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inside reading 3, 2- the new magalopolis

2- the new magalopolis

China isn't the world's most ferocious new economic competitor—the exploding east-coast corridor, from Beijing to Shanghai, is. India as a whole is not developing high-tech industries and attracting jobs, but the booming mega-region stretching from Bangalore to Hyderabad is. Across the world, in fact, nations don't spur growth so much as dynamic regions—modern versions of the original "megalopolis," a term coined by the geographer Jean Gottman to identify the sprawling Boston-New York-Washington economic power corridor in the United States.

The New Megas are the real economic organizing units of the world and the major sources of global wealth, attracting a large share of its talent and generating the most innovation. They take shape as powerful complexes of multiple cities and suburbs, often stretching across national borders— forming a vast expanse of trade, transport, communications, and talent. Yet, despite the fact that the rise of regions has been apparent for more than a decade, no one has collected systematic information on them—not the World Bank, not the IMF, not the United Nations, not the global consulting firms.

That's why a team of geographers set about building a world map of the New Megas shaped by satellite images of the world at night, using light emissions to define the outlines of each region, and additional data in categories such as population and economic growth to chart their relative peak strengths and dynamism.

The map makes it clear that the global economy takes shape around perhaps 20 great Megas scattered throughout the world. These regions are home to just 10 percent of total world population, 660 million people, but produce half of all economic activity, two-thirds of world-class scientific activity, and three quarters of global innovations. The great urbanologist Jane Jacobs was the first to describe why megalopolises grow. When people migrate to one place, they all become more productive. And the place itself becomes much more productive, because collective creativity grows exponentially. Ideas How more freely, are honed more sharply, and can be put into practice more quickly.

There is, however, a tipping point. The forces of price and congestion begin pushing people away from the center. But make no mistake, this has nothing to do with the "decentralization of work," as many have argued. The huge economic advantages of clustering still guide the process, which is why second cities emerge near big cities or in the corridors between them, not in the middle of nowhere. The first region to achieve Mega status and still the biggest Mega in economic terms

is the Boston-to-Washington corridor in the U.S. In 1961 it was home to about 32 million people; by 2025 its population is expected to rise to 58 million, or about 16 percent of all the U.S. population. The region generates (2.6 trillion in economic activity, making it the world's fourth largest economy, bigger than France or the United Kingdom. Next in line is Chi-Pitts, the great Midwestern Mega running from Chicago to Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh, with $2.1 trillion in economic activity. Three of the power centers of the U.S. economy even stretch beyond American borders: So-Cal runs from Los Angeles to San Diego across the Mexican border to Tijuana; Tor-Buff-Chester sprawls from Toronto, Ontario, to Rochester, New York; and Cascadia runs from Portland, Oregon, to Vancouver, British Colombia.

Aside from the island-bound financial center of Greater London, Europe's major economic engines do not rely on old borders to define themselves. The Euro-Lowlands cuts across four nations: the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and France. The Euro-Sunbelt stretches from Barcelona to Marseille, attracting people and firms with competitive costs and the Mediterranean lifestyle. Japan is less a country than a network of linked Mega-regions, anchored by Greater Tokyo: indeed, a close look at the light-emissions map shows that its three major metro regions are blurring into a megalopolis of more than 100 million people.

While Mega-regions power advanced economies, they literally define the emerging nations. The world's largest concentration of megacities, one of ten mega-comdors in India, stretches from northwest India to Bangladesh across the Indo-Gangetic plain and links a dozen major metropolitan areas. If you removed its Megas, China would be virtually meaningless as an economic category. What matters are the Shang-King (Shanghai to Nanjing) and Hong-Zen (Hong Kong to Shenzhen) corridors and the area of Greater Beijing. Their combined regional populations totaled more than 274 million people in 2010. These three Megas account for most of Chinese economic output, attract most of its talent, and generate the great majority of its innovations.

Instead of technology helping to spread economic opportunity and lift many more boats, economic power is concentrating in a small number of key regions. It's time for political and economic leadership to wake up to this new reality. It makes little sense to dwell on individual cities or countries anymore, when the real engines of survival, innovation, and growth are the New Megas.

2- the new magalopolis 2- ماجالوبوليس الجديدة 2- das neue Magalopolis 2- la nueva magalopolis 2- la nouvelle magalopolis 2- 新しいマガロポリス 2- nowe magalopolis 2- a nova magalopolis 2 - новый магалополис 2- yeni̇ magalopoli̇s 2-新的magalopolis 2-新马加洛波利斯 2-新馬加洛波利斯

China isn't the world's most ferocious new economic competitor—the exploding east-coast corridor, from Beijing to Shanghai, is. الصين ليست المنافس الاقتصادي الجديد الأكثر شراسة في العالم - ممر الساحل الشرقي المتفجر ، من بكين إلى شنغهاي ، هو كذلك. 中国は世界で最も獰猛な新しい経済競争相手ではない。 中国不是世界上最凶猛的新经济竞争对手——从北京到上海的东海岸走廊才是。 India as a whole is not developing high-tech industries and attracting jobs, but the booming mega-region stretching from Bangalore to Hyderabad is. لا تقوم الهند ككل بتطوير صناعات عالية التقنية وجذب الوظائف ، ولكن المنطقة الضخمة المزدهرة الممتدة من بنغالور إلى حيدر أباد هي كذلك. 印度作为一个整体并没有发展高科技产业和吸引就业机会,但从班加罗尔延伸到海得拉巴的蓬勃发展的大区域却是。 Across the world, in fact, nations don't spur growth so much as dynamic regions—modern versions of the original "megalopolis," a term coined by the geographer Jean Gottman to identify the sprawling Boston-New York-Washington economic power corridor in the United States. |||||||stimuler||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 地理学者ジーン・ゴットマンがアメリカのボストン、ニューヨーク、ワシントンの経済大動脈を指すために作った造語である。 事实上,在世界范围内,国家并没有像充满活力的地区那样刺激增长——原始“大都市”的现代版本,这是地理学家让·戈特曼创造的一个术语,用于识别波士顿-纽约-华盛顿庞大的经济权力走廊。美国。

The New Megas are the real economic organizing units of the world and the major sources of global wealth, attracting a large share of its talent and generating the most innovation. ニューメガは、世界の真の経済組織であり、世界の富の主要な源泉であり、世界の才能の大部分を惹きつけ、最も多くのイノベーションを生み出している。 新超级大国是世界真正的经济组织单位和全球财富的主要来源,吸引了大量人才,产生了最多的创新。 They take shape as powerful complexes of multiple cities and suburbs, often stretching across national borders— forming a vast expanse of trade, transport, communications, and talent. 複数の都市や郊外からなる強力な複合体として形成され、しばしば国境を越えて広がり、貿易、輸送、通信、そして人材の広大な広がりを形成する。 它们形成了多个城市和郊区的强大综合体,通常跨越国界——形成广阔的贸易、交通、通讯和人才。 Yet, despite the fact that the rise of regions has been apparent for more than a decade, no one has collected systematic information on them—not the World Bank, not the IMF, not the United Nations, not the global consulting firms. ||||||essor|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| しかし、地域の台頭は10年以上前から明らかであったにもかかわらず、世界銀行も、IMFも、国連も、グローバルなコンサルティング会社も、誰も地域に関する体系的な情報を集めてこなかった。 然而,尽管十多年来地区的崛起已经很明显,但没有人收集过关于它们的系统信息——不是世界银行,不是国际货币基金组织,不是联合国,更不是全球咨询公司。

That's why a team of geographers set about building a world map of the New Megas shaped by satellite images of the world at night, using light emissions to define the outlines of each region, and additional data in categories such as population and economic growth to chart their relative peak strengths and dynamism. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cartographier||||forces|| そのため、地理学者のチームは、夜の世界の衛星画像を用いてニューメガスの世界地図を作成することに着手した。 Вот почему группа географов приступила к созданию карты мира Нового Мегаса, сформированной на основе спутниковых снимков мира в ночное время, с использованием светового излучения для определения контуров каждого региона и дополнительных данных в таких категориях, как население и экономический рост, для построения карт. их относительная максимальная сила и динамизм. 这就是为什么一个地理学家团队着手绘制一张由夜间世界卫星图像形成的新梅加斯世界地图,使用光发射来定义每个地区的轮廓,并使用人口和经济增长等类别的额外数据来绘制图表他们的相对峰值强度和活力。

The map makes it clear that the global economy takes shape around perhaps 20 great Megas scattered throughout the world. |||||||||||||||éparpillés||| 这张地图清楚地表明,全球经济正在围绕分散在世界各地的大约 20 个大型 Megas 形成。 These regions are home to just 10 percent of total world population, 660 million people, but produce half of all economic activity, two-thirds of world-class scientific activity, and three quarters of global innovations. 这些地区的人口仅占世界总人口的 10%,即 6.6 亿人口,但却产生了一半的经济活动、三分之二的世界级科学活动和四分之三的全球创新。 The great urbanologist Jane Jacobs was the first to describe why megalopolises grow. When people migrate to one place, they all become more productive. When people migrate to one place, they all become more productive. 当人们迁移到一个地方时,他们都会变得更有生产力。 And the place itself becomes much more productive, because collective creativity grows exponentially. 而且这个地方本身变得更有生产力,因为集体创造力呈指数级增长。 Ideas How more freely, are honed more sharply, and can be put into practice more quickly. アイデアはより自由に、より鋭く研ぎ澄まされ、より素早く実践できる。 Ý tưởng Tự do hơn, được mài giũa sắc nét hơn, và có thể được đưa vào thực tế nhanh chóng hơn. 想法如何更自由,更敏锐,并且可以更快地付诸实践。

There is, however, a tipping point. ||||point de basculement| 然而,有一个转折点。 The forces of price and congestion begin pushing people away from the center. |||||congestion||||||| 价格和拥堵的力量开始将人们推离中心。 But make no mistake, this has nothing to do with the "decentralization of work," as many have argued. しかし、多くの人が主張しているように、これは「仕事の分散化」とは何の関係もない。 但请不要误会,这与许多人所说的“工作分权”无关。 The huge economic advantages of clustering still guide the process, which is why second cities emerge near big cities or in the corridors between them, not in the middle of nowhere. |||||regroupement||||||||||||||||||||||||| そのため、第二の都市は大都市の近くや大都市間の回廊に誕生するのであって、人里離れた場所には誕生しないのだ。 集群的巨大经济优势仍然引导着这一进程,这就是为什么第二城市出现在大城市附近或它们之间的走廊上,而不是在偏僻的地方。 The first region to achieve Mega status and still the biggest Mega in economic terms 第一个达到 Mega 地位的地区,并且在经济方面仍然是最大的 Mega

is the Boston-to-Washington corridor in the U.S. はアメリカのボストンからワシントンへの回廊である。 In 1961 it was home to about 32 million people; by 2025 its population is expected to rise to 58 million, or about 16 percent of all the U.S. 1961 年,这里居住着大约 3200 万人;到 2025 年,其人口预计将增至 5800 万,约占美国总人口的 16% population. The region generates (2.6 trillion in economic activity, making it the world's fourth largest economy, bigger than France or the United Kingdom. 该地区产生了 2.6 万亿的经济活动,使其成为世界第四大经济体,超过法国或英国。 Next in line is Chi-Pitts, the great Midwestern Mega running from Chicago to Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh, with $2.1 trillion in economic activity. Three of the power centers of the U.S. economy even stretch beyond American borders: So-Cal runs from Los Angeles to San Diego across the Mexican border to Tijuana; Tor-Buff-Chester sprawls from Toronto, Ontario, to Rochester, New York; and Cascadia runs from Portland, Oregon, to Vancouver, British Colombia. 经济甚至超越了美国边界:So-Cal 从洛杉矶到圣地亚哥,穿过墨西哥边境到达蒂华纳; Tor-Buff-Chester 从安大略省的多伦多蔓延到纽约的罗切斯特;卡斯卡迪亚从俄勒冈州的波特兰到英属哥伦比亚的温哥华。

Aside from the island-bound financial center of Greater London, Europe's major economic engines do not rely on old borders to define themselves. グレーター・ロンドンのような島国の金融センターは別として、ヨーロッパの主要な経済エンジンは、自らを定義するために古い国境に頼ってはいない。 除了大伦敦的岛屿金融中心之外,欧洲的主要经济引擎并不依靠旧边界来定义自己。 The Euro-Lowlands cuts across four nations: the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and France. ||pays-bas|||||||||| ユーロ・ローランドは、オランダ、ベルギー、ドイツ、フランスの4カ国にまたがっている。 欧洲低地横跨四个国家:荷兰、比利时、德国和法国。 The Euro-Sunbelt stretches from Barcelona to Marseille, attracting people and firms with competitive costs and the Mediterranean lifestyle. Euro-Sunbelt 从巴塞罗那延伸到马赛,以具有竞争力的成本和地中海生活方式吸引着人们和公司。 Japan is less a country than a network of linked Mega-regions, anchored by Greater Tokyo: indeed, a close look at the light-emissions map shows that its three major metro regions are blurring into a megalopolis of more than 100 million people. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||se fondent|||||||| 日本は国というより、大東京を中心としたメガリージョンのネットワークである。実際、光排出マップをよく見ると、3つの主要都市圏が1億人以上のメガロポリスにぼやけていることがわかる。 日本与其说是一个国家,不如说是一个以大东京为基础的大都市网络:事实上,仔细观察发光地图就会发现,它的三个主要大都市地区正在逐渐变成一个拥有超过 1 亿人口的大都市。

While Mega-regions power advanced economies, they literally define the emerging nations. ||||||||||émergents| 虽然巨型区域为发达经济体提供动力,但它们确实定义了新兴国家。 The world's largest concentration of megacities, one of ten mega-comdors in India, stretches from northwest India to Bangladesh across the Indo-Gangetic plain and links a dozen major metropolitan areas. 世界上最大的特大城市集中地,是印度十个特大城市之一,从印度西北部延伸到孟加拉国,横跨印度恒河平原,连接了十几个主要大都市地区。 If you removed its Megas, China would be virtually meaningless as an economic category. 如果你去掉它的 Megas,中国作为一个经济类别实际上将毫无意义。 What matters are the Shang-King (Shanghai to Nanjing) and Hong-Zen (Hong Kong to Shenzhen) corridors and the area of Greater Beijing. 重要的是尚景(上海到南京)和洪禅(香港到深圳)走廊和大北京地区。 Their combined regional populations totaled more than 274 million people in 2010. 2010 年,它们的区域人口总数超过 2.74 亿。 These three Megas account for most of Chinese economic output, attract most of its talent, and generate the great majority of its innovations. |||||||||production économique||||||||||||| 这三大巨头占中国经济产出的大部分,吸引了大部分人才,并产生了绝大多数创新。

Instead of technology helping to spread economic opportunity and lift many more boats, economic power is concentrating in a small number of key regions. ||||||||||||bateaux||||||||||| 技术不是帮助传播经济机会和提升更多的船只,而是经济力量集中在少数关键地区。 It's time for political and economic leadership to wake up to this new reality. 是时候让政治和经济领导层意识到这一新现实了。 It makes little sense to dwell on individual cities or countries anymore, when the real engines of survival, innovation, and growth are the New Megas. |||||s'attarder sur||||||||||||||||||| 生き残り、革新、成長の真の原動力はニューメガである。 当生存、创新和增长的真正引擎是新的超级大国时,再纠结于个别城市或国家是没有意义的。