nutshell, banks are in the risk management business.

This is a simplified version of the way it works.

People keep their money in banks and receive a small amount of interest.

The bank takes this money, and lends it out at much higher interest rates.

It's a calculated risk, because some of the lenders will default on their credit.

This process is essential for our economic system,

because it provides resources for people to buy things like houses,

or for industries to expand their businesses and grow.

So banks take funds that are unused by savers,

and turn them into funds society can use to do stuff.

Other sources of income for banks include accepting saving deposits,

the credit card business,

buying and selling currencies,

custodian business

and cash management services.

The main problem with banks nowadays is,

that a lot of them have abandoned their traditional role as providers of long-time financial products,

in favour of short-time gains that carry much higher risks.

During the financial boom, most major banks adopted financial constructs

that were barely comprehensible

and did their own trading in habit to make fast money,

and earn their executives and traders millions in bonuses.

This was nothing short of gambling and damaged whole economies and societies.

Like back in 2008,

when banks like Lehman Brothers gave credit to basically anyone who wanted to buy a house,

and thereby put the bank in an extremely dangerous risk position.

This led to the collapse of the housing market in the US and parts of Europe,

causing stock prices to plummet, which eventually led to a global banking crisis,

and one of the largest financial crises in history.

Hundreds of billions of dollars just evaporated.

Millions of people lost their jobs and lots of money.

Most of the world's major banks had to pay billions in fines

and bankers became some of the least trusted professionals.

The US government and the European Union had to put together huge bailout packages

to purchase bad assets and stop the banks from going bankrupt.

New regulations were put into force to govern the banking business,

compulsory bank emergency funds were enforced to absorb shocks in the event of another financial crisis.

But other pieces of tough new legislation were successfully blocked by the banking lobby.

Today, other models of providing financing are gaining ground fast.

Like new investment banks, that charge a yearly fee

and do not get commissions on sales, thus providing the motivation to act in the motivation in the best interests of their clients.

or credit unions - cooperative initiatives that were established in the 19th century

to circumvent credit sharks.

In a nutshell, they provide the same financial services as banks,

but focus on shared value rather than profit maximisation.

The self proclaimed goal is to help members create opportunities like starting small businesses,

expanding farms or building family homes

while investing back into communities.

They are controlled by their members, who also elect the board of directors democratically.

World wide, credit union systems vary significantly,

ranging from a handful of members

to organisations with several billion US-Dollars

and hundreds of thousands of members.

The focus on benefits for their members impacts the risk credit unions are willing to take,

which explains why credit unions, although also hurting,

survived the last financial crisis way better than traditional banks.

Not to forget the explosion of crowdfunding in recent years.

Aside from making awesome video games possible,

platforms roused that enabled people to get loans from large groups of small investors,

circumventing the bank as a middleman.

But it also works for industry -

lots of new technology companies started out on kickstarter or indiegogo.

The funding individual gets the satisfaction of being part of a bigger thing,

and can invest in ideas they believe in.

While spreading the risk so widely, that, if the project fails, the damage is limited.

And last but not least, micro credits.

Lots of very small loans, mostly handed out in developing countries that help people escape poverty.

People who were previously unable to get access to the money they needed to start a business,

because they weren't deemed worth the time.

Nowadays, the granting of micro-credits has evolved into a multi-billion dollar business.

So, banking might not be up your street, but the banks' role of providing funds to people and businesses

is crucial for our society and has to be done.

Who will do it and how it will be done in the future is up for us to decide, though.

Banking Explained – Money and Credit Bankwesen|||| Bankwesen erklärt - Geld und Kredit Explicación de la banca - Dinero y crédito Les banques expliquées - L'argent et le crédit L'attività bancaria spiegata - Denaro e credito 銀行業務の説明 - お金と信用 Bankieren uitgelegd - Geld en krediet Bankowość objaśniona - pieniądze i kredyty Banking Explained - Dinheiro e crédito Банковское дело - Деньги и кредит Bankacılık Açıklaması - Para ve Kredi Пояснюємо банківську справу - Гроші та кредит 银行业解释——货币与信贷 银行业务解释 - 货币与信贷

The international banking system is an enigma. ||||||Rätsel ||銀行業務||||

There are more than 30.000 different banks world wide, and they hold unbelievable amounts of assets. |||||Banken||||||||| Il existe plus de 30 000 banques différentes dans le monde, qui détiennent des quantités incroyables d'actifs. Existem mais de 30.000 bancos diferentes em todo o mundo, e eles possuem quantidades inacreditáveis de ativos.

The top 10 banks alone account for roughly 25 trillion US-Dollars. Les dix premières banques représentent à elles seules environ 25 000 milliards de dollars américains. Лише на 10 найбільших банків припадає близько 25 трильйонів доларів США.

Today, banking can seem very complex, but originally, the idea was to make life simpler.

11th century Italy was the centre of European trading.

Merchants from all over the continent met to trade their goods, but there was one problem: Händler||||||||||||||| Mercaderes de todo el continente se reunían para intercambiar sus mercancías, pero había un problema:

too many currencies in circulation. ||Währungen||Umlauf ||通貨||

In Pisa, merchants had to deal with seven different types of coins |Pisa||||||||||Münzen |ピサ||||||||||

and had to exchange their money constantly.

This exchange business, which commonly took place outdoors benches, |||||||im Freien|Bänke |||||行われた|||ベンチ Este negocio de intercambio, que comúnmente tenía lugar al aire libre bancos, Cette activité d'échange, qui se déroulait couramment sur des bancs extérieurs, この交換ビジネスは、一般的に屋外のベンチで行われていました。 Это биржевой бизнес, который обычно происходил на открытом воздухе на скамейках,

is where we get the word "bank" from; es de donde procede la palabra "banco"; ここから私たちは「銀行」という言葉を得ています。

from the word "banco", Italian for "bench". |||Bank|||Bank |||ベンチ||| de la palabra "banco", que en italiano significa "banco". イタリア語で「ベンチ」を意味する「バンコ」という言葉から来ています。

The dangers of travelling, counterfeit money and the difficulty of getting a loan got people thinking. |Gefahren||Reisen|Falschgeld||||||||Darlehen||| ||||偽造の||||||||||| Los peligros de viajar, la falsificación de moneda y la dificultad para conseguir un préstamo hicieron reflexionar a la gente. Les dangers des voyages, la fausse monnaie et la difficulté d'obtenir un prêt ont fait réfléchir les gens. 旅行の危険性、偽造紙幣、融資の取得の難しさが人々を考えさせた。 Os perigos das viagens, o dinheiro falso e a dificuldade de conseguir um empréstimo fizeram as pessoas pensarem.

It was time for a new business model: 新しいビジネスモデルの時代が来た:

home brokers started to give credit to businessmen, |Makler||||||Geschäftsleute |||||||実業家 ホームブローカーはビジネスマンに信用を与え始めた。 home brokers passaram a dar crédito a empresários,

while genevese merchants developed cashless payments. |Genfer||| bargeldlos|Zahlungen ||||現金不要| tandis que les commerçants genevois développent les paiements sans numéraire. enquanto os comerciantes geneveses desenvolveram pagamentos sem dinheiro.

Networks of banks spread all over Europe, Des réseaux de banques s'étendent à toute l'Europe,

handing out credit even to the church, or European kings. vergeben|||||||||Könige 配布している||||||||| de crédit, même à l'église ou aux rois européens.

What about today ?

In a nutshell, banks are in the risk management business. En pocas palabras, los bancos se dedican a la gestión de riesgos. En bref, les banques sont actives dans la gestion des risques. Em poucas palavras, os bancos estão no negócio de gerenciamento de risco.

This is a simplified version of the way it works.

People keep their money in banks and receive a small amount of interest. ||||||||||||Zinsen

The bank takes this money, and lends it out at much higher interest rates. ||||||verleiht||||||| ||||||貸し出す||||||| La banque prend cet argent et le prête à des taux d'intérêt beaucoup plus élevés.

It's a calculated risk, because some of the lenders will default on their credit. ||berechnetes||||||Kreditgeber||ausfallen||| ||||||||||デフォルト||| É um risco calculado, porque alguns dos credores ficarão inadimplentes em seus créditos.

This process is essential for our economic system,

because it provides resources for people to buy things like houses,

or for industries to expand their businesses and grow. ||||||Unternehmen||

So banks take funds that are unused by savers, ||||||unbenutzt||Sparern ||||||||預金者 Les banques prennent donc des fonds qui ne sont pas utilisés par les épargnants,

and turn them into funds society can use to do stuff.

Other sources of income for banks include accepting saving deposits, |||||||entgegennehmen|Einsparungen|Einlagen |||||||||預金 L'acceptation des dépôts d'épargne constitue une autre source de revenus pour les banques,

the credit card business, ||Karte|

buying and selling currencies,

custodian business Treuhänder| 管理者| entreprise dépositaire

and cash management services. et des services de gestion de trésorerie.

The main problem with banks nowadays is,

that a lot of them have abandoned their traditional role as providers of long-time financial products, ||||||aufgegeben|||||||||finanzielle| ||||||放棄した|||||||||| qu'un grand nombre d'entre elles ont abandonné leur rôle traditionnel de fournisseurs de produits financiers à long terme,

in favour of short-time gains that carry much higher risks. |zugunsten||||||||| |||||利益|||||

During the financial boom, most major banks adopted financial constructs |||||||adopiert||Konstrukte |||||||||金融商品 Pendant le boom financier, la plupart des grandes banques ont adopté des concepts financiers

that were barely comprehensible ||kaum|kaum verständlich

and did their own trading in habit to make fast money, ||||||Gewohnheit|||| et ont fait leurs propres opérations par habitude pour gagner rapidement de l'argent,

and earn their executives and traders millions in bonuses. |||Führungskräfte||Händler|||Prämien |||幹部||||| et rapportent à leurs dirigeants et traders des millions de dollars de bonus.

This was nothing short of gambling and damaged whole economies and societies. |||||Glücksspiel||beschädigte||Wirtschaften|| |||||ギャンブル|||||| Il s'agissait ni plus ni moins d'un jeu d'argent qui a porté atteinte à des économies et des sociétés entières. Це було нічим іншим, як азартною грою, яка завдавала шкоди цілим економікам і суспільствам.

Like back in 2008,

when banks like Lehman Brothers gave credit to basically anyone who wanted to buy a house, |||Lehman Brothers|Lehman Brüder||||||||||| |||リーマン||||||||||||

and thereby put the bank in an extremely dangerous risk position. |und damit||||||||| |それによって|||||||||

This led to the collapse of the housing market in the US and parts of Europe, Cela a entraîné l'effondrement du marché immobilier aux États-Unis et dans certaines parties de l'Europe,

causing stock prices to plummet, which eventually led to a global banking crisis, ||||stürzen|||||||| causing stock prices to plummet, which eventually led to a global banking crisis, entraînant la chute des cours des actions, ce qui a fini par provoquer une crise bancaire mondiale,

and one of the largest financial crises in history. ||||||Krisen||

Hundreds of billions of dollars just evaporated.

Millions of people lost their jobs and lots of money.

Most of the world's major banks had to pay billions in fines

and bankers became some of the least trusted professionals. |Bankiers||||||| |銀行家||||||| а банкіри стали одними з найменш довірених професіоналів.

The US government and the European Union had to put together huge bailout packages ||||||Union||||||Rettungspakete|Hilfspakete ||||||||||||救済策| Le gouvernement américain et l'Union européenne ont dû mettre en place d'énormes plans de sauvetage. O governo dos Estados Unidos e a União Europeia tiveram que reunir enormes pacotes de resgate

to purchase bad assets and stop the banks from going bankrupt. |kaufen|||||||||pleite gehen викуповувати погані активи та запобігати банкрутству банків.

New regulations were put into force to govern the banking business, |||eingeführt||||regulieren||| Neue Vorschriften wurden erlassen, um das Bankgeschäft zu regeln. Були введені в дію нові правила, що регулюють банківський бізнес,

compulsory bank emergency funds were enforced to absorb shocks in the event of another financial crisis. |||||durchgesetzt|||Schocks||||||| Pflichtmäßige Banken-Notfallfonds wurden durchgesetzt, um Schocks im Falle einer weiteren Finanzkrise abzufedern. було запроваджено обов'язкове створення банківських фондів на випадок надзвичайних ситуацій для поглинання шоків у разі наступної фінансової кризи.

But other pieces of tough new legislation were successfully blocked by the banking lobby. ||||strenge||Gesetzgebung||||||| |||||||||||||ロビー活動 Aber andere strenge neue gesetzliche Regelungen wurden erfolgreich vom Bankenlobby blockiert. Але інші жорсткі норми нового законодавства були успішно заблоковані банківським лобі.

Today, other models of providing financing are gaining ground fast. ||Modelle|||||gewinnen|| Aujourd'hui, d'autres modèles de financement gagnent rapidement du terrain. 今日、他の資金提供のモデルが急速に支持を集めています。 Сьогодні інші моделі надання фінансування швидко набирають обертів.

Like new investment banks, that charge a yearly fee |||||||jährlichen|Gebühr Comme les nouvelles banques d'investissement, qui facturent une redevance annuelle 年会費を請求する新しい投資銀行のように、

and do not get commissions on sales, thus providing the motivation to act in the motivation in the best interests of their clients. ||||Provisionen|||und damit||||||||||||||| ||||手数料|||||||||||||||||| et ne perçoivent pas de commissions sur les ventes, ce qui les incite à agir dans l'intérêt de leurs clients. 販売に対して手数料を得ないため、顧客の最善の利益に基づいて行動する動機を提供します。

or credit unions - cooperative initiatives that were established in the 19th century ||Genossenschaften|genossenschaftlich|Initiativen|||etabliert|||| ||協同組合||イニシアティブ|||||||

to circumvent credit sharks. |umgehen||Kredithaie |||貸金業者 pour contourner les requins du crédit. para contornar os tubarões do crédito.

In a nutshell, they provide the same financial services as banks,

but focus on shared value rather than profit maximisation. |||gemeinsamen|||||Maximierung ||||||||最大化

The self proclaimed goal is to help members create opportunities like starting small businesses, ||selbsternannt||||||||||| L'objectif autoproclamé est d'aider les membres à créer des opportunités telles que la création de petites entreprises,

expanding farms or building family homes

while investing back into communities. |investieren||| tout en investissant dans les communautés.

They are controlled by their members, who also elect the board of directors democratically. ||||||||wählen||Vorstand||Vorstand|demokratisch ||||||||選出する|||||民主的に

World wide, credit union systems vary significantly,

ranging from a handful of members von einer Handvoll|||eine Handvoll|| allant d'une poignée de membres variando de um punhado de membros

to organisations with several billion US-Dollars |Organisationen||||| |組織に対して|||||

and hundreds of thousands of members.

The focus on benefits for their members impacts the risk credit unions are willing to take, L'accent mis sur les avantages pour leurs membres a une incidence sur le risque que les coopératives de crédit sont prêtes à prendre,

which explains why credit unions, although also hurting, ce qui explique pourquoi les coopératives de crédit, bien qu'elles soient également en difficulté,

survived the last financial crisis way better than traditional banks.

Not to forget the explosion of crowdfunding in recent years. ||||||Schwarmfinanzierung||| ||||||クラウドファンディング||| Sans oublier l'explosion du crowdfunding ces dernières années.

Aside from making awesome video games possible, Outre le fait qu'il permet de réaliser des jeux vidéo géniaux,

platforms roused that enabled people to get loans from large groups of small investors, |erweckt||||||Darlehen|||||| プラットフォーム||||||||||||| des plateformes ont vu le jour, permettant aux gens d'obtenir des prêts auprès de grands groupes de petits investisseurs,

circumventing the bank as a middleman. umgehen|||||Vermittler |||||仲介者 en contournant la banque en tant qu'intermédiaire.

But it also works for industry -

lots of new technology companies started out on kickstarter or indiegogo. ||||||||Kickstarter||Indiegogo ||||||||クラウドファンディングサイト|| De nombreuses entreprises de nouvelles technologies ont démarré sur Kickstarter ou Indiegogo. 多くの新しいテクノロジー企業がキックスターターやインディゴゴで始まりました。

The funding individual gets the satisfaction of being part of a bigger thing, 資金提供をする個人は、より大きなものの一部であるという満足感を得ることができます。

and can invest in ideas they believe in. そして、自分が信じるアイデアに投資することができます。

While spreading the risk so widely, that, if the project fails, the damage is limited. |||||||wenn|das||scheitert|||| Tout en répartissant les risques de manière à limiter les dégâts en cas d'échec du projet.

And last but not least, micro credits. |||||Mikro|Mikrokredite ||||||クレジット

Lots of very small loans, mostly handed out in developing countries that help people escape poverty. ||||||ausgegeben|||entwickelnden||||||

People who were previously unable to get access to the money they needed to start a business, |||früher|nicht in der Lage||||||||||||

because they weren't deemed worth the time. parce qu'ils n'ont pas été jugés dignes d'intérêt. тому що вони не були варті того, щоб витрачати на них час.

Nowadays, the granting of micro-credits has evolved into a multi-billion dollar business. ||Gewährung||Mikro-||||||||| |||||マイクロクレジット||||||||

So, banking might not be up your street, but the banks' role of providing funds to people and businesses La banque n'est peut-être pas votre tasse de thé, mais le rôle des banques, qui consiste à fournir des fonds aux particuliers et aux entreprises, est très important pour vous.

is crucial for our society and has to be done.

Who will do it and how it will be done in the future is up for us to decide, though. Pero quién lo hará y cómo se hará en el futuro es algo que debemos decidir nosotros. Mais c'est à nous de décider qui le fera et comment il sera fait à l'avenir.