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All Ears English, 30- The Best Ways to Spend New Year’s Eve in New York City

30- The Best Ways to Spend New Year's Eve in New York City

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 30: Meeting Monday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Gabby: In this episode, find out about four different ideas for what to do on New Year's in New York City.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's going on?

Gabby: Well, here we are, Monday, and it's almost the end of the year. Can you believe it?

Lindsay: I am so excited to celebrate New Year's.

Gabby: I know. 2014 is coming up soon.

Lindsay: Yes.

That's so exciting.

Gabby: It is.

Lindsay: Aw man. What are you gonna (going to) do this year for New Year's?

Gabby: Well, you know what? I know what I'm not gonna (going to) do. I'm not gonna (going to) go out and party like crazy ‘cause (because) I've kinda been there and done that, and (you know) there's (there are) so many clubs where you can go out dancing and get crazy, but there's (there are) a lot of different things you can do that are fun and, (you know), where you get to spend time with your friends. (Um), like just watch the ball drop either on TV… Lindsay:



or in New York City itself.



So today we're talking about what people do in New York, specifically, on New Year's Eve. How could you spend – let's imagine that you're living here in Boston, maybe you're living in Washington, DC and you wanna (want to) spend New Year's Eve in New York City.

Gabby: Uh-huh.

Lindsay: To ring in the New Year.

Gabby: Yeah.

It's (like) the iconic experience.

Lindsay: Absolutely.

Gabby: To be there in Times Square…

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: …in New York City.

Lindsay: So yeah.

Gabby: I mean people all over the country, maybe all over the world, watch this celebration in Times Square to see that ball drop and start the New Year.

Lindsay: They do, but one thing I would warn you is that if you want to meet New Yorkers, you won't meet them in Times Square because actual people who live in New York don't – they stay as far as they possibly can from Times Square.

Gabby: It's more popular with tourists.

Lindsay: For sure.

Gabby: And I'm sure New Yorkers feel that “been there, done that” kind of thing. I mean – well, I mean Times Square is there. You can go there anytime (I mean), and New Year's Eve, is super, super crowded.

Lindsay: Definitely.


So just going down there and having to deal with all the people might be kind of a headache for a native New Yorker…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …I suppose.

Lindsay: Yeah.

I think native New Yorkers, in general, avoid Times Square all year.

Gabby: Umm.

Lindsay: Like they never – you don't go there.

Gabby: It is such a cool place. I was just there yesterday.

Lindsay: Uh-huh.

Gabby: (Um) I took a trip from Boston to New York City with a friend of mine and of course we went to Times Square. We had to go take pictures (you know). It's a, it's a must see…

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: …if you go to New York City, but anyway back to New Year's Eve. If you do want to go to Times Square, it's really important to plan ahead and have a strategy to stay comfortable because you do have to stand there for several hours. You need to go early, find a spot, and then there's really not a lot of movement allowed, so you're gonna (going to) be standing in the same place for maybe up to six hours.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: (Um) so you need to have a plan, like bring some snacks, bring some water. (Uh) maybe find out in advance, if there is (like) a place where you can go, (you know), to use the facilities. Yeah, so (um), it can be exciting, kind of like a once in a lifetime experience, but definitely plan ahead and you might wanna (want to) go with some friends. You know, you don't wanna (want to) be walking around alone. It probably wouldn't be as fun, but (um) just…

Lindsay: And dress warmly.

Gabby: Oh that's right.

Lindsay: New York at New Year's Eve.

Gabby: Cold.

Lindsay: Right now it's the end of November, and its 25° (degrees) Fahrenheit, which is about 0 Celsius. Right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So, and it's only early November.

Gabby: So. Yeah.

I feel like we should be specific about what it means to dress warmly because to my students it means wearing (like) fashionable jeans and a hoodie…

Lindsay: Oh boy.

Gabby: …outside.

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: So yeah, wear long johns. Wear (like) at least two pairs of pants. (Um) wear about five layers on top. Wear a big winter coat.

Lindsay: Down coat.

Gabby: Hat. Yeah.

Down coat.


Big down coat.

Lindsay: Wool hat.

Gabby: Wool hat, gloves, scarf, maybe even something that covers your face. (Like) it is cold.

Lindsay: Get the right materials.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. Exactly. (Um), so yeah, so if you don't go to Times Square, what are some other things that you could do for New Year's Eve? Like around New York or even in Boston or another big city.

Lindsay: Yeah.

(Um), so when I lived in New York, I just went to a house party on New Year's Eve, I think a few years in a row. So that's something that's typical.

Gabby': Yeah. I think that's one of the best things you can do is, (you know), if you have friends, (uh), nearby, (uh) see if they're having a house party or host your own house party if you have space for that.

Lindsay: Right ‘cause (because) the problem that you run into, and this is true in Boston and New York, a lot of the bars or restaurants – sorry – will offer the fixed price menu. Right.

So you'll see that everywhere. So you're gonna (going to) end up spending a lot of money if you wanna (want to) go to a restaurant. Even like your average, (like) I think there's a restaurant here in Central Square that I tried to go to on New Year's Eve and they had fixed, a very basic burger joint…

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: …where they had a fixed price menu…

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: …which I thought was crazy so…

Gabby:…It can be nice though. I mean if it's like…It's like a special celebration and that's where you want to go and maybe you don't have a great space to entertain with at home. It can be just more convenient to go out with your friends and, (you know), get (um) a fixed price menu or (like) go to a club or bar or whatever, whatever you're interested in. But I know (um) Lindsay there's (there are) other things you can do. You said you're gonna (going to) do something totally different.

Lindsay: Oh yeah. So this year – so the past few years, I actually, (um), I study meditation, so I've been going to my meditation center here in Cambridge Mass, (um), just to kind of ring in the New Year in that way, kind of reaffirming my commitment to meditation. But that's my own thing. I don't know. What about you?

Gabby: Oh gosh. Well, I haven't decided actually what I'm gonna (going to) do. I was just remembering last year, I was actually out of the country. I love to travel and I was in Brazil, in Salvador and they have this awesome outdoor concert that's free for everyone, so it gets crazy.

Lindsay: That sounds fun.

Gabby: It's a lot of people. But, yeah I love (um) Brazilian music and (uh) being there was great because it was summer time down there so…

Lindsay: Yeah, it's so different.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Different seasons.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Wow.

Gabby: It was very cool. So yeah, I hope everybody has a great New Year's. Stay warm. Stay safe. And just have fun.

Lindsay: Just enjoy.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Happy New Year!

Gabby: Happy New Year! Well not yet. Soon. All right. We'll see you guys tomorrow for Teaching Tuesday.

Lindsay: Bye. Gabby: Bye.


Gabby: I've been getting some questions from students, from listeners, from you guys (um) about what we're saying. Sometimes, (um) maybe you're listening and you're not quite sure if you caught what we said, or you heard us but you weren't sure about the word that we actually said, so what we've done is we've created transcripts where you can read every single word that we said in print. So it's super easy to understand everything and this is a great way to push your English up a level and to really feel confident with your understanding and be able to use those words in writing and speaking in your own conversations. So in order to get those premium transcripts, just come to


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time!

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30- The Best Ways to Spend New Year’s Eve in New York City |||||||New Year's Eve|||| |||||||Capodanno|||| |mejores|maneras||pasar||||||| 30- Die besten Möglichkeiten, den Silvesterabend in New York City zu verbringen 30- Las mejores formas de pasar la Nochevieja en Nueva York 30- Les meilleures façons de passer le réveillon du Nouvel An à New York 30- I modi migliori per trascorrere la notte di Capodanno a New York 30 ニューヨークで大晦日を過ごす最高の方法 30- 뉴욕에서 새해 전야를 보내는 최고의 방법 30- As melhores maneiras de passar a véspera de Ano Novo em Nova Iorque 30- New York'ta Yılbaşı Gecesini Geçirmenin En İyi Yolları 30 - 在纽约度过新年前夜的最佳方式 30 - 在紐約度過新年前夕的最佳方式 30 - 在紐約度過新年前夕的最佳方式

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 30: Meeting Monday. Host's name|||||attentive listeners|||Podcast installment||start of week |||un|All Ears|oídos atentos|Inglés|podcast|episodio|reunión|lunes de reunión


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |bienvenida|||||||donde|tendrás|por fin|obtendrás|real|nativo||conversación real Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |aquí||tus|anfitriones|Lindsay McMahon|McMahon|||aventurera del inglés||Gabby Wallace|Gabby Wallace||idioma|Ángel del idioma|viniendo|a|||Boston|Massachusetts|Estados Unidos

Gabby: In this episode, find out about four different ideas for what to do on New Year's in New York City. ||||descubre sobre|descubre|sobre|||ideas||qué hacer||hacer|en|||||| 蓋比:在本集中,了解紐約市新年活動的四個不同想法。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going? cómo va||va

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. |Hola| What's going on? qué está|| どうしたの?

Gabby: Well, here we are, Monday, and it's almost the end of the year. |||||the first day|||nearly|the|conclusion||| |bueno||aquí||||es|casi||fin|de||año 蓋比:嗯,星期一,現在就快到年底了。 Can you believe it? ||accept as true| ||creer| 你相信嗎?

Lindsay: I am so excited to celebrate New Year's. ||||enthusiastic||ring in|| |||tan|emocionada||celebrar|| Lindsay:我很高興慶祝新年。

Gabby: I know. ||sé 2014 is coming up soon. |approaching|| ||se acerca|pronto 2014年即將來臨。

Lindsay: Yes.

That's so exciting. eso es||emocionante

Gabby: It is.

Lindsay: Aw man. |expresión de sorpresa|hombre 林賽:噢,夥計。 What are you gonna (going to) do this year for New Year's? |||vas a|||||||| 今年新年你打算做什麼?

Gabby: Well, you know what? I know what I'm not gonna (going to) do. |||voy a||||| 我知道我不會做什麼。 I'm not gonna (going to) go out and party like crazy ‘cause (because) I've kinda been there and done that, and (you know) there's (there are) so many clubs where you can go out dancing and get crazy, but there's (there are) a lot of different things you can do that are fun and, (you know), where you get to spend time with your friends. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||俱乐部|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||ある||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||salir||||como||||he estado|más o menos||||hecho eso|eso||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 私は外に出て狂ったようにパーティーをするつもりはありません」なぜなら(なぜなら)私はちょっとそこに行ってそれをやったからですそして(あなたが知っている)あなたがダンスに出かけることができるたくさんのクラブがありますそして夢中になりますが、楽しいことや、友達と時間を過ごすことができる場所はたくさんあります。 我不會(打算)瘋狂地出去參加派對,因為(因為)我已經去過那裡並做過那樣的事,而且(你知道)有很多俱樂部,你可以出去跳舞,變得瘋狂,但是你可以做很多不同的事情,這些事情很有趣,而且,你知道,你可以在那裡與朋友共度時光。 (Um), like just watch the ball drop either on TV… Lindsay: (Euh), comme juste regarder la balle tomber soit à la télé… Lindsay : (ええと)、テレビでボールが落ちるのを見るように…リンゼイ: (嗯),就像在電視上看球落下一樣… Lindsay:



or in New York City itself. 或在紐約市本身。



So today we're talking about what people do in New York, specifically, on New Year's Eve. 所以今天我們要討論的是人們在紐約做什麼,特別是在新年前夕。 How could you spend – let's imagine that you're living here in Boston, maybe you're living in Washington, DC and you wanna (want to) spend New Year's Eve in New York City. 你會如何度過——讓我們想像一下,你住在波士頓,也許你住在華盛頓特區,你想在紐約市度過新年前夕。

Gabby: Uh-huh.

Lindsay: To ring in the New Year. Lindsay:新年的鐘聲。

Gabby: Yeah.

It's (like) the iconic experience. |||标志性的| |||象徴的な| 這(就像)標誌性的體驗。

Lindsay: Absolutely.

Gabby: To be there in Times Square… 蓋比:去時代廣場…

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: …in New York City.

Lindsay: So yeah.

Gabby: I mean people all over the country, maybe all over the world, watch this celebration in Times Square to see that ball drop and start the New Year. |||||||||||||||庆祝活动||||||||||||| 蓋比:我的意思是全國各地的人們,也許是世界各地的人們,在時代廣場觀看這場慶祝活動,看看球落下並開始新的一年。

Lindsay: They do, but one thing I would warn you is that if you want to meet New Yorkers, you won't meet them in Times Square because actual people who live in New York don't – they stay as far as they possibly can from Times Square. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||真正的||||||||||||||尽可能|||| ||||||||||||||||||ニューヨーカー||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay : Oui, mais une chose que je vous préviens est que si vous voulez rencontrer des New-Yorkais, vous ne les rencontrerez pas à Times Square parce que les vrais habitants de New York ne le font pas ; ils restent aussi loin qu'ils le peuvent. peut de Times Square. Lindsay:是的,但我要警告你的一件事是,如果你想見到紐約人,你不會在時代廣場見到他們,因為真正住在紐約的人不會——他們會盡可能地呆遠處可以從時代廣場出發。

Gabby: It's more popular with tourists. 蓋比:它更受遊客歡迎。

Lindsay: For sure.

Gabby: And I'm sure New Yorkers feel that “been there, done that” kind of thing. Gabby : Et je suis sûr que les New-Yorkais ont l'impression que « j'ai été là, j'ai fait ça ». 蓋比:我確信紐約人會感受到「去過那裡,做過那件事」之類的事情。 I mean – well, I mean Times Square is there. 我的意思是——嗯,我的意思是時代廣場就在那裡。 You can go there anytime (I mean), and New Year's Eve, is super, super crowded. Vous pouvez y aller à tout moment (je veux dire), et le réveillon du Nouvel An est super, super bondé. 你可以隨時去那裡(我的意思是),除夕夜超級超級擁擠。

Lindsay: Definitely. |Sicuramente Lindsay : Absolument.


So just going down there and having to deal with all the people might be kind of a headache for a native New Yorker… |||||||||||||||||||||||ニューヨーカー 因此,對於土生土長的紐約人來說,去那裡與所有人打交道可能會讓人頭疼…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …I suppose. 蓋比:……我想。

Lindsay: Yeah.

I think native New Yorkers, in general, avoid Times Square all year. |||||||evitare|||| 我認為紐約本地人一般來說全年都會避開時代廣場。

Gabby: Umm.

Lindsay: Like they never – you don't go there. Lindsay:就像他們從來沒有那樣──你不會去那裡。

Gabby: It is such a cool place. 蓋比:那是一個很酷的地方。 I was just there yesterday. 我昨天剛在那裡。

Lindsay: Uh-huh.

Gabby: (Um) I took a trip from Boston to New York City with a friend of mine and of course we went to Times Square. 加比:(嗯)我和一個朋友從波士頓去了紐約一趟,當然我們去了時代廣場。 We had to go take pictures (you know). 我們不得不去拍照(你知道)。 It's a, it's a must see…

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: …if you go to New York City, but anyway back to New Year's Eve. 加比:……如果你去紐約,但無論如何還是要回到新年前夕。 If you do want to go to Times Square, it's really important to plan ahead and have a strategy to stay comfortable because you do have to stand there for several hours. 如果您確實想去時代廣場,提前計劃並製定保持舒適的策略非常重要,因為您確實必須在那裡站幾個小時。 You need to go early, find a spot, and then there's really not a lot of movement allowed, so you're gonna (going to) be standing in the same place for maybe up to six hours. |||||||posto||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 你需要早點去,找到一個位置,然後真的不允許有太多的活動,所以你會在同一個地方站上可能長達六個小時。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: (Um) so you need to have a plan, like bring some snacks, bring some water. ||||||||||||零食||| Gabby:(嗯)所以你需要有一個計劃,像是帶一些零食,帶一些水。 (Uh) maybe find out in advance, if there is (like) a place where you can go, (you know), to use the facilities. |||||提前||||||||||||||||设施 |||||in anticipo||||||||||||||||strutture |||||||||||||||||||||設備 (呃)也許可以提前查明是否有(例如)可以去的地方(你知道)使用這些設施。 Yeah, so (um), it can be exciting, kind of like a once in a lifetime experience, but definitely plan ahead and you might wanna (want to) go with some friends. 是的,所以(嗯),這可能會很令人興奮,有點像一生一次的經歷,但一定要提前計劃,你可能想和一些朋友一起去。 You know, you don't wanna (want to) be walking around alone. ||||||||wandering|| 你知道,你不想獨自走來走去。 It probably wouldn't be as fun, but (um) just… 它可能不會那麼有趣,但是(嗯)只是…

Lindsay: And dress warmly. |||保暖 |||caldamente 林賽:穿得暖和點。

Gabby: Oh that's right. Gabby speaking|||

Lindsay: New York at New Year's Eve. Lindsay:紐約的新年前夕。

Gabby: Cold.

Lindsay: Right now it's the end of November, and its 25° (degrees) Fahrenheit, which is about 0 Celsius. |||||||||||||||摄氏 |||||||||||||||摂氏 Lindsay:現在是 11 月底,氣溫為 25 華氏度,大約是攝氏 0 度。 Right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So, and it's only early November. Lindsay:所以,現在才十一月初。

Gabby: So. Yeah.

I feel like we should be specific about what it means to dress warmly because to my students it means wearing (like) fashionable jeans and a hoodie… ||||||||||||||||||||||时尚的||||卫衣 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||felpa ||||||||||||||||||||||||||フーディ 我覺得我們應該具體說明穿暖和的意義,因為對我的學生來說,這意味著穿著(例如)時尚的牛仔褲和連帽衫…

Lindsay: Oh boy. 林賽:哦,孩子。

Gabby: …outside. 蓋比:……外面。

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: So yeah, wear long johns. |||||保暖内衣 |||||pantaloni termici |||||ジョン ギャビー:そうそう、長いジョンを着なさい。 蓋比:是的,穿秋褲。 Wear (like) at least two pairs of pants. 穿(例如)至少兩條褲子。 (Um) wear about five layers on top. ||||层|| ||||strati|| (嗯)上面穿大約五層。 Wear a big winter coat. 穿一件大冬天的外套。

Lindsay: Down coat. 林賽:羽絨外套。

Gabby: Hat. Yeah.

Down coat.


Big down coat.

Lindsay: Wool hat. |ウール|

Gabby: Wool hat, gloves, scarf, maybe even something that covers your face. |||手套|围巾||||||| |lana|||||||||| 蓋比:羊毛帽、手套、圍巾,甚至可能是遮住臉的東西。 (Like) it is cold.

Lindsay: Get the right materials. Lindsay:取得正確的材料。

Gabby: Yeah, yeah. Exactly. (Um), so yeah, so if you don't go to Times Square, what are some other things that you could do for New Year's Eve? (嗯)是的,如果你不去時代廣場,除夕夜你還可以做些什麼? Like around New York or even in Boston or another big city. 就像紐約周圍,甚至波士頓或其他大城市。

Lindsay: Yeah.

(Um), so when I lived in New York, I just went to a house party on New Year's Eve, I think a few years in a row. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||几年来 Let me think|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||fila (嗯),所以當我住在紐約時,我只是在除夕夜參加了一個家庭聚會,我想已經連續幾年了。 So that's something that's typical. ||||典型的 這就是典型的情況。

Gabby': Yeah. I think that's one of the best things you can do is, (you know), if you have friends, (uh), nearby, (uh) see if they're having a house party or host your own house party if you have space for that.

Lindsay: Right ‘cause (because) the problem that you run into, and this is true in Boston and New York, a lot of the bars or restaurants – sorry – will offer the fixed price menu. |||||||||||||||||||||||酒吧||||||||| ||||||||走る|||||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay : C'est vrai parce que (parce que) le problème que vous rencontrez, et c'est vrai à Boston et à New York, beaucoup de bars ou de restaurants – désolé – proposeront le menu à prix fixe. Lindsay:是的,因為你遇到的問題,在波士頓和紐約都是如此,很多酒吧或餐廳 - 抱歉 - 都會提供固定價格菜單。 Right.

So you'll see that everywhere. So you're gonna (going to) end up spending a lot of money if you wanna (want to) go to a restaurant. Donc vous allez (allez) finir par dépenser beaucoup d'argent si vous voulez (voulez) aller au restaurant. 所以如果你想去餐館,你最終會花很多錢。 Even like your average, (like) I think there's a restaurant here in Central Square that I tried to go to on New Year's Eve and they had fixed, a very basic burger joint… |||普通的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||基本|汉堡店|汉堡店 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||店 Même comme votre moyenne, (comme) je pense qu'il y a un restaurant ici à Central Square où j'ai essayé d'aller le soir du Nouvel An et ils avaient réparé, un joint de burger très basique… 即使像你的平均水平一樣,(就像)我想在中央廣場有一家餐廳,我試圖在新年前夕去,他們已經修好了,一個非常基本的漢堡店…

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: …where they had a fixed price menu… Lindsay:……他們有固定價格的菜單……

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: …which I thought was crazy so… Lindsay:……我覺得這太瘋狂了,所以…

Gabby:…It can be nice though. 蓋比:……不過這也不錯。 I mean if it's like…It's like a special celebration and that's where you want to go and maybe you don't have a great space to entertain with at home. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||招待客人||| |||||||||celebrazione|||||||||||||||||intrattenere||| 我的意思是,如果它就像…這就像一個特殊的慶祝活動,那就是你想去的地方,也許你家裡沒有足夠的空間來娛樂。 It can be just more convenient to go out with your friends and, (you know), get (um) a fixed price menu or (like) go to a club or bar or whatever, whatever you're interested in. 和你的朋友一起出去,(你知道),得到(嗯)固定價格的菜單,或(例如)去俱樂部或酒吧或其他任何你感興趣的地方,會更方便。 But I know (um) Lindsay there's (there are) other things you can do. 但我知道(嗯)林賽,你還可以做其他事。 You said you're gonna (going to) do something totally different. 你說過你會做一些完全不同的事情。

Lindsay: Oh yeah. 林賽:哦,是的。 So this year – so the past few years, I actually, (um), I study meditation, so I've been going to my meditation center here in Cambridge Mass, (um), just to kind of ring in the New Year in that way, kind of reaffirming my commitment to meditation. ||||||||||||||||||||冥想|||||||||||||||||||||重申|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Massachusetts||||||||||||||||riaffermando||impegno||meditazione |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||再確認する|||| 所以今年 - 所以過去幾年,我實際上,(嗯),我學習冥想,所以我一直去劍橋馬薩諸塞州的冥想中心,(嗯),只是為了敲響新年的鐘聲這樣,就重申了我對冥想的承諾。 But that's my own thing. 但這是我自己的事。 I don't know. What about you? 你呢?

Gabby: Oh gosh. Well, I haven't decided actually what I'm gonna (going to) do. 好吧,我實際上還沒有決定我要做什麼。 I was just remembering last year, I was actually out of the country. 我只記得去年,我實際上出國了。 I love to travel and I was in Brazil, in Salvador and they have this awesome outdoor concert that's free for everyone, so it gets crazy. ||||||||||||||||户外||||||||| ||||||||||||the locals||||||||||||| 我喜歡旅行,我在巴西、薩爾瓦多,他們舉辦了一場很棒的戶外音樂會,對所有人免費,所以這很瘋狂。

Lindsay: That sounds fun. 林賽:聽起來很有趣。

Gabby: It's a lot of people. But, yeah I love (um) Brazilian music and (uh) being there was great because it was summer time down there so… 但是,是的,我喜歡(嗯)巴西音樂,並且(呃)在那裡很棒,因為那是夏天,所以…

Lindsay: Yeah, it's so different.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Different seasons. ||季节 Lindsay:不同的季節。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Wow.

Gabby: It was very cool. So yeah, I hope everybody has a great New Year's. 所以,是的,我希望每個人都有一個美好的新年。 Stay warm. Stay safe. 注意安全。 And just have fun. 玩得開心。

Lindsay: Just enjoy.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Happy New Year!

Gabby: Happy New Year! Well not yet. Soon. All right. We'll see you guys tomorrow for Teaching Tuesday.

Lindsay: Bye. Gabby: Bye.


Gabby: I've been getting some questions from students, from listeners, from you guys (um) about what we're saying. Sometimes, (um) maybe you're listening and you're not quite sure if you caught what we said, or you heard us but you weren't sure about the word that we actually said, so what we've done is we've created transcripts where you can read every single word that we said in print. 有時,(嗯)也許你在聽,但不太確定是否聽懂了我們所說的話,或者你聽到了我們,但不確定我們實際上說了什麼,所以我們所做的是我們已經創建了文字記錄,您可以在其中閱讀我們在印刷品中所說的每一個字。 So it's super easy to understand everything and this is a great way to push your English up a level and to really feel confident with your understanding and be able to use those words in writing and speaking in your own conversations. So in order to get those premium transcripts, just come to


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. 我們隨時幫助您學習英語,您可以在 iTunes 上留下五星級評論來幫助我們。 See you next time!