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English in 1 Minute, How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute

How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute

Hi, everyone!

Welcome back to English In A Minute.

We're going to look at how to use modal verbs

when making a deduction

– that's when we make guesses

about what is happening.

Let's look at some examples.

Use 'must' when you are certain or almost certain

that something is true.

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it must be rainy.

Use 'can't' to say when you are certain something is not true.

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it can't be sunny.

We can use 'might', 'may' or 'could'

to talk about possibility. Let's look at some examples.

Sam is late for work.

We don't know why Sam is late,

but we can make a guess. For example:

Her car could be broken.

Another possibility is: She might still be asleep.

One final possibility now: There may be a lot of traffic.

Well, it must be time to finish now.

Thanks for joining us. Bye!

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How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute Как||||||умозаключение|||| ||||||déduction|||| |||possibility indicator verbs|||Reasoning or inference|||| |||情態動詞|||推理|||| |||Modalverben|||Schlussfolgerung|||| ||||||推論|||| Wie man Modalverben der Ableitung verwendet - English In A Minute How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute Cómo utilizar los verbos modales de deducción - English In A Minute Comment utiliser les verbes modaux de déduction - English In A Minute Come usare i verbi modali di deduzione - English In A Minute 演繹法の助動詞の使い方 - English In A Minute 추론의 조동사를 사용하는 방법 - English In A Minute Jak używać czasowników modalnych - English In A Minute Como usar os verbos modais de dedução - Inglês Num Minuto Как использовать модальные глаголы умозаключения - English In A Minute Tümdengelim modal fiilleri nasıl kullanılır - English In A Minute Як використовувати модальні дієслова вирахування - English In A Minute 如何使用演绎情态动词 - 一分钟英语 如何使用演繹情態動詞 - 一分鐘英語

Hi, everyone! 大家好!

Welcome back to English In A Minute. Greetings|||English language|||a brief lesson Welcome back to English In A Minute. 欢迎回到《一分钟英语》。

We're going to look at how to use modal verbs |about to||examine||the method of|||auxiliary verbs|action words We're going to look at how to use modal verbs Modal fiilleri nasıl kullanacağımıza bakacağız Chúng ta sẽ xem xét cách sử dụng động từ khiếm khuyết 我们将看看如何使用情态动词

when making a deduction |||推理 in the process of|drawing|a deduction| 控除を行う場合 при оформлении вычета kesinti yaparken 进行扣除时 當進行推理時

– that's when we make guesses |||做出| ||||hypothèses |at that time|we (the group)|formulate|educated assumptions ||||Vermutungen anstellen ||||猜測 – that's when we make guesses - es cuando hacemos conjeturas - İşte o zaman tahminlerde bulunuruz. – 这就是我们做出猜测的时候 – 那是我們進行猜測的時候

about what is happening. |||occurring neler olduğu hakkında. 关于正在发生的事情。 關於發生了什麼事。

Let's look at some examples. ||||Beispiele Let us|examine||a few|instances 让我们看一些例子。

Use 'must' when you are certain or almost certain |||||sicher||| |strong obligation|in the case|you|are in|sure||very likely|sure Verwenden Sie "muss", wenn Sie sicher oder fast sicher sind Use 'must' when you are certain or almost certain 確信がある、あるいはほぼ確信がある場合は「must」を使う。 Emin olduğunuzda veya neredeyse emin olduğunuzda 'must' kullanın 当你确定或几乎确定时使用“必须”

that something is true. that|that fact||factually correct bir şeyin doğru olduğunu. 某件事是真的。

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it must be rainy. |||頭髮||濕的||||下雨天 |||||||||regnerisch |for instance|Phil|hair||damp or soaked||is likely|| ||フィルの||||||| Örneğin: Phil'in saçı ıslak - yağmurlu olmalı. 例如:菲尔的头发湿了——一定是下雨了。 例如:Phil的頭髮很濕——一定在下雨。

Use 'can't' to say when you are certain something is not true. |||||||уверены|||| |cannot|in order to||in the case||are certain|sure|something is not||isn't|fact can't」は、何かが真実ではないと確信するときに使う。 Bir şeyin doğru olmadığından emin olduğunuzda 'can't' kelimesini kullanın. 当您确定某件事不是真的时,可以使用“不能”来表示。 使用 'can't' 表示當你確定某事不是真的時。

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it can't be sunny. |for instance|Phil's|hair||damp or soaked||cannot|| Örneğin: Phil'in saçı ıslak - güneşli olamaz. 例如:菲尔的头发是湿的——不可能是晴天。 例如:Phil的頭髮很濕——一定不會是晴天。

We can use 'might', 'may' or 'could' |||könnte|dürfen||könnten 'might', 'may' veya 'could' kullanabiliriz 我们可以使用“might”、“may”或“could”

to talk about possibility. Let's look at some examples. |||可能性||||| |||Möglichkeiten|||||Beispiele olasılıklar hakkında konuşmak için. Bazı örneklere bakalım. 谈论可能性。让我们看一些例子。 談論可能性。讓我們看看一些例子。

Sam is late for work. Sam işe geç kaldı. 薩姆上班遲到了。

We don't know why Sam is late, 我們不知道薩姆為什麼遲到。

but we can make a guess. For example: |||做出|||| |||||||zum Beispiel ama bir tahminde bulunabiliriz. Örneğin:

Her car could be broken. Arabası bozulmuş olabilir.

Another possibility is: She might still be asleep. |||||||還在睡覺 ||||könnte|||schläft Возможен и другой вариант: Она может еще спать. Başka bir ihtimal de: Hâlâ uyuyor olabilir. 另一种可能是:她可能还在睡觉。

One final possibility now: There may be a lot of traffic. 现在还有最后一种可能性:交通可能会非常拥堵。

Well, it must be time to finish now. Artık bitirme vakti gelmiş olmalı.

Thanks for joining us. Bye! 参加してくれてありがとう! Bize katıldığınız için teşekkürler. Hoşça kalın!