Lesson 10 - A tough routine
Lektion 10 - Eine harte Routine
Μάθημα 10 - Μια σκληρή ρουτίνα
Lección 10 - Una rutina dura
Leçon 10 - Une routine difficile
Lezione 10 - Una routine impegnativa
レッスン10 タフなルーティン
레슨 10 - 힘든 루틴
Lekcja 10 - Trudna rutyna
Lição 10 - Uma rotina difícil
Урок 10 - Жесткая рутина
Ders 10 - Zorlu bir rutin
第 10 课 - 艰难的例行公事
第 10 課 - 艱難的例行公事
I love being a dad but the routine is really tough!
Λατρεύω να είμαι μπαμπάς, αλλά η ρουτίνα είναι πραγματικά σκληρή!
Every day, I wake up at 5:20 to make breakfast
Κάθε μέρα, ξυπνάω στις 5:20 για να φτιάξω πρωινό.
for my son before taking him to school.
για το γιο μου πριν τον πάω στο σχολείο.
I start work at 8:00 and I have lots of meetings a day.
Ξεκινάω τη δουλειά μου στις 8:00 και έχω πολλές συναντήσεις την ημέρα.
I almost never leave work before 7 pm so
my wife picks up our son from school
and keeps him busy during the day.
I believe it's really important to have a career
||||||||profession or job
but I also miss spending time with my family.